
发布时间:2018-06-30 17:12:20   来源:文档文库   

1,路考前,车辆安全检查,考官会让你坐在车里,考官在车外指示你打转向灯Left/right indicator和刹车灯 step on the brake
2.考官坐在副驾驶,开始念经(Today we will be going for a short drive. I will be giving you direction to turn. We will be doing two or three manoeuvres, a kerb side stop, (a reverse park, three point turn / angle park). If you have any questions, please ask me now. If you are not sure during the test what I have said, please ask for clarification. Are you ready to commence driving?
3转弯指令就不说了,可能会是we turn left/right at next street/at traffic lights/at the end of this street
4当路况允许,考官会让你做路边停车(kerb side stop), 考官会下指令 We will be doing a kerb side stop. Please pull over to the kerb and park the car. Secure the car as if you are going to leave it and swith off the motor (engine). 你停好车后,考官会说When you are ready, please restart the car and continue driving along the street
当要求你做3点掉头或U掉头时,考官会说We will be doing  3 point turn. Please pull over to the kerb and stop. 当车停下时,会说When you are ready, please make a 3 point turn( or U turn) without using any driveways. Then continue driving down the street.

当要求你做停车时,会说 we will be doing reverse park(parallel reverse park) or angle park. Please( park this side/behind)that parked car in a suitable position. Please tell me when you have finieshed parking the car. 注意,考官不会对你的停车过程或结果做任何评价。当你停好后,会说When you are ready, please continue driving down the street. 如果,停车时考官选择让你在driveway 旁停车,会说Please disregard the driveway. 

Turn left at the next street 注意提前看中镜,打左灯,边镜、盲点,并且减速,不要错过路口。 

Turn right at the next street 

Turn left/right at the end of the road路的尽头处左/右转 注意是到路的尽头处再转,而不是下个路口。 

Turn left/right at the traffic light 下个红绿灯路口左/右转 注意是交通灯处转弯,不是下个路口。 

At the roundabout turn left/right/go straight 转弯前需要先看镜子,打灯,边镜、盲点,让行。如果是双车道的环岛,直行离开环岛时也需要打左灯。

Follow the road 通常使用这个指令时是在弯路上,顺着路前进即可,如果路上有岔路口,不要转进去。

Pull over and stop at the kerb 安全的时候将车停靠在路边。看镜子,打左灯,边镜、盲点,减速左靠路边停下,然后拉手刹,挂P档,灭左灯,熄火。 When safe continue driving 记得松手刹,看镜子,打右灯,看两边镜子和盲点。

Use the red car to do a reverse parallel parking

Find a safe place and do a three point turn  

Move to the left/right lane when safe 安全的时候换道到左/右侧车道。看镜子,打灯,边镜、盲点。 

Move to the far left/right lane when safe 安全的时候换道至最左/右侧的车道。 

Turn right using/from the left lane 请使用左侧的车道右转。仔细看地上的转弯箭头,通常这种情况会有两个可以右转的道,使用左边那个进行右转,转弯过程中不要跨线。 

Turn left into the right/second lane 左转后进入右边/左数第二条道。 

Turn right from the left lane into the far left lane 

使用左侧右转道进行右转,转后进入最左侧的车道 指令较为复杂,最好事先将考试路线练熟。 

Washers + Wipers 洗镜水 +雨刷器(扫水器) 
Front Demister(s) + Fan 前暖风 + 风扇 

Handbrake 手刹 
Horn/ Beep the Horn喇叭 

Rear Demister /Back Window Demister 后窗暖气

Seatbelt 安全带
Indicator Left左转向灯 Indicator –Right右转向灯 

Left signal 或者 Left indicator

Right signal 或者 Right indicator
Brake Lights 刹车灯 Foot on brake
Hazard Light 危险信号灯(双蹦灯)

 Emergency Hazard Lights危险信号灯(双蹦灯)

Head Lights 前大灯 /Low Beam车头近光灯

High Beam车头远光灯

At Vicroads Exit

Move to XXX lane 或者Change to XXX lane 变道

Pull over to the kerb 或者 Stop the car to the kerb

Pull away from kerb 或者 Move off起步

Go straight ahead

01. Turn Right/Turn Left/Go Straight/Roundabout

02. If safe move to the Right Lane/Left Lane

03. Stay this lane
04. Make the car Safe
05. Check the control
06. Follow the Road Signs路标驾驶 
07. Reverse Parking/ Reverse parallel parking

08. Mirror/Signal/Blind Spot (Head Check)

09. At the Traffic Light Turn Right/Turn Left

10. Next Street Turn Right/Turn Left

11. The end Street Turn Right / Turn Left
12. Second Street Turn Right / Turn Left

13. Three Point U-turn /Three Point turn
14. Angle Parking
15. Straight Reverse 20M
16. Move to the Far Right Lane 
17. Gross the Railway Line
19.Use The White Car To do a Reverse Parking   
20.Find a Safe Place and do a Three Point Turn   
21.Pull over and Stop at the Kerb 

22.Move off When safe continue driving

23.At the Traffic Light Turn Right From the Left turninglane and finish into the far Left lane   在交通灯处右转,从左侧转弯车道往右转,结束时进入最左侧车道
24.At the Traffic Light Turn Right From the Rightturninglane  

25.End of the court turn around 

26.At the roundabout do a U-turn 

27.follow the Road Turn Right  顺着路右

When you ready, you can move to the exit.

At Vicroads exit, we turn left

At next street, we turn left

At next street, we turn left into left lane.

We turn right from middle lane and into middle lane

At Second Street, we turn left

At the end of this street, we turn left.

At next roundabout, we turn left.

At next traffic lights, we turn left

When safe, we move to left lane.

When safe, pull over to the kerb and stop the car

When safe, pull away from kerb and move off.

When safe, find a place do the three points.

Would you please do reverse parking behind that car.

We do a U-turn


