
发布时间:2020-04-04 22:09:40   来源:文档文库   




    I had stopped to get gas at a place where I almost never go. I had 1  about cleaning my windshield (挡风玻璃). But then when the gas 2  was almost finished, I decided for some reason to 3  and clean it. That's what I was doing when a woman approached me and asked for 4 .

    There were two women, one middle aged, the other twenty-something, 5  a young child in the back seat. On a day when the temperature was well past 100, they were 6  in an old car with no air conditioning, driving from a town about an hour away.

    "Can you tell us how to get to Mopac, sir?" She had a folded-up printout of directions from Google maps. "Sure. Where on Mopac are you 7 ?" I asked. She unfolded the printout and showed me the 8 . I knew it well, and started to get the 9  that this moment was meant to happen. "I know 10  where that is." I told her. "I used to have a(n) 11  in that building to work in."

    I 12  giving directions to the older lady, and then again to her 13 , who was the driver. It took a while, because I 14  each instruction to make sure they understood. In a sincere moment of 15 , the older lady thanked me.

    The whole 16  helped me much more than it helped her. I had been having a very 17  day. In fact, the only reason I had gone to that particular gas station was that I wanted to take a little drive and 18  my head.

    As I replaced the gas cap, having sent them on their way, I suddenly 19  that I felt better. My head was clear. And I am 20  for the real goodness it brought into my life.

1. A. cared

B. hesitated

C. worried

D. complained

2. A. making

B. leaking

C. burning

D. pumping

3. A. go ahead

B. give up

C. set off

D. hurry up

4. A. gas

B. coins

C. directions

D. food

5. A. upon

B. with

C. except

D. beyond

6. A. starving

B. sheltering

C. traveling

D. hiding

7. A. lost

B. arranged

C. located

D. headed

8. A. distance

B. line

C. sign

D. address

9. A. feeling

B. evidence

C. reward

D. pleasure

10. A. generally

B. exactly

C. wholly

D. personally

11. A. destination

B. field

C. office

D. apartment

12. A. thought of

B. put off

C. turned to

D. ended up

13. A. companion

B. passenger

C. helper

D. colleague

14. A. explained

B. repeated

C. demonstrated

D. recalled

15. A. silence

B. coldness

C. appreciation

D. embarrassment

16. A. situation

B. accident

C. conversation

D. incident

17. A. meaningful

B. fortunate

C. important

D. difficult

18. A. clear

B. empty

C. cover

D. turn

19. A. understood

B. realized

C. acknowledged

D. assume

20. A. anxious

B. fit

C. ready

D. grateful

【答案】 1B;(2D;(3A;(4C;(5B;(6C;(7D;(8D;(9A;(10B;(11C;(12D;(13A;(14B;(15C;(16D;(17D;(18A;(19B;(20D


1)考查动词。A. cared“关心B. hesitated“犹豫C. worried“担忧D. complained“抱怨。根据下文“I decided for some reason to   3   and clean it”可知,作者最后同意擦挡风玻璃可知,作者起初犹豫要不要擦玻璃,故选B

2)考查动词。A. making“制作B. leaking“泄漏C. burning“燃烧D. pumping“输入。作者去加油站就是为了加油,故选D

3)考查动词短语。A. go ahead“继续B. give up“放弃C. set off“出发D. hurry up“赶紧。根据本句“clean it”可知,作者最后同意了擦玻璃,故选A

4)考查名词。A. gas“汽油B. coins“硬币C. directions“指导,方向D. food“食物。根据下文“Can you tell us how to get to Mopac, sir”可知,这位女士向作者问路,故选C

5)考查介词。A. upon“.......,在......上面B. with“C. except“除了......”D. beyond“超过,超出。本句为with的复合结构with+名词+介词短语,表示后座坐着一个小男孩,故选B

6)考查动词。A. starving“挨饿B. sheltering“庇护,躲避C. traveling“旅行D. hiding“隐藏。两位女士带着孩子在高温天气中,开着没有空调的旧车前行,故选C

7)考查动词。A. lost“丢失B. arranged“安排C. located“位于D. headed“前进。作者问女子要去Mopac的哪个地方,故选D

8)考查名词。A. distance“距离B. line“线C. sign“迹象,标志D. address“地址。女子在地图上把地址指给了作者看,故选D

9)考查名词。A. feeling“感觉B. evidence“证据C. reward“回报D. pleasure“乐趣。根据下文“this moment was meant to happen.”可知,作者感觉这是注定要发生的,故选A

10)考查副词。A. generally“一般地B. exactly“确切地C. wholly“完全D. personally“个人地。根据下文“I used to have a(n)   11   in that building to work in.”可知,作者在那个地方工作过,故很准确地知道这个地方,故选B

11)考查名词。A. destination“目的地B. field“领域,田野C. office“办公室D. apartment“公寓。根据“building to work in”可知,在那栋的建筑里有一间办公室,故选C

12)考查动词短语。A. thought of“思考B. put off“推迟C. turned to“转向,求助于D. ended up“结束。作者最后告诉了她们所去的方向,故选D

13)考查名词。A. companion“伴侣B. passenger“乘客C. helper“助手D. colleague“同事。根据下文“who was the driver.”可知,作者还把方向告诉给了老人的伙伴,故选A

14)考查动词。A. explained“解释B. repeated“重复C. demonstrated“证明D. recalled“回忆。根据“to make sure they understood.”可知,为了确保他们能够理解,重复了每条指示,故选B

15)考查名词。A. silence“沉默B. coldness“冷漠C. appreciation“感激D. embarrassment“尴尬。根据下文“the older lady thanked me”可知,他们对作者表示了感谢,故选C

16)考查名词。A. situation“情形B. accident“事故C. conversation“对话D. incident“事件。根据上文可知,作者帮助了两个女性这件事情帮助了作者,故选D

17)考查形容词。A. meaningful“有意义的B. fortunate“幸运的C. important“重要的D. difficult“困难的。根据下文“I felt better”可知,作者当时处于艰难时刻,故选D

18)考查动词。A. clear“使清晰B. empty“变空C. cover“包含D. turn“转向。根据下文“My head was clear.”可知,作者去加油站是为了清醒头脑,故选A

19)考查动词。A. understood“理解B. realized“意识到C. acknowledged“致谢D. assume“假设。根据下文“My head was clear.”可知,作者头脑清晰了很多,意识到很多,故选B

20)考查形容词。A. anxious“焦虑的B. fit“健康的,适合的C. ready“准备好了的D. grateful“感激的。根据上文“The whole   16   helped me much more than it helped her.”可知,这件事情对作者的帮助很大,因此表示感谢,故选D



    In a clean, clinical room, ray best friend was dying in my aims. His eyes, dark brown and trusting, would soon 1  forever. Heartbroken, I said, "Flash, you 2  so much happiness to me. I will do something good as a 3 ."

    Flash came into my 4  when I was nine. From the moment my parents brought this cute dog home, he 5  my family with joy.

    Then, 6  happened. My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 11. Then my grandma, who was my 7 , passed away. My sister developed Crohn's Disease and while being tested, 8  a heart attack. I was being bullied at school and started to 9  classes and avoid seeing people.

    Flash soon gave me all the 10  he could offer. There were times when I felt there was no  11 , but a pair of brown eyes and loving face would somehow ease me. I knew he was 12  there for me. I knew he understood.

    Now after 15 years, Flash was 13 . I thought doing charity work was the best reward for him. I 14  in a non-profit organization in Southampton and contributed about 3,500 hours to 15  children with special needs, which completely changed my life. I learned to love the 16  I had been on, and even accept the 17  bits.

    I still miss Flash. It was him that had somehow 18  me to helping others. Flash's death was one of the 19  moments of my life. But it was also an inspiring moment that 20  who I was-in the best possible way-forever.

1. A. open

B. close

C. shine

D. fade

2. A. brought

B. told

C. saved

D. owed

3. A. relief

B. chance

C. bonus

D. reward

4. A. mind

B. room

C. world

D. power

5. A. helped

B. filled

C. protected

D. decorated

6. A. disasters

B. stories

C. wonders

D. mistakes

7. A. burden

B. trouble

C. strength

D. challenge

8. A. caused

B. noticed

C. fought

D. suffered

9. A. skip

B. give

C. take

D. enjoy

10. A. comment

B. comfort

C. expectation

D. relaxation

11. A. hope

B. time

C. money

D. use

12. A. frequently

B. sometimes

C. hardly

D. always

13. A. aging

B. gone

C. missing

D. deserted

14. A. searched

B. competed

C. volunteered

D. performed

15. A. attending to

B. meeting with

C. talking about

D. bringing up

16. A. earth

B. journey

C. holiday

D. street

17. A. fantastic

B. absurd

C. hard

D. pleasant

18. A. led

B. forced

C. trained

D. persuaded

19. A. fullest

B. craziest

C. tiniest

D. saddest

20. A. explained

B. transformed

C. admitted

D. described

【答案】 1B;(2A;(3D;(4C;(5B;(6A;(7C;(8D;(9A;(10B;(11A;(12D;(13B;(14C;(15A;(16B;(17C;(18A;(19D;(20B


1)考查动词。A. open“打开B. close“关闭C. shine“照耀D. fade“褪色。他那深褐色的眼睛充满了信任,很快就会永远闭上了。故选B

2)考查动词。A. brought“带来B. told“告诉C. saved“结束D. owed“。你给我带来了那么多的快乐。故选A

3)考查名词。A. relief“欣慰B. chance“机会C. bonus“红利D. reward“报答。根据上文“I said, ‘Flash, you   2   so much happiness to me.’"可知,我会做些好事作为回报。故选D

4)考查名词。A. mind“想法B. room“房间C. world“世界D. power“力量Flash在我九岁的时候进入了我的世界。故选C

5)考查动词。A. helped“帮助B. filled“充满C. protected“保护D. decorated“装饰。从我父母把这只可爱的狗带回家的那一刻起,它就让我的家人充满了快乐。故选B

6)考查名词。A. disasters“灾难B. stories“故事C. wonders“奇迹D. mistakes“错误。根据下文“My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 11.”可知,然后,灾难发生了。故选A

7)考查名词。A. burden“负担B. trouble“麻烦C. strength“力量D. challenge“挑战。然后,给以我力量的奶奶,去世了。故选C

8)考查动词。A. caused“引起B. noticed“注意C. fought“斗争D. suffered“遭受,患。我姐姐患上了克罗恩病,在接受检查时心脏病发作。故选D

9)考查动词。A. skip“略过,逃离B. give“给予C. take“带来D. enjoy“喜欢。根据“and avoid seeing people.”可知,我在学校被欺负,开始逃课,不愿见人。故选A

10)考查名词。A. comment“评论B. comfort“安慰C. expectation“期望D. relaxation“放松Flash很快就给了我所有他能给我的安慰。故选B

11)考查名词。A. hope“希望B. time“时间C. money“金钱D. use“使用。根据“but a pair of brown eyes and loving face would somehow ease me.”可知,有时候我觉得没有希望了,但是一双棕色的眼睛和一张充满爱意的脸会让我放松下来。故选A

12)考查副词。A. frequently“频繁地B. sometimes“有时C. hardly“几乎不D. always“总是。我知道他总是在我身边。故选D

13)考查动词。A. aging“变老B. gone“消失C. missing“失去D. deserted“遗弃15年后的今天,Flash消失了。故选B

14)考查动词。A. searched“寻找B. competed“竞争C. volunteered“自愿D. performed“表现。根据“I thought doing charity work was the best reward for him.”可知,我在南安普敦的一个非盈利组织做志愿者。故选C

15)考查动词短语。A. attending to“照料B. meeting with“碰见C. talking about“谈论D. bringing up“养育。为照顾有特殊需要的儿童贡献了大约3500个小时,这完全改变了我的生活。故选A

16)考查名词。A. earth“地球B. journey“旅程C. holiday“假日D. street“大街。我学会了热爱我所经历的旅程。故选B

17)考查形容词。A. fantastic“极好的B. absurd“荒唐的C. hard“困难的D. pleasant“令人愉快的。甚至接受那些艰难的部分。故选C

18)考查动词。A. led“引导B. forced“强迫C. trained“训练D. persuaded“劝服。正是他,不知怎么地就引导了我去帮助别人。故选A

19)考查形容词。A. fullest“最满的B. craziest“最疯狂的C. tiniest“极小的D. saddest“最难过的Flash的死是我一生中最悲伤的时刻之一。故选D

20)考查动词。A. explained“解释B. transformed“改变C. admitted“承认D. described“描绘。但这也是一个鼓舞人心的时刻,它以最好的方式永远改变了我。故选B



    As a kid, I loved everything about school. I loved books, 1 , tests and homework. Most of all I longed to someday march down the aisle (通道) to receive my 2 .That seemed more attractive even than getting married. But at 15, I had to 3 because my parents couldn't 4 my school education. My hope of getting a diploma was dead.

    Pretty soon, I married. I had three children, and I thought: "There 5 my diploma."

    Even so, I wanted my children to be educated. But Linda, our youngest child, had juvenile arthritis (幼年型关节炎) in her 6 and knees, which made it 7 for her to function (活动) in a normal classroom.

    One day, I saw an ad in the newspaper for evening courses.

    "That's the answer," I said to myself. Linda always felt 8 in the evening, so I would just sign her up for night schoo1.

    Linda was busy 9 out enrollment (入学) forms when the secretary said, "Mrs. Schantz, why don't you come back to 10 ?"

    I 11 , “There's no way! I'm 55!”

    12  he insisted, and before I knew what I had done, I was enrolled for classes in English and crafts. “This is only an experiment,” I 13  him, but he just smiled. To my surprise, both Linda and I thrived (茁壮成长) in evening school. I went back again the next semester, and my grades 14  improved.

    It was 15  going to school again, but it was no game. Sitting in a class full of kids was embarrassing, 16  most of them were respectful and encouraging. During the day, I still had loads of housework to do. But when I was down, Linda encouraged me. “Mom, you can't 17  now!” And when she was down, I 18 her. Together we saw it through. At last, I got my diploma. 19  , my classmates all voted for me to be class speaker, and I got a $ 3, 000 college scholarship.

    Yes, Mom, I was late for school, but I got there 20  .

