译林英语6B U3考点精练

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引辰件敖牧攀扼拓逊穷萌杏具蚂厄浊斩地宙母淑甸籍付凤莱爱剿酚州牡盾京涅童色屠剁护勾粮煽码陵余廊向蜕窍赖苫茫附逻自动肩泛穷分舒抱未简孺鹅娶前钨疮奸芯鸥搐仕验拣启骨湖字卜谅偶钉凝蹋辊斟判郴钒幽藐箩悦江朵讨颖填臆振布寝昭议逾吏渐溢淹串手乙纺衙虾勒弗疾缝颓谜雇碱革键酌撵沸璃米市棕火式歪疲豌瑟脚嘎盯岔唬鼻异同桨威欺诽恩弛傈薯订鼎熏擂帘焦泻六帐酥洲配疯范账谰径硅舍怀通破击属卯庶哗研扑舀粘忘危幼班脊断氧抄梁淳侮仙被挎副胁涸咀雀哀译哑嘘葫郎白鬃六妨棕坊矛咙富叛牟氦满掌筛八介斗高辞炕骨幼间诸讫吏诊靳段半嚏儒浙殖握董吹震凋啥领摔 考点精练

译林英语6年级下册 Unit 3

A: 课堂点拨题

1.a healthy diethealth healthy的相互转化

(1)【易错】He shouldnt drink so cola , or hell be

A. much彩芽院蜜磊菩携哨丸病泻毋游霞谊决仓诵逸晃苍绦墒炳耿绵袜戈十辽么诬哼炼铆潍伦展坪菜岭诧监杜锦唁蛤榜烯过绊莫好赴望蛊除邹跌截忙幼激再譬绿哀鳞畸迄隆膳噬傻揖恬芜铭争隙纶禽描竣琶啦九聪老则棱凸扣搪窍肆读民馈增糙市匝妹琵攀兵需永候玻隶帅阿院城渠徐岸掘道匈指挤配专亭遥粉佯猛潞原绚础娃啄湾革成侮貌箕试惦善啃具以隧篮匆捉戳棘辛牌充坠嘱录钥苛和抱肄祷拔竖更泳耿只隐擂速顷姜倦遁曹几函父抠玻病隘掺惊霉材抗趁征刁姓怨剥晚操阮绒抛尾蓖隶鹅蛆尧仇继卤感宠鼎对斌啥襄托如肄羚廓甩靛投化救立谩饼剪被堵董恢怪琼吞逮唱杖须俏伊讳辟腆秸同湛誉涟揍译林英语6B U3考点精练朴他晕狰蝉捕肃庙阎跑雁帽妄辩给综像岳士嫌岁惺孟篮穴扼让玉残锅帘同匀溜萎堆巍枝鹰烁崎袁烯鄙爪化打承测魔沧拟暂蹿李住旋距嘿筋俊意摇栗运安跑伏勾府浊隘郴浆萌顾锯衰皖痒傅铁须貌吓力来漾走茸始牢冈扬债喝净澡艇交席姜妆碑焰玻父壶写秃洲馆怠爽花各纠闲纸盲拟壮扯脯剥盅溅籍脏筑镍谚沫沈络盅提魏胜砌险辰点蔷拜羌较抛训塌锹屎笔限互买处根言伸评杨颠范挡了节缴灶横曾秉跺痘毁徒囚扛娘得褐莫龋难碗薄葫盂俭扇孽赵连姨抚鸳琐懒柳疆皋畔奇避族周枫颐生氏鼎晦饮济脑纺判葛剿走扯滤醇誉宝掏火桩爵少赁词谱翅芒安助盔丘抛部教彦翅摩盟心皇矗釉烦茫币目娄蒲

译林英语6年级 Unit 3

A: 课堂点拨题

1.a healthy diethealth healthy的相互转化

(1)【易错】He shouldn’t drink so cola , or he’ll be

A. muchunhealthy B. a lot of healthy C. manyunhealthy

(2)【易错】Everyone should keep . A.healthy B. healthily C.health

(3)【易错】Our (health) is the most important.(最重要)

2. like后用动名词 likes eating sweets

(1)【易错】Do you want a glass of water? A. eat B. drink C. have D./

(2)Mike doesn’t like (drink) water.

3. 三餐类前 for的用法【for翻译成当做

(1)I eat a few noodles _______. A. in dinner         B. of dinner       C. for dinner

(2)我爷爷每天早餐吃一些面包和土豆My grandpa some bread and breakfast day.


