Social network 观后感

发布时间:2012-01-03 15:02:52   来源:文档文库   

Discussion of ethics in the Social Network

I think that I am for the idea, what business focuses most is profit, rather that ethics. There are two main examples involved in the movie to support my idea in the following.

The first thing is that Mark steals the original idea of building social network, which is facebook now. The brother Winklevoss, Marks schoolfellows, invited him to join the work of building the network and introduced the idea to Mark. Though Mark promised them, Mark built the facebook with their idea by himself, without noticing them, the brothers.

And the second thing is that Mark betrayed his best friend, Eduardo, the one who helps him in developing company with money and energy. Though Eduardo and Mark have some disagreements in developing company, such as the early advertisements, and some conflicts, Eduardo wants to be his partner and he uses his full energy on developing company.

Ethics exists everywhere in our daily life. But in the process of building facebook, it looks so insignificant.

We have to say that Mark and Sean Parker are ruthless in the process of developing company. They betrayed ethics for maximizing profit for themselves.

Sean is a clever guy. With his experience before, he knows that facebook will become a successful program in the future, and he joins the company with his understanding of Mark. He provides some nice suggestions beneficial to company development, which letting Mark knows that he is a good helper to him and the company.

Sean is an unruly man with some bad habits, drugs, promiscuity. It is a matter of course that he promotes the Eduardos departure.

Mark is a smart guy with impressive skills in IT. In the movie, we can see his status, always doing work in front of computer. He is dedicated to it. This is one of the factors which contribute to his success.

But with his words and deeds, we can know that he has problems in his heart. When his girlfriend refused him, he revenges her by a blog. And when he knows Eduardo has been accepted by Phoenix which he has been longing to, he behaves with jealousy and sarcasm. Maybe that is a part of reasons why he kicked Eduardo.

As we say above, Mark is somewhat ruthless to people around him. He just concerns about himself without paying attention to others. When the lawyer was asking him questions, he looked outside and said, its raining. Do you think I deserve your attention?’ NO. He just concentrates on everything that is beneficial to his development, ignoring those he thinks boring and useless. Maybe in business society, his personality can help him succeed in business. But his attitude and words is difficult to be accepted by others. That is the reason why he cannot enter actual life with real emotions.

And we can know from the movie that ethics is insignificant in modern business society. Because managers or directors even employees focus on money, profit rather than ethics. Though basic ethics exists in business, it is not so important in front of actual profit. This is the fact. And the ethics in business is so tiny comparing to the ethics from single emotions.

In conclusion, I think the ethics in business society is not same with ethics that we know in our actual life. In front of profit, everything in business should be treated rationally and carefully. Friends can become enemies in business society.


《Social network 观后感.doc》
