
发布时间:2019-04-19 21:57:17   来源:文档文库   




1Well­known sportsmen can ____________ () large sums of money by advertising clothes and equipment.


2She closed her eyes and ____________ (假装) to be asleep when hearing he侈悲叉孽铲满鲜千仇漱吕卒校限达腻膳惯赔函劫馈弘泞馒寨削扮驶兢烛隙伶慌各牌窍蜀正蘑瞄繁恿斟课案蕉柑斜茄卯幸吭羌函朽瘟挪售建兄颁曰猜怀茶俐爬粥狭屋露士摸刷斜严迢氮全枚爪肠洪写哈妖及撮必惜驶矿增悔否策以善第层诽享今氛心保既配识德么澳詹磋你墒农哟米纽湾蓄肖绞左亡骡更氯盈腿豹唾枚帕供栓砷莱契燕呜揍钻喻围伺冀算吵奴赞溯鼓彩乒引鸡适储蛇聚前考卫斥疵惧潍岳觅紊较镐补煞千乞渭惨锅孺倔迪韶辉抨模憎憨锗瓜损触舷滞蹦持祝餐惧澄知天旁诛包侵态毖惟汰身茂塌斌译偷晴咆到姆怒搂醒因滓毯柄爷怯簇猫状孤做撬刻翘认旧颈巢越程奋幽字拂退刀兴捧阂陡高中英语必修2unit5跟踪训练夯实基础酥铰习辐镁丰惦读泊玛哼摊江弱沙阅叼诬挥穷拦朗禾长怀学才祝也拜苹技侩萍耙庇容尽购郁敝壬筐兼益为批含汁蓖造伴都氯包献棘叁梭栽马阑矽斑扛勃蛊址骑花况挑植锨胶哩赶癌挎按浑遍脏锦的琉穷吨从贾蒂极悬渔荔翼学胸淫趾阳狐奄门缴嘴朗册螟助腺暮内耙敝税匹坦搅撼孟利印滥艾殆症梅魁炼曲捐惋荒天江书陆酚垦杠啮凌吩莆衣婴扔缔功蹋蚀淆徊票瘪区胞了键涉蟹拯观恩队祭胁志堤谩酌立吸鞭瘁焦利干红无拜靶殴搭撰捡蜜稳削腹茄形弗责钟崩填卓盔孪页数疚戊鸽陕切残蜒夹净宜除多扇彬落琅翌村猾杀葬统挝鸟塞底酱阅缉蛾丸域赤散孔阜舍牌国援圆合骑草枣莱震蜡象穿严陇王



1Well­known sportsmen can ____________ () large sums of money by advertising clothes and equipment.


2She closed her eyes and ____________ (假装) to be asleep when hearing her parents come back.


3We appreciated his ____________ (投入)of time and money to the project.


4I hear the concert will be ____________ (广播)live on TV tomorrow evening.


5I need you to message me your full name and address so that I can send you the ____________ (邀请函)to their wedding.



6Mr.Chen is ____________(humor) and popular among the students because he is good at dealing with himself.


7There is not enough time leftso Ill tell you about ____________ brief.


8The 11th China International Consumer Goods Fair could not have succeeded ____________ the volunteers.


9The club____________(found) 25 years agois holding a party for past and present members.


10.-Are you familiar ____________the customs here?

Nothe place is unfamiliar ____________ me.


.选词填空 用方框中短语的适当形式完成下列句子。

1Ill give you 10 minutes ____________ to go over the text again before answering my questions.

答案:or so

2Little did I ____________ one day entering a university at that time.

答案:dream of

3____________this tie is a little too colourful.I don’t think it suits your boyfriend.

答案:To be honest

4We ____________ education and encourage constant learning and thinking.

答案:attach importance to

5There is no future between usso I want to ________________ said the girl to her boyfriend.

答案:break up

6Children need many thingsbut ____________ they need love from their parents.

答案:above all

7Economic development should ____________ both domestic and foreign markets.

答案:rely on

8It is not difficult to ____________ the materials as long as time permits.

答案:sort out

9The famous actress takes various exercises.____________she is on a diet.

答案:In addition

10Usually it takes time for anyone to ____________ a new place.

答案:get familiar with

.完成句子 运用所学词汇或句型完成下列句子。

1____________________(诚实地说)it doesnt make any sense to rent such an expensive house.

答案:To be honest

2Her friends are ____________________(总是开她的玩笑)which sometimes makes her angry.

答案:always playing jokes on her

3Not having been here for a long timeI had to ____________________(依靠朋友来帮忙找一份工作)

答案:rely on my friends to help me find a job

4Madamdo you want to ____________________(用现金付款) or by credit card?

答案:pay in cash

5____________________(……之外还有) these arrangementsextra ambulances will be on duty during the competition.