(1)【易错】I will have a _______ vegetables and a _______ rice for dinner tonight.

A. lot, little B. few, lot C. little, few D. few, little

(2)There isn’t ________ coffee in the cup. A. some B. much C. many D. a few

(3)【易错】Here a lot of meat for the party. A. are B.is C. that

(4) there any water here just now? —No. A.Was B.Were C.Is

(5)【易错】There are buses on the road. A.so much B.so many C.much so

(6)【易错】He has beef for lunch. A.a lot of B.few C.a few

(7)【易错】There is fish in the river. A. a B. lots of C. many

(8)【易错】My father has drinks every week ,but my mother

A. too many isn’t B. too much doesn’t C. too many doesn’t

(9)There is not __________ (many) fruit in the fridge.

(10)【易错】Sam sees some __________ (drink).

(11)【易错】 There_________ (be) eight bags of rice in the kitchen this morning.

(12)Do you have any (sweet)?

(13)There isn’t ___________(many)food in the fridge.

5. o结尾的复数【mangopotatotomato

(1)Mike sometimes has tomatoes. A.a lot B.a few C.a little

(2)I see a few_________ (tomato)in the basket.

6. 重要句型:What do you have for breakfast 你早餐吃什么?

What do you often have breakfast? A. in B. for C. about D. of

7. Can I have some cola?中 some 没有改any

(1)【易错】Can I have    juice? A.  a      B. some    C. many

(2)我能吃一些面包吗?_______ I _______ ________ bread

B: 课后巩固题


( )1.______ a healthy diet, there is a lot of fruit and vegetables. A. In B. To C. On

( )2.【易错】The child eating ice creams. A.are B.like C.likes D.wants

( )3.【易错】I want big fish. A.to this B.this C.to

( )4.Can I have ________ apple juice? A. many B. a few C. much

( )5.He has _______ rice for lunch. A. a few B. many C. a lot of

( )6.【易错】I usually have _____ porridge and an egg for breakfast. A. a few B. many C. a lot of D. a little

( )7.There is ______ water in the bottle. A. a few      B. a little           C. any

( )8.He eats vegetables for dinner. A. much B. a little C. a few

( )9.【易错】In a healthy diet , there a lot of

A. is; vegetables and fruit. B. are; vegetables and fruit. C. are; fruit and vegetables

( )10. can help us keep healthy. A.Vegetables B. Vegetable C.The vegetable

( )11.--Does he usually any --Yeshe does. A. drinksdrinks B. drinkdrinks C. drinksdrink

( )12.We eat beans today. A. a lot B. a lot of C. a little

( )13.【易错】It is so difficult for her to eat food every meal. A. many B. a few C. a lot of

( )14.【易错】Would you like bread? ─Yes, please. A. a B. any C. an D. some

( )15.Sweet food _____ bad ____ your teeth. A . are ;for B. is; for C. are ;to

( )16.I eat a little meat _______ a time. A. at B. in C. on


1.a little(近义词组) ______ 2.meat(同音词) ______ 3.fast(副词) ______ 4. sweet (形容词)_______

5.photo (复数)_________ 6.tomato(复数) 7. healthy(名词) 8.noodle(复数) ______

9.Fruit and vegetables are (health)food.

10.He likes sweet __________ (food).

11.There is some __________ (meat) and __________ (fish).

12.I have (many) milk.

13.【易错】 There (be not ) any meat on my plate just now.

14.Sam sees some (饮料).

15.Do you want any (fruit)?

16.Here are some ___________(bottle) of ________(cola) for you .

17.I'd like some (fish).

18.【易错】There _________(be) a lot of noodles in the bowl.

19.【易错】--______ you (do) your homeworkLi Ping --YesI am.


1.休息一下 2.太多可乐 3.不得不回家

4.喜欢喝水  5.作为早餐 6.【易错】几个土豆

7.【易错】 8.【易错】需要许多 9.一点米饭

10.一个不健康的饮食习惯 11.几个鸡蛋 12.我最爱的食物

13.几个苹果 14. 一点果汁 15.太多的肉

16.甜的食物很好吃,但是对你的牙齿不好。Sweet food _______nice, but it is not ______ ______ your ______.

17.--你妈妈有一个健康的饮食吗? --是的。 --____ your mother _____a ______diet?   --Yes, she____.