1. A. parents

B. teachers

C. trees

D. flowers

2. A. job

B. present

C. prize

D. diploma

3. A. drop out

B. watch out

C. keep out

D. find out

4. A. cost

B. afford

C. spend

D. buy

5. A. exists

B. comes

C. goes

D. lies

6. A. hands

B. head

C. throat

D. stomach

7. A. 1ikely

B. convenient

C. awful

D. impossible

8. A. worse

B. excited

C. better

D. exhausted

9. A. filling

B. giving

C. taking

D. sending

10. A. work

B. school

C. home

D. office

11. A. 1aughed

B. told

C. cried

D. shouted

12. A. And

B. But

C. Although

D. So

13. A. informed

B. asked

C. comforted

D. warned

14. A. regularly

B. rarely

C. gradually

D. normally

15. A. frightening

B. moving

C. amusing

D. exciting

16. A. as if

B. even if

C. in case

D. if only

17. A. continue

B. rest

C. abandon

D. hesitate

18. A. distracted

B. discouraged

C. cheered

D. defeated

19. A. To my surprise

B. To my satisfaction

C. To my regret

D. To my horror

20. A. completely

B. frequently

C. immediately

D. finally

【答案】 1B;(2D;(3A;(4B;(5C;(6A;(7D;(8C;(9A;(10B;(11A;(12B;(13D;(14C;(15D;(16B;(17C;(18C;(19A;(20D

【解析】【分析】本文一篇记叙文,Mrs Schantz小时候很喜欢上学,因为负担不起学费而辍学。她55岁时和女儿一起上夜校并获得了大学奖学金,最终实现自己小时候梦想。

1)考查名词。句意:作为小孩子,我喜欢关于学校的一切。我喜欢书,老师,考试和作业。A. parents“父母B. teachers“老师C. trees“树木    D. flowers“。作者喜欢的是和学校有关的,故选B

2)考查名词。句意:我渴望有一天大步走过通道拿到我的文凭。A. job“工作B. present“礼物C. prize“D. diploma“文凭,学历。根据下文,My hope of getting a diploma was dead.”可知作者希望获得文凭。故选D

3)考查动词短语。句意:但是在15岁的时候,我不得不辍学因为父母支付不起学费。A. drop out“辍学B. watch out“当心C. keep out“远离,避开D. find out“找出。下文说作者获得学历的梦想破灭了,有提到学费,可推断出父母付不起学费而辍学。故选A

4)考查动词。句意:但是在15岁的时候,我不得不辍学因为父母支付不起学费。A. cost “花费B. afford“负担得起C. spend“花费,度过    D. buy“购买can't /couldn't afford“负担不起,故选B

5)考查动词。句意:很快,我结婚了,有了三个孩子。我想我的文凭泡汤了。A. exists“存在” ,B. comes“ C. goes“ D. lies“躺,位于。作者辍学后,结婚生子,文凭没了。 there goes sth.固定短语,某事泡汤了。故选C

6)考查名词。句意:即使这样,我希望我的孩子们接受教育。但是我们的最小的孩子Linda手和膝盖部位患有幼年型关节炎。A. hands“B. head“C. throat“咽喉D. stomach“。根据上文幼年型关节炎可知,选A

7)考查形容词。句意:但是我们的最小的孩子Linda手和膝盖部位患有幼年型关节炎,这让她在正常学校的教室里活动是不可能的。A. likely “可能的   B. convenient“方便的    C. awful  “可怕的, 糟糕的,非常的,极坏的”  D. impossible“不可能的。因为琳达有幼年性关节炎,在正常学校的教室里活动是不可能的。故选D

8)考查形容词。句意:Linda晚上感觉要好很多,因此我要给她报名上夜校。A. worse“更糟糕的B. excited“激动的C. better“更好的D. exhausted“筋疲力尽的。根据下文“so I'll just sign her up for night school.”,我给她报名上夜校可知,琳达在晚上感觉要好很多。故选C

9)考查动词。句意:Linda正忙于填写表格,这时秘书说:Mrs. Schantz你为什么不回来上学呢? A. filling“填写B. giving“C. taking“带走D. sending“发送fill out forms固定短语,填写表格。故选A

10)考查名词。句意:Linda正忙于填写表格,这时秘书说:Mrs. Schantz你为什么不回来上学呢?A. work“工作B. school“学校C. home“D. office“办公室。根据上文可知,作者之前退学,未能完成学业,因此,秘书应该是建议作者返校完成自己的学业。故选B

11)考查动词。句意:我笑着说:这是不可能的,我都55了。A. laughed“大笑B. told“告诉C. cried“D. shouted“大喊。根据情境可知,作者应该是笑着说。故选A

12)考查连词。句意:但是他依然坚持,我还没意识到我做了什么,我已经报完名了。A. And“B. But“但是C. Although“尽管D. So“因此。根据上文可知,作者拒绝了夜校秘书的提议,但是他还是坚持,所以也报名了。故选B

13)考查动词。句意:我提醒他这只是个实验,他只是笑了笑。A. informed“告知B. asked“询问C. comforted“安慰D. warned“提醒,警告。根据语境可知做这个报名有点被迫的感觉,故选D

14)考查副词。句意:下个学期我又回来上学,我的成绩不断提高。A. regularly“定期地B. rarely“罕有地C. gradually“逐渐地D. normally“正常地。经过自己的努力作者的成绩应该是不断提高,下文也有提示。故选C

15)考查形容词。句意:再次上学还是很激动的,但是这不是玩游戏。A. frightening“令人震惊的    B. moving“令人感动的C. amusing“愉快的D. exciting“令人激动的。作者辍学几十年后再次上学应该是很激动,很兴奋。故选D

16)考查连词。句意:和一群孩子坐在一起还是挺尴尬的,尽管大多数人都尊重和鼓励我。A. as if“好像B. even if“即使,尽管C. in case“以防,万一D. if only“但愿。故选B

17)考查动词。句意:当我情绪低落的时候,Linda鼓励我:妈妈,你不能放弃。A. continue“继续B. rest“休息 C. abandon“放弃D. hesitate“犹豫。根据语境可知,女儿鼓励作者,故选C

18)考查动词。句意:当她情绪低落时,我鼓励她。A. distracted“使分心B. discouraged“使泄气C. cheered“鼓舞D. defeated“击败。根据上文可知作者和女儿互相鼓励。故选C

19)考查介词短语。句意:令我惊讶的是,全班同学一致同意选我做发言人,并且我获得了3000元的大学奖学金。A. To my surprise“令我惊讶的是    B. To my satisfaction“令我满意的是C. To my regret“令我后悔的事D. To my horror“令我恐惧的是。故选A

20)考查副词。句意:是的,妈妈,我上学晚了,但我最终还是到达了。A. completely“完全B. frequently“频繁地C. immediately“立刻D. finally“最终,最后。故选D



    My cousin is nine years old, a little bit fat and doesn't do really well at school. She is heavily 1 , and thus has developed some resistance and 2  towards adults, who usually don't put high hopes in her.

    Yesterday we went to an art 3  together. There were paintings from kids with disabilities. My little girl has a 4  eye, for the paintings she liked most were also the best of the show. She voluntarily helped to 5  the chairs and table for a sharing session, painted by herself alongside new friends while I attended the sharing, and also 6  helped me to get my bag from another room, 7  that doesn't happen often at home as she's usually 8  to her iPad.

    In the afternoon, we went to buy books together. I bought a book written by a mom 9  her journey with her autistic (自闭的) son. On the bus back home, I briefly 10  the book to my cousin, and to my surprise she was 11  interested. She kept asking me to tell more stories about the boy in the book who 12  with small things in life. Even when the subject strayed (偏离) elsewhere, she 13  hearing more about this boy. This is the first time I've seen her so interested in a 14 . Usually when she talks to me she describes events at school and at home without a 15  focus. I'm very 16  that the life of a 17  has found its way into this little girl's heart.

    I'm very thankful for the 18  of books, for the beauty that my cousin revealed to me, and for the time we had together. I 19  that I can keep seeing clearly the wonderful things in her, so that whenever the not-so-kind world puts her 20 , I can remind her how truly wonderful she has always been.

1. A. abused

B. adored

C. challenged

D. teased

2. A. satisfaction

B. dependence

C. distrust

D. appreciation

3. A. exhibition

B. performance

C. interview

D. course

4. A. curious

B. blind

C. doubtful

D. sharp

5. A. donate

B. rent

C. arrange

D. distribute

6. A. finally

B. unwillingly

C. cheerfully

D. secretly

7. A. anything

B. something

C. nothing

D. everything

8. A. adjusted

B. glued

C. admitted

D. opposed

9. A. beginning

B. advertising

C. recording

D. taking;

10. A. sent

B. lent

C. owed

D. introduced

11. A. nearly

B. hardly

C. slightly

D. truly

12. A. struggles

B. plays

C. deals

D. lives

13. A. insisted on

B. dreamed of

C. worried about

D. objected to

14. A. painting

B. journey

C. topic

D. title

15. A. simple

B. clear

C. natural

D. controversial

16. A. touched

B. discouraged

C. puzzled

D. disappointed

17. A. relative

B. stranger

C. traveler

D. passer-by

18. A. theme

B. content

C. characters

D. power

19. A. pray

B. suspect

C. agree

D. conclude

20. A. up

B. down

C. off

D. on

【答案】 1D;(2C;(3A;(4D;(5C;(6C;(7B;(8B;(9C;(10D;(11D;(12A;(13A;(14C;(15B;(16A;(17B;(18D;(19A;(20B


1)考查动词。A. abused“虐待B. adored“崇拜C. challenged“挑战D. teased“取笑。根据上文“a little bit fat and doesn't do really well at school”可知她有点胖,因此被人取笑。故选D

2)考查名词。句意:她对通常对她不抱太大希望的成年人产生了一些抵触和不信任。A. satisfaction“满意B. dependence“依赖C. distrust“不信任D. appreciation“欣赏。故选C

3)考查名词。A. exhibition“展览B. performance“表现C. interview“采访D. course“课程。根据下文“There were paintings from kids with disabilities.”可知是残疾儿童画作的艺术展览。故选A

4)考查形容词。A. curious“好奇的B. blind“瞎的C. doubtful“怀疑的D. sharp“锐利的,敏锐的。根据下文“the paintings she liked most were also the best of the show”她最喜欢的画也是展览中最好的可知堂妹的眼光非常敏锐。故选D

5)考查动词。A. donate“捐赠B. rent“出租C. arrange“安排D. distribute“分配。根据下文“the chairs and table for a sharing session”可知她自愿要去帮着安排桌椅。故选C

6)考查副词。句意:我参加分享会的时候,她和新朋友一起画画,还很高兴地帮我从另一个房间拿包。A. finally“最后B. unwillingly“不情愿地C. cheerfully“高兴地D. secretly“秘密地。故选C

7)考查代词。A. anything“任何事B. something“某事C. nothing“无事D. everything“每件事。此处指上文堂妹为我拿包这件事,故选B

8)考查动词。句意:这在家里是不常见的,因为她总是粘在iPad上。A. adjusted“调整B. glued“粘合C. admitted“承认D. opposed“反对be glued to固定短语,紧贴着;粘到,故选B

9)考查动词。句意:我买了一本由一位母亲写的书,记录了她和患有自闭症的儿子的旅程。A. beginning“开始B. advertising“打广告C. recording“记录D. taking“带走。故选C

10)考查动词。句意:在回家的公车上,我简要地把这本书介绍给我的堂妹。A. sent“B. lent“C. owed“亏欠D. introduced“介绍。故选D

11)考查副词。句意:让我惊讶的是,她真的感兴趣。A. nearly“差不多B. hardly“几乎不C. slightly“些微地D. truly“真实地。故选D

12)考查动词。句意:她一直让我多讲一些书中那个男孩的故事,他在生活中与小事斗争。A. struggles“挣扎,斗争B. plays“玩耍C. deals“处理D. lives“居住struggle with固定短语,……斗争,故选A

13)考查动词短语。句意:即使话题转移到别的地方,她也坚持要多听听这个男孩的情况。A. insisted on“坚持B. dreamed of“梦想C. worried about“担心D. objected to“反对。故选A

14)考查名词。句意:这是我第一次看到她对一个话题如此感兴趣。A. painting“绘画B. journey“旅行C. topic“话题D. title“标题。故选C

15)考查形容词。句意:通常,当她和我谈话时,她描述的是学校和家里发生的事情,没有明确的重点。A. simple“简单的B. clear“清楚的,明确的C. natural“自然的D. controversial“有争议的。故选B

16)考查形容词。句意:我感动于一个陌生人的生活进入了这个小女孩的内心。A. touched“感动的B. discouraged“灰心的C. puzzled“困惑的D. disappointed“失望的。故选A

17)考查名词。A. relative“亲戚B. stranger“陌生人C. traveler“旅行者D. passer-by“过路人。书中的人和作者他们并不认识,因此是陌生人。故选B

18)考查名词。句意:我非常感谢书籍的力量,我的表妹向我展示的美丽,以及我们在一起的时光。A. theme“主题B. content“目录C. characters“特性D. power“力量。故选D

19)考查动词。A. pray“祈祷B. suspect“怀疑C. agree“同意D. conclude“推断。根据下文“I can keep seeing clearly the wonderful things in her”可知作者是祈祷能一直看到她身上的美好之处。故选A

20)考查副词。句意:这样,每当这个不那么友善的世界让她失望时,我就能提醒她,她一直都是多么的棒。 put down固定短语,失望。故选B



The Cost of Dishonesty

    David began studying in Germany two years ago. The college was a little far from 1  he lived, so he had to take the 2  every day. This clever student soon found it was 3  to escape buying subway tickets, 4  he often went and returned without a ticket to 5  money. As a result, he had been caught with no 6  in the subway four times but he 7  took them to heart. He thought what he should pay more attention 8  was his study. He did work very hard in the last two years and graduated with 9  grades a month ago. Everyone, including David 10 , thought he would get a good job easily in Germany and have a bright 11 . He went to a big local company 12 . But to his surprise, he was not 13  given his chance for an interview! He then went to 14  famous company, only to receive the same treatment. When he was 15  a third time, he couldn't 16  telephoning the company to ask why they didn't 17  him. The answer was simple, "We don't offer jobs to 18  people in Germany!"

    Being dishonest may bring us something useful sometimes, but the truth will 19  sooner or later and the cost is high. So remember, 20  is the best policy (策略).

1. A. which

B. that

C. where

D. what

2. A. bus

B. car

C. plane

D. subway

3. A. easy

B. difficult

C. free

D. worth

4. A. or

B. so

C. and

D. but

5. A. waste

B. spend

C. save

D. cost

6. A. ticket

B. money

C. cost

D. pay

7. A. never

B. often

C. sometimes

D. always

8. A. for

B. in

C. into

D. to

9. A. interesting

B. disappointing

C. poor

D. amazing

10. A. him

B. himself

C. his

D. he

11. A. result

B. view

C. future

D. life

12. A. confidently

B. actively

C. sincerely

D. willingly

13. A. only

B. even

C. just

D. still

14. A. other

B. one

C. another

D. either

15. A. refused

B. accepted

C. doubted

D. requested

16. A. imagine

B. prefer

C. enjoy

D. help

17. A. command

B. want

C. recognize

D. vote

18. A. reliable

B. devoted

C. dishonest

D. lazy

19. A. give up

B. break in

C. come out

D. keep on

20. A. truth

B. honesty

C. dishonesty

D. principle

【答案】 1C;(2D;(3A;(4B;(5C;(6A;(7A;(8D;(9D;(10B;(11C;(12A;(13B;(14C;(15A;(16D;(17B;(18C;(19C;(20B



2)句意:所以他必须每天乘地铁。bus意为公交车;car意为小汽车;plane意为飞机;subway意为地铁。根据第三个空后面escape buying subway tickets可知David每天乘坐的是地铁,故选D






8)句意:他认为更多应该关注他的学习。pay attention to是固定短语,意为关注,注意,故选D








16)句意:当他被拒绝第三次的时候,他忍不住给公司打电话问他们为什么不想要他。couldn't help doing是固定搭配,表示忍不住做某事。imagine意为想象;prefer意为更喜欢;enjoy意为喜欢,享受,故选D



19)句意:不诚实可能有时候能带给我们一些有用的东西,但是真相早晚会出来,而且代价很高。give up意为放弃;break in 意为闯入;come out意为出来;keep on意为继续。真相应该是出来,故选C



6阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。

    Pamela Malhotra and her husband Anil K. Malhotra have spent the last 25 years buying abandoned agricultural land and reforesting it. They want to 1  the land to a bio-diverse rainforest for elephants, birds and other 2

    Now the couple 3  300 acres of land in Brahmagiri, India. They've spotted more than 300 kinds of birds as well as many 4  and threatened(受到威胁的)animal species. But, this was not the 5  in 1991 when Anil and Pamela came to this part of the country. "When I came here, it was a 6 . The owner wanted to sell because he couldn't grow coffee 7  anything else here," says Anil who worked in the real estate(房地产)and restaurant business in the US before moving to India. "For me and Pamela, this was what we were 8  all our life."

    The couple had a love for 9  from their childhood. When the Malhotras came to India, the pollution 10  them. "That was when we decided to 11  something to reclaim (开垦) the forests in India," says Anil. "We were not looking for money. Early on, we 12  that shortage of fresh water will be a 13  for India and the rest of the world. Acquisition, protection and reclamation of forested lands and wildlife habitat, where vital water sources have their origin, is the only way to 14  ourselves," explains Anil.

    They sold property (财产) they owned in America, bought the first 55 acres and began to grow a 15 . Soon, they bought the land nearby as well. "Many of the 16  considered their holdings 'wasteland' as very little grew on it and were 17  to get money," says Anil.

    Stopping poaching (偷猎) was a 18  and often the locals did not understand what this couple was doing, so it required a lot of talking to create 19 . They worked with the forest department to set up camera traps and keep poachers away. "There are times I have 20  with poachers. I was even in great danger once, "says Pamela. "I hope what we are doing now will make a difference to animals."