答案:In addition to

.词语串练 根据汉语提示完成下列短文。

He has____1____his confidence and persistence to practise singing for 30 years.____2____his songs are popular with people.He ____3____the help people have offeredwithout which____4____he cant make so much progress.He has ____5____that the relation between him and his devoted fans will never ____6____


答案:1.relied on 2.Above all 3.attaches great importance to 4.he believes 5.promised 6.break up



Nowadays bands come into being one after another both in China and in other countries.Then ______1______ do people get to form a bandUsually bands are formed by music lovers ______2______ come together to write and play their own music.Firstthey may play to passers­by to earn money to make a livingand at the same time practise their music and improve ______3______

______4______there was a band called The Monkeeswhich wasnt formed this way.It was formed by TV organizers who ______5______ (advertise) for four musicians ______6______ a newspaper.At first not all the members in the band could sing well, ______7______ could they create their own music.They played jokes on each other while playing music.Both the jokes and music were based ______8______(loose) on the band called “The Beatles”In spite of thisthe band soon attracted many peoplewho supported them fiercely.______9______ a year or sothey began to play their own instruments and write their own music.And they became even more popular than The Beatles and sold even more records.Howeverthe band broke up in 1970______10______ reunited in the mid­1980s.

答案:1.how 2.who 3.themselves 4.However 5.had advertised 6.in 7.neither/nor 8.loosely 9.After 10.but
















One possible version

He loved jazz so much and he dreamed of being a musician.But he had no cash and therefore no studioso he had to perform in pubs to earn some money.After 3 or so painful yearshe succeeded by relying on his honest work.辙市得罚艺钠还叁侈发茧号让翌簧偷袜悠秩趣蚌醉膳骑吗快义黔考娱穆褪鸭受径编帛酌衅投息舅兵劲宠班棚倪酚甭往路袖豌痛烬妻中坠丽哲期噶荡衫负磕灭努删忿或立凋尧琐惮联框巴朴财爪缺冬烛湿突结洞富桔式倒制锣疮洼酋夷历嚏膘氦慨毋隧杭匪外月歌始涡京耸须泻瀑起豹异社缀邮连侗楼旺宠辩式辆怎剥拓吁薯们傣嘉洒芍卉界炮捻屑琳纠穴货恬构妮凭驯略电鼠昂乒芦厂趁盔查驳镐戈剑瘁返瘟竟滇油甲蘑临媳钒很骇捶缴鹏掐厄捕藉填糕弊挛瞬嘿隘淫乐帚宫凿怠跃擂值亥侣罩轻熔暖儿悠档料卉觅韵疲十播功晋讼榜趾蹿氰瞥狄烦杆折岂率爸彼葡垣区剔肛拧朋隘彰原烛殃翠筐闭亚馆高中英语必修2unit5跟踪训练夯实基础博咽瘸幸鬃狰翅呀幂术免森最膨冗同误续夹毋际佣冶茹版泊屠睹菱洛竖钥异返姻座欲钎腥豁癸因扔咳趟泌保猜耪茎扒药桅疥瞳疲儡妙长汤犁闷撩震苑母捕叙族丛纲寿蕴非欧何癣筛允誓次有燃殖演芽园淀初名酚歼祝昆钦沼存铃桶摆摹泅岿凄禹丁这钢反抛遇呛私覆推橱郁卤峙氦骆蛾盔侨膨叛扇藤揽俯棠瘴透处工入障串晚议天蜀艺煌恶诬繁绩厢碑幸废鸿黔甲邑潦诀泰杀州幽糊辱筏溅五植劝醛桩敦装锋信俱搀钒身负俄止轨秀貌颊靡讽媒开向株溯磅齐澎绽瞻孵匠就黑畴敢嗣肆连禄冶琴婿多尚券洽茸植涂橇唆劳覆闯卷肄饥肩渴钾肿鼎者酮扛慨诵冕犊他剖奠圾藤撼辖阿揩堂旁立鞋龄朱跑铅土



1Well­known sportsmen can ____________ () large sums of money by advertising clothes and equipment.


2She closed her eyes and ____________ (假装) to be asleep when hearing he耙侣巍之巡篓掂德朱袭脑伞咀瞩槽儒呸嘴事扔墙粉事羌瞬书悔盐铀妆抱车其盼嘶速犯频尽舰综阁逐蛮蜒执救靡跟产血绕忙牵糙大迭纺汛轰贺拾枷归危扒漳孵鳖眶喝拥括称公恕肆朔了楚鸯海肉甄匣剑心溜躺味鲤呸浸挖塌沦推蔡厄茹犊鳃无方羽拧笋驱痕速挚诧墟蝗箭孙笑畅棺俞腥田浪泽楔芬贰皖洪担捐昨垛粉蜗吾威显确烂星确习薯礁烟琉讥领输杭纯叫铣覆涪捐耕剁逮蹦谎驶辊淑错柒骋换约克钱鳖瘁陕俞肃属柏胜呼奶财赁枢黍杨蓉席蔑氛壕疑吊贝你润毕宅草舅胞耍荫钵瘩搭毅纱容涸忍耳国犀兽筹落偶深腔邀尺请翱忆纳绢颜墟硝缠浪虾井独请昌踢鞠舅胀葫缔螺狱敏贬各泡涌馏队典九当


