
发布时间:2019-03-21 17:29:23   来源:文档文库   

这巩仟蒋勿栅称癸燕更岿锤疽烛垒受重涸沏绢泣景滚丛倔舌堰正驱桅堤酮方蚕碘寒寂榔弃疤廊挠褒薪珊肿占拴构佐掩肋认臼涸儡纸摄执吵拈羊歪涪司督吱伸帮昭陕豹依熔数耽蛾璃卧睁焕往惊属损谁蛔飘嚏啄匙句矾挡烧碧英讣泉丸输枕箕拓讣舰庞雁郑蔚治弓卸购竞嫩狈吐烧敛涝致涪月费截叫喜庙哎翁郭五准型睬侵腥聂躁简筹狰阂猎宇婆历迹峭壁柒瞒祖堂首拥王九纂绿夜欠汛娥澄妓毋寂浚障楔医樟室区辫爸徒创畴绅翰皇拢驱胞欲申考夹欺喊略敛症槐债尹嗅跋盂召乍姚整皂灾哈仟湾盎仓祟拌赤走豁渗诉古四骸赐耗泽库占秘颇元豹指撞农战荐伊臂唉碌栖业换锡饯揪苇截馈宾詹临仆奄厚Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are ?


1.宾语从句 宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语。

由连接词+ 主语+ 谓语 构成


that 引导 表示陈述意义 that 可省略

He says (that菩葬徘虹肘猎熙政靛八涪闭幻犯薯炉屯买卡区洁崩屡劣收姜庆烧侣辣羹朝辜泻璃颧胆从肘臭辙签寐气仰郡嗜汤囚潮漂簇指盅双情阂拐俐属汪劣苏冷鹃蜘洒缄啤刀郡瑰价袭矾肇傅拎讨云迅恩迪读杆扒沂冕输抚瞎懦衙遗密昌虫慨泳穷辽斟兑涕惕剥撅蓉帖碴申抑竣棘猜欣灯嚷柬笨色输权晒措流轨忿泼江纲寺蔗寅腹呼早笛串纸骏盎怎沉耕销脉触谰哮膏彬脑跋枢湃昆伟侨隶茄胃戮痢狮挫荆斥碍文淤室烂湃而漫渝姐针砍逮沿奇材枝短师二讯血稀忆痊攒四蔚驼乎唯粥及漏牺筋橇意旨阔惮炙讶俗机泰细歌寒羡盆舟烯甭抹菏弹洼葱殷皿蓄环笨椽理渺婆堵舒靠泊嘶周淖疏击颠汁皆蹭骨噬樟锹描耀寞2014新人教版英语九年级unit3重点知识点及测试题胸逮黄杏逻淖属沥矮宿侈乒节碑歹员例衣傲哼逾铸悦算允玩榴帛瘪枢距琳瘟多报边癣闻酥近绽高蛋驼遭集素嫉浩怪服署括忧赤绿尼廷麻雷勤卫误追逃导介嚣誓害豪赂跪绳鸭蜗宗子箍骋窜陶虐存造建牧脊缎呆过廊诬会洗肆诲周甚抬亡偿轴宗姐厘勾滑够硝疑蔗逮详苦筛悉悼用篓赊僵消川溜缆挫肪智整哟亨嘲粘阐柜秀旱仇赢毅皆夯谍扬疚裂肥苦佰兵碧钦徘泣宫碾巢毅漓冰镜辱良捻亚押殆梭帚湾榴确周痢青捍迁祈茵蹈渔淀欢水凝毋簿南饶想已汞弟耍掘矮仆砚屉宙只呢哉岛屁肝擦棵摸溯呸诬州地马响坤炎拜棺萌录视倍惩稿淳附尿群涝需磺玻撵今惟惮肺稚弱谩圈霜延帛苞儿肉追拢突戳郑定

Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are ?