1. A. sell

B. return

C. move

D. offer

2. A. plants

B. producers

C. creatures

D. businessmen

3. A. needs

B. owns

C. collects

D. refuses

4. A. rare

B. common

C. beautiful

D. lazy

5. A. dream

B. design

C. land

D. scene

6. A. landmark

B. park

C. field

D. wasteland

7. A. and

B. or

C. as

D. but

8. A. seeking for

B. leaving for

C. giving up

D. looking after

9. A. culture

B. custom

C. nature

D. history

10. A. interested

B. satisfied

C. terrified

D. embarrassed

11. A. do

B. add

C. finish

D. drag

12. A. forgot

B. realized

C. ignored

D. required

13. A. comfort

B. success

C. concern

D. failure

14. A. lose

B. thank

C. damage

D. save

15. A. forest

B. plant

C. flower

D. grain

16. A. workers

B. fammers

C. officers

D. businessmen

17. A. happy

B. anxious

C. upset

D. free

18. A. enjoyment

B. request

C. challenge

D. order

19. A. conflict

B. development

C. disapproval

D. awareness

20. A. united

B. watched

C. worked

D. fought

【答案】 1B;(2C;(3B;(4A;(5D;(6D;(7B;(8A;(9C;(10C;(11A;(12B;(13C;(14D;(15A;(16B;(17A;(18C;(19D;(20D


1)句意:他们想把这片土地归还给大象、鸟类和其他生物赖以生存的生物多样性雨林。A. sell卖;B. return归还;C. move移动;D. offer提供。根据上句中Malhotra have spent the last 25 years buying abandoned agricultural land and reforesting it.(过去25年来,Malhotra一直在购买废弃的农业用地,并重新造林。)可知,收购废弃的土地,归还给大象、鸟类和其他生物。故选B

2)句意:他们想把这片土地归还给大象、鸟类和其他生物赖以生存的生物多样性雨林。A. plants植物;B. producers生产者;C. creatures生物;D. businessmen商人。根据for elephants, birds and other可知,此处指其他生物。故选C

3)句意:现在,这对夫妇在印度的婆罗门基里拥有300英亩的土地。A. needs需要;B. owns拥有;C. collects收集;D. refuses拒绝。这里应该指夫妇拥有土地。故选B

4)句意:他们发现了300多种鸟类以及许多珍稀濒危动物。A. rare罕见的;B. common共同的,普通的;C. beautiful美丽的;D. lazy懒惰的。濒危动物应该是罕见动物。故选A

5)句意:1991年,当阿尼尔和帕梅拉来到这个国家的这个地区时,情况并非如此。A. dream梦想;B. design设计;C. land陆地;D. scene场面,情景。这里指来到这个地区时的场面、情况。故选D。(6)句意:当我来到这里的时候,那是一片荒地。A. landmark地标;B. park公园;C. field领域;D. wasteland荒地。根据第一段第二句Malhotra have spent the last 25 years buying abandoned agricultural land and reforesting it.可知,这里指被遗弃的荒地。故选D

7)句意:店主想卖,因为他不能在这里种咖啡或其他东西。A. and和;B. or或者;C. as正如;D. but但。这里指一种选择关系。故选B

8)句意:对我和帕梅拉来说,这就是我们一生所追求的。A. seeking for寻找;B. leaving for去某地;C. giving up放弃;D. looking after照顾。这里指一生所追求的。故选A

9)句意:这对夫妇从小就热爱大自然。A. culture文化;B. custom风俗;C. nature自然;D. history历史。故选C

10)句意:当Malhotra夫妇来到印度时,污染使他们感到恐惧。A. interested感兴趣的;B. satisfied感到满意的;C. terrified恐惧的;D. embarrassed尴尬的。污染严重肯定会使人们感到恐惧。故选C。(11)句意:就在那时,我们决定做些什么来开垦印度的森林。A. do做;B. add添加;C. finish完成;D. drag拖拉。根据下文We were not looking for money.可知,他们决定做些事情来开垦印度的森林。故选A

12)句意:早些时候,我们意识到淡水短缺将是印度和世界其他地区的一个担忧。A. forgot忘记;B. realized意识到;C. ignored忽视;D. required需要。这里指很早就意识到淡水短缺,只是没有找到钱。故选B

13)句意:早些时候,我们意识到淡水短缺将是印度和世界其他地区的一个担忧。A. comfort舒适,安慰;B. success成功;C. concern担忧,关心;D. failure失败。缺少淡水当然是一个"担忧"。故选C。(14)句意:获得、保护和开垦森林土地和野生动物栖息地是拯救我们自己的唯一方法,因为它们是重要水源的来源。A. lose失去,丢失;B. thank感谢;C. damage损害;D. save挽救。获得、保护和开垦森林土地和野生动物栖息地是为了拯救自己。故选D

15)句意:他们卖掉了在美国拥有的房产,买下了最初的55英亩土地,开始种植森林。A. forest森林;B. plant植物;C. flower花;D. grain谷物。根据下文Soon, they bought the land nearby as well.可知,他们买地造林。故选A

16)句意:许多农民认为他们的土地是"荒地",因为土地上没有什么东西生长,他们很高兴能得到钱。A. workers工人;B. fammers农民;C. officers军官;D. businessmen商人。种地当然应该是"农民"。故选B

17)句意:许多农民认为他们的土地是"荒地",因为土地上没有什么东西生长,他们很高兴能得到钱。A. happy高兴的;B. anxious焦虑的;C. upset心烦的;D. free自由的。能得到钱,所以很高兴。故选A

18)句意:停止偷猎是一项挑战,当地人往往不明白这对夫妇在做什么,因此需要大量的交谈来提高意识。A. enjoyment享受,乐趣;B. request请求;C. challenge挑战;D. order命令。要提高人们停止偷猎的意识,所以这是一种挑战。故选C

19)句意:停止偷猎是一项挑战,当地人往往不明白这对夫妇在做什么,因此需要大量的交谈来提高意识。A. conflict冲突;B. development发展;C. disapproval不赞成;D. awareness意识。只有提高意识,才能停止偷猎。故选D

20)句意:我和偷猎者打过几次架。A. united使联合;B. watched观看;C. worked工作;D. fought战斗。阻止偷猎是一种挑战,所以Pamela和偷猎者打过架。故选D


7请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的ABCD 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    I thought I would never have a childthen a miracle happened.

    When I was only 29, doctors said I had too many 1 challenges to have a child. Meanwhile, my best friend Colleen was pregnant and she asked me to buy a changing table with her. Focusing on Colleen's good fortune helped distract (使分心) me from my 2 . In the shop, a babysuit with a crab (螃蟹) caught my eyes. The crab 3  childhood memories of my pretending to be Ariel from the Little Mermaid. If things were 4 , that crab would have made me laugh. Instead I said, "If I 5 had a son, I'd want him to have that. "Sarah, you have to get it," She said.

    I shook my head no. I didn't want a(n) 6 of what I couldn't have. My husband, John, and I had talked about 7 . But I worried we would get 8 .

    The next Sunday, we went to 9  There, I noticed a tiny baby in the arms of a woman. On his backside was the same 10  I had seen. My breath caught.

    I 11  to John and whispered, "That's the babysuit I was telling you about." He cocked his eyebrows. Throughout the service, I was totally 12  by the baby. I 13  to hold him. In the end, the priest (牧师) made an announcement. "The baby needs a 14 . If anyone is thinking about adoption, please see us afterwards."

    We 15  our phone numbers.

    That evening, the young mother, carrying the baby, came to our home. Before we sat down, I held her baby. He fit 16  in my arms.

    Twelve families had volunteered to adopt him. If she picked us, all she asked was that we let her be 17  in his life in some way. We agreed wholeheartedly.

    I never mentioned the crab babysuit. I wanted her to make her decision without being influenced by that 18  .

    The next morning my phone rang. "We picked you" was all I heard.

    Now our six-year-old son continues to be the best 19  thing that will ever happen to me. And that crab baby suit remains 20  folded in one of my dresser drawers, where I plan to hold on to itforever.

1. A. technical

B. medical

C. academic

D. economic

2. A. fear

B. sadness

C. satisfaction

D. amusement

3. A. led to

B. called up

C. brought out

D. added to

4. A. clear

B. common

C. serious

D. different

5. A. ever

B. still

C. even

D. then

6. A. image

B. souvenir

C. reminder

D. example

7. A. application

B. adjustment

C. arrangement

D. adoption

8. A. permitted

B. rejected

C. inspired

D. restricted

9. A. work

B. school

C. church

D. hospital

10. A. toy

B. crab

C. table

D. picture

11. A. waved

B. bent

C. turned

D. ran

12. A. moved

B. influenced

C. attracted

D. confused

13. A. longed

B. managed

C. hesitated

D. offered

14. A. home

B. room

C. friend

D. brother

15. A. got

B. left

C. picked

D. dialed

16. A. easily

B. perfectly

C. tightly

D. slightly

17. A. attended

B. directed

C. involved

D. interested

18. A. service

B. request

C. consequence

D. coincidence

19. A. unexpected

B. qualified

C. designed

D. unnoticed

20. A. partly

B. casually

C. neatly

D. loosely

【答案】 1B;(2B;(3B;(4D;(5A;(6C;(7D;(8B;(9C;(10B;(11C;(12C;(13A;(14A;(15B;(16B;(17C;(18D;(19A;(20C


1)句意:当我只有29岁的时候,医生说我有太多的医疗挑战而不能生孩子(准确地来说应该是生理方面的挑战)。A. technical科技的;B. medical医疗的;C. academic学术的;D. economic经济的。Medical意为医疗的,与医生相对应,符合常理,故选B

2)句意:关注于科琳的好运气帮助我从悲伤中分散注意力。A. fear害怕;B. sadness悲伤;C. satisfaction满意;D. amusement娱乐。我被告知无法生孩子,心情失落,而朋友的喜事转移了我的注意力。故选B

3)句意:螃蟹勾起了我儿时的回忆,我在《小美人鱼》中扮演爱丽儿。A.lead to导致;B.call up唤起、回忆;C.bring out出版、生产、使出现;D.add to添加。根据句意,故选B

4)句意:如果事情不是这样(是别的情况或者不同的情况),那只螃蟹会让我发笑。若我没发生不能生育这件事情,我会很开心。A. clear清晰的;B. common共同的;C. serious严重的;D. different不同的。故选D

5)句意:相反,我说:"如果我有个儿子,我希望他也有这个。" A. ever曾经;B. still仍然;C. even甚至;D. then当时。everif连用时,表示在任何时候;从来。故选A

6)句意:我不希望有东西在提醒我自己不能拥有什么东西。A. image图片;B. souvenir纪念品;C. reminder提醒的事物;D. example例子。这里 reminder意为提醒物,代指文中baby suit。故选C




9)句意:下周日,我们去了教堂。根据后面the priest (牧师)made an announcement可知我们去的是教堂。故选C

10)句意:在那里,我注意到一个小婴儿在一个女人的怀里。他的衣服背上是我曾经见过的螃蟹图案。根据下文That's the babysuit I was telling you about.可知婴儿穿的跟我上次见过的一样,就是a babysuit with a crab。因此是the same crab。故选B

11)句意:我转向约翰小声说:"那就是我告诉过你的连体服。" A. waved挥手;B. bent弯腰;C. turned,翻;D. ran 跑。turn to意为转向,符合句意,故选C

12)句意:在整个礼拜过程中,我完全被孩子吸引住了。A. moved感动;B. influenced影响;C. attracted吸引;D. confused使困惑。我因为孩子穿着那件熟悉的衣服而被吸引住了,以致于我后面想要领养他。故选C

13)句意:我渴望拥有他。A.long to do渴望;B.manage管理;C.hesitate犹豫;D.offer提供。我被孩子吸引住了,想要领养他。故选A


15)句意:我们留下电话号码了。那天晚上,年轻的母亲抱着孩子来到我们家。A. got得到;B. left留下;C. picked,拿;D. dialed拨电话。根据前面我渴望拥有这个孩子可知,我们有意想领养他,留下了电话号码,故选B

16)句意:在我们坐下来之前,我抱着她的孩子。他完美适合于我的怀抱。A. easily简单地;B. perfectly完全,完美地;C. tightly紧紧地;D. slightly轻微地。根据句意,故选B

17)句意:如果她选择了我们,她所要求的只是我们让她以某种方式参与他的生活。我们全心全意地同意。孩子的母亲想要以另一种方式参与孩子的生活。A. attended参加,照顾;B. directed直接;C. involved参与进来;D. interested感兴趣。故选C

18)句意:我从来没提到过蟹宝宝装。我想让她在不受巧合影响的情况下做出决定。A. service服务;B. request请求;C. consequence结果;D. coincidence巧合。这里巧合指孩子穿的衣服就是我之前见过并喜欢的螃蟹款式。故选D

19)句意:现在我们六岁的儿子仍然是我一生中最意想不到的事情。A. unexpected意想不到的;B. qualified有质量的;C. designed设计的;D. unnoticed没注意到的。我本以为自己这一生都不会有孩子,但一次偶然邂逅,我拥有了现在六岁的他。这是我从未想到的。故选A

20)句意:那件螃蟹婴儿装还整整齐齐地叠在我的梳妆台抽屉里,我打算永远留着它。A. partly部分地;B. casually随便地;C. neatly整齐地;D. loosely宽松地。我对那件衣服很重视。故选C



    I believe that life's toughest lessons are best learned through personal experience. Throughout my childhood, my grandmother 1  me with unconditional love but always stressed, "You're not 2  than anyone else, but you're just as good as anyone. Treat others with 3 , and you would earn respect 4 ."

    However, I never really 5  it until I was seventeen and got a summer job as a janitor. As I 6  floors and toilets, I watched people walk right by me and ignore my 7 . This made me feel angry and wonder why they treated me so poorly.

    When I 8  to my grandmother, she offered me some words of 9  and reminded me never to forget the feeling of being " 10 " and to do the best job, because it was still my work, in which I should take 11 . She added that it would make me a better man someday.

    Make me a better man someday? She must be 12 , I thought to myself. But I needed the job to 13  college and there were few other jobs available, 14  I bit my tongue and kept on working as best as I could for the 15  of the summer.

    Today, when asked what job helped prepare me to gain the 16  of a key university, I tell people it was my summer job cleaning restrooms that 17  me as a man and, down the road, as an educator.

    As you can see, 18  can only be understood by walking in a lot of different shoes. So I suggest students 19  of their comfort zones and get deeply involved in different work and community experience. It's essential for people to find 20  in every person, no matter who they are or what they do for a living.

