最新高中英语人教新课标必修5 课件Unit4精品测试题高中英语必修5第四单元检测(课标卷)

发布时间:2018-03-19 11:25:13   来源:文档文库   

英语·必修 5(人教版)第四单元综合检测

第一部分 语言知识及运用(共两节,满分45)



Last week I happened to find an old photograph of myself and two of my closest friends. It got me thinking about all the crazy things I__1__with my friends.As kidswe made up games and gave them__2__like Sally Broke Her leg and Guess Guess.In our teenswe sat on the roofs of buildings talking about lifelove and everything.Looking back nowit seems a lifetime agobut memories like that__3__fade.Over timethoughthose daily__4__became lessthen turned into occasional emailsand they turned into__5__finally.

My mom always said you could choose your__6__but you alone choose how long they stay in your life.Having let a dear friend ot mine__7__from my life completelyI now understand what she meant. X K b1.C om

He was one of my friends who will forever be stuck in my__8__.one of our biggest jokes was about a book based on his life.We wanted to__9__it to our old history professorwho called all the girls in the classSir

He got me to be__10__of sports and want to spend much time doing it.The benches outside the William Cullen library were where you could find us.If those benches could tell their stories they would__11__the pages of two novels.

A silly__12__between us led to a four­year friendship end because I gave a false color to his actions.I felt__13__because I did appreciate him.He was one of those__14__friends who provided a shoulder to cry on even if he also needed one.

Life is difficultbut I should value every__15__and every afternoon sitting on the bench.As my mom would saya man with two real friends is richer than a man with $100 million in the bank.



1.A.promised Bexperienced

Cappreciated Ddiscovered



2.A.names Banswers Cnumbers Dmarks

解析:根据下文的Sally Broke Her Leg and Guess Guess前面的games可知:作者和玩伴们编造出一些游戏并为它们起名(names)


3.A.just Balmost Cnever Dalready



4.A.exercises Bactivities

Creports Ddiscussions



5.A.silence Bindependence

Cevidence Ddependence

解析:根据前文的内容,特别是over timethen可知,这里是表示时间的变化,所以最后他们没有来往了。


6.A.lovers Bfriends Cstudents Dworkmates



7.A.flee Bmove Cfade Dexit

解析:根据下文a fouryear friendship end可知:作者失去了(fade)一个朋友。


8.A.house Bspeech Clife Dmemory



9.A.present Breturn Cintroduce Dsell

解析:根据上文one of our biggest jokes可知:他们跟他朋友开了一个玩笑,把他写的书交给了(present)他们的历史教授,因为他把班上的女生都喊Sir,言下之意是他们都喜欢有趣的事。


10.A.afraid Bglad Cfond Dconfident

解析:根据下半spend much time doing it可知,他应该是很喜欢体育。


11. A.fill Bscan Cread Dfollow



12. A.mistake Bconversation

Cmisunderstanding Ddecision

解析:根据下文gave a false color to his actions可知:一个误会(misunderstanding)导致了四年的友谊结束。


13.A.sad Bangry Cscared Dfunny

解析:根据下文I did appreciate him可知:作者真的很感激这个朋友,所以现在失去了,应该感到很难过(sad)


14.A.new Bold Cclose Dhonest

解析:根据第一段首句my closest friends以及第二段a dear friend可知:这个最好(close)的朋友即使在自己需要帮助时也会伸出援手。


15.A.joke Bword Cnovel Dprofessor

解析:根据第三段one of our biggest jokes可知:作者应珍惜每一个玩笑(joke)和每一次坐在长凳上的下午。




Is anger bad for you? Many people 16.____(convince) that anger is one of the main factors that affect our emotional and physical health because most researchers think that chronic anger increases 17.____risk of getting heart attack. However, the latest studies show that suppressing anger is bad for you too. Women who 18.____(constant) suppress their anger have a higher death rate than those who don't. In addition, if partners suppress their anger, this is more damaging 19.____ the woman's health than the man's. So it is true that while frequent anger is bad for you, the suppression of anger is 20.____(bad)

Therefore, dealing with anger seems to be very important. We cannot let anger control us 21.____ make us do things we would later regret. We should be aware of our angry thoughts and try to challenge 22.____. Perhaps when someone cuts us off at the traffic lights, we should worry about why they drive that way rather 23.____get furious. We should try 24.____(relax), take a deep breath, and decide 25.____we really want to go over the top! That way we can be angry only when we want to be.


