
发布时间:2014-01-08 15:15:26   来源:文档文库   





A Study on responsibility of conjugal chastity

Kerry Mutch

Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust , Fazakerley , Liverpool , United Kingdom.

Marriage is unification in wedlock concerning both party’s right and responsibility voluntarily arranged by men and women for the purpose of living together permanently. In order to live together happily and satisfactorily, mutually supporting is needed to guarantee the affluence of physical life and mutual chastity to support the felicitousness of the spiritual life. Therefore, mutual chastity is a major factor to support the wedlock, which is also a focus of marriage law. During the revision of marriage law in 2001,the debate over the responsibility of mutual chastity was the most appealing issue. After intense arguing, finally the article “the spouses shall maintain mutual chastity” was listed in the revised marriage law. However the argument over mutual chastity of the spouses has never stopped, more issues concerning it are still needed to be further studied. The thesis tries to investigate and review the mutual responsibility of conjugal chastity systematically. In order to study the subject systematically , the historical ,sociological ,comparative law ,empirical ,dynamic and static analysis approaches by which the historical development of conjugal chastityjurisprudential analysis of it and present regulation on it are observed and reviewed, are employed in the research. The thesis consists of four chapters. ChapterⅠ,which is composed of three subchapters ,observes the mutual responsibility of conjugal chastity from the perspective of its historical development. In Subchapter Ⅰexplains the exact connotation of chastity and ascertains the definite meaning of responsibility of conjugal chastity further. The basic meaning of chastity is loyal to each other, which connotes that the husband and wife should be faithful to one another not only in their acts but also in mental communication as well.

Keywords : marriage responsibility of conjugal chastity spouse spouse’s right divorce

However, the mental communication is not the regulating target of law, thus the conjugal chastity only denotes mutual loyalty in their sexual life and denies extramarital sex from the angle of marriage law. In SubchapterⅡ,the author observes and studies the awareness and responsibility of conjugal chastity under the primitive slaveryfeudal and the contemporary society irrespectively. After that the author has commented on the changes of attitudes towards the conjugal chastity in the Chinese marital legislation. During the investigation into the conjugal chastity in the prolonged history, the author found that the regulation on responsibility of the conjugal chastity was implied by two major line, that is, the evolution from inequality between men and women to the equality between the both; and the regulation on it through statutory remedy by private right instead of the interference by public power. Simultaneously ,the linkage between the development ,evolution of mutual responsibility of conjugal chastity and those of human marriage life and the changes of the viewpoints on conjugal relations ,sexual morality and sex awareness are deeply connected. In SubchapterⅢ,the author mainly observes the influence of the changes of conjugal love,attitudes towards family and sex upon the viewpoint over conjugal chastity in contemporary China. As the wheels of history rolls on, the human’s viewpoint over the sexual morality and sex awareness has been changing all the time. As the inflation of individualism and liberalism in most capitalist countries, the previous exclusive love attitudes has been replaced by the non-interference of mutual freedom. At the same time the viewpoints of the judicial circle and judicature have changed more or less by the contemporary thought, therefore the strict rule has been loosened. According to the previous research, the author claims that when we restructures the mutual responsibility of conjugal chastity in marriage legislation in our country, the changes of contemporary conjugal love,attitudes towards family and sex should be investigated and taken into account. In the following part the author has looked into the changes in present China in detail, and some personal opinions to them are also released.

On the basis of the study above, the author holds that the responsibility of conjugal chastity is closely related with conjugal relationship, in regard to the influence of awareness of conjugal lovefamily and sex upon the responsibility of conjugal chastity, two aspects should be considered, that is, on the one hand ,the changes should not be ignored, in the design of responsibility of conjugal chastity, the old route to recover the adultery law and punish the adulterers had been discarded by the Age, and public power exploited in the punishment of extramarital sex should be cautious; On the other hand, the changes of viewpoints to marriage and family upon the conjugal love have never undermined the stable cornerstone of family structure in the Chinese society that is because the values of marital morality under the background of Confucian culture have always been supporting the Chinese marriage firmly. Some social surveys show that the sex concerning extramarital sex, especially that has gravely undermined the stability of families, the attitudes of our people are clear, i.e., they oppose the extramarital sex. In the western countries, whereas, after the disastrous experiment of “sex revolution”, the slogans of “returning family” and “faithfulness is fundamental to conjugal love” are back to be reused. Thus writing the responsibility of conjugal chastity into law can be considered the promotion of faithfulness in conjugal love, that is the inner voices of the people at home and abroad. China should get integrated into the world trend, learn from the lessons of foreign countries and not recover the old way of “serious results getting from excessive freedom of sex” in the West, thus our marriage law can be made as a new symbol of our socialist marriage and family. ChapterⅡ,consisting of three subchapters, is the jurisprudential analysis over responsibility of conjugal chastity. At the beginning of Subchapter Ⅰ, the author holds that the responsibility of conjugal chastity is the essence of marriage. The responsibility of conjugal chastity is the natural demand of marriage, which is also an embodiment of the exclusivity of conjugal sex and the demand of social nature of marriage. In our socialist society, monogamy is the requisite demand of the responsibility of conjugal chastity, which is a vigorous safeguard of monogamy as well. Then, the author analyses the juristic value of the entry of responsibility of conjugal chastity into law, the major reason of which is that the responsibility of conjugal chastity is always considered as a good virtue.