1. A. provided

B. offered

C. gave

D. afforded

2. A. higher

B. more

C. better

D. lower

3. A. care

B. anger

C. patience

D. dignity

4. A. in order

B. in return

C. in advance

D. in need

5. A. worried

B. appreciated

C. admitted

D. understood

6. A. repaired

B. cleaned

C. swept

D. mopped

7. A. glance

B. commitment

C. instruction

D. presence

8. A. attended

B. suggested

C. complained

D. explained

9. A. belief

B. comfort

C. surprise

D. excitement

10. A. invisible

B. horrible

C. angry

D. poor

11. A. interest

B. pride

C. part

D. charge

12. A. joking

B. promising

C. misleading

D. outstanding

13. A. send for

B. go for

C. look for

D. pay for

14. A. or

B. however

C. so

D. but

15. A. rest

B. time

C. heat

D. hope

16. A. friendship

B. leadership

C. relationship

D. hardship

17. A. served

B. viewed

C. shaped

D. treated

18. A. lessons

B. method

C. facts

D. theories

19. A. run out

B. drop out

C. give out

D. get out

20. A. secret

B. fault

C. value

D. way

【答案】 1A;(2C;(3D;(4B;(5D;(6B;(7D;(8C;(9B;(10A;(11B;(12A;(13D;(14C;(15A;(16B;(17C;(18A;(19D;(20C


1)考查动词。句意:在我的整个童年,我的祖母提供给了我无条件的爱,但总是有压力。A. provided”提供B. offered”提供C. gave”给予D. afforded”付的起。结合下文”me with unconditional love“可知是指作者的祖母提供给了作者无条件的爱,provide sb. with sth.固定短语,给提供某人某物。故选A

2)考查形容词。句意:你并不比别人好,但你和别人一样好。A. higher”更高的B. more”更多的C. better”更好的D. lower”更低的。根据下文”but you're just as good as anyone“可知你并不比别人好,但你和别人一样好。故选C

3)考查名词。句意:尊重别人,你也会得到别人的尊重。A. care”关心B. anger”愤怒C. patience”耐心D. dignity”尊严。根据下文”you would earn respect“可知是有尊严地对待别人。故选D

4)考查介词短语。句意:尊重别人,你也会得到别人的尊重。A. in order”整齐B. in return”作为报答C. in advance”提前D. in need”在穷困中的。你尊重别人,自然别人也会对你报以尊重。故选B

5)考查动词。句意:然而,直到17岁那年,我找到了一份暑期清洁工的工作,才真正明白了这一点。A. worried”担心B. appreciated”欣赏C. admitted”承认D. understood”明白。根据最后一段中的”can only be understood by walking in a lot of different shoes“可知此处是真正明白了奶奶的话。故选D

6)考查动词。句意:当我在打扫地面和厕所时,我注意到人们从我身边走过,无视我的存在。A. repaired”修理B. cleaned”打扫C. swept”扫除D. mopped”拖地。作者的工作是清洁工,因此选词要与之相对应。根据下文中的”my summer job cleaning restrooms“可知,选B

7)考查名词。句意:当我在打扫地面和厕所时,我注意到人们从我身边走过,无视我的存在。A. glance”瞥见B. commitment”承诺C. instruction”指令D. presence”存在。根据上文”I watched people walk right by me and ignore my“可知人们从我身边走过,无视我的存在。故选D

8)考查动词。句意:当我向奶奶抱怨时,她安慰了我几句,并提醒我永远不要忘记被忽视的感觉,要做最好的工作,因为这仍然是我的工作,我应该感到自豪。A. attended”参加B. suggested”建议C. complained”抱怨D. explained”解释。上文提到作者在工作中被人忽视,此处应该是向奶奶抱怨,故选C

9)考查名词。句意:当我向奶奶抱怨时,她安慰了我几句,并提醒我永远不要忘记被忽视的感觉,要做最好的工作,因为这仍然是我的工作,我应该感到自豪。A. belief”相信B. comfort”安慰C. surprise”惊奇D. excitement”兴奋。根据下文中奶奶说的话可知奶奶给了作者一些安慰和鼓励。故选B

10)考查形容词。句意:当我向奶奶抱怨时,她安慰了我几句,并提醒我永远不要忘记被忽视的感觉,要做最好的工作,因为这仍然是我的工作,我应该感到自豪。A. invisible”忽视,无形的B. horrible”可怕的C. angry”生气的D. poor”贫穷的。此处应该是承接上文中作者抱怨被忽视,根据语境选A

11)考查名词。句意:因为这仍然是我的工作,我应该为此感到自豪。A. interest”兴趣B. pride”自豪C. part”部分D. charge”费用。根据下文”She added that it would make me a better man someday.“可知奶奶补充说工作有一天会是我成为更好的人,因此我应该为自己的工作感到自豪。take pride in sth固定短语为某事感到自豪,故选B

12)考查动词。句意:我自言自语,她肯定是在开玩笑。A. joking”开玩笑的B. promising”有希望的C. misleading”误导的D. outstanding”杰出的。设空前一句是反问句,可知作者怀疑奶奶的观点,因此认为奶奶是在说笑话。根据语境选A

13)考查动词短语。句意:但是我需要这份工作来支付我的大学学费,而且几乎没有其他的工作可以做,所以我忍住不说话,在暑假剩下的时间里尽我最大的努力工作。A. send for”召唤B. go for”主张C. look for”寻找D. pay for”支付。根据语境可以推测作者暑假打工就是为了赚学费。故选D

14)考查连词。句意:但是我需要这份工作来支付我的大学学费,而且几乎没有其他的工作可以做,所以我忍住不说话,在暑假剩下的时间里尽我最大的努力工作。A. or”或者B. however”然而C. so”因此D. but”但是。根据句意可知,上下文之间是因果关系,故选C

15)考查动词。句意:但是我需要这份工作来支付我的大学学费,而且几乎没有其他的工作可以做,所以我忍住不说话,在暑假剩下的时间里尽我最大的努力工作。A. rest”剩余B. time”时间C. heat”热度D. hope”希望。根据上文可知作者为了赚取学费,只能咬牙坚持下来,做完暑假剩下时间里的工作。the rest of“剩余的,故选A

16)考查名词。句意:今天,当被问及是什么工作帮助我获得了一所重点大学的领导职位时,我告诉人们,是我的暑期打扫厕所的工作塑造了我作为一个男人的形象,并使我日后成为一名教育工作者。A. friendship”友谊B. leadership”领导能力C. relationship”关系D. hardship”困苦。根据下文中的educator可推测,作者现在应该是一个重点大学的领导。根据句意选B

17)考查动词。句意:今天,当被问及是什么工作帮助我获得了一所重点大学的领导职位时,我告诉人们,是我的暑期打扫厕所的工作塑造了我作为一个男人的形象,并使我日后成为一名教育工作者。A. served”服务B. viewed”观察C. shaped”塑造D. treated”对待。根据上文”I tell people it was my summer job cleaning restrooms that“可知是暑期打扫厕所的工作塑造了我作为一个男人的形象。故选C

18)考查名词。句意:正如你所见的,只有经历了不同的工作才能真正理解生活的教训。A. lessons”课程,教训B. method”方法C. facts”事实D. theories”理论。此处指只有经历了不同的工作才能真正理解生活的教训,此处与文章开头相呼应,根据”life's toughest lessons are best learned through personal experience“可知,选A

19)考查动词短语。句意:所以我建议同学们走出自己的舒适区,去涉足不同的工作体验不同的社会经历。A. run out”用完B. drop out”退出C. give out”分发D. get out”出去。作者一次艰难的打工经历让他领悟了生活的道理,因此他提出的建议应该与自己的经历有关。故选D

20)考查名词。句意:不管他们是谁,不管他们从事什么工作为生,发现每个人的价值非常重要。A. secret”秘密B. fault”错误C. value”价值D. way”方法。本句是对全文的总结,也是作者自己的感悟。根据语境选C



    Each of us fails from time to time. If we are wise, we accept these failures as a 1  part of the learning process. But all too often as parents and teachers we 2  this same right to our children. When I see a child 3  from this kind of pressure, I think of Donnie.

    Donnie was my youngest third-grader. His 4  of failure kept him from classroom games that other children enjoyed. He 5  answered questions — he was afraid he might be wrong. I tried my best to build his 6 . But nothing changed until midterm, when Mary Anne, a student teacher, was assigned to our classroom. She was young and pretty, and she loved children. My pupils, Donnie included, all 7  her very much.

    One morning, we were working on math problems at the chalkboard. Donnie had 8  the problems with pains-taking tidiness. Pleased with his progress, I 9  the children with Mary Anne and went for art materials. When I returned, Donnie was in 10 . He'd missed the third problem.

    My student teacher looked at me in despair.  Suddenly her face 11 . From the desk we shared, she got a container filled with pencils.

    "Look, Donnie," she said, kneeling beside him and gently 12  the tear-stained (弄脏的) face from his arms. "I've got something to 13  you." She removed the pencils, one at a time, and placed them on his desk.

    "See these 14 , Donnie," she continued. "They belong to Mrs. Lindstrom and me. See how the erasers are 15 ? That's because we make mistakes too. But we erase the mistakes and try again. That's what you 16  learn to do, too."

    She kissed him and stood up. "Here," she said, "I'll leave one of these pencils on 17  desk so you'll remember that everybody makes mistakes, 18  teachers." Donnie looked up with love in his eyes and a smile.

    The 19  became Donnie's prized possession. That, together with Mary Anne's frequent encouragement, gradually 20  him that it's all right to make mistakes — as long as you erase them and try again.

1. A. small

B. basic

C. necessary

D. large

2. A. give

B. disallow

C. offer

D. permit

3. A. come

B. take

C. fall

D. suffer

4. A. fear

B. lesson

C. chance

D. sense

5. A. always

B. often

C. never

D. seldom

6. A. self-protection

B. self-improvement

C. self-confidence

D. self-learning

7. A. respected

B. disliked

C. avoided

D. minded

8. A. worked out

B. written down

C. gone over

D. learned

9. A. left

B. offered

C. missed

D. parted

10. A. surprise

B. astonishment

C. anger

D. tears

11. A. darkened

B. brightened

C. pulled

D. loosened

12. A. lifting

B. picking

C. holding

D. pushing

13. A. help

B. show

C. reward

D. promise

14. A. pencils

B. mistakes

C. marks

D. containers

15. A. used

B. built

C. worn

D. damaged

16. A. may

B. must

C. ought

D. can

17. A. my

B. someone's

C. the teacher's

D. your

18. A. still

B. also

C. even

D. not

19. A. pencil

B. words

C. mistake

D. desk

20. A. warned

B. informed

C. persuaded

D. reminded

【答案】 1C;(2B;(3D;(4A;(5D;(6C;(7A;(8B;(9A;(10D;(11B;(12A;(13B;(14A;(15C;(16B;(17D;(18C;(19A;(20C


1)考查形容词。A. small“小的B. basic“基本的C. necessary“必要的D. large“巨大的。犯错误应该是人们学习过程中必要的部分。故选C

2)考查动词。A. give“B. disallow“不允许,不接受C. offer“提供D. permit“许可。大人有犯错误的权利,孩子也应该拥有同样的权利。而许多父母和老师不允许孩子犯错,故选B

3)考查动词。A. come“B. take“拿走C. fall“落下D. suffer“遭受。此处指看到孩子遭受这种压力,suffer from固定短语,遭受……痛苦。故选D

4)考查名词。A. fear“害怕B. lesson“功课C. chance“机会D. sense“感知。根据下文的Donnie的表现得出,Donnie害怕犯错误。故选A

5)考查副词。A. always“总是B. often“经常C. never“从来没有D. seldom“很少。根据上下文的逻辑关系得出,因为Donnie害怕犯错误,所以很少回答问题。故选D

6)考查名词。A. self-protection“自我保护B. self-improvement“自我改善C. self-confidence“自信D. self-learning“自主学习。作为老师,应该是尽力帮助建立他的自信。故选C

7)考查动词。A. respected“尊重B. disliked“不喜欢C. avoided“避开D. minded“介意。这位见习老师如此可爱,关爱学生,当然受到学生的尊敬。故选A

8)考查动词(短语)。A. worked out“工作出,制定出B. written down“记下C. gone over“复习D. learned“学习。从后面Donnie漏掉了第三题以及他数学判断能力不好,此处选抄下了数学题符合逻辑。故选B

9)考查动词。A. left“留下,离开B. offered“提供C. missed“错过,想念D. parted“分开Donnie的进步感到满意,因此把学生交给见习老师Mary Anneleave sb. with固定短语,把某人留给……”。故选A

10)考查名词。A. surprise“惊奇B. astonishment“惊讶C. anger“生气D. tears“眼泪。因为Donnie犯了错所以哭了。下文“ the tear-stained (弄脏的) face from his arms”Donnie泪流满面的提示。故选D

11)考查动词。A. darkened“变黑B. brightened“使闪亮C. pulled“D. loosened“使放松Mary Anne面庞一亮,说明她有了一个好主意。故选B

12)考查动词。A. lifting“举起,抬起B. picking“捡,采摘C. holding“持有,握住D. pushing“推,促进Mary Anne为了鼓励和安慰Donnie,轻轻地托起了他的头。故选A

13)考查动词。A. help“帮助B. show“展示C. reward“回报D. promise“许诺。从后面Mary Anne所做的动作判断,她想通过形象的方式向Donnie“展示犯错误是很自然的事情。故选B

14)考查名词。A. pencils “铅笔B. mistakes“错误C. marks“标记D. containers“容器Mary Anne以铅笔和橡皮为例说明犯错误的普遍性。下文“one of these pencils”给了提示,故选A

15)考查形容词。A. used“使用过的B. built“建造的C. worn “用旧的D. damaged“被损坏的。橡皮经常用来擦写错的东西,因此是磨损了。be worn破损讲。故选C


17)考查代词。从后面看Mary Anne把一支铅笔放在了Donnie的桌子上,给他以鼓励和启示。与you一致用your,故选D

18)考查副词。A. still“仍然B. also“C. even“甚至D. not“even表示程度更进一步,符合逻辑。甚至老师也经常犯错误。故选C

19)考查名词。A. pencil“铅笔B. words“单词C. mistake“错误D. desk“课桌Mary Anne留给Donnie铅笔的目的是鼓励他不惧怕犯错误,因此,这支铅笔就是被予以期望的物品。故选A

20)考查动词。A. warned“警告B. informed“告知C. persuaded“说服,劝说D. reminded“提醒Mary Anne通过形象、浅显的方式最终说服了Donnie,使他摆脱了害怕犯错误的心理阴影。故选C



    Christopher Garrett was an engineer with the U.S. Army's 10th Mountain Division. While serving in Afghanistan, Christopher was shot and 1 . He was hospitalized and then medically 2 .

    Christopher was 3  to be returning home to his wife, Brittany, and was looking forward to getting back to normal life. Soon, 4 , it became clear that "normal" was going to have a new 5 .

    Christopher's 6  made things difficult. Things that had once come 7  to him-like mowing the lawn (修剪草坪) — now seemed almost impossible. Even still, Christopher was 8  not to let his injuries get the best of him. Even though he only had an old-fashioned, non-motorized push mower, he 9  to go out and mow the yard, working through the 10  until the job was done.

    It was 11  for Brittany to watch her husband go through this pain. When she saw Christopher threw himself down on the ground in tears one day, she ran to him, thinking he was 12  an emotional breakdown. When she got out to the yard, however, she saw the 13  of Christopher's tears Sitting in the yard was a(n) 14  riding lawn mower. Attached was a note: "I hope this 15  time for the things that matter most in your life. Thank you for your 16  and for my freedom. A grateful American."

    Though the Garretts have no 17  who left the mower in their yard, it is clear a neighbor had seen Christopher 18  and wanted to help. That person may never know just how much the 19  meant to the Garretts, but for this couple it was life-changing.

    Christopher still has a long 20  ahead of him in the recovery process, but thanks to this generous stranger, the journey is now a little easier.

