Compare and Contrast the Strengths and Weaknesses of Task—based Language Teaching Method

发布时间:2017-06-15 15:26:03   来源:文档文库   

Compare and Contrast the Strengths and Weaknesses of Task—based Language Teaching Method and Audio Lingual Teaching Method and Study How They Impact Upon Both the Teachers and the Learners

        AbstractThis essay focused on comparing and contrasts audio lingual method and Task-based language teaching method demonstrating the strengths and weaknesses of the two methods and discusses how they impact upon both the teachers and the learners. TBLT is the contemporary teaching method with a great number of strong points. It seems that if there is more relatively scientific and effective method TBLT should give way to it. The ultimate goal is to advocate the comparatively successful teaching method in the field of foreign language education.

        Key wordsCompare and contrast Task-based language teaching method Audio lingual method

        Over the past several decades task-based language teaching TBLT has increasingly gained popularity and the worldwide attention. However the Audio-lingual method has led English teaching for a long time. This essay will focus on comparing and contrasting the two methods demonstrating the strengths and weaknesses of these two methods and discuss how they impact upon both the teachers and the learners.

        The characteristic of Audio- lingual method was a large number of oral activities and pattern drills. It is originated from World War II and based on the behaviorist theory of language learning. With this traditional method teachers always pay attention to the repetitive practice and drill. The focus of this method is to make the learners acquire accurate pronunciations and instruct them the inductive analogy of grammar rules.


《Compare and Contrast the Strengths and Weaknesses of Task—based Language Teaching Method.doc》