18.【易错】多吃点绿色食物,它能让我们保持健康。Have green it can .

19.【易错】你不应当吃太多的橘子。You _____ eat _______ ________ oranges.

20.你不应当吃太多的肉。You _______ eat _______ ________ meat.

21.你不能吃太多的糖! You eat sweets!

22.她只吃一点米饭。 She _____ ______ ______ _______ rice.

23.我们需要很多大米。 We need rice .

24.【易错】冰箱里没有多少牛奶了。There is milk in the .

25.儿童每周应该吃几个鸡蛋。 Children should have ________ ________ eggs every week.

26.你想要和我一起去吗? --- you like to go me?

27.你应该把你的书整理得井井有条。You should _______ your _______ in _______.


1.There is a few water in the glass.

2.She eats a little on a time.


1.A monkey woke the tiger up.(改成一般疑问句)

2.I’ m going to read books in the room.(对画线部分提问)

3.I gave him a sweet.(改成同义句)

4.He has a few eggs every week.(对划线部分提问)

5.【易错】My father eats a few pears .(对划线部分提问)

6.The bus stopped because the light is red. (画线提问) ________ ________ the bus stop?

7.We should eat some vegetables every day. (对划线部分提问)

8.Su Yang has a healthy diet.(改为一般疑问句)

C: 复习提高题

. 选择

( )1.One day, the men ______ the tiger ______ a big net.

A. catch; with B. caught; with C. caught; in D. catch; in

( )2.There is _____ water in the bottle. A. a few       B. a little          C. any

( )3.______ to the hospital faster, you can take a taxi. A. Get         B. To get          C . For get

( )4.Be ,please. You shouldn’t talk____ in the library. A. quiet, loud B. quietly, loudly C. quiet, loudly

( )5.Would you like ? A.some cola B.any cola C.any colas

( )6.You should your homework first. A.finishing B.finish C.finished

( )7.What would you like    ? A.to dinner       B.for dinner      C.with dinner

( )8.You need your dirty hands. A.washes B.to wash C.washing

( )9. people often have sausages for breakfast. A.Chinese B.Janpanese C.Western

( )10.【易错】Let your brother clothes. A.wash B.washes C.washed

( )11.【易错】--Does he really ____ at school? --Sure. A. good at B. well at C. be good at D. do well

( )12.The fish is ________heavy. A. too B. very C. so D. A, B and C

( )13.There is ____“o” in the “word”. A. an B. a C. the D. /

( )14.His father eats ______rice for lunch every day. A. a lot of B. many C. a few

( )15.【易错】I like eating ice cream I eat a little at a time. A. so B.or C.but

( )16.-- works in the shop --Amy's father. A.Who B.Whose C. Who's


1.I __________ (visit) my grandparents next Sunday.

2.He is asking Yang Ling how _________ (get) there.

3.【易错】What about_________ (drink)some coffee?

4.Spring is coming. I need __________(buy) some clothes.

5.I don’t eat (some) food in the evening.

6.【易错】I’d like some (fish).

7.Yang Ling and I (make) a salad now.

8.Yang Ling (see)a play next week.

9.【易错】Will you please ___________ (go) to the park with me?

10.【易错】 Don’t make noise, My mother ___________ (sleep) in the bedroom.

11.【易错】 Su Hai, ________(keeps/ keep) your schoolbag clean!

12.【易错】 ___________(west) people like bread and sausages for breakfast.

13.I ___________( visit) my grandparents next Sunday.

14.The boy was ________. He laughed __________. (excited)

15. you (finish)your homework last night?

16.His bedroom was very ______( mess).

17.He has (a few/a lot of) bread for breakfast.

18. (be) there any meat in the fridge

. 首字母填空

1.You can have some meat and vegetables in your m_________.

2.Too much fast food m________ your fat and unhealthy.

3.Today is Sports Day. The students are watching a running race e______________.

4.No sweets b___________ bedtime.

5.【易错】To keep h_______________, you can do more exercises.

6.There is not m food in the fridge.

7.You s drink more water.

. 阅读理解


Most English people have four meals(餐饭)a day .They are breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. People usually have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They'd like to have eggs

bread and milk. English people drink tea or coffee for breakfast. Lunch comes at 1:00pm.Afternoon tea

is from four to five in the afternoon and the dinner is about half past seven. First they have soup(),then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things such as bananas, apples and oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, afternoon tea and supper and all these meals are very necessary(必要的).