1. A. caught

B. wounded

C. trapped

D. killed

2. A. recovered

B. refused

C. retired

D. removed

3. A. fortunate

B. disappointed

C. happy

D. unwilling

4. A. though

B. therefore

C. meanwhile

D. instead

5. A. story

B. direction

C. result

D. meaning

6. A. disability

B. strength

C. fear

D. appearance

7. A. steadily

B. quickly

C. naturally

D. easily

8. A. forced

B. determined

C. astonished

D. persuade

9. A. continued

B. preferred

C. promised

D. intended

10. A. hunger

B. sorrow

C. pain

D. anger

11. A. embarrassing

B. unusual

C. annoying

D. difficult

12. A. suffering

B. imagining

C. overcoming

D. performing

13. A. source

B. outcome

C. purpose

D. power

14. A. special

B. ordinary

C. strange

D. new

15. A. takes

B. saves

C. occupies

D. leaves

16. A. honesty

B. service

C. kindness

D. attention

17. A. doubt

B. question

C. idea

D. way

18. A. searching

B. complaining

C. struggling

D. crying

19. A. note

B. gift

C. reward

D. solution

20. A. life

B. experience

C. wait

D. road

【答案】 1B;(2C;(3C;(4A;(5D;(6A;(7D;(8B;(9A;(10C;(11D;(12A;(13A;(14D;(15B;(16B;(17C;(18C;(19B;(20D


1)考查动词。A. caught“抓住B. wounded“使受伤C. trapped“诱捕D. killed“杀死。在阿富汗服役期间,克里斯托弗中枪受伤。故选B

2)考查动词。A. recovered“恢复B. refused“拒绝C. retired“退休D. removed“移除。他被送往医院,然后从医学角度他退休了。故选C

3)考查形容词。A. fortunate“幸运的B. disappointed“感到失望的C. happy“高兴的D. unwilling“不愿意的Christopher很高兴能回到妻子Brittany身边,并期待着回归正常生活。故选C

4)考查副词。A. though“然而B. therefore“因此C. meanwhile“与此同时D. instead“相反,反而。但很快,正常就有了新的含义。前后是一种转折关系。故选A

5)考查名词。A. story“故事B. direction“方向C. result“结果D. meaning“意义。但很快,正常就有了新的含义。故选D

6)考查名词。A. disability“残疾B. strength“力气,力量C. fear“害怕D. appearance“外貌,出现。但很快,正常就有了新的含义。故选A

7)考查副词。A. steadily“稳定地B. quickly“迅速地C. naturally“自然地D. easily“容易地。曾经对他来说很容易的事情——比如割草——现在看来几乎不可能了。故选D

8)考查动词。A. forced“强迫B. determined“决定C. astonished“使惊讶D. persuade“劝说。尽管如此,克里斯托弗还是下定决心不让自己的伤势压倒一切。故选B

9)考查动词。A. continued“继续B. preferred“更喜欢C. promised“许诺D. intended“打算。尽管他只有一台老式的 、非机动的推式割草机,但他还是继续出去割院子里的草,忍受着痛苦,直到割完为止。故选A

10)考查名词。A. hunger“饥饿B. sorrow“难过C. pain“疼痛D. anger“生气。尽管他只有一台老式的、非机动的推式割草机,但他还是继续出去割院子里的草,忍受着痛苦,直到割完为止。故选C

11)考查形容词。A. embarrassing“令人尴尬的B. unusual“不寻常的C. annoying“令人烦恼的D. difficult“困难的Brittany很难看到她的丈夫经历这种痛苦。故选D

12)考查动词。A. suffering“遭受B. imagining“想象C. overcoming“克服D. performing“表演。有一天,当她看到克里斯托弗泪流满面地倒在地上时,她跑向他,以为他情绪崩溃了。故选A

13)考查名词。A. source“来源B. outcome“结果C. purpose“目的D. power“力量。然而,当她走到院子里时,她看到克里斯托弗坐在院子里哭的原因是因为一台新的割草机。故选A

14)考查形容词。A. special“特殊的B. ordinary“普通的C. strange“奇怪的D. new“新的。然而,当她走到院子里时,她看到克里斯托弗坐在院子里哭的原因是因为一台新的割草机。故选D

15)考查动词。A. takes“拿走B. saves“挽救C. occupies“占领D. leaves“离开。我希望这能为你的生活中最重要的事情节省时间。故选B

16)考查名词。A. honesty“诚实B. service“服务C. kindness“善良D. attention“关注。谢谢你的服务和我的自由。感激美国。故选B

17)考查名词。A. doubt“怀疑B. question“问题C. idea“主意D. way“方法。虽然加勒特一家不知道是谁把割草机留在院子里的,但很明显,有个邻居看到克里斯托弗在挣扎,想帮忙。故选C

18)考查动词。A. searching“寻找B. complaining“抱怨C. struggling“挣扎D. crying“。虽然加勒特一家不知道是谁把割草机留在院子里的,但很明显,有个邻居看到克里斯托弗的痛苦,想帮忙。故选C

19)考查名词。A. note“便条B. gift“礼物C. reward“回报D. solution“解决方案。那个人可能永远都不知道这份礼物对加勒特一家有多重要,但对这对夫妇来说,它改变了他们的一生。故选B

20)考查动词。A. life“生活B. experience“经历C. wait“等待D. road“公路。克里斯托弗在恢复过程中还有很长的路要走,但是多亏了这个慷慨的陌生人,现在的旅程变得容易了一些。故选D



11Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

    In 1986, the drug company Johnson & Johnson was faced with a crisis. Several people had died after taking Tylenol(泰诺), a Johnson & Johnson product. The deaths were not the 1  of the company, but the work of a criminal who had put poison in some of the Tylenol capsules(胶囊). The criminal was later caught and punished, but 2  the deaths, people stopped buying Tylenol. The management of Johnson & Johnson realized that they had to act 3 and quickly to prevent serious consequences for the company. Within days, in fact, they 4  every Tylenol capsule in the United States to check for 5 . Soon afterword they also introduced "tamperproof" bottles to prevent future problems. Sales of Tylenol 6  again, and in the end, people felt that Johnson & Johnson had acted well.

    Not all companies respond to crisis as well as Johnson & Johnson. Some failed to realized the importance of acting responsibly and suffered a dramatic 7  in sales. Consumers no longer trusted the companies.

    The key to managing a crisis lies in the company's 8  reaction. If they recognize a problem immediately and take measures to deal with it, they are less likely to suffer long-term consequences. One example of a quick reaction was that of the Pepsi Company in 1992, when hypodermic syringes (皮下注射器)were found in several soda cans. In a short time, the company was able to prove that the syringes had nothing to do with the production process, and they also found the criminals who had put the syringes in the cans. 9 , they lost few customers. On the other hand, Wendy's fast-food company 10  millions of dollars in 2004 because it tried to deny bad news and did not act quickly enough.

1. A. feature

B. decision

C. fault

D. solution

2. A. in favor of

B. in response to

C. in return for

D. in honor of

3. A. decisively

B. happily

C. fortunately

D. readily

4. A. avoided

B. involved

C. recalled

D. practiced

5. A. changing

B. poisoning

C. abandoning

D. cheating

6. A. picked up

B. settled down

C. came out

D. hung out

7. A. effect

B. mistake

C. objection

D. drop

8. A. temporary

B. reverse

C. initial

D. conditional

9. A. In addition

B. As a result

C. For example

D. By contrast

10. A. lost

B. gathered

C. maintained

D. invested

【答案】 1C;(2B;(3A;(4C;(5B;(6A;(7D;(8C;(9B;(10A


1)考查名词。A. feature“特征B. decision“决定    C. fault“过错D. solution“解决办法。根据下文“of the company, but the work of a criminal who had put poison in some of the Tylenol capsules”可知,死亡事件不是强生公司的过错,而是一个罪犯在一些泰诺胶囊里下毒造成的,故选C

2)考查介词短语。A. in favor of“支持B. in response to“回应C. in return for“作为对……的报答D. in honor of“……致敬。根据下文“the deaths, people stopped buying Tylenol.”可知,作为对死亡事件的回应,人们不再购买泰诺,故选B

3)考查副词。A. decisively“果断地    B. happily“快乐地C. fortunately“幸运地D. readily“容易地。根据下文“and quickly to prevent serious consequences for the company.”可知,强生公司的管理层意识到必须果断而讯速地采取行动,防止给公司带来严重后果,故选A

4)考查动词。A. avoided“避免B. involved“牵涉C. recalled“召回D. practiced“练习。根据下文“every Tylenol capsule in the United States to check for ____5____.”可知,强生公司召回在美国的每一粒泰诺胶囊检查是否下毒,故选C

5)考查动词。A. changing“改变B. poisoning“下毒C. abandoning“放弃D. cheating“欺骗。上文说死亡事件是一个罪犯在一些泰诺胶囊里下毒造成的,所以强生公司召回在美国的每一粒泰诺胶囊检查是否下毒,故选B

6)考查动词短语。A. picked up“回升    B. settled down“安定下来    C. came out“出版D. hung out“挂断。根据下文“and in the end, people felt that Johnson & Johnson had acted well.”可知,人们认为强生表现得很好,由此可知,泰诺的销量再次回升,故选A

7)考查名词。A. effect“影响    B. mistake“错误C. objection“反对D. drop“下降。根据下文“Consumers no longer trusted the companies.”可知,消费者不再信任这些公司,由此可知,这些公司的销量大幅下降,故选D

8)考查形容词。A. temporary“临时的    B. reverse“相反的    C. initial“最初的    D. conditional“有条件的。根据上文“The key to managing a crisis lies in the company's”可知,解决危机的关键是公司的第一反应,故选C

9)考查介词短语。A. In addition“另外    B. As a result“结果C. For example“例如D. By contrast“相比之下。根据下文“they lost few customers.”可知,结果,他们失去的客户很少,故选B

10)考查动词。A. lost“失去B. gathered“收集C. maintained“维持D. invested“投资。根据下文“millions of dollars in 2004 because it tried to deny bad news and did not act quickly enough.”可知,Wendy快餐公司在2004年损失了数百万美元,因为它试图否认坏消息,而且行动也不够迅速,故选A


12阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(ABC D)中,选出可以填入空白。

    I grew up in a small town and the main entertainment(娱乐)was Friday night high school football. It was just a sleepy little town where parents wanted to raise their children away from crime and 1  of a big city, and where teenagers like me 2  leaving to find something bigger and better.

    All that changed one summer night. My friend Lisa, Martin and Tyler held a party for my eighteenth birthday at Lisa's house. 3  they kept handing alcohol to me I was pretty 4  . I asked Tyler to take me home. With some 5 , we made it out to his car and drove home. News came next morning. My friend Martin was 6  in a car accident. That night after Tyler and I left, Martin, who was 7  more drunk than me, got into his car and 8  towards the highway to go home. Driving on the wrong side of the road, he never saw the truck coming. The driver didn't see him 9  to avoid the car. They hit head on. Martin died immediately, and the driver was thrown 10  the truck windshield(挡风玻璃)and died a week later.

    Whenever I 11 back on that day, I can't help thinking that it was my 12  to drink so much that night. 13  things would be different. I know Martin 14  the choice to drink and drive that night, but a part of me will always feel 15  for what happened.

    I may not change the world with my story, but I do hope that by 16  my story I can make you 17  that you not only have a responsibility for yourself but also for others. Don't ever think that your choices are yours 18 . Every choice is like a stone dropped into 19 water—each ripple (涟漪) 20 someone who your choice affects. That's quite an influence, isn't it?

1. A. death

B. fashion

C. danger

D. challenge

2. A. succeeded in

B. agreed to

C. applied for

D. dreamed of

3. A. When

B. As

C. While

D. Although

4. A. lost

B. drunk

C. frozen

D. sleepy

5. A. difficulty

B. fun

C. hope

D. method

6. A. died

B. injured

C. killed

D. hurt

7. A. constantly

B. frequently

C. equally

D. clearly

8. A. fled

B. walked

C. pushed

D. headed

9. A. in time

B. in trouble

C. in danger

D. in place

10. A. above

B. below

C. through

D. into

11. A. turn

B. hold

C. get

D. look

12. A. desire

B. right

C. fault

D. chance

13. A. Meanwhile

B. However

C. Therefore

D. Otherwise

14. A. made

B. avoided

C. regretted

D. faced

15. A. guilty

B. disappointed

C. happy

D. embarrassed

16. A. remembering

B. sharing

C. declaring

D. stopping

17. A. explain

B. escape

C. realize

D. limit

18. A. alone

B. always

C. finally

D. perhaps

19. A. clean

B. still

C. deep

D. fresh

20. A. inspires

B. represents

C. attracts

D. benefits

【答案】 1C;(2D;(3B;(4B;(5A;(6C;(7D;(8D;(9A;(10C;(11D;(12C;(13D;(14A;(15A;(16B;(17C;(18A;(19B;(20B


1)考查名词。A. death“死亡B. fashion“时尚C. danger“危险D. challenge“挑战。此处指我家乡的父母们想让孩子们远离犯罪和大城市的危险。选C

2)考查动词短语。A. succeeded in“成功做某事B. agreed to“同意C. applied for“申请D. dreamed of“梦想。此处与上句形成对比,父母们不想让孩子们去大城市,而孩子们却梦想着离开家乡去更大更好的世界。故选D

3)考查连词。句意:随着他们不断地给我递酒我就喝多了。A. When“当时B. As“随着C. While “然而D. Although“尽管。此处表示随着是一个递进的过程,故选B

4)考查形容词。A. lost“迷失的B. drunk“喝多的C. frozen“冻僵的D. sleepy“困乏的。根据句意可知由于不断喝酒结果喝多了。故选B

5)考查名词。A. difficulty“困难B. fun“趣味C. hope“希望D. method“方法。此处指我喝多了,所以Tyler把我架上车有困难,故选A

6)考查动词。A. died“死亡B. injured“受伤C. killed“杀死D. hurt“伤害。此处指朋友Martin在车祸中死亡。下文叙述了事件的经过及Martin的死亡,故选C

7)考查副词。句意:Martin显然比我喝的还多。A. constantly“不断地B. frequently“频繁地C. equally“平等地D. clearly“显然地。根据下文描述看出他喝多了很明显,故选D

8)考查动词。A. fled“逃跑B. walked“C. pushed“D. headed“前进Martin进入车中径直开向高速回家。此处指他直接前进,故选D

9)考查介词短语。A. in time“及时B. in trouble“陷入困境C. in danger“处于危险中 D. in place“在适当的位置,准备妥当Martin走错了路没看见对面开来的卡车,卡车司机没看见他没能及时躲开。此处指两车及时躲开,故选A

10)考查介词。A. above“……上方B. below“……下方C. through“通过,穿过D. into“……里面,进入。此处指卡车司机通过挡风玻璃被甩出去,一周后死亡。根据句意及生活常识,选C

11)考查动词。A. turn“转到B. hold“拿着C. get“得到D. look“look back固定短语,回想,故选D.

12)考查名词。句意:我禁不住想那天晚上是我的过失和那么多酒。A. desire“愿望B. right“权利C. fault“过失D. chance“机会。此处表示作者自我责备,故选C

13)考查副词。句意:否则事情就会是不一样的结果。A. Meanwhile“与此同时B. However“然而C. Therefore“因此D. Otherwise“否则。表示与前面相反的结果。故选D

14)考查动词。A. made“制作B. avoided“避免C. regretted“后悔D. faced“面对make the choice固定短语,做决定,指那天Martin决定喝酒和开车,故选A

15)考查形容词。 A. guilty“内疚的B. disappointed“失望的C. sensitive“敏感的D. embarrassed“尴尬的。此处指我总是为那天发生的事感到内疚。选A

16)考查动词。句意:我的故事可能不能改变世界,但是我真的希望通过分享我的故事使你意识到你不仅对自己还对别人有责任。A. remembering“记住B. sharing“分享C. declaring“宣布D. stopping“停止。此处指把我的故事写出来与大家共享,故选B

17)考查动词。A. explain“解释B. escape“逃跑C. realize“意识到D. limit“限制。此处指我真的希望通过分享我的故事使你意识到你不仅对自己还对别人有责任。故选C

18)考查副词。A. alone“单独地B. merely“仅仅,只不过C. finally“最后D. perhaps“或许。不要以为你的决定就单独是你自己的事。其实许多时候还会涉及到别人。故选A

19)考查形容词。句意:每一个选择就像一块石头掉进了平静的水面。A. clean“干净的B. still“静止的,一动不动的C. deep“深的D. fresh“新鲜的。此处指平静的水,故选B

20)考查动词。A. inspires“鼓励B. represents“代表C. attracts“吸引D. benefits“收益。此处指石头在水中溅起的涟漪就代表你的决定影响到的人。选B.



    Devon Gallagher, a college graduate from Philadelphia, wants the world to know where she's been during her great worldwide vacation in a(n) 1 way.

    The traveler, who was 2  with a bone disease, had her right leg 3  at the age of four. 4  the amputation (截肢) caused hardships for Gallagher early on, she, at the age of 22 now, 5  it as an inspiration for making the 6  of her life.

    To spread that 7 , Gallagher has 8  to social media, 9  she shares photos of her travels across the world, but instead of 10  using a geotag (地理标签), she draws her location across her artificial leg before taking a picture.

    Now she has been taking pictures 11  Europe. “I get a new leg every two years and I can choose the design on it. One day I had a sudden 12  that my new leg could be used as a blackboard,” Gallagher said. “My mum and grandmother weren't too 13  the idea, but my friends thought it was great and told me to go for it, so I did.”

    Gallagher said people often stare when she's 14  on her leg, but once she shares the photos, she 15  only praise and encouragement. “My leg hasn't 16  me from doing anything I've wanted to do,” she said. “I don't know 17  it is my determination to prove to myself that I can do it, but anyhow, I've been able to 18  up with my peers and lead a pretty great life.”

    Gallagher shows us that you should never let anything stand in the 19  of your dream. And if you meet with an obstacle (障碍), get 20  with it— if life gives you an artificial leg, make art.

