新题型03 应用文写作考纲解读、解题技巧-备考2018年浙江高考英语新题型解读 含解析 精品

发布时间:2018-12-21 14:46:44   来源:文档文库   

新题型三 应用文写作




书信、电子邮件是常见的应用文写作考查题型,主要包括询问信、致歉信、致谢信、慰问信、投诉信、邀请信、介绍信、求职信等,其次应用文还有:通知、发言稿、便条、日记、通知、调查报告扥。写作时要注意格式正确,包含称呼语(salutation),正文(body),结束语(complimentary close),签名(signature)。如在201610月的试卷中,应用文写作的要求是给未曾谋面的加拿大的住家(homestay)写一封咨询信(Letter of Inquiry)。写作时遣词应尽量客气一些,行文应力求具有亲和力,切忌使用一些艰深的大词,也不宜使用一些结构过于杂糅的长句。


1. 参加者;

2. 时间、地点;

3. 活动:登山、野餐等。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。






不同类型的应用文其格式和结构是不同的。本试题的格式是书信,要求写明写信的对象(即称呼)和写信人(即署名),正文前可适当添加问候语,如"How are you doing?"或"Long time no see。"等。考生必须熟知书信类应用文的格式,准确写出称呼语、标点、结尾语和署名,以符合英语的写作习惯。





既要介绍郊游的地点,又要尽量避免透露考生信息。例如:若考生写到Yandang Mountain表明该考生可能来自温州地区,若考生写到the West Lake表明该考生可能来自杭州地区。那么怎样巧妙地避免这个问题呢?考生可以将地点模糊化,如使用Green Mountain the Central Park等。


写作对象决定了考生该使用的语言和语气、写信人和收信人之间的关系、书信用语的正式度和委婉程度等。本试题中,考生的身份是学生,写作的对象是考生的外籍朋友。既然是朋友,两者是平辈的关系,就不适合使用过度的敬辞或谦辞,如 I would appreciate it if you could come。";朋友之间一般会用"Hope to see you there。"或"Hope you can make it。"。既然是朋友,彼此应该熟知对方的email地址,看到寄信人的地址就应该知道是谁的来信,所以在邮件的开头根本没有必要介绍自己的身份。如有些考生写道:"I’m Li Hua your friend。"明显就不符合逻辑和常识。


应用文作为一种实用性文体,是用来说明事实、解决实际问题的,侧重于"以事告人"。所以语言要求自然得体、朴实无华、开门见山、清晰流畅。本试题是邀请信,首先要掌握的是常用套语,例如在书信的开头常用:"I’m writing to invite you to …"信件的结尾常用:"Looking forward to your early reply。"或"I really hope you can come。"等。其次,邀请信中的书面用语要符合朋友关系的身份设定,切忌使用过度的敬辞或谦辞。时态应以一般现在时和一般将来时态为主。


1. 书信开头

I was delighted/glad to receive your letter. 很高兴收到你的来信。

I have received your letter of June the 29th. 我收到了你于629日的来信。

How’s it going? 最近怎么样?

You asked me about(problem, question...), now let me give you some advice. 你在来信中询问我……,现在让我给你一些建议。

It has been a long time since we met. 我们很久没见面了。

How time flies! It’s three months since I saw you last time. 时间过得真快!我们有三个月没见面了。

I’m writing to thank you for your help during my stay in America. 我写信是为了感谢你对我在美国期间的帮助。

2. 结尾

I am looking forward to receiving your letter. 我期待你的来信。

I am looking forward to your early reply. 我期待您早日回复。

Please write to me as soon as possible. 请尽快回信。

Good luck./ Wish you the best. 祝你好运!

With best wishes. 致以我诚挚的祝福。

Wish you sucess. 祝你成功。

Wish you a pleasant journey. 祝你旅途愉快。

Please remember me to your family. 请代我向你的家人问好。

I’d appreciate it if you could reply earlier. 请尽快回信,我将不胜感激。


1. 感谢信 (Letter of Thanks)


Dear ________(对象),

I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for________________________________(感谢的原因). If it had not been for your assistance in________________________________(对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been________________________________(没有对方帮助会产生的后果).

Everyone agrees that it was you who ________________________________(给出细节). Again, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you. Please accept my sincere thanks.

Yours Sincerely,

Li Hua

2. 道歉信 (Letter of Apology)


Dear ________(对象),

I am truly sorry that ___________________________________(道歉的原因).

The reason is that ______________________________________(介绍原因).

Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. Hope you can accept my appologies and understand my situation.

Yours Sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear ________(对象),

I am excessively sorry to say/tell you that ______________ (直接表达自己不能实现先前的愿望或约定). Now, I am writing you this letter of apology to show my deep regret__________ (表达歉意). Please accept my sincere apology__________(诚恳希望对方能接受道歉). I fear you are displeased at _________(表达出自己的心情,并请求对方原谅).I hope you will understand me and excuse me for__________(过渡句). Let me explain(开始介绍道歉的原因). The reason for my delay/absence was that _________(阐述自己当时的处境和情况). I had no way out because ___________ (总结自己道歉的原因). Therefore it’s not in my power to ___________(希望下次再次实现愿望). Naturally, I want to suggest ____________. I shall be glad if you will kindly write and tell me when and where you____________(约定下次约会的时间和地点)

We may meet again and I hope to see you soon.