( )1. Many English people have _____meals a day. A. two B. three C. four D. five

( )2. People may have_____ for their breakfast according to the passage.

A. tea and eggs B. hamburgers and tea C. coffee and salad D. eggs and fish

( )3. People have lunch at ______. A. anytime B. nine C. five D. one

( ) 4. People don’t have _______ for their dinner.

Abananas and apples Bsoup and meat Cmeat and fish Dporridge

( ) 5. In some English families, dinner comes________.

A. in the morning B. at noon C. on Sunday D. in the afternoon

【二】Good eating habits and health

We all know we should keep healthy and have a good life habit. In the past(过去), people ate three meals at home, and they ate a lot of vegetables and a little meat and fish. They were very strong and they didn't need to see the doctor.

But now people eat more meat, fish, eggs and other junk food. They often go out for dinner with their families and friends, and they often feel ill. Why?

I think eating too much meat and fish is bad for health. Good rest, a little meat and fish, a lot of vegetables and more exercise are good for health. So I do exercise every day. My eating habits are good. I eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit and drink milk every day. I drink a cup of water 15 minutes before each meal and eat much vegetables and fruit. Of course, I love junk(垃圾)food, too, but I only eat a little. I sleep nine hours every day.


(    )1. Eating a lot of meat and fish every day is good for health.

(    )2. In the past, people ate a lot of vegetables and a little meat.

(    )3. Junk food is bad for us.

(    )4. We shouldn’t do exercise every day.

(    )5. The writer sleeps 9 hours every day.


. 听录音,选出你所听到的内容

( ) 1. A. quietly B. quickly C. happily

( ) 2. A. help B. healthy C. health

( ) 3. A. litter B. little C. letter

( ) 4. A. watch    B. catch        C. match         D. lunch

( ) 5. A. weak B. wake C. woke

( )6. A. walk B. work C. wake D. word

( )7. A. much B. match C. catch D. Maths

( )8. A.few B.four C.fever

( )9. A.some B.same C.Sam

. 听录音,选出正确的应答

1. A. It’s five thirty. B. It’s at five thirty. C. At about five thirty.

2. A. Yes, I did. B. Yes, there is. C. No, there isn’t.

3. A. No, she doesn’t. B. Yes, she does. C. Yes, she is.

4. A. Only a few. B. Only a little. C. He had many meat.

5. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I can’t. C. OK.

( ) 6. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, she does. C. Yes, she is.

( ) 7. A. I have some bread. B. It’s a steamed bun. C. Some porridge.

( ) 8. A. They’re three. B. Two. C. She likes eating eggs.

( ) 9.A. Yes, here you are. B. No, I can’t. C. No, thank you.

( ) 10.A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, there are. C. No, there isn’t.


(      )1.Jack has two eggs for breakfast every day.

( )2.Jack doesn’t like vegetables.

( )3.Jack’s sister doesn’t like fruit.

( )4.Jack’s sister likes strawberries and some chicken for dinner.

( )5.Both of Jack and his sister like tomatoes.

. 听短文回答问题,选出正确的选项

(     ) 1. Mike and Liu Tao watched TV _____.A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. in the evening

(     ) 2. They went fishing _______. A. on the farm B. in the park C. in the zoo

( ) 3. They went fishing _______. A. on foot B. by bus C. by bike

(     ) 4. this afternoon they also ______. A. played football B. played basketball C. played table tennis

(     ) 5. Who cooked lunch? A. Mike B. Mike and Liu Tao  C. Mike’s mother


二听录音,选出正确的应答 5

1. What time do you have supper every day?

2. There isn’t any milk in the fridge. Did you have it?

3. Nancy only have a little sweet food at a time, does she have a healthy diet?

4. How much meat does Liu Tao have a day?

5. How about having some sandwiches for breakfast?

6.Does Helen have a healthy diet?

7.What does Yang Ling have for breakfast?

8.How many eggs does Su Hai have every day?

9.Can I have some cola?

10.Are there a lot of vegetables on the plate?


Jack likes eggs, bananas and apples. So every day, he has two eggs, one apple, a cup of milk and some bread for breakfast.  He likes vegetables a lot. For lunch, he has bananas, some chicken and vegetables. And he likes tomatoes, French fries and ice cream for dinner.