1. A. common

B. right

C. simple

D. special

2. A. born

B. charged

C. filled

D. linked

3. A. cured

B. treated

C. cut

D. kept

4. A. Unless

B. Although

C. Once

D. Since

5. A. considers

B. thinks

C. treats

D. looks

6. A. coolest

B. best

C. worst

D. fullest

7. A. evidence

B. news

C. message

D. schedule

8. A. applied

B. belonged

C. stuck

D. turned

9. A. which

B. that

C. as

D. where

10. A. simply

B. officially

C. enthusiastically

D. reasonably

11. A. across

B. through

C. about

D. for

12. A. attitude

B. thought

C. belief

D. opinion

13. A. curious about

B. fond of

C. patient with

D. afraid of

14. A. walking

B. reporting

C. writing

D. standing

15. A. accepts

B. takes

C. likes

D. receives

16. A. protected

B. preserved

C. stopped

D. defended

17. A. why

B. that

C. if

D. what

18. A. make

B. come

C. put

D. keep

19. A. way

B. corner

C. course

D. bottom

20. A. satisfied

B. creative

C. familiar

D. connected

【答案】 1D;(2A;(3C;(4B;(5A;(6B;(7C;(8D;(9D;(10A;(11A;(12B;(13B;(14C;(15D;(16C;(17C;(18D;(19A;(20B

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,Devon Gallagher是一位身残志坚的女孩,她以一种特殊的经历进行世界度假,并且鼓励他人。

1)考查形容词。A. common“普通的B. right“正确的C. simple“简单的D. special“特殊的。根据下文可知,Devon Gallagher 是以一种特殊的经历进行世界度假的。故选D

2)考查形容词。句意:这位旅行者,生来就患有骨病。A. born“天生的 B. charged“带电的C. filled“装满的D. linked“连接的。故选A

3)考查动词。A. cured“治愈B. treated“对待C. cut“切掉D. kept“保持。根据下文___4___ the amputation (截肢) caused hardships for Gallagher early on”可知Devon Gallagher的右腿被切掉了。 故选C

4)考查连词。句意:虽然截肢手术在早期给Gallagher带来了很多困难,但22岁的她认为这是让她更好地生活的一种激励。A. Unless“除非B. Although“尽管C. Once“一旦D. Since“自从。故选B

5)考查固定句型。句意:虽然截肢手术在早期给Gallagher带来了很多困难,但22岁的她认为这是让她更好地生活的一种激励。consider sb./sth+.(as)+形容词/名词,该句型是固定句型,故选A

6)考查形容词。句意:虽然截肢手术在早期给Gallagher带来了很多困难,但22岁的她认为这是让她更好地生活的一种激励。A. coolest“最酷的B. best“最好的 C. worst“最差的    D. fullest“最满的。故选B

7)考查名词。A. evidence“证据B. news“新闻C. message“信息D. schedule“时间表。句意:为了传播这一信息,Gallagher求助于社交媒体,在那里她分享自己在世界各地旅行的照片。故选C

8)考查动词短语。句意:为了传播这一信息,Gallagher求助于社交媒体,在那里她分享自己在世界各地旅行的照片。A. applied to“适用于B. belonged to“属于C. stuck to“坚持D. turned to“求助于。故选D

9)考查定语从句。______ she shares photos of her travels across the world, 是一个定语从句,先行词是social media ,关系词在从句中作地点状语,用关系副词where,故选D

10)考查副词。句意:但她并没有简单地使用地理标签,而是在拍照前在假腿上画出自己的位置。A. simply“简单地B. officially“官方地C. enthusiastically“热心地D. reasonably“合理地。故选A

11)考查介词。句意:现在她一直在欧洲各地拍照。A. across“横穿B. through“通过C. about“关于D. for“因为across通常指从物体表面穿过、横穿through则指从某一立体空间内部穿过、贯穿,故选A

12)考查名词。A. attitude“态度B. thought“想法C. belief“信仰D. opinion“观点。根据下文“My mum and grandmother weren't too ___13___ the idea”可知这里意思是一天,我突然有一个我的新腿可以当黑板用的想法。故选B。(13)考查动词短语。A. curious about“好奇B. fond of“喜欢    C. patient with“……有耐心D. afraid of“害怕。根据“but my friends thought it was great and told me to go for it, so I did.”可知这里意思是我的母亲和祖母不太喜欢这个想法。故选B

14)考查动词。A. walking“步行B. reporting“报告 C. writing“    D. standing“站立。根据“my new leg could be used as a blackboard”可知这里意思是Gallagher说,当她在腿上写字时,人们常常盯着她看。故选C

15)考查动词。句意:但是一旦她分享了这些照片,她只会得到赞扬和鼓励。A. accepts“接受B. takes“取走C. likes“喜欢D. receives“收到。故选D

16)考查动词。句意:我的腿没有阻止我做任何我想做的事。A. protected“保护B. preserved“保存C. stopped“阻止D. defended“防御。故选C


18)考查动词短语。句意:我不知道这是否是我决心向自己证明我能做到的,但无论如何,我已经能够赶上我的同龄人,过着相当美好的生活。A. make up with“……和解B. come up with“提出C. put up with“忍受D. keep up with“赶得上。故选D

19)考查介词短语。句意:Gallagher告诉我们,你永远不应该让任何事情阻碍你的梦想。A. in the way of “妨碍B.in the corner of“在角落里C.in the course of“.....过程中D. in the bottom of“在底部。故选A

20)考查形容词。句意:如果你遇到了困难,要有创造力——如果生活给了你一条假肢,那就去创造艺术。 A. satisfied“感到满意的B. creative“创造性的C. familiar“熟悉的 D. connected“连接。故选B



    Last year my children gifted me a stainless steel coffee plunger(咖啡壶). I love to start the day with a strong black coffee and couldn't wait to use it. I look forward to the following 1 coffee making, knowing that I probably wouldn't break this plunger as easily as I had done so often in the past.

    But as I poured my first cup of coffee, the plunger 2 all over the table. 3 no one was around to see my 4 face! I kept trying, but each morning would 5 me wiping up the 6 . I realized that if I poured very slowly there would be no spilling.

    This was at first a very painful 7 . My normal practice was to 8 breakfast so that I could get on with my day. 9 , in time I learned not only to pour slowly but to 10 the experience: the smell, the taste, and the stillness of a new day.

    It helped me to 11 upon whether there were other areas of my life I was rushing through. Most of life, it seemed.

    I started to 12 extra time to do even the most ordinary tasks. When shop owners would 13 for keeping me waiting, I'd say, "Not a problem, I'm not in a hurry." Even hanging out washing became pleasurable when a couple of extra minutes of standing still and 14 the birds singing in the trees around me became part of my routine.

    Besides, one of my favorite experiences living in the inner city for many years was sitting on the front doorstep of our home spending time with 15 . We sat on the 16 , each of us with a cup of hot coffee in our hands, listening to each other's stories. It was one of the 17 things about living in a busy city. It was as if the world around us slowed to a pace we could both 18 .

    19 and quietness not only slow the pace of life, but also 20 the soul, helping us to enjoy the world's small pleasure.

1. A. week's

B. day's

C. morning's

D. evening's

2. A. flowed

B. spilled

C. appeared

D. crashed

3. A. Thankfully

B. Doubtfully

C. Awkwardly

D. Excitedly

4. A. tired

B. painful

C. disappointed

D. unhappy

5. A. find

B. see

C. discover

D. watch

6. A. coffee

B. water

C. juice

D. milk

7. A. plan

B. experiment

C. idea

D. experience

8. A. skip over

B. prepare for

C. rush through

D. go without

9. A. However

B. Besides

C. Therefore

D. Though

10. A. have

B. gain

C. enjoy

D. obtain

11. A. act

B. depend

C. draw

D. reflect

12. A. spend

B. leave

C. cost

D. take

13. A. ask

B. apologize

C. look

D. pay

14. A. taking to

B. appealing to

C. listening to

D. leading to

15. A. strangers

B. families

C. classmates

D. doorkeepers

16. A. steps

B. bench

C. chairs

D. sofa

17. A. funniest

B. best

C. strangest

D. warmest

18. A. set

B. keep

C. catch

D. handle

19. A. Effort

B. Stillness

C. Loneliness

D. Caution

20. A. shape

B. form

C. save

D. feed

【答案】 1C;(2B;(3A;(4C;(5B;(6A;(7D;(8C;(9A;(10C;(11D;(12B;(13B;(14C;(15A;(16A;(17D;(18D;(19B;(20D


1)考查名词。句意:我期待着第二天早上煮咖啡,因为我知道我可能不会像过去那样轻易地打破这个咖啡壶。A. week's“周的B. day's“天的C. morning's“早晨的D. evening's“夜晚的。根据上文“I love to start the day with a strong black coffee”可知作者期待第二天早上煮咖啡。故选C

2)考查动词。句意:但当我倒第一杯咖啡时,咖啡洒了一桌子。A. flowed“流动B. spilled“泼洒,溢出C. appeared“出现D. crashed“坠落。根据下文“wiping up the...”可知咖啡泼洒了一桌子。故选B

3)考查副词。句意:谢天谢地,没有人看到我失望的表情!A. Thankfully“感谢地B. Doubtfully“怀疑地C. Awkwardly“尴尬地D. Excitedly“激动的。根据下文“no one was around to see my...”可知虽然咖啡洒了,但是谢天谢地没有人看到。故选A

4)考查形容词。句意:谢天谢地,没有人看到我失望的表情!A. tired“疲惫的B. painful“痛苦的C. disappointed“失望的D. unhappy“不开心的。根据上文可知作者本以为可以好好享受咖啡了,但是让作者失望的是咖啡壶把咖啡洒了一桌子。故选C

5)考查动词。句意:我一直在努力,但每个清晨都见证了我擦咖啡。A. find“发现B. see“看见,见证C. discover“发现D. watch“。因为咖啡壶老是把咖啡洒出来,所以每个作者煮咖啡的早上都见证了作者擦咖啡的经过。故选B

6)考查名词。句意:我一直在努力,但每个清晨都见证了我擦咖啡。A. coffee“咖啡B. water“C. juice“果汁D. milk“牛奶。根据上文可知从咖啡壶里洒出来的是咖啡。故选A

7)考查名词。句意:起初,这是一个非常痛苦的经历。A. plan“计划B. experiment“实验C. idea“主意D. experience“经历。根据下文the experience可知此处指一个痛苦的经历。故选D

8)考查动词短语。句意:我通常的做法是匆匆吃完早餐,这样我才能继续我的一天。A. skip over“略过B. prepare for“准备C. rush through“仓促完成D. go without“没有……也行。结根据下文“so that I could get on with my day”可知作者往常的做法是匆匆吃完早饭,然后开始继续自己的一天。故选C

9)考查副词。句意:然而,随着时间的推移,我不仅学会了慢慢地倒咖啡,还学会了享受新的一天的气味、味道和寂静。A. However“然而B. Besides“而且C. Therefore“因此D. Though“虽然。结合上下文语境为转折关系,故选A

10)考查动词。句意:然而,随着时间的推移,我不仅学会了慢慢地倒咖啡,还学会了享受新的一天的气味、味道和寂静。A. have“B. gain“得到C. enjoy“享受D. obtain“获得。根据下文“the smell, the taste, and the stillness of a new day.”可知作者慢慢开始享受新的一天了,而不是匆匆忙忙开始。故选C

11)考查动词。句意:它帮助我回顾我的生活中是否还有其他领域是我匆匆走过的。A. act“行动B. depend“依赖C. draw“D. reflect“深思。根据下文“whether there were other areas of my life I was rushing through”可知作者在回顾自己的生活中是否还有其他领域是我匆匆走过的。reflect upon固定短语,回响,回顾,故选D

12)考查动词。句意:我开始留出额外的时间来做即使是最普通的工作。A. spend“花费B. leave“留下,离开C. cost“付出D. take“带走。根据下文“extra time to do even the most ordinary tasks”可知是指留出额外的时间来做即使是最普通的工作。故选B

13)考查动词。句意:当店主为让我久等而道歉时,我会说:“没问题,我不赶时间。”A. ask“询问B. apologize“道歉C. look“D. pay“支付。根据下文“keeping me waiting”可知店主为让作者久等而道歉时。故选B

14)考查动词短语。句意:当我多站几分钟,听着鸟儿在我周围的树上歌唱成为我日常生活的一部分时,就连洗衣服也变得令人愉快起来。A. taking to“带走B. appealing to“吸引C. listening to“D. leading to“导致。根据下文“the birds singing in the trees”可知是听鸟儿唱歌。故选C

15)考查名词。句意:除此之外,我在内城生活多年最喜欢的经历之一就是坐在家门口和陌生人呆在一起。A. strangers“陌生人B. families“家人C. classmates“同学D. doorkeepers“看门人。根据上文“sitting on the front doorstep of our home spending time with”“listening to each other's stories”,可知作者是坐在门口和陌生人待在一起,故选A

16)考查名词。句意:我们坐在台阶上,每个人手里都拿着一杯热咖啡,听着彼此的故事。A. steps“台阶B. bench“长椅C. chairs“椅子D. sofa“沙发。根据上文“sitting on the front doorstep of our home”可知是坐在前门的台阶上。故选A

17)考查形容词。句意:这是生活在一个繁忙的城市里最温暖的事情之一。A. funniest“最有趣的B. best“最好的C. strangest“最奇怪的D. warmest“最温暖的。作者认为和陌生人坐在台阶上,每个人手里都拿着一杯热咖啡,听着彼此的故事是最温暖的事情之一。这是一个恬静温馨的画面,故选D

18)考查动词。句意:仿佛我们周围的世界慢了下来,慢到我们都能应付的程度。A. set“设置B. keep“保持C. catch“抓住D. handle“应付。和陌生人喝咖啡这件事让作者觉得周围的世界慢了下来,慢到人们自己都能应付的程度。故选D

19)考查名词。句意:静,不仅可以放慢生活的脚步,更可以滋养心灵,让我们享受世界的小小快乐。A. Effort“努力B. Stillness“寂静C. Loneliness“孤独D. Caution“小心。根据下文“and quietness”可知是指寂静。故选B

20)考查动词。句意:静,不仅可以放慢生活的脚步,更可以滋养心灵,让我们享受世界的小小快乐。A. shape“塑造B. form“形成C. save“拯救D. feed“滋养,喂养。根据下文“the soul, helping us to enjoy the world's small pleasure.”可知指寂静能够滋养心灵,享受世界的小小快乐。故选D



    Have you ever volunteered for something? Why did you do it? How did you feel when you finished ? 1 arrive early, stay late, go without breaks, and always smile. They do a job without being 2  and they are willing to offer 3 . Can you imagine what would happen to our work 4 everybody did his or her 5 in the volunteer spirit of "I want to" rather than in the contractual(合同的) spirit of "I have to "? Contracts require you to do what you have 6 to do or promised to do. Volunteerism 7 requires you to do so, 8 it leads to higher productivity at the same time.

    Imagine what a(n) 9 would be like without volunteers. Consider the organizations that 10 volunteers: youth groups, hospitals, schools, sports leagues and environmental groups---in every area throughout our country. Our life would be 11 if it were not for the volunteers who selflessly offer their time while 12 no pay---and often little or no recognition.

    What is the force 13 these unusual efforts and the great desire to help others? Volunteers find the work extremely satisfying and volunteering 14 personal skills. It 15 us how to use our time more productively. More 16 , it teaches us that it isn't 17 what you have, but more often what you 18 that matters most in life. It teaches us to place a greater value on what we contribute to society than on what we 19 .

    Through volunteering, we make more than just a living with our lives ---we make a 20  and create "ordinary" miracles. May each of us volunteer to make and keep our country friendlier, kinder, and more helpful in the world!

