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I allow you to enter my world, but only if you are not allowed to leave again. 2、爱上一个人后再收回心,心就会碎了。
If you fall in love with someone and take back your heart, your heart will break. 3、笑是最真实的伪装,泪是最自由的释放。
Laughter is the most true disguise, tears are the freest release. 4、累了就回头看看,我一直就在你的身边。
Look back when you're tired. I've been right beside you. 5、如果爱可以重来我会自私一下,放弃你。
If love can come back, I will be selfish and give you up. 6、毕业那天都不许哭、我们要微笑着滚蛋。
Don't cry on graduation day. We have to go with a smile. 7、青春是有限的,不能在犹豫和观望中度过。
Youth is limited and cannot be spent in hesitation and wait-and-see. 8、喜欢那些唯美的歌曲,触动我心痛的旋律。
Like those beautiful songs, touching my heartbreak
melody. 9、我讨厌的事实是,你说你想我,但你却什么都不做。 I hate the fact that you say you miss me, but you don't do anything. 10、戏散了,我所能做的,只有主演自己的梦了。
The play is over. All I can do is to starring in my own dream. 11、你给我戴绿帽子、我也不分手,我要让你长满头青草。 You give me a green hat, I will not break up, I want you covered with grass. 12、用满身的伤,和你做了一笔交易,换取刻骨的温暖。 With a full body of wounds, and you made a deal in exchange for the warmth of the bone. 13、你爱谁爱就告诉谁,何必把思念之苦藏在心底深处。 Tell whoever you love, why hide the misery of missing in your heart? 14、愿我来世,心似琉璃,内外明澈,净无瑕秽。
May my heart be like glaze, clear inside and outside, pure and clean. 15、世界上最容易让人哭的三个字就是,不要哭。
The three words that make people cry most easily in the world are, don't cry. 16、也许我不是你的王子,但你却永远是我的公主。

Maybe I am not your prince, but you will always be my princess. 17、不管你经历多痛的事情,到最后都会渐渐遗忘。
No matter how painful things you experience, you will gradually forget them in the end. 18、很久很久之前的微弱记忆,让自我刹那间微笑感伤。 The weak memory of a long time ago makes me smile and feel sad in an instant. 19每一次打喷嚏我都以为你在想我,即使我知道是我感冒了! Every time I sneeze, I think you miss me, even though I know I have a cold! 20、我可以习惯迩的所有习惯,却始终不能习惯迩不在身边。 I can get used to all your habits, but I can't get used to being away from you all the time. 21、伤害你的是你最在乎的,你伤害的是最在乎你的。 What hurts you most is what you care about. What hurts you most is what you care about. 22、我的爱,全世界都看的见。为何,你却感觉不到? My love can be seen all over the world. Why can't you feel it? 23、我用我千世万世的命,爱你千世万世。
I love you forever with my life.
To change oneself is to save oneself, to influence others and to save others. 25、原来爱上你是一个错误、原来我给你的爱只是一厢情愿。 It was a mistake to fall in love with you, but the love I gave you was just wishful thinking. 26人性之所以美、不在所谓外表的点缀;心性才是美的亮点! The reason why human nature is beautiful is not the embellishment of the so-called appearance; the heart is the bright spot of beauty! 27、除了眼泪,我们还剩下什么,一堆惨不忍睹的残骸。 Apart from tears, we have nothing left, a heap of wreckage that we can't bear to see. 28、你都好意思撒谎了,我哪敢好意思不相信呢? You are ashamed to lie. How dare I not believe it? 29、我希望我结婚时的对象,是我十几岁爱上的你。
I hope that when I get married, it's you I fell in love with in my teens. 30、我难忘的是,与你一起携手,在茫茫人海中慢慢独走。 What I will remember is that we can work hand in hand with you and walk slowly alone in the vast crowd. 31、过去的事,交给岁去处理。将来的事,留给时间去证明。

The past is handled by the age. The future, leave time to prove. 32、以后要好久都见不到你了,我怕我会控制不住的想你。 It will be a long time since I see you. I'm afraid I can't help missing you. 33、爱一个人多久,就会用爱他多久的时间去忘记。
How long you love a person, you will forget how long you love him. 34、思绪,是一粒一粒堆积成的沙丘,是过往的一点一滴。 Thoughts are the sand dunes piled up one by one, the past bit by bit. 35、看到他和她玩的那么开心,突然之间我发现我是多余的。 Seeing how happy he was with her, I suddenly found that I was superfluous. 36、我的坏脾气赶走了我身边人,我没资格说孤独。
My bad temper has driven away the people around me. I am not qualified to say lonely. 37、暗恋就是,一个人写两个人的故事。
Secret love is that one person writes two stories. 38、我不是向日葵,不需要太阳,只要有你就好。
I'm not a sunflower. I don't need the sun. Just have you. 39、如果我一直坚持不放弃,你会不会陪我撑到天塌下去。

If I insist on not giving up, will you stay with me till the sky collapses? 40、我要让全世界人都知道我爱你,爱的那么刻骨铭心。 I want the whole world to know that I love you so deeply. 41、闭上眼,看不见自己,你却清晰可见。
Close your eyes, you can't see yourself, but you can see clearly. 42、一个人,一座城,一点点的忘记所有。
A person, a city, a little forget all. 43、很抱歉,不能接受你,不求别的只求你过的好好的。 I'm sorry, I can't accept you. I don't ask for anything but you're doing well. 44、在漫天风沙里望着你远去,我竟悲伤的不能自已。 Watching you go in the wind and sand all over the sky, I can't help feeling sad. 45、若是你一贫如洗,我会是你最后的行李。
If you are poor, I will be your last luggage. 46、人生就像一场舞会,教会你舞步的人未必会陪你到散场。 Life is like a dance. The person who teaches you to dance may not accompany you to the end.