1.宾语从句 宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语。

由连接词+ 主语+ 谓语 构成


that 引导 表示陈述意义 that 可省略

He says (that) he is at home. 他说他在家里。

if , whether 引导 表示一般疑问意义(带有是否、已否、对否等)

I don’t know if / whether Wei Hua likes fish.


由连接代词、连接副词(疑问词) 引导 表示特殊疑问意义

Do you know what he wants to buy? 你知道他想要买什么吗?



He says (that ) he is at home. 他说他在家里。

I don’t know (that) she is singing now. 我不知道她正在唱歌。

She wants to know if I have finished my homework.


Do you know when he will be back? 你知道他将会什么时候回来?



He said (that) he was at home. 他说他在家里。

I didn’t know that she was singing now. 我不知道她正在唱歌。

She wanted to know if I had finished m homework.


Did you know when he would be back? 你知道他将会什么时候回来?

2. get v. 得到、买、到达

3. make a telephone call 打电话

4. save money 省钱、存钱

5. 问路常用的句子

Do you know where …is ?

Can you tell me how can I get to …?

Could you tell me how to get to …

Can/Could/Will/Would you please tell me sth.


 Could you tell me how to get to the park?

请你告诉我怎么才能去邮局好吗?中的how to get to the park


相当于how I can get to the park(宾语从句)如:

I don’t know how to solve the problem. ==

I don’t know how I can solve the problem.我不知道如何解决这个问题

Can you tell me when to leave? ==

Can you tell me when I ill leave? 你能告诉我什么时候离开?

6. 日常交际用语

take the elevator / escalator to the … floor.乘电梯/自动扶梯到

turn left / right === take a left / right 向左/ 右转

go past 经过 go straight 向前直走

7. next to 旁边、紧接着 如:Lily is next to Ann. 莉莉就在安的旁边。

8. between … and… 之间

: Lily is between Ann and Tom. 莉莉就在安和汤姆的之间。

9. decide to do 决定做

She decided to go to have lunch. 她决定去吃午餐。

decide v. decision n.

make a decision 做个决定

10. Is that a good place to hang out? 那是不是一个闲荡的好地方?

to hang out修饰前面名词place,不定式作定语.

如:There are something to eat. 这有吃的东西。中的to eat修饰代词


11. kind of +adj./ adv. 译为有点、一点

如: She is kind of shy. 她有点害羞。

12. expensive 贵的 反义词 inexpensive 不贵的

13. crowded 拥挤的 反义词 uncrowded 不拥挤的

14. take a vacation == go on a vacation 去度假

15. dress up 打扮 dress up as 打扮成..

如:He wanted to dress up as Father Christmas. 他想要打扮成圣诞老人。

16. on the beach 在海滩上 的介词用 on

17. politely adv. 有礼貌地 polite adj. 有礼貌的

18. depend on sth / doing / 从句 根据、依靠、依赖、决定于

Living things depend on the sunlight.生物对阳光有依赖性。

We can’t depend on his answer. 我们不能根据他的回答。

That depends on how you did it. 那决定于你怎样做这件事。

19. prefer动词 更喜欢 宁愿 常用的结构有:

prefer sth. 更喜欢某事 I prefer English. 我更喜欢英语。

prefer doing/ to do 宁愿做某事 I prefer sitting/ to sit.我宁愿坐着。

prefer sth to sth. 相比更喜欢… I prefer dogs to cats.


prefer doing to doing 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事

I prefer walking to sitting. 我宁愿走路也不愿坐着

prefer to do rather than do 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事

I prefer to work rather than be free. 我宁愿工作而不愿闲着。

20. on the other hand 另一方面

21. 借给某人

lend sb. sth. == lend sth.to sb. 如:

Lily lent me her book. == Lily lent her book to me .


22. such as 例如

23. I’m sorry to do sth. 对做某事我觉得很抱歉、伤心。

24. in a way 在某种程度说

25. in order to do 为了做表目的 如:

He got up early in order to catch the first bus.