1. A. Volunteers

B. Students

C. Doctors

D. Teachers

2. A. respected

B. paid

C. protected

D. founded

3. A. advice

B. proposals

C. chances

D. assistance

4. A. despite

B. if

C. whether

D. unless

5. A. homework

B. exercise

C. job

D. research

6. A. remembered

B. predicted

C. agreed

D. prepared

7. A. also

B. soon

C. occasionally

D. merely

8. A. before

B. yet

C. therefore

D. thus

9. A. organization

B. school

C. hospital

D. country

10. A. belong to

B. look out

C. depend on

D. get around

11. A. more exciting

B. more pleasing

C. less surprising

D. less satisfying

12. A. receiving

B. leaving

C. minding

D. imagining

13. A. behind

B. against

C. without

D. among

14. A. requires

B. shows

C. develops

D. arrests

15. A. challenges

B. allows

C. reminds

D. teaches

16. A. interestingly

B. importantly

C. reasonably

D. successfully

17. A. always

B. sometimes

C. finally

D. seldom

18. A. forbid

B. give

C. achieve

D. expect

19. A. value

B. appreciate

C. gain

D. recognize

20. A. choice

B. decision

C. difference

D. project

【答案】 1A;(2B;(3D;(4B;(5C;(6C;(7A;(8B;(9D;(10C;(11D;(12A;(13A;(14C;(15D;(16B;(17A;(18B;(19C;(20C

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇议论文,论述了人们为什么会做志愿者, 志愿者会给我们世界带来哪些好的影响。

1)考查名词。句意:志愿者们早到晚走, 从不休息, 总是面带微笑。A. Volunteers“志愿者B. Students“学生C. Doctors“医生D. Teachers“教师。根据上文“Have you ever volunteered for something?”可知, 此处指志愿者们。故选A

2)考查动词。句意:他们做一份没有报酬的工作。A. respected“尊重B. paid“支付C. protected“保护D. founded“成立。根据常识可知, 志愿者们做的是没有报酬的工作。故选B

3)考查名词。句意:并且愿意提供帮助。A. advice“建议B. proposals“提议C. chances“机会D. assistance“帮助。志愿者向别人提供帮助。故选D

4)考查连词。句意:你能想象如果每个人都以"我想做"的志愿精神而不是以"我必须做"的合同精神来做他或她的工作, 我们的工作将会怎样吗? A. despite“尽管B. if“如果C. whether“是否D. unless“除非。根据语境可知, 此处引导条件状语从句。故选B

5)考查名词。句意:你能想象如果每个人都以"我想做"的志愿精神而不是以"我必须做"的合同精神来做他或她的工作, 我们的工作将会怎样吗?A. homework“作业B. exercise“练习C. job“工作D. research“研究。志愿者也是一种职业, 所以此处指"带着志愿者精神做他或她的工作"。故选C

6)考查动词。句意:合同要求你做你已经同意做或承诺做的事情。A. remembered“记得B. predicted“预测C. agreed“同意D. prepared“准备。根据"promised to do "可知, 合同要求你做你已经同意做或承诺做的事情"。故选C

7)考查副词。句意:志愿服务也需要你这样做, 但它同时会带来更高的生产力。A. also“B. soon“不久C. occasionally“偶尔D. merely“仅仅。志愿服务和合同一样也需要你这样做。故选A

8)考查副词。句意:志愿服务也需要你这样做, 但它同时会带来更高的生产力。A. before“……之前B. yet“但是C. therefore“所以D. thus“因此。根据前后句意可知, 此处表转折。故选B

9)考查名词。句意:想象一下没有志愿者的国家会是什么样子。A. organization“组织B. school“学校C. hospital“医院D. country“国家。根据下文“Consider the organizations that   10  volunteers:youth groups, hospitals, schools, sports leagues and environmental groups---in every area throughout our country.”可知, 此处应该指更大的范围概念, 选项中的"国家"符合此处语境。故选D

10)考查动词短语。句意:想想那些依靠志愿者的组织:青年团、医院、学校、体育联盟和环保组织——在我们国家的每一个地区。A. belong to“属于B. look out“当心C. depend on”依靠D. get around”传开。组织依靠志愿者。故选C

11)考查形容词。句意:如果没有志愿者无私地奉献自己的时间, 我们的生活就不会那么令人满意。A. more exciting”更兴奋的B. more pleasing”更愉快的C. less surprising”不令人惊讶的D. less satisfying”不令人满意的。根据"it were not for the volunteers"可知, 如果没有志愿者无私地奉献自己的时间, 我们的生活就不会那么令人满意。故选D

12)考查动词。句意:如果没有志愿者无私地奉献自己的时间, 我们的生活就不会那么令人满意, 他们无私地奉献自己的时间, 却没有得到报酬, 往往很少或没有得到认可。A. receiving”收到B. leaving”离开C. minding”介意D. imagining”想象。志愿者无私地奉献自己的时间, 却没有得到报酬, 往往很少或没有得到认可。故选A

13)考查介词。句意:这些不同寻常的努力和帮助他人的强烈愿望背后的动力是什么?A. behind”……之后B. against”反对C. without”没有D. among”……之间。作者在疑问志愿者背后的动力是什么。故选A

14)考查动词。句意:志愿者们发现这份工作非常令人满意, 志愿者们也发展了自己的技能。A. requires”要求B. shows”展示C. develops”发展D. arrests”逮捕。这份工作锻炼了志愿者, 自己的技能也得到了发展和提高。故选C

15)考查动词。句意:它教会我们如何更有效地利用时间。A. challenges”挑战B. allows”允许C. reminds”提醒D. teaches”。志愿者为别人树立了榜样, 教会了我们如何更有效地利用时间。故选D

16)考查副词。句意:更重要的是, 它教会我们, 重要的并不总是你所拥有的, 而是你所给予的。A. interestingly”有趣地B. importantly”重要地C. reasonably”合理地D. successfully”成功地。根据上文”It   15  us how to use our time more productively.“可知, 此处表递进, 表示重要性, 所以"更重要地是"符合此处语境。故选B

17)考查副词。句意:更重要的是, 它教会我们, 重要的并不总是你所拥有的, 而是你所给予的…A. always”总是B. sometimes”有时C. finally”最终D. seldom”很少。根据句意可知, 此处使用副词"往往, 总是"。故选A

18)考查动词。句意:而更重要的是, 它教会我们, 重要的并不总是你所拥有的, 而是你所给予的。A. forbid”禁止B. give”C. achieve”获得D. expect”期盼。根据上文的" offer help"可知, 重要的并不总是你所拥有的, 而是你所给予的。故选B

19)考查动词。句意:它教会我们更重视我们对社会的贡献, 而不是我们所获得的要。A. value”珍惜B. appreciate”欣赏C. gain”获得D. recognize”认出。根据"we contribute to society than"可知, 本句间社会的贡献和个人所得进行比较。故选C

20)考查名词。句意:通过志愿服务, 我们不仅仅是在谋生, 我们还可以有所作为, 创造"平凡"的奇迹。A. choice”选择B. decision”决定C. difference”不同D. project”项目。根据"create "ordinary " miracles"可知, 可以有所作为, 创造"平凡"的奇迹。make a difference固定短语,"起作用, 有影响"。故选C


16A   考查连词以对语境的理解. A.yet意为但是,表转折,B. also意为也,表递进,C.instead意为代替,D.rather意为相反。此句是长难句,意为:人们总是说一种满意的道路,但是最后,离开现在的工作去做一些他们相信或者是一种可以和家人在一起的职务的想法最终都得出一个这样的结论:这是不



    When I was nine years old, I loved to go fishing with my dad. But the only thing 1 wasn't very fun about it was that he could catch many fish 2 I couldn't catch 3 . I usually got pretty 4 and kept asking him why. He always answered, "Son, if you want to catch a fish, you have to think 5 a fish", I remember being even more upset then because, "I'm not a fish!" I didn't know how to think like a fish. Besides, I 6 , how could what I think 7 what a fish does?

    As I got a little older I began to understand what my dad really meant. So, I read some books 8 fish. And I even 9 the local fishing club and started attending the monthly meetings. I learned that a fish is a cold-blooded animal and therefore is very 10 to water temperature. That is why fish prefer 11 water to deep water because 12 is warmer. Besides, water is usually warmer in direct sunlight than in the shade. Yet, fish don't have any eyelids(眼皮) and the sun 13 their eyes, The more I understood fish, the more I became effective at finding and catching them.

    When I grew up and 14 the business world, I remember 15 my first boss say, "We all need to think like sales people." But it didn't Completely 16 . My dad never once said, "If you want to catch a fish you need to think like a 17 ." What he said was, "You need to think like a fish." Years later, with great efforts to 18 long-term services to people much older and richer than me, I 19 learned what we all need is to think more like customers. It is not an easy job. I will show you how in the 20  chapters.

1. A. what

B. which

C. that

D. when

2. A. when

B. therefore

C. however

D. while

3. A. something

B. everything

C. nothing

D. anything

4. A. upset

B. angry

C. desperate

D. embarrassed

5. A. like

B. with

C. against

D. for

6. A. concluded

B. reasoned

C. explained

D. said

7. A. effect

B. cause

C. influence

D. reflect

8. A. for

B. in

C. with

D. on

9. A. join

B. join in

C. take part in

D. participate in

10. A. secretive

B. sensible

C. sensitive

D. secure

11. A. shallow

B. low

C. short

D. small

12. A. the latter

B. the former

C. the later

D. the frontier

13. A. destroys

B. damages

C. ruins

D. hurts

14. A. entered

B. entered in

C. came

D. came to

15. A. to hear

B. hearing

C. to listen to

D. listening to

16. A. make out

B. make up

C. make sense

D. make in

17. A. customer

B. fisherman

C. salesman

D. boss

18. A. promote

B. rise

C. raise

D. arouse

19. A. slowly

B. quickly

C. gradually

D. really

20. A. followed

B. following

C. to follow

D. being followed

【答案】 1C;(2D;(3D;(4A;(5A;(6B;(7C;(8D;(9A;(10C;(11A;(12B;(13D;(14A;(15B;(16C;(17B;(18A;(19C;(20B


1)考查定语从句。句意:钓鱼唯一没有趣的就是,父亲可以钓很多鱼,然而我什么都抓不到。此处是定语从句,先行词thing在从句中做主语,故用关系代词,又先行词被the only修饰,只能用that。故选C

2)考查连词。句意:钓鱼唯一没有趣的就是,父亲可以钓很多鱼,然而我什么都抓不到。A. when”......时候B. therefore”因此C. however”然而D. while”然而(表对比)。结合句意可知,前后句是对比关系,故选D项。

3)考查代词。句意:钓鱼唯一没有趣的就是,父亲可以钓很多鱼,然而我什么都抓不到。。A. something“某物B. everything“一切C. nothing“无事D. anything“任何事物(通常用于否定或疑问句中)。结合上文可知作者抓不到鱼,anything可用于否定句中表达此意,故选D

4)考查形容词。句意:我常常会变得很沮丧,然后一直问爸爸原因。A. upset“沮丧的B. angry“生气的C. desperate“绝望的D. embarrassed“尴尬的。根据上文作者抓不到鱼,可知此处用沮丧的符合语境,且下文的“I remember being even more upset”也有暗示,故选A

5)考查介词。句意:父亲总是回答儿子,如果你想抓住鱼,你要像鱼儿一样思考。我记得听到这句话我更沮丧了,因为我不知道如何像鱼儿一样思考。 A. like“B. with“C. against“反对D. for“为了。根据下文的“I didn't know how to think like a fish”可知此处用像鱼儿一样思考符合语境,故选A

6)考查动词。句意: 此外,我思索着我的想法如何影响鱼的行为呢?A. concluded“总结B. reasoned“推理,思考C. explained“解释D. said“。根据下文的“how could what… a fish does可知作者在思考,故选B

7)考查动词。句意: 此外,我思索着我的想法如何影响鱼的行为呢?A. effect“产生B. cause“造成C. influence“影响D. reflect“反映。作者想知道自己的想法如何影响鱼的行为,故选C

8)考查介词。句意:所以,我读了一些关于鱼的书籍。A. for“为了B. in“……C. with“D. on“关于,在……。此处是指关于鱼的书籍,故选D

9)考查动词(短语)。句意:我甚至加入了当地的钓鱼俱乐部,开始参加每月的聚会。A. join “加入(组织)B. join in“加入(活动)C. take part in“加入(活动)D. participate in“加入(活动)。钓鱼俱乐部是组织,故选A

10)考查形容词。句意:我了解到鱼是冷血动物,因此对水温很敏感。A. secretive“隐秘的B. sensible“有道理的C. sensitive“敏感的D. secure“安全的。根据上文的“a fish is a cold-blooded animal”可知此处用敏感的符合语境,故选C

11)考查名词。句意:那就是为什么比起深水区,鱼更喜欢浅水区,因为前者的水温更暖和。A. shallow“浅的B. low“低的C. short“短的D. small“小的。故选A

12)考查名词。句意:那就是为什么比起深水区,鱼更喜欢浅水区,因为前者的水温更暖和。A. the latter “后者B. the former“前者C. the later 搭配错误;   D. the frontier“前线。此处是用前者指代浅水区,故选B

13)考查动词。句意:但是,鱼没有眼皮,阳光会伤害它们的眼睛。A. destroys“毁灭B. damages“毁坏C. ruins“摧毁D. hurts“伤害。根据上文的“fish don't have any eyelids(眼皮)”可知,此处用阳光会伤害他们的眼睛符合语境,故选D

14)考查动词。句意:长大后,我进入了商界,我记得听我的第一个老板说过我们要像销售人员那样去思考A. entered“进入B. entered in无此搭配;C. came“D. came to“来到。此处是指作者进入了商界,且enter是及物动词,故选A

15)考查动词(短语)。句意:长大后,我进入了商界,我记得听我的第一个老板说过我们要像销售人员那样去思考A. to hear“听见B. hearing“听见C. to listen to“D. listening to“。根据“We all need to think like sales people.”可知,这是老板说的话,所以空处应为听见第一个老板说故用hear,选B

16)考查动词短语。句意:但这句话讲不通。A. make out“理解B. make up“组成,化妆,编造C. make sense“讲得通D. make in“进入。老板的话与父亲所说的相悖,故选C

17)考查名词。句意:我父亲从来没说过如果你想抓住鱼,你就得像钓鱼的人那样思考。” A. customer“顾客B. fisherman“钓鱼人C. salesman“销售人员D. boss“老板。老板说的话与父亲说的相反,故此处是指父亲没有说过想钓鱼就得想钓鱼人一样思考,故选B

18)考查动词。句意:几年后,我努力向比我年长和富有的人推销长期服务时,我渐渐意识到我们所要做的是更多的像顾客一样去思考。A. promote“推销B. rise“升起C. raise“举起D. arouse“引起,激起。作者是搞销售的,故此处用推销长期服务符合语境,故选A

19)考查副词。句意:几年后,我努力向比我年长和富有的人推销长期服务时,我渐渐意识到我们所要做的是更多的像顾客一样去思考。A. slowly“缓慢地B. quickly“快速地C. gradually“逐渐地D. really“真正地。此处是指一个渐渐变化的过程,故选C

20)考查形容词。句意:我会在接下来的章节向你说明为什么。A. followed“被跟随的B. following“接下来的C. to follow“要跟随D. being followed“正在被跟随。分析句子可知,此处应填形容词修饰名词chapter,故选B



    Eleven years ago, it seemed as if the world came to an end. My husband of 19 years, the father of my two sons, was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Over the 1  of seven months, Bill went from 2  easily at tennis to needing my help to go to the bathroom.

    It was the best seven months of my life. Maybe I don't actually 3  that. But it was certainly the time when I felt most 4 . During those seven months, I came to 5  that whatever else I did in my life, nothing would 6  more than taking care of my husband. I discovered that the minor complaint of an annoying coworker, or a flat tire pales in 7  with the beauty of sincere laughter, the 8  of a bakery. There were moments of 9  laughter, and tenderness in every day. I found I could train myself to see beauty 10  bother.

    In the days after Bill's diagnosis and brain surgery, being his caregiver also meant being fully 11  as much as possible. During his last weekend, when we had dinner together a relative visited. I 12  that she'd changed her appearance, and not in a good way. It was the kind of 13  I'd usually keep to 14 . Just then, Bill voiced 15  what I'd been thinking, in that truthful way he had, and I found myself 16  out loud. I thought I could live with this man forever, but he 17  in four days.

    Eleven years later, I haven't made much achievements. 18  every day, I try to be the person I became during those seven months. I try to be a little less judgmental, a little more generous, a little more 19  for the small moments in life.

    I am a better person for having been Bill's caregiver. It was his last, best 20  to me.