Sincerely Yours, Li Hua

3. 邀请信 (Letter of Invitation)



There will be a________(内容) at/in________(地点) on________(时间). We would be honored to have you there with us.

The occasion will start at________________(具体时间). This will be followed by a________ (进一步的安排). At ________________(时间), we will have ________________________(另一个安排).

I really hope you can make it. RSVP before_________________________(通知你的最后期限).

Yours Sincerely,

Li Hua

4. 推荐信 (Letter of Recommendation)


Dear ______ ,

It affords me much pleasure to recommend ______(要推荐的人)to you.During his/her graduate years he/she was my ______ . As his/her ______ I found him/her ______. (介绍与此人的关系)

His/Her performance in the school years was outstanding. First, he/she had been and showed great talents in ______ . In addition, he/she has a very pleasant personality. He/She has developed a strong sense of ______, and working with him/her is always pleasant. I can state that he/she has all the qualities of being ______.(介绍此人的能力)

Therefore, I here recommend him/her to you with all my heart. Should you favor him/her with a position in your company/Should you accept him/her in your universityI am sure that his/her future work will prove worthy of your trust. I look forward to hearing from you at the earliest possible moment.

Yours Sincerely,

Li Ming

5. 建议信 (Letter of suggestion)



You have asked me for my advice with regard to________________, and I will try to make some conducive suggestions here.

In my opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions: ________________(建议的内容).

I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details.

Good luck with your________________(祝愿).

Yours Sincerely,

Li Hua

6. 申请信 (Letter of Application)


Dear Sir or Madam,

I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in________________________(报纸名称) of________________________(广告发布时间).

Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but also I have the right personality for a ______________ (工作名称). On one hand, _____________________(第一个原因). On the other hand, ______________________(另一个原因).

Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful. If you need to know more about meplease feel free to contact me at any time at________________________(电话号码).

Thank you for considering my application, and I am looking forward to meeting you.

Yours Sincerely,

Li Hua

5. 祝贺信 (Letter of Congratulations)



Dear ______,

I am ______(自我介绍). I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about ______.

The reason for my dissatisfaction is ______(总体介绍). In the first place, ______(抱怨的第一个方面). In addition, ______(抱怨的第二个方面). Under these circumstances, I find it ______(感觉)to______(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果).

I appreciate it very much if you could ______(提出建议和请求), preferably ______(进一步的要求), and I would like to have this matter settled by ______(设定解决事情最后期限).

Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.



Boys and girls/Ladies and gentlemen,

Its a great honor for me to stand here and give my speech._________(表示荣幸)My name is __________.(自我介绍)The topic of my speech is ___________.(提出演讲主题)

To begin with, many people suggest that ___________.(话题或现象列举)Secondly, ___________. Thirdly, ___________ .

What I want to stress is that ___________.(重申主题)For one thing, . For another, . Besides, ___________.(原因或重要性列举)In a word, ___________.(总结)


Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone,

It’s nice to see all of you here. I feel honored to have opportunity to give/make/deliver you a speech is a great pleasure for me to speak here. The topic of my speech is ___________________./Today I will talk about ________________. /It’s nice to talk /speak about…(演讲的主题) First of all, ___________________. Besides, ________________. Secondly, _________________________. What’s more, __________________(具体内容)

As far as I am concerned/In my opinion, _____________. From what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that ____________. Thanks for your attention/listening.(总结演讲)





Today/Yesterday, I/we .(事件)

In the morning, we ______________; then ______________; after that______________ . By the time we had a good time. Finally . I’ll never forget the memorable day! ______________________________________ (事件经过)

From this activity, I have learned that/I think . ______________ (事件意义和自己的感想)


Date Day of the week

Today is ______________. This afternoon I went to ______________. Then I______________. Sitting on the train, I thought ______________. At the next station, ______________. She looked ______________. I hesitated ______________. The old lady ______________. Seeing her smile, I _______________. I will ______________.



I’m going ____________________, and won’t be back until ___________________. I have ________________________________________________________________________.(交代留便条的原因)

At about 1 o’clock this afternoon, _________called, saying that ______________. She left __________________, but said that ___________________. She wanted you to ____________. She has already __________________.(便条内容)









是否使用恰当的连接词和表达法使文章内容连贯是应用文评分的主要依据之一。因此写作时,应仔细推敲句子间的逻辑关系,思考如何把要点连接成文,形成结构紧凑的篇章。切记,语句间的衔接成分并不是只有first second in addition besides last but not least等关联词,这些词未必适用于所有体裁的应用文。例如,有考生这样写:"First and foremost we will climb the mountains Besides we have many perfect activities Last but not least we will hold a picnic You can have your favorite food "显然,这些关联词的效果适得其反,感觉机械生硬,文章反而不连贯了。

有时,适当使用表示时间、条件、因果、并列、转折等意义的连词或副词,能使句与句之间更加通顺连贯,文章结构更加紧凑。例如范例二中,使用after引导的时间状语从句使上下文衔接更加自然:"After we make it to the peak you can expect a picnic where home-made snacks will satisfy your stomach。"




《新题型03 应用文写作考纲解读、解题技巧-备考2018年浙江高考英语新题型解读 含解析 精品.doc》