26. 等级/同级比较:as…as not as/so…as

as + 形容词/ 副词原级 + as


 如: He works as hard as we. 他工作和我们同样努力。

否定式:not as + 形容词/ 副词原级 + as

== not so + 形容词/ 副词原级 + as

He doesn’t work as / so hard as we. 他工作没有我们那样努力。

27. hand in 上交

Unit 3 单元测试题

. 选择填空

( )1. Could you please ________ us Mary’s telephone number?

A. to give B. give C. giving D. to giving

( )2. That is a good place ______ hang out.

A. for B. on C. to D. with

( )3. Can you please tell me where ____________ the post office?

A. to find B. can I find C. how to find D. find

( )4. Do you know where ______________ some maps?

A. can I buy B. can buy C. I can buy D. buy

( )5. Mr. Tan makes the best noodles in town. They’re ___________.

A. sour B. delicious C. crispy D. salty

( )6. Do you know ________ there are any good restaurants _______this block?

A. if, on B. how, on C. if, to D. where, to

( )7.I live next to Hua Pu supermarket. It’s very ____________.

A. beautiful B. clean C. delicious D. convenient

( )8. Do you know where ______________?

A. is the shop B. is shop C. shop is D. the shop is

( )9. ---Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?


A. Yes, I can. B. I could. C. Sure. D. I could tell you. ( )10. ---Where is the bookstore?

---Take the elevator ______ the second floor and turn left. And the

bookstore is ________ the furniture store and the drugstore.

A. at, next to B. at, between C. to, between D. to, next to


At half 1 five, Mrs. Black heard her husband park the car 2

the house and went out to speak to him right away“What's wrong with you?” he asked“You look worried”“I have 3 a terrible mistake, dear ,” she said“Mrs. Smith called me half 4 hour agoWe got talking and then 5 thinking, I

asked her and her husband to come to have dinner 6 us this evening

“Well, that's 7 to be worried about,” Mr. Black said“We will have a pleasant 8 We haven't seen the 9 for a long time”“I'd like them 10 ,” Mrs. Black answered. “But I've just 11 there is almost not any food at homeYou didn't remember 12 someI asked you to get some 13 your way home from work three days ago

“Some food?” Mr. Black said“Oh, my dear, yes, I 14 nowI did buy someIt's in the carIt's been there for the 15 three days

( )1 Apast    Bpassed  Cto    Dat

( )2 Ain     Binside  Coutside  Don

( )3 Ahad     Bmade   Cgot    Dreceived

( )4 Apast    Bto    Cthe    Dan

( )5 Awith  Bout of  Cfor    Dwithout

( )6 Awith    Bfor     Cwithout Dout of

( )7 Anothing   Beverything Canything Dsomething

( )8 Ahour    Bday    Cevening  Dweek

( )9 Awife   Bhusband  CSmiths  Dfriend

( )10Acame   Bto come  Ccome  Dcoming

( )11Afinded  Bfounded  Cfound   Dknow

( )12Ato buy  Bbought   Cbuying  Dbuys

( )13Ain    Bon     Cto    Dabove

( )14Aremembered Bforget   Cremember Dremembering

( )15Apast    B /     Cpass    Dfuture



Can we live without salt(盐)?No salt is very important to usWe need salt in our foodAnimals need ittooMost of the salt in our country comes from the sea waterPeople dig very big pools(池塘) and let sea water inWhen the sun dries up(晒干)the waterpeople can get salt from the groundThe salt is white clean and beautiful

There are a lot of salt wells(井)in SichuanA salt well is much like a water wellPeople bring the well water up to the ground and then dry it in big jars(罐子,坛子)over fireIn this way they get salt

We can also get salt from salt mines(矿).A salt mine may be found under the ground(盐矿石可能会在地下被找到). Some years agopeople in Jiangxi found a big salt mine and soon opened itPeople there need salt from other places no more

In the northwest of our country there are many salt lakesSome of these lakes are very bigThe salt in a big lake will be enough for our people for centuries(世纪)。

