long o-

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Dolphin 英语教案

教师姓名 授课日期 教学时段
薛晶晶 12.14 18:00-20:00 教学 地点 单元和课题 课型
Long o
phonics 班级 编号 班级 人数 学生 年龄段
08 男生:4 女生:0
6-7 教学内容及目标Teaching Aims Unit/Topic:
1. Review (圈音图

1. 能看到一个单词找出其音图。

2. 能转化自己的语音把长音o故事讲
2. Long o音图及对应单词拼读 重点

3. 学校unit3 and unit4 单词句型复习
3. 结合所学,复习学校内容。
教具Teaching Aids 1.字母卡片 2.单词卡片 3.光盘 4. The video 5. 竞争机制的道具 Blackboard Display+Scoring System Dolphin PhonicsLong o a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p qu r s t u v w x y z Date: Weather:


PK, 游戏输的一方可以可以擦掉对方的一部分,但必须说出蜈蚣脚上的音图。


环节 内容
A. Greeting+Warm-up (10 m

1 greeting 2 introduce scoring system(每擦掉一部分,需回答一个问题,音图 3 Sing the song
T: Good morning! Everyone! How are you today? St: Im great! ... ... T: Look, this is our scoring system. What day is it today? Hows the weather? Which month?
St: Today is ... Its cold/hot. T: Wow! You are so great! So, Jerry, which part? But before this, you should answer my question first. th says ... ...
Now everybody, please stand up! Lets sing the song together!(when finish, they must make a bow and say thank you! If you perform well, you can get one star! So, come on!
B. Lead-in(复习式导入& Presentation (15 m
1. 找音图(长音a e i 2. Long o音图
环节 内容 过程
Activity 1. 找音图 (做张ppt, 看谁最先找出音图
2. Story (fat and thin vowels T: Everybody, please look at the PPT. Which phonagram? St: a_e ... ...
T: Yeah! You are right! Spell, please!

Now there are 6 vowels, 3 fat vowels and 3 thin vowels. Ask students divide them
Into 2 groups. a e i o u

y 2

e o i u
St: a o u are fat vowels and e i y are thin vowels. T: Wow, you are wonderful! Now coco will tell you long o story. (以下面故事为模板

o: o也喜欢e,怎么也分不开(o_e, oe.超级胖子组合oa(oa,给胖子o颁发皇w(ow。最后老鬼(old, ghost想变成o一样胖!
(o, oe, o_e, oa, ow, old, ost

环节 内容 过程
Conclude the long o phonagrams together! C. Practice/Activity(30 m
1. Long o 音图操练 2. Long o 音图单词拼读操练
Activity 1 Which one is missing? (主要对音图的操练
2 Who can spell the most? 3 Touch the words (the ones they cant spell 4 Shark(擦掉一个音图,当某个小朋友读到这个音图,他读出来,就out了)

T: Now lets play a game! Please stand up!
(window-windowea A w B in C d D ow D同学读出ow的音,shark就会吃掉他 Oh! Ray you are speaking, so Ray, sorry! You are out! T: Wow, you again get two stars, so which part of the centipede you will erase?

第二节课 50


环节 内容 过程
D. Output/Activity (25 m
1 long e phonograms 2 the words on the book
3 the exercise on the book 环节 内容 过程
Activity 1 one two three(说出long o音图,如果同时说出相同,就淘汰,看谁抢答最多
2 Mole attake(put the cards in a circle, when they sreal, they must speak out the words If i hit them, they must put them back, and go on 3 a little teacher(单独检测
4 listening exercises on the book(练习拓展)

Then turn to page 74, finish the exercises E. Summary/pass ( 15 m
1 long o 2 Long o words 3 学校unit3 and 4
Activity 1 Long a e i o 音图复习(整体复习)
2 Pass together and showtime(整体过关,及唱歌曲)

T: So we have learned long a e i o, lets speak out the phagrams together! St: a: a_e ai ay eigh(4 e: e ee e_e ie ey y ea(7 i: ie i_e y igh(4 o: o oe o_e oa ow ost
old(7 T: Wonderful! Who know long u? Can you guess how many phonagrams of long u? St: 4
T: Ok! Ask your parents come in! 环节

G. Homework
1. 拼读书上单词,并独立完成书上相关练习
2. 总结long a e i o,并将long o 音图以故事形式讲出



《long o-.doc》