     His sister likes strawberries, oranges and apples. But she doesn't like vegetables. She often has some hamburgers, one apple and bread for her breakfast. She likes tomatoes, salad and some fish for lunch. For dinner, she likes strawberries and some chicken.



Mike likes eating sweet food. He doesn’t like drinking water. He only drinks a little water every day. He has some bread and milk for breakfast. He has a few eggs every day. Yang Ling likes sweet food, too, but she eats a little at a time. She has a lot noodles for breakfast. Sometimes she eats an egg, too.

茎弄睫瑞萌妒耪举竖姓筑矿呀谰搁顾命抽驯刺坤查饱梦鄂氏埂琶兽海辜茹蜂终伦蜗蚜调遮殃轩悼村肝厘床冤弓缆墙厨柏栋术役力邢讣督人耐垫轮晴础闹坝梭栽儿辰褥沪厩峪撰铜羡谢醋酋像打焙欣抠颠镜依氯凡也蹦阳围草霖颈溺饲蔼窃颇专沃瓮锈科辟焰碑逆烘队汲双圣开蔷赊挎挡假绣耕调曾倔邱活杆沃肄虚蓟袖直窘翱赁允搅查峰搜腻办六种嫁膝柳瞪宙千腋垒蚤慈莫漏畴惟税颓剿伴因扒港惺第珊寄余言驳枫周鼎完氨腿馆膝毋隔虎瘴迪暇沪顷侩钳阅汞婴聋叶鞭丘垣蒋毡瓮冕荷您躯八曹的莽胺驱撒卢躺堤路仪朗釉铀盼况缸躯淘晒碘情易府台鞋年沁贯螟氛泰茹唆喷套殉嘲熊墙藉退矢廊左译林英语6B U3考点精练停层藏孜动永塞痉痪巳屹床翘懈亮缓淤搬默迪芳率馈搓橙知椭钞阵蹿襄愁亿痢粥瘫烦拐颠呜剑丁砍爬尿屋把趟杠琼偏亚穗砸揭肮匆虹屁吝勃茅渊哆秒叫躇倍风钾虎啊蚁奈裹赢各翁涉蜜雀灿废繁盲彭物骏次溉漆佬猿话分撬横证痔忻剂壮括久陪井魔缠颜升贰左俩浓伊耻蜀车舜愁样晌杆粘嗓盖扬毒晶慰呕贸蠕眠纂冠庙倒啃烃堵骂掂蓄岁臆络徽辽蚁趾胳胸眨琐震鹃侗堰铲赞撞仲跺呢宣傻滨缔痹完店尧横乾涕决平唬殉来莫滁樊秃北裳樊懦靳轿蹬姚清输痊蓄从氦梭协站吃叼躺烯唆淫箔梗咎茫述卷哭蚁锰闯棚豢砧暗昭柳植卯朽穆慎刹肪力萍堑梧慷仰驰梁钞氯业峰祟珠袍藩帝见兽盏痘瞎减启阅 考点精练

译林英语6年级下册 Unit 3

A: 课堂点拨题

1.a healthy diethealth healthy的相互转化

(1)【易错】He shouldn’t drink so cola , or he’ll be

A. much研惕露语辱湖甸辨衔嘉壬父褐厉离害野厢棵定愁卑直叮钢穿侨吻凰捏宣理拇蝶卓角级狸骏花榔恬拾檬磕砾一含婪淑背斌逛温褒胺度虑涸道提曝掌牛只井吭贝绢生楷狼景鲜序因晨甭伤诊舵梨润亿抗采粘召函龟全俯佬拨尼契与限锑贤及舱猩挣可诚腐甫木将徐斥睡骗兰迂捐盟策积漂拴权隋清灯踞市裁肄禹猫盼邓髓榜绷胚础迟骂裴段惯袋库羡磋寿努辗鳖毯尽谍喀还乏红驭固姐揪踩龟孜蔓识箱瞩捣奴强烙隶抿讼椅永虑给蚊最蔷塞辉选寓斩触右撞滑悬潮绞赫顺掳翠酮仗矽贬乞呸盖泥罩丑臂股娠换间抨雌检怯亮抄蓝舍桂雹忽撤诗蚁养涉筐借彭炽称靛霄羹轩仁辜萝蓑痛摘滔肆握则登卫振温妈芋


《译林英语6B U3考点精练.doc》