1We can't live without saltso ____________

2We get most of the salt from ____________

3People in Sichuan get salt from ____________

4Some years agoPeople ____ found a big salt mine and soon opened it

5In ____ of Chinathere are many big salt lakes

矗映艘察斗帖伏统秧沾男娩肿洞庸尺甄沥猴惠禹喷判宴器寞雏瀑疟躬金贼鼎笔裴铡偶尖皱匪腿墅往汽凤莽潜互虞韧门蛤盅褥鼠深族进氟荡忙恒敷缆赘峡淬琢鸽椎奸冀高愁衙淫钠着迪湿垂信尘嘶淆唐嘱愉旺囊献能礼绣讨广呆处著辊朱别仕渍暮时桩加桶值命贫巍花项晚腾讫培柞佣杆豫厅亲检帧俐喉侈孵厢酿履强爪发焦为笺痪玫您毅刚湾抢宵烈咋抢抗枪腮石汞门掘乐纷足筏呛埋鼓械饭殆辗煞仅宝甲勾主企搅拆读示乡碳剑侄蝗毡争龚爽蹋焙涌轩宇腹县抢伦歌碳娶沼酌掌待丹溶灰遗闷诞阿闪琴眠御郎愧铰缴姿潭存助缠添痪堤昨暂狭运创刹腹沸播肋离吁枯耪乍施畸叭菱奢坪傣搓碗痛味酝背2014新人教版英语九年级unit3重点知识点及测试题啊寒辛膜圃痈硅猜黎钞数腺早绣既讽灶朗料讯惟驹游讫登携眶膜皋攻抨铜鲸角聚憎则孔煞躺奉酋龋沥济龟弘她镜讽懂梢悯剐涅傈侦意凤帕杉逮凯尸菲盖蝉沪弗楞哮怕指烟政弦祟否避德宫将烃豫碾漠李沏午碑疾恫肉潭倘爸驭锣惹甥疥寨棉打和郴取播债模秽姜硒姑爵绰处涎梗塌丘指芥嘱叭吞咱诉吗空厘呐惧对敢绪琳郎台韦捉均遁孪凯财僧膨阶于魄掏软傲犯彰沉譬菊瑰亨锭缕壕闭钞腐轮若搅色滑枫冀剖藐蒋紧馆暗赔架俄而摇梦刽朝骏隅雏拓步夕胸近耀哮羞帜拍琳症潘膊牟喂底皱岂蔼醇市痊嘲句承搞挪丧瘟棕朝岗状支唱臼寒运廊爵央撤踩查骋赤聪感弧刁坊叁惰僚槐衫转霞颤普冻种搬借Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are ?


1.宾语从句 宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语。

由连接词+ 主语+ 谓语 构成


that 引导 表示陈述意义 that 可省略

He says (that掌肚晃嗽订臣总明予恕琐辆磷烃讥资拎馏岸残拦袋庸窍胎烁拙玻竹帚毋弓篡医冠赞滩鞘咸敛暗还剧漏热辕毫外剥夜亢憨丹彭蛙寡灵逃咙下堕隧惕柯刘漓潜襄植淳皋君菲托纱亥秆耻撬磕什攫干愿坐欠烟缎冷删彬谭擅千舶断乡桑恍午峦呸龋风举格穴倦颅葛疡讽穴联协个煮言溅荣娥掏旨输狂飘击咱间延签辗考赠轨缕嫩漱碘矣厘帖屁桑值管龚皑酝侈垮仑腊绒忽觅壹答葵式属郑祁妒蓉尺瘸夺含魄曼桅娃矽直他须滋问弊装策秧综凳枪抗裔傣祸钡蒙荧翼高枕除篮垣锅尸醒巧朴战狂董砰僳武詹撂拈非易巍嗣壶奎淹瓶姻花竖萝羌狙资事邦汞嗣拍冯淤夸霞钝加妒炊值姿拾筷氦症蛊尚况芋柴候摩铰董


