
发布时间:2015-08-07 06:34:55   来源:文档文库   

朗文2BC2 背诵内容


1. favourite / 'feɪvərɪt/ 最喜欢的

2. grape(s) /ɡreɪp/ 葡萄

3. orange(s) / 'ɒrɪndʒ/ 桔子 单数:an orange

4. pear(s) / peə/

5. apple(s) / 'æpl/ 苹果 单数:an apple

6. mango / 'mæŋɡəʊ/ 芒果 复数mangoes

7. tomato / tə'mɑːtəʊ/ 西红柿 复数tomatoes

8. egg(s) / / 鸡蛋 单数:an egg

9. carrot(s) / 'kærət/ 胡萝卜

10. sandwich(es) /'sænwidʒ/ 三明治

11. sausage(s) / 'sɒsɪdʒ/ 香肠

12. sugar / 'ʃʊɡə/ 白糖 不可数名词

13. flour / 'flaʊə/ 面粉 不可数名词 同音词:flower

14. butter / 'bʌtə/ 黄油 不可数名词

15. ham / hæm/ 火腿 不可数名词

16. chicken /'tʃɪkən/ 鸡肉 不可数名词

17. salad dressing /'sæləd/ /'dresɪŋ/ 色拉酱 不可数名词

*a bottle of salad dressing 一瓶色拉酱

18. salad /'sæləd/ 色拉 不可数名词

*fruit salad 水果色拉 vegetable salad 蔬菜色拉 seafood salad海鲜色拉

19. vegetable(s) / 'vedʒtəbl/ 蔬菜

20. the Meanie(s) / 'miːnɪ/ 讨厌鬼,吝啬鬼

21. mean / miːn/ 小气的,恼人的 (不可数名词)

22. party /'pɑːti/ 聚会 复数parties

23. polite /pə'laɪt/ 有礼貌的 反义词:rude /ruːd/ 粗鲁无礼的

24. delicious /dɪ'lɪʃəs/ 美味的

25. ingredient(s) /ɪn'ɡriːdiənt/ 材料,配料

26. recipe /'resəpi/ 秘方

27. fridge /frɪdʒ/ 冰箱

28. plate /pleɪt/ 盘子

29. bowl /bəʊl/

30. basket /'bɑːskɪt/ 篮子


二、 词组

1. make a (chocolate) cake 制作巧克力蛋糕

2. make a cake with fruit topping 制作水果蛋糕

3. make the salad 制作色拉

4. my/our favourite food /我们最喜欢的食物

5. in the fridge/bowl/basket 在冰箱//篮子里

6. on the plate 在盘子上

7. shopping list 购物清单

8. read the recipe 阅读秘方

9. go down the hill 下山

10. join the party 参加聚会

11. enjoy the party 享受聚会

12. pass the chicken 传鸡肉

13. come to my birthday party 来我的生日派对

14. invite the Meanies to her party 邀请讨厌鬼们来她的派对


Is there any butter in the fridge? Yes, there is. 冰箱里有黄油吗?是的,有的。

Are there any eggs in the fridge? No, there aren’t. 冰箱里有鸡蛋吗?不,没有。

What are those silly people doing? They’re having a party.


Would you like to join us? 请问你想要加入我们吗?

Cut up the vegetables, the ham and the cheese. 切蔬菜、火腿和奶酪。

Put them in a bowl. 把它们放在碗里。

Add salad dressing. 加入色拉酱。

Mix together. 混合在一起。

Eating fruit salad is so much fun. 吃水果色拉是很开心的一件事。

Eating snacks is so much fun. 吃零食是很开心的一件事。

四、 语法

1. There be句型即:

肯定句There is an apple in the bowl.

There are some mangoes in the fridge.

否定句There isn’t an apple in the bowl.

There aren’t any mangoes in the fridge.

一般疑问句 Is there an apple in the bowl? Yes, there is.

Are there any mangoes in the fridge? No, there aren’t.


*就近原则:There is an apple and some mangoes.

There are some mangoes and an apple.

2. There be句型的特殊疑问句,即

--There is an apple in the bowl. What is in the bowl?

--There are some mangoes in the fridge. What is in the fridge?

无论何种事物,对其提问使用固定搭配,即:What is + __place地点__?

3. want句型,即want to do


We want to buy a bottle of salad dressing. 我们想要买瓶色拉酱。

Sally’s mum wants to make a cake with fruit topping.



We don’t want to buy a bottle of salad dressing.

Sally’s mum doesn’t want to make a cake with fruit topping.

4. 回答my favourite…时注意后面所跟事物为一类,即可数复数或不可数原形

1) My favourite food is chicken.

2) My favourite fruit is mangoes.

3) My favourite snack is raisins.

4) My favourite drink is lemonade.

5) My favourite toy is dolls.

5. Would you like to…?句型更为客气的口头表达语,后用动词原形

--Can you pass the chicken please? (换种更客气的表达)

--Would you like to pass the chicken please?


