论在上海自贸区推行航空临时仲裁 - 以横琴自由贸易试验区临时仲裁制度为借鉴

发布时间:2020-08-27 13:46:19   来源:文档文库   
Open Journal of Legal Science 法学, 2020, 8(3), 287-292 Published Online July 2020 in Hans. http://www.hanspub.org/journal/ojls https://doi.org/10.12677/ojls.2020.83041文章引用: 王新宇. 论在上海自贸区推行航空临时仲裁[J]. 法学, 2020, 8(3): 287-292.DOI: 10.12677/ojls.2020.83041The Study on the Practice of Temporary Aviation Arbitration in Shanghai Free Trade Zone—Take the Ad Hoc Arbitration System of Hengqin Free Trade Zone for ReferenceXinyu WangSchool of International Law, East China University of Political Science and Law, ShanghaiReceived: Apr. 27th , 2020; accepted: May 12th , 2020; published: May 19th , 2020 Abstract In the general environment where ad hoc arbitration is often used in international aviation dis-pute settlement, due to the existence of special provisions in China's arbitration law, ad hoc arbi-tration in China cannot be implemented by domestic courts. This principal contradiction has greatly limited the development of aviation arbitration in China. In 2014, the newly established Shanghai International Aviation Arbitration Court was also trapped in this dilemma. During the same period of time, the opinions on providing judicial guarantee for the construction of free trade zones issued by the Supreme Court and the provisional arbitration rules of Hengqin Free Trade Zone adopted by Zhuhai arbitration commission provided useful inspiration to the Shang-hai International Aviation Arbitration Court and even the whole aviation arbitration field. KeywordsShanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, Aviation Arbitration, Temporary Arbitration, Hengqin Pilot Free Trade Zone 论在上海自贸区推行航空临时仲裁——以横琴自由贸易试验区临时仲裁制度为借鉴王新宇华东政法大学国际法学院,上海


《论在上海自贸区推行航空临时仲裁 - 以横琴自由贸易试验区临时仲裁制度为借鉴.doc》