16解析句子的主语many peopleconvince动作的承受者,故应使用被动语态。

答案are convinced









21解析let anger control usmake us do things两者之间为并列选择关系,故应使用并列连词or来连接。


22解析本句中,them指代上文中提到的angry thoughts


23解析rather than为固定搭配,意为而不是,在此处表示我们应当想想他们为什么这么开车,而不是变得很生气


24解析try to do sth.意为试着做某事,在本句中表示我们应当试着放松

答案to relax



第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50)




Children's books or children's literature is very hard to define and categorise, because there is no set genre for children to enjoy. All in all they can be categorised into six major classes, namely early childhood picture books, traditional literature, fiction, non­fiction, biography and poetry.

Children have unique taste and interest. Although Harry Potter may be an all­time favourite book for children all over the globethey prefer funny books to fairy tales when it comes to bedtime. The top three favourite books in bedtime stories are The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson and Axel SchefflerThe Very Hungry Caterpillar by Erie Carle and The BFG by Roald Dahl.

There are many writers who popularized the children's literature or children's books through their brilliant works. John Amos Comenius is the author of Orbis Pictus which is considered to be the first picture book specifically for children. Charles Perrault is believed to be the one who laid the foundations of fairy tales. Perrault's stories include Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and so on. Hans Christian Anderson is best known for his fairy tales, such as The Snow Queen, The Little Mermaid and The Emperor's New Clothes.

Many children's books have been made into feature films and are equally successful in this medium, like Alice in Wonderland, the BFG series and the Harry Porter series. These series collected a huge amount of money when released worldwide in cinema halls. All these movies based on popular children's books are not only popular among children but also popular among adult audiences.

Children's books are in demand all over the world and more and more writers and authors are coming up with some new books. The potential market is immense because children are more into reading in this era than previous and they are enjoying it to the fullest.


26Before going to sleep children like to enjoy________.

Afairy tales  Bnon­fiction

Cfunny books Dtraditional literature

解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的they prefer funny books to fairy tales when it comes to bedtime可知,孩子们在睡觉前喜欢读有趣的书。


27All the following books are fairy tales EXCEPT________.

AThe Snow Queen BThe Gruffalo

CLittle Red Riding Hood DCinderella

解析细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可知The Snow Queen是童话(fairy tale);根据第三段第三句及第四句可知Little Red Riding HoodCinderella也都是童话;由第二段中的they prefer funny books to...The top three favourite books in bedtime stories are The Gruffalo...可知B项不是童话。


28Which of the following is NOT true about the films based on children's books?

AAdults seem not to like them at all.

BThey bring in a lot of money.

CThey are very popular with children.

DThey are shown around the world.

解析判断是非题。文章第四段中交代了很多儿童书被改编成了电影,而根据该段最后一句All these movies based on popular children's books are not only popular among children but also popular among adult audiences可知,成人也喜欢这些电影。


29It can be inferred from the last paragraph that________.

Amore famous books would be published in future

Bchildren would like to read children's books more

Cmore people are eager to be writers and authors

Dthe economy is developing faster and faster

解析段意归纳题。根据最后一段中的Children's books are in demand all over the world and more and more writers and authors are coming up with some new books及相关情节可推知,孩子们越来越喜欢图书。


30Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

AThere Are Six Kinds of Children's Books

BSome Writers Are Well­known in the World

CMany Films Are Based on Children's Books

DChildren's Books and Literature Are Very Popular




Children who are taught by the best teachers learn twice as fast as those with poor teachersProf. Dylan William says. Which school a child attends therefore matters much less than which teachers they have. A simple method of providing continuous feedback(反馈)on pupils' performance is far more effective(有效的) than providing whiteboards, expensive computer equipment or even reducing class sizes. In some cases, money spent on these things could be money wasted, if teachers do not change the way they teach.

He said earlier studies showed that the reduction of class sizes from 30 to 20 did not change teaching methods, and therefore the huge increase in spending it would require was not effective.

I'm in favor of cost­benefit analyses he said. Any measures must be thought about. Education is expensive. I want children to have nice buildings and computers. But we need to look at how we can spend this money effectively. To illustrate this idea, he said that if 60 pupils were taught in three classes of 20 pupils instead of two classes of 30, it would create 150,000 extra classes and teaching spots to fill in England. At a cost of around 20,000 per classthe potential benefits should be weighed up against the cost.

Prof William said extra training would be needed in how to give continuous, immediate feedback. One way of providing such continuous feedback is to use a traffic light system, he says.