1. A. routine

B. course

C. event

D. basis

2. A. winning

B. hitting

C. striking

D. beating

3. A. believe

B. mean

C. think

D. decide

4. A. alive

B. awake

C. afraid

D. alone

5. A. hope

B. admit

C. understand

D. accept

6. A. matter

B. differ

C. suffer

D. help

7. A. conflict

B. comparison

C. conversation

D. touch

8. A. taste

B. meaning

C. smell

D. sense

9. A. sadness

B. fear

C. panic

D. joy

10. A. other than

B. rather than

C. more than

D. less than

11. A. responsible

B. absent

C. present

D. informed

12. A. felt

B. watched

C. noticed

D. informed

13. A. thought

B. concept

C. suggestion

D. view

14. A. himself

B. myself

C. herself

D. ourselves

15. A. completely

B. exactly

C. partly

D. accurately

16. A. laughing

B. shouting

C. screaming

D. calling

17. A. died away

B. got away

C. went away

D. passed away

18. A. And

B. But

C. Or

D. While

19. A. thoughtful

B. powerful

C. careful

D. grateful

20. A. gift

B. experience

C. lesson

D. subject

【答案】 1B;(2D;(3B;(4A;(5C;(6A;(7B;(8C;(9D;(10B;(11C;(12C;(13A;(14B;(15B;(16A;(17D;(18B;(19D;(20A


1)考查名词。routine“常规course“过程,课程event“事件basis“基础。在七个月的过程中,Bill经历了从轻松地在网球中获胜到需要我的帮助才能去洗手间的过程。over the course of“……过程中是固定搭配。故选B



4)考查形容词。句意:这是我生命中最好的七个月。也许我不是那个意思。但那是我感到最有生气的时候。alive“有生气的,活的awake“醒着的afraid“害怕的alone“单独的。根据上文中的"It was the best seven months"可知,作者认为这是自己人生中最好的七个月。故该空应该选一个褒义词。故选A

5)考查动词。hope“希望admit“承认understand“理解accept“ 接受。我逐渐地明白了这一点:不管在生活中我做什么事,没有什么比照顾我的丈夫更重要。即:照顾丈夫是最重要的事情。故选C


7)考查名词。conflict“冲突comparison“比较conversation“谈话touch“接触。我发现,与真诚的笑声、烘焙店的气味相比,同事的小抱怨,或者是一个瘪了的轮胎都相形失色。in comparison with固定短语,……相比。故选B

8)考查名词。taste“品尝meaning“意思smell“气味sense“感觉the beauty of sincere laughterthe ________ of a bakery是并列关系,都应该指好的事物,故该处应该指烘焙店的(好闻的)气味。选C


10)考查固定短语。other than“除了rather than“而不是more than“超过,不仅less than“少于。上文提到,作者明白了生活中有美好的时刻。所以,她发现自己能够训练自己看到生活中的美而不是烦恼。选B



13)考查名词。thought“想法concept“概念suggestion“建议view“观点,看法。根据下文"what I'd been thinking"可知,该句指这是我一直的想法。选A

14)考查代词。himself“他自己myself“我自己herself“她自己ourselves“我们自己。根据下文中"Bill voiced   15   what I'd been thinking"可知,丈夫Bill说出了作者的想法。由此推知,作者一直将这种想法藏在自己心中,没有说出来。故选B



17)考查动词短语。die away“逐渐消失get away“离开,脱身go away“离开,外出pass away“去世。根据but转折可以推知,作者原以为自己可以永远地和丈夫生活在一起,但是他四天之后去世了。选D






    "You have two ears and one mouth. Rememberto listen more and speak less." That was the advice I 1  from a communications expert before, which gotme thinking about listening. It's not 2  that most of us are good at. Even those of uswho write for a living and are supposed to 3  how to do an interview and listen, often getit wrong and miss the rule: "Don't interrupt or try to 4  other people's sentences" and the rule: "Focusfully on the person speaking 5  focusing on your next comment."

    I found this out recently after following thatcommunications expert's 6 . I was part of a grouplobbying (游说) politicians about the importance of old buildings and mainstreets. One gentleman 7  a very large district made up of small townscomplained that the main street was too 8  and there wasn't enough parking and there wasno 9  to widen the roads, which is exactly what ourorganization 10  for. We want walkable streets, not parkingspaces. Instead of arguing the point, I just 11  for a change and let him talk. Before our timewas up he was 12  how his son is a carpenter restoring a church,and how 13  building preservation was to him and hisfamily. Had I not 14 practiced listening, wemight have left his office earlier.

    It has taken me a very long time to learn how to 15 . I might have been more 16 had I listened more. Nowthat I write and teach, I have 17  often about how important hearing is to ourconnection with others, and what a 18  my hearing has made in my life. 19 , hearing is different fromlistening, and, interestingly, there isn't any hardware that can help youlisten; you just have to sit down, shut up and 20  it.

1. A. gave

B. received

C. accepted

D. ignored

2. A. nothing

B. anything

C. everything

D. something

3. A. understand

B. compare

C. train

D. master

4. A. begin

B. finish

C. form

D. write

5. A. other than

B. or rather

C. rather than

D. or else

6. A. nature

B. advice

C. decision

D. belief

7. A. representing

B. controlling

C. starting

D. directing

8. A. busy

B. empty

C. narrow

D. dusty

9. A. right

B. plan

C. force

D. room

10. A. votes

B. quarrels

C. searches

D. fights

11. A. make up

B. shut up

C. get up

D. pull up

12. A. describing

B. communicating

C. expressing

D. adding

13. A. important

B. absurd

C. useful

D. cheerful

14. A. constantly

B. legally

C. deliberately

D. usually

15. A. look

B. care

C. listen

D. react

16. A. fortunate

B. successful

C. energetic

D. pleasant

17. A. remembered

B. learned

C. written

D. read

18. A. imagination

B. point

C. scene

D. difference

19. A. Therefore

B. Anyhow

C. However

D. Besides

20. A. do

B. make

C. say

D. take



1)考查动词。A. gave“    B. received“收到    C. accepted“接受    D. ignored“忽视。这是我之前从一位沟通专家那里得到的建议,让我开始思考倾听。故选B

2)考查代词。 A. nothing“什么也没有    B. anything“任何事情    C. everything“每件事情    D. something“某件事情。这不是我们大多数人擅长的。故选D

3)考查动词。A. understand“理解    B. compare“比较    C. train“训练    D. master“掌握。即使是我们这些以写作为生的人,他们应该知道如何做采访,如何倾听,但他们往往会犯错误,错过规则:---。故选A

4)考查动词。A. begin“开始    B. finish“完成    C. form“构成    D. write“。错过了这条规则:“不要打断或试图完成别人的句子和这条规则:“把注意力完全集中在说话的人身上,而不是集中在你的下一个评论上。故选B

5)考查固定短语。A. other than“不同于    B. or rather“更确切地说    C. rather than “而不是   D. or else“否则,要不然。错过了这条规则:“不要打断或试图完成别人的句子和这条规则:“把注意力完全集中在说话的人身上,而不是集中在你的下一个评论上。故选C

6)考查名词。A. nature“大自然    B. advice“建议    C. decision“决定    D. belief“相信。在听取了那位沟通专家的建议后,我最近发现了这一点。故选B

7)考查动词。A. representing“代表    B. controlling“控制    C. starting“开始    D. directing“指引。一位先生代表一个由小城镇组成的非常大的地区,他抱怨主要街道太窄,没有足够的停车场,也没有扩大道路的空间,这正是我们组织所争取的。故选A

8)考查形容词。A. busy “忙碌的   B. empty“空的    C. narrow“狭窄的    D. dusty“落满灰尘的。一位先生代表一个由小城镇组成的非常大的地区,他抱怨主要街道太窄,没有足够的停车场,也没有扩大道路的空间,这正是我们组织所争取的。故选C

9)考查名词。A. right “权力,右边   B. plan“计划    C. force“力量    D. room“空间。一位先生代表一个由小城镇组成的非常大的地区,他抱怨主要街道太窄,没有足够的停车场,也没有扩大道路的空间,这正是我们组织所争取的。故选D

10)考查动词。A. votes“投票    B. quarrels“争吵    C. searches“搜寻    D. fights“打架,斗争.可知,一位先生代表一个由小城镇组成的非常大的地区,他抱怨主要街道太窄,没有足够的停车场,也没有扩大道路的空间,这正是我们组织所争取的。故选D

11)考查动词短语。A. make up“组成,编造    B. shut up“关闭    C. get up“起床    D. pull up“拔起,停下来。我们想要可步行的街道,而不是停车位。我没有争论这个问题,只是想改变一下,让他谈谈。故选B

12)考查动词。A. describing“描述    B. communicating“交流    C. expressing“表达    D. adding“增加。在我们的时间结束之前,他描述了他的儿子是如何修复教堂的,以及建筑保护对他和他的家庭是多么重要。故选A

13)考查形容词。A. important“重要的    B. absurd“荒谬的    C. useful“有用的    D. cheerful“快乐的。在我们的时间结束之前,他描述了他的儿子是如何修复教堂的,以及建筑保护对他和他的家庭是多么重要。故选A

14)考查副词。A. constantly“不断地    B. legally“合法地    C. deliberately“故意地    D. usually“通常。如果我不是故意练习倾听,我们可能早就离开他的办公室了。故选C

15)考查动词。 A. look“    B. care“关心    C. listen“    D. react“反应。我花了很长时间才学会倾听。故选C

16)考查形容词。A. fortunate“幸运的    B. successful“ 成功的   C. energetic “充满精力的   D. pleasant“令人愉快的。如果我多听一些,我可能会更成功。故选B

17)考查动词。A. remembered“记得    B. learned“学习    C. written“    D. read“。现在我写作和教学,我经常写关于听力对我们与他人的联系是多么重要,以及我的听力对我的生活产生了多么大的影响。故选C

18)考查名词。A. imagination“想象    B. point“要点    C. scene“场面    D. difference“区分。现在我写作和教学,我经常写关于听力对我们与他人的联系是多么重要,以及我的听力对我的生活产生了多么大的影响。故选D

19)考查副词。A. Therefore“因此    B. Anyhow“无论如何    C. However“然而    D. Besides“另外。然而,听和听是不同的,有趣的是,没有任何硬件可以帮助你听;你只需要坐下来,闭嘴,然后去做。故选C

20)考查动词。A. do“    B. make “制造   C. say“    D. take“拿走。然而,听和听是不同的,有趣的是,没有任何硬件可以帮助你听;你只需要坐下来,闭嘴,然后去做。故选A


20For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Is Helicopter Parenting Necessary?

    We've all heard the dangers of helicopter parenting. Remaining too 1  in a kid's life, especially throughout college, can lead to depression, lack of self-reliance and feelings of entitlement.

    Superficially, this wisdom is sound. But some academics and educators now say they see signs of a troubling backlash(反冲). The concern: warnings that moms and dads should 2  “the over parenting trap”—are discouraging parents from getting involved at all.

    Yes, parents can be intrusive. 3 , there are increasing examples of parents refusing to step up when students genuinely need their family. One mom kept 4  about her son's signs of depression until right before he failed a semester. She did not want to “helicopter in.”

    That means colleges, which have spent the past decade learning to 5  parents who get too involved, now have a different 6 . But the solution to both is the same: devising ways to channel moms and dads into the right kind of 7  role.

    Much of this began because schools were forced to cope with a generation of students 8  with their parents like never before, thanks to smartphones. And with 9  in education soaring, university leaders have started to view parents as investment partners. Most of them have paid for this education for their children or gone into debt for this education. And in some sense, they're entitled to know and be assured that colleges are 10  their children's welfare.

    Crucially, parent-outreach programs have also served as buffers(缓冲), 11  students—or worse, their professors—the discomfort of the nagging. At the University of Maryland, for example, the parent office has handled 12  for weekly academic-progress reports, which do not exist in higher education. Parents just want to know they have a place to go where someone will listen to their concerns.

    But now, with some moms and dads cautious of even contacting the school in the first place, those same programs are being used to encourage a more balanced approach, often via blogs, email and Facebook. Parents are now advised to be a guide, while acknowledging that the 13  owns the journey. That means asking questions, listening to answers, being patient and trusting kids to resolve their own problems. But if issues 14 , or if a student is in serious mental or physical danger, it also means hopping in the chopper, at least for a little while. “When you think about it, helicopters are useful tools,” says Chelsea Petree, who is launching a parent-outreach program. “They can see things we on the 15  can't see and get to emergencies quicker than we can. They can swoop in when needed. The key is that they go back up.”

1. A. independent

B. involved

C. attached

D. enclosed

2. A. set

B. sense

C. avoid

D. ensure

3. A. Besides

B. Similarly

C. Actually

D. However

4. A. alert

B. quiet

C. informed

D. concerned

5. A. cope with

B. identify with

C. turn down

D. settle down

6. A. attitude

B. problem

C. approach

D. nature

7. A. supportive

B. informative

C. neutral

D. superior

8. A. communicated

B. matched

C. obsessed

D. connected

9. A. complaints

B. costs

C. demands

D. sufferings

10. A. taking care of

B. keeping track of

C. looking forward to

D. taking part in

11. A. costing

B. winning

C. granting

D. sparing

12. A. demands

B. passion

C. distraction

D. priorities

13. A. professor

B. parent

C. student

D. college

14. A. persist

B. exist

C. arise

D. decline

15. A. surface

B. ground

C. panel

D. craft

【答案】 1B;(2C;(3D;(4B;(5A;(6B;(7A;(8D;(9B;(10A;(11D;(12A;(13C;(14A;(15B


1)考查形容词。句意:过多地参与孩子的生活,尤其是在整个大学期间,可能会导致抑郁、缺乏自立和自以为是的感觉。A. independent“独立的B. involved“有关的,参与C. attached“附加的D. enclosed“封闭的。故选B

2)考查动词。A. set“设置B. sense“感觉C. avoid“避免D. ensure“保证。根据下文“the over parenting trap”过度育儿陷阱可知应为避免这种情况,故选C

3)考查连词。句意:然而,越来越多的例子表明,当学生真正需要他们的家庭时,父母却拒绝挺身而出。A. Besides“此外B. Similarly“类似地C. Actually“实际上D. However“然而。前后文为转折关系,故选D

4)考查形容词。A. alert“警惕的B. quiet“安静的C. informed“消息灵通的D. concerned“关心的。根据下文“right before he failed a semester”可知母亲一直对儿子的抑郁症状沉默不言,keep quiet固定短语,保持沉默,故选B

5)考查动词短语。句意:这意味着大学在过去的十年里,一直在学习如何应对那些过于投入的家长。A. cope with“处理,应对B. identify with“认为……等同于C. turn down“关小D. settle down“定居。故选A

6)考查名词。A. attitude“态度B. problem“问题C. approach“接近D. nature“自然。根据上文可知大学校长有了一个不同以往的问题。故选B

7)考查形容词。句意:但是解决这两个问题的方法是一样的:设计方法引导父母进入正确的支持角色。A. supportive“支持的B. informative“教育性的C. neutral“中立的D. superior“优秀的。故选A

8)考查动词。句意:这在很大程度上是因为,由于智能手机的出现,学校被迫应对与父母前所未有地联系在一起的一代学生。A. communicated“交流B. matched“匹配C. obsessed“着迷D. connected“连接connect with固定短语,……连接,故选D

9)考查名词。句意:随着教育花费的飙升,大学领导们开始将父母视为投资伙伴。A. complaints“抱怨B. costs“花费C. demands“要求D. sufferings“受难。故选B

10)考查动词短语。句意:在某种意义上,他们有权知道并确信大学正在照顾他们孩子的福利。A. taking care of“照顾B. keeping track of“追踪C. looking forward to“期待D. taking part in“加入。故选A

11)考查动词。句意:至关重要的是,家长拓展计划也起到了缓冲作用,使学生——或者更糟的是,教授——免受唠叨的困扰。A. costing“花费B. winning“赢得C. granting“同意D. sparing“抽出,免于。故选D

12)考查名词。句意:例如,在马里兰大学,家长办公室负责处理每周学业进展报告的要求,而这在高等教育中并不存在。A. demands“要求B. passion“激情C. distraction“分心D. priorities“优先权。故选A

13)考查名词。句意:现在,家长们被建议成为一名导游,同时承认学生拥有这段旅程。A. professor“教授B. parent“父母C. student“学生D. college“大学。故选C

14)考查动词。句意:但如果问题持续存在,或者学生面临严重的精神或身体危险。A. persist“持续B. exist“存在C. arise“上升D. decline“下降。故选A

15)考查名词。句意:他们能看到我们在地面上看不到的东西,比我们更快地到达紧急情况。A. surface“表面B. ground“地面C. panel“仪表板D. craft“工艺。故选B



