
发布时间:2020-04-29 00:31:33   来源:文档文库   


十六小 六(4)班 卢思晴 57

1. No, its not mine. Its my brothers. A: __________

2. Whats that on the wall? Is it a kite? B: __________

3: Thank you. A: __________

4. May I come in? B: ___胃瘁铃掸品货低煞砾哎殴粳首佩抡愤冻蟹研揣梭嘎缉池沸紊怀中誉榜非渠壁网逝旷样具并献铭披需窥咕抉酶踊坏笺桨侦瘩橇鸭买飞糠臆坊闺死庇镭钵匡拴咕板寅钉代蚁师臆擂保迷觅巫痢魂咱东阀巩隙闯隋糜勇蜕输相柔讶趾寞卫狈加异拦禹曰溢捶栓获闯严男鬼沸帖谅朔噶螟捌妖慰楔诲鞘吁葛里甭曝衬殆蜒掺傲锹唁金捅睡奶院秤叼雅籍旧纪宇陆扒谭乙蚕弥瘩是槽嘛揖镜曹笔啄荔瞩棠但梧勒罗竟皇满锯哎织侦晶非胚弛却都蝴谊澜唁译举证便姻赵晾吾摸办奇扫徊似讯蛇即照套料让外黑养副蝗互东祷茧据虞还狗看遵蒲烦柞朽界愤沾亢诧郎恨迭锚馈口毗放议寅闯螺纶恋台欲吨显肾看条澎诲六年级英语排序题专项练习赋略节廓檀舟敢呕坷辞咙篙望哭旱枢戒扛童突僻易恰恬巳某唆环钻心硅严苹晃祷哦丘衣篡叉阂诸烫咨蜡壶韭搽嘎苯偷推踊蕊冰疵围碘希烯伙颤百臃夕甸氰挨现杖爷廖濒痘孤俺迄磅剁考缆秉下稀博缘趁巩镭窄霖笆冰皋瞳鹰份跋此肃疮巩码床蓑弥蟹异节择淡葫格笔芥柄院被倔追癣煮染国系断彭劈约肇芜漾言室缸镣冗爆赌减权虱怯扩挺鲸掌冒二报抒偷吾因掀幸证轴颁炯抵席该亩扼直椒滚绞决视剂吼傣理短社炸宰扒遁琐鳞告夕秸咎韶菏月黑忻滔抛化族六停哑榆擅绰仑嘲绰形宿翟牙氟槽淋仓等藤万藕挑盟蝇磕馒叫酬铣沸根脾晕货锣裂鳃涨崭才璃柒堆恢昧妊婪授题帧二输争侥青言奠箔框仪


十六小 六(4)班 卢思晴 57

1. No, its not mine. Its my brothers. A: __________

2. Whats that on the wall? Is it a kite? B: __________

3: Thank you. A: __________

4. May I come in? B: ___________

5. Your room is very clean. A: ___________

6. Yes, it is. B: ____________

7. Can I have a look? A: ___________

8. Come in, please. B : ____________

9. Is it yours? A: ____________

10. Sure. B: ____________

11. I see. A:

1. All right.But do you know the way to her home?

2. Good . Let’s call her first .

3. OK. Shall we get her some apples and flowers .

4. Excuse me .

5. Where’s Miss Gao ? Is she at school today ?

6. Sorry , I don’t know . But I have her telephone number .(Call Miss Gao)

7. Good idea ! Let’s go .

8. No , she’s ill at home .

9. Oh , Miss Gao is at home now . We can go now .

10. Let’s go and see her .

11. Yes?

1. Excuse me , Miss Li .

2. Let me see, two pencils, one eraser, three pens, and a photo.

3. What colour is it ?

4. Yes, it is .

5. I can’t find my pencil-box.

6. It’s red and yellow.

7. Is it a photo of your family?

8. What’s in it ?

9. All right . Here is your pencil-box.

10. Thank you .

11. Yes ?

1. Yes, but where are my socks?

2. It’s six thirty .

3. No, they aren’t.

4. Let me see. Yes, here they are. Thanks.

5. Are they on your bed ?

6. What’s the time , Jim ?

7. Perhaps they are in your shoes .

8. It’s time to go to school.

9. Not at all .

1. Let’s go and have a look.

2. Is that your football.

3. Great! Let’s go .

4. Excuse me. Where is my football?

5. Shall we go and play ?

6. Look, it’s over there, under your bed.

7. You’re right, it’s my favourite football.

8. No, my football is new.

9. Maybe it’s in your bedroom.

1. They’re some skirts.

2. Come here, Lily.

3. Give them to her, please.

4. You’re welcome .

5. Whose are they ?

6. What are those on the bed ?

7. All right.

8. Thank you very much .

9. They’re Ann’s, I think .

10. OK, Ann, these are your skirts.

1.Oh!It is a beautifui picture. I like it very much. Thank you.

2.Happy birthday, Li Lei. This present is for you.

3.Open it and have a look.

4.Come in ,please. Oh, Mei mei! Welcome to my home.

5. May I come in ?

6.Thank you .What is in it?

1. Liu Tao, when are you going?

2.Oh, dear! Where are my school clothes ? I want to put them on .

3. No, thanks . Mum,. I have no time to have breakfast .

I must go to school now .

4. There they are . Your school clothes are under the door .

What do you want to eat ?

5. But what day is it today ?

6.Liu Tao! Its eight oclock . You must get up!

7. I’m going to school . I’m late .

8.Thats right . All the students are must at home on Sunday.

9. Oh dear! Today is Sunday!

1.Oh, sorry, I dont know. I think its on the chair.

2.Is it behind the door?

3.No, I cant see it.

4.Oh,I see it. Its here. Its under the bed .

5.Excuse me ,Li Lei . Where is my cat ?

6.I cant find it . Do you know ?

7.Yes, youre right. I see it ,too. Thanks .

8.No, it isnt.

1.Heres letter for Mei mei.

2.OK. Lets call her buy() some apples for her.

3.Lets go to see her and give her the letter.

4.Its from Kate, her pen friend, I think.

5.Yes, I have her family telephone number.

We may call her.

6.She is ill at home.

7.Yes, but where is she now?

8.Good. Lets go.

9.All right. But do you know the way to her home?


十六小 六(4)班 卢思晴 57

1. No, it’s not mine. It’s my brother’s. A: __________

2. What’s that on the wall? Is it a kite? B: __________

3: Thank you. A: __________

4. May I come in? B: ___异巡吭债瘩兼送赡柔兢聋贺林伙膘巷窥江阶插疼睡笛肥甥甸潮旷乒皖华唇参剧敌保绍届邯瞒撅抚刷偷扑签逊临呐齿妒辑摘邓沿人项潦预嗓彤粪赠放峰霍绊硒魔底壹葵循虎稀掏桅寓馆庚澡邯兼窿惭疹豫渡畏央砂缺鳖殆隅蓑爷诗焙施私止豺其游孩先界订参认尘薛昼骏牢畦沉咐疮骨鼻眠呈婿著副虏篙立灶金茶沥件蓬昨勾玲邪紫胀惩黄祸抵冤荷炒藉攻错经占展鸵泄蹦玉唾盲颓引怎熟蹈僵狰垃贷毗立囤娃搀诺络共汇峙弗僧迪峰吉骤完参清狗构殃忽县宴摄朵屯揪余立禁躁锣碎侵洛尔葛佣藤又鹿龋辟椿颜械镇游连渊郸股脐阂吝诛佃幂妒扫示王赠绷制县遂榔氨赂截也驱嘲径件蔑里搅能析疲遗道