Pupils show a green light if they have understood what has been taught, a yellow one for partial understanding and a red one if they do not understand.

This wayProf William saysa teacher can find out how many students are following the lesson, and at what speed to take the class.

A spokesperson said Assessment for Learning(AfL) could bring important benefits. We introduced AfL into our National Strategy in 2009, and want it to be_rolled_out everywhere. We believe it helps improve good practice and track pupils' progress.


31In the opinion of William, how to make education effective?

ABy giving students constant and quick feedback.

BBy reducing the size of a class.

CBy equipping the classroom with computers.

DBy having nice school buildings. http://www. xkb1.c om

解析细节理解题。根据第一段的A simple method of providing continuous feedback on pupils' performance is far more effective than providing whiteboards, expensive computer equipment or even reducing class sizes可知A项正确,即要想使教学有成效,提供反馈是最好的方法。


32According to the passage, how much would be paid for extra classes?

A.£3 billion. B.£45 billion.

C.£30 billion. D.£30 billion.

解析细节理解题。由文章第三段中it would create 150,000 extra classes and teaching spots to fill in England. At a cost of around 20,000 per class可知答案为A


33Why did William suggest using a traffic light system in class?

ATo make it easier for teachers to manage students.

BTo judge how many students understand the lesson.

CTo teach students the importance of keeping traffic rules.

DTo attract the attention of students to the lesson.

解析细节理解题。结合倒数第二段的find out how many students are following the lesson可知B项正确。


34The underlined words be rolled out in the last paragraph probably mean ________

Athink about it carefully

Bdrop it and make it turn

Cmake it get out of the countryw W w .x K b 1.c o M

Dmake it available all over the country

解析猜测词义题。根据上文所说AfL能够带来important benefits,并且要引入2009年的National Strategy,后一句话说We believe it helps improve good practice and track pupils' progress,由此推知D项的解释符合画线词在语境中的意思。


35What is the main idea of this passage?

AEducation is much more expensive now.

BTeaching is poor with best teaching equipment.

CIt is the teaching method that matters.

DModern equipment should be removed out of class.




Before James Blunt became a musician, he served in the army. He spent four and a half years there, with six months in Kosovo as part of the peacekeeping force. Before leaving the armyBlunt had decided to achieve his dream of becoming a musician. In 2003, he was discovered by music producer Linda Perry who signed him to her Custard label. However, the road to success never runs smoothly. It seemed that he would become another struggling singer trying to live from hand to mouth(勉强维持生计)when his first two singles failed to make an impact on the British charts. But everything changed when his third single You're Beautiful made it all the way to No. 1 on the UK singles charts, and remained there for five weeks. The album (专辑)Back to Bedlam soon followed and quickly became one of the biggest selling records of the year, remaining ten continual weeks at No. 1. Since thenhe has sold more than three million records, making him the first British artist to top the American singles charts in nearly a decade.

Blunt,34a throwback(返祖者)to the 1970s soft­rock golden agehas been quoted by Western media as saying that he will never get used to people screaming at him in the street.

His success proves a lasting theory: You spend years chasing the right song. Thenif you're luckyand if the song really takes off, you spend the rest of your life trying to escape itor learning to live with it. A few years removed from You're Beautiful, he can still fill stages worldwide with fans who stay until the end.


36What do we know from the passage? X k B 1 . c o m

ABlunt was discovered by Linda Perry before joining the army.

BBlunt has already become famous before joining the army.

CBlunt spent five years in the army altogether.

DBlunt had the dream of becoming a musician before leaving the army.

解析细节理解题。由第一段的第三句Before leaving the armyBlunt had decided to achieve his dream of becoming a musician可知,早在退伍前,Blunt就想成为一名音乐家。


37Which of the following can describe James Blunt's life as a musician before he sang the song You're Beautiful?

ADifficult.    BHappy.

CBoring. DSmooth.

解析推理判断题。由第一段的第五、六句话可知,他在未唱红You're beautiful这首歌之前,和其他的struggling singer一样勉强维持生计,故他的生活应该是艰难的。


38What is the reason for Western media to conclude that he will never get used to people screaming at him in the street in the second paragraph?

ABlunt will never adjust himself to the noisy environment around.

BThe popularity of Blunt has been gaining him an increasing number of fans out of his expectation.

CWhat Blunt sings disturbs people so much that they yell to him their anger.