The safeguard of responsibility of conjugal chastity, in essence, could be regarded as the protection and promotion of justice by nation. The responsibility of conjugal chastity embodies the humanistic solicitude of law.The humanistic solicitude towards responsibility of conjugal chastity is such a proposition essentially, that is ,the regulation and bound of the marital life of people by law is to lead them to live a safehappy and satisfactory marital life, which can connect the individuality of man with the social nature of man intrinsically; Therefore, certain harmonies from the equilibrium of interests between individuals and society may be reached, and the value of man can be elevated. SubchapterⅡmainly observes and reviews the juristic identification of the nature of responsibility of conjugal chastity. At first, the author holds that the responsibility of conjugal chastity is a derivative right of spouse’s right, which is a basic right of dignity between the husband and wife formulated by law. The maintenance of wedlock is based on two elementary conditions, that is, the responsibility of cohabitation and being loyal to each other. Therefore the responsibility of conjugal chastity, a derivative right from the spouse’s right, becomes the core of spouse’s right. And the characteristics of the responsibility of conjugal chastity are generalized in detail thereinafter. In the following part of this subchapter, the author concludes that the responsibility of conjugal chastity inevitably has the nature of right of personality. Though the responsibility of conjugal chastity has dual natures of right of personality and right of dignity, they should be distinguished.

Right of dignity is the basic nature of the responsibility of conjugal chastity, whereas, right of personality is the attaching nature of the responsibility of conjugal chastity. In SubchapterⅢ , the author makes a comparative law research on the responsibility of conjugal chastity and the other related rights. Firstly, the author analyzed the relationship between the responsibility of conjugal chastity and the right of sexual freedom from different perspectives. And then the relationship between the responsibility of conjugal chastity and privacy is being observed and analyzed. In chapterⅢ,the author makes a reflection on the responsibility of conjugal chastity in reality and some suggestions are also brought up for the future legislation on this subject. After further study the author holds that the responsibility of conjugal chastity may be regulated by morality, but the regulation by law should not excluded, and the private nature of conjugal relation should be taken into account simultaneously.

After that, the judicial regulation on the responsibility of conjugal chastity is analyzed. At the final part, the author brings up some suggestions on the legislation of the responsibility of conjugal chastity in the future, that is, (1) the setting up of the definition of spouse’s right;(2) taking adultery as a statutory reason for divorce;(3) in the compensation for damages arisen from divorce, adultery should be considered as a statutory reason in the lawsuit of compensation for damages in divorce and change the “no-fault party” term into “victim”. Furthermore, the compensation for damages shall be not only applied to divorce by lawsuit but also to registry divorce and the scale of compensation for damages should include property and spiritual damages. ChapterⅣ is a prospect of the future research on the responsibility of conjugal chastity . Though the thesis is a tentative study on the responsibility of conjugal chastity, the target of it is clear, i.e., all the efforts made in this thesis is trying to perfect the marital legislation and a spur to induce more better ideas brought up by academia.




全文分为四章。 第一章是对夫妻忠实义务的历史考察。第一节作者对忠实的含义进行诠释并进一步确定了夫妻忠实义务的内涵。忠实的基本含义是忠诚可靠,暗含了不仅在行为上而且在思想和心理活动中也要忠诚。但是,由于思想感情不是法律调整的对象,因此婚姻法中的夫妻忠实义务仅指夫妻在性生活上互守贞操,保持专一,不应有婚外性行为。 第二节作者沿着婚姻制度的历史发展,分别对原始社会、奴隶社会、封建社会及现代婚姻制度下的夫妻忠实观念进行了考察。学者们对原始社会是否存在过群婚及血缘婚姻、一夫一妻婚姻是否自古就有存在争议,但不管历史的本来面目如何,原始社会的婚姻方式都不是现代意义上的婚姻,其两性行为都不是由法律来规范的行为,而仅仅是一种原始习惯。随着阶级关系的形成和私有制的建立,个体婚产生,但其出现的根本原因并非基于男女平等的要求,而是掌握着生产资料的男子为了维护血统的纯正、保证私有制继承给自己的亲生子女的需要。这就要求女子对其丈夫的的绝对忠实,这无疑为后来奴隶社会、封建社会时期男女不平等的忠实义务奠定了基础。在奴隶社会、封建社会时期,夫妻忠实义务具有妻子单方面负有忠实义务和对忠实义务的法律调整主要依靠公法调整两大特点。其形成的最根本原因是宗法制度下的父权制和夫权制,而这一社会制度又衍生出其他重要的原因,主要有:1、夫妻一体主义原则。2、性欲的生殖观点。3、社会性亲子关系的决定作用。4、婚外性行为违反婚姻的规范性。5、男女自然生理不同等。当历史步入资本主义社会,男女平等、夫妻人格相互独立、将婚姻视为契约的现代婚姻制度产生。在这一时期,资本主义法律普遍把夫妻置于平等地位,规定双方互相负有忠实义务,视之为维护夫妻关系特质及稳定的一个要素,并且规定了违反这一义务的法律责任。《婚姻法》第四条中规定:夫妻应当相互忠实,互相尊重,并将重婚、有配偶者与他人同居的不忠行为作为离婚的法定理由之一,无过错方可请求损害赔偿。这一举措,无论是对婚姻法理论还是对于司法实践,都有着极其重要的意义。 第三节作者讨论了我国当代婚恋、家庭与性观念的变化及对夫妻忠实观的影响。在市场经济的冲击和影响下,我国婚姻家庭领域正在发生着以功利化、市场化、人本化和开放化为特点的嬗变。