DPeople in the street are rude civilians who are against any form of entertainingincluding Blunt's songs. | | | ||

解析细节推断题。由文章第二段可知,James Blunt是连续将近十年稳居美国单曲排行榜榜首的第一位英国艺人。他的成功为他带来数量日益增多的歌迷。西方媒体对他的评价形象地表现了歌迷见到他欣喜若狂,前呼后拥,而他躲闪不及,无法适应的场面。因此B选项符合。


39We can infer from the last paragraph that________.

ABlunt is well­known in the world for his talent

BBlunt's fame as a musician came easily

CBlunt wasn't lucky enough to win his fans'support

DBlunt has to face the inconvenience his fame has caused

解析推理判断题。James Blunt通过不懈的努力,终于因You're Beautiful这首歌曲一夜成名,但他从此不得不承受成名后的压力和烦恼。文章倒数第二段中...he will never get used to people screaming at him in the street也暗示了这一点,故答案选D


40What is the passage mainly about?

AThe song You're Beautiful.

BThe latest album of James Blunt.

CThe success of James Blunt as a musician.

DThe whole life of James Blunt.

解析主旨大意题。根据文章的内容可知,这篇文章主要讲的是歌手James BluntYou're Beautiful这首歌而一夜成名,随后又以Back to Bedlam歌曲专辑而风靡全世界,故选C项。



Neither television nor radio nor magazines nor books nor any other medium can begin to match newspapers for depth and breadth of coverage(新闻报道). In fact, all these media themselves depend on newspapers to bring them information that they then process and distribute as their own brand of news. - - -- -

Now many newspapers are locked in a struggle for survival. If they lose—which is by no means impossible—we all lose.

The great task for editors and publishers is to respond to the competitive challenge caused by online news, and at the same time use their own online news to increase their profits(利润). As yetthey haven't figured out a smooth and sure way to do that.

So they cut some more to get profit. The cuts in size that they are making are in some cases risky and in others without considering the results. With every cut, publishers tirelessly argue that readers won't even know the difference. The trouble is that by the time customers do notice that they are getting less for their moneyit will be too late—too late to notice the reduction in the number of readers.

The other big cuts, of course, are in staff(员工). The victims would be the oldest and most experienced workers because they are the highest paid. While there is plenty of tired deadwood among themthere is also a lot of talent.

When experienced staff leave in large numbers—as they often do now—the newspaper loses great professional memory. But the real loser is the readers, who are suddenly robbed of the insights(见识) that only the experienced reporters can bring.

As for the future, there is at least one big, bright signintelligent young people will continue to flood into journalism in urgent search of jobs, despite its high demands and modest(不太高的) pay.


41The underlined word deadwood in Paragraph 5 may refers to ________

Athe staff who are going to retire

Bworkers who are experienced

Cpeople who are no longer useful or needed

Dreporters who are tired of covering events



42According to the passagewhich of the following can best describe the author's attitude towards the ways the editors and publishers have adopted to get profit?

AThe author has no objection.

BThe author opposes them.

CThe author regards them reasonable.

DThe author has not shown it explicitly.

解析推理判断题。由第四段The cuts in size that they are making are in some cases risky and in others without considering the results和第六段When experienced staff leave in large numbers...the newspaper loses great professional memory可知,作者对这两种方式都是不赞成的。


43Who will be the real loser if newspapers lose according to the passage?

APublishers.  BReaders.  

CEditors.    DWriters.



44The author seems to agree with the view that________.

Ajournalism is a job offering highest pay for high demands

Bexperienced workers are the last to be laid off

Cthe challenge of newspapers is that there are not enough intelligent young people

Dit is possible that newspapers may not survive in the end

解析推理猜测题。从第二段的If they lose—which is by no means impossible—we all lose可知报纸也许会在与其他媒体的竞争中失败,故选D


45It is stressed by the passage that the most important quality for a journalist is________.

Apatience Bselfishness

Cinsights Dsensitivity

解析由第六段的...the insights that only the...可知,失去了具有独特远见的记者,读者的兴趣和数量都会下降。所以对记者而言,具有远见卓识至关重要。


第三部分 写作请根据以下的情景说明,使用5个规范的英语句子描述全部的内容。








Class 9Senior 3

Wuhan No.55 Middle School

June 30

Dear Li Hua

I have already received your letter and I'm very thankful for your kind invitation.You asked me to spend the summer vacation with youbut to my great sorrowI can't go to your place.Because in the coming summer vacationI shall take part in the football summer camp organized by our school.And it will not take me long to be in the camp.I will go to visit you if I have some spare time after the summer vacation.


Zhang Wei


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