
发布时间:2012-09-06 18:19:07   来源:文档文库   

It’s an open secret that every parent has a desire to reveal their children’s private life,and so does Claire.每个家长的心中,似乎都有着对孩子私生活强烈的好奇心,克莱尔也不例外。

Claire(一手拿着洗衣篮在忙着)忽然,手机短信铃声响起。(鬼鬼祟祟地一边四周环顾,一边蹑手蹑脚地走过去,一把抓起手机,读毕,独白开始):While doing my laundry, I picked up Alexmy daughters cellphone, thinking it was mine. And I accidentally read a few flirty text messages that were probably from a boy in her class, which is fine. Or they're from a drifter.其实一开始我以为那是我的手机,不管你信不信我反正信了。问题是,我无意中看到几条暧昧短信,如果是她班上的某个男生干的那也就罢了……如果是个小混混怎么办?

Claire 心不在焉地做家务时,Haley放学回来了

Haley:I’m home. (见到Claire)Hey mom.(往沙发上扔书包,慵懒地半摊在沙发上看杂志)

Claire(忽然想到也许可以从Haley口中套出点什么):Hi …how was your day at school? 宝贝,今天过的咋样?


C:Good. Anything interesting happened today? 有什么趣事发生吗?H: (奇怪地看了C一眼)Nothing.没有。

C:Good. And …what about your sisterAlex?你的妹妹呢?H(放下她手中的杂志):OK mom,what is it.图谋不轨吧你,咋了?

C:Well,since you asked...(猛抬起头,两眼放光,语速加快)I need you to talk to your sister. I think that there's something going on with her and a boy.那……既然你都这样问了,我就开门见山了。我要你去和你妹妹谈谈,我觉得她和某个男孩子有暧昧


CSo, I am your mother, and it is my job to make sure that you girls don't get involved with a predator. 然后,我是你们的妈妈,确保你们不被坏蛋给剥皮吃了是我的职责

HOkay, mom, stop watching "Dateline." And why can't you just talk to her? 得了吧,妈,别再看《今日一线》了,你自己怎么不去和她谈

CI -- she won't talk to me. You know that. 我试过了,她不会跟我开口的,你懂的。

HThat's because you get so weird every time a boy comes near us. 因为一有男孩接近我们你就变得神经质

CI-I just don't want you girls to --我只是不想你们这些小姑娘

H - To make the same mistakes that you did? –重蹈你的覆辙吗

CNo!(H不相信地继续盯着C的脸) No. 不是 Anyway,talk to her.不管咋样,跟她谈谈

Haley:All right,when I have time.好好好,有空再说。


Haley So, I hear you have a boyfriend. 我听说你有男朋友了

Alex:- No, I don't. Haley:- Who is he? -哪有 -他是谁

Alex:- - I'm not talking to you about this. Haley: - Oh, come on.You're finally interesting. Just tell me. -我才不告诉你呢

Oh, come on.You're finally interesting. Just tell me.

你总算有点八卦可挖了 快说呗

Alex: He's not my boyfriend.It's Jeremy Reed. It's -- he's just this boy that I .. 他不是我男友,他叫杰里米·瑞德,不过是个男孩,我……

Haley: Love? Alex- No! -爱他 -没有

Haley:Well, have you guys kissed yet? 你们接吻了吗

Alex:No! 没有

Haley:Well, what are you waiting for? 那你等什么呢

Alex:I'm not waiting. I'm 13. 我没等 人家才13

Haley:And you've never kiss boy?你就从来没有亲过男孩子吗?

Alex:How old were you?你什么时候亲

Haley:Like 11.And it was beautiful.I was in Jackson Kaner's carpeted garage.


Haley:Yeah. So you better get on it,or else he's gonna think you're a lesbian.

Alex:He's not going to think I'm a lesbian.

Haley:I thought you were.You totally have the sandals for it.

Alex还在犹豫不决,Haley一边离开一边最后怂恿:OK,anyway it’s none of my business.反正呢,这又不关我事,你自己看着办吧

Jeremy:Hey. What are you doing here?

AlexHi, Jeremy. I want to ask you something.

J :-Sure, ask A- Wait, don't talk yet.Here is the thing.We've texting for a while, and it's been nice,but I feel like it's leading to something else,and I don't know if you do or not,but I guess what I'm trying to say is,I'm just a girl standing in front of a boy asking for him to like her

J:What's happening?

Alex:I'm not a lesbian.我想你亲我I would like for you to kiss me.

Meanwhile,Claire’s step mother ,Gloria,is preparing for the dinner tonight.At this time,her husband comes back home.

JMmm, what smells so good?

GI'm making chunchullo, a traditional Colombian dish,

for dinner with the family tonight. Chunchullo.

JWhat is that -- like, uh, tacos?

GYes, like tacos.

LNo, it isn't.

M- It's the small intestine of a pig. -

JOh, Geez. Why can't we eat regular food like normal people?

GI told you, Jay.

My grandmother, who rests in peace,

has been coming to me in my dreams,

telling me that I'm losing touch with my roots.

JSee, this is awkward,

because my dead uncle joe told me to have steak tonight.

GNo, no, no, Jay. Have some respect.

M:(惊恐)My grandmother can hear you.

GWhat do you mean, she can hear us?

Well, in our culture,

we believe that the dead are all around us.

JShe's right, Manny.

She could be right here,

her bony fingers reaching out from the grave.(用手拍manny肩膀)


Phil出来和解:wo, how nice the weather is today哎呀你们瞧,今天阳光真灿烂

Claire:Hey, honey. Where'd you go?

Alex Nowhere. Just for a bike ride.

Haley: Oh, my god! Puh-lease tell me this text is wrong!Did you really just go over to that kid's houseand try and kiss him in front of a million people?!

Claire:Alex, did you do that? Alex - You got a text?

Oh, yeah. Everybody knows.

Do you know how embarrassing this is for me?!

This is all your fault!

You're the one who said I had to kiss him or I was a lesbian!

Haley! Did you say that to her?!

Oh, don't turn this on me. Look at her shoes!

Ugh! I'm never going back to school now.

No, sweetheart. Yes, you are. You are going back to school.

But listen to me-- Just because a boy sends you flirty texts.Doesn't mean that

you have to text him back

- what?! You read my texts?!

- I... - You read her texts?!That's why you made me talk to her?!

You made her talk to me?!

I kind of feel like we're spinning out here a little bit.

Look, Alex, the important thing here Is that you have to be very careful how you behave around boys Because it is so easy to get a reputation. Well, I'm sorry I'm not a perfect little good girl like you were!

Were you?

Were you?!

I highly doubt it!

Dinner is about to get ready.Mitch ,Jay’s son ,is now coming to have this family party bringing his boyfriend.Yes,in they are gay.

CamMitchHiP:Hi come on in, dinner is ready


Camsomething wrong?

P: it is a war between women.

M: well we won’t ask.

P:Girls, come downstairs .Dinner’s ready

大家准备就坐 cam走到CLAIRE身边Cam Claire, you dont look so well ClaireeehhhhIm fine. Mitchyour “eehhh” means youre not.HaleyTrust me.shes fine . Alex is not neither am i.Mitch: what does that mean?Haley: Can you believe it? Alex asked a boy to kiss her .众人(除claire alex phil):No way /really/ oh my God/ Jeezes/brilliant/amazing!

Alex: Drop it!

Cam: wow! How (跑去Alex身边)…how brave and lovely you’re! You are so amazing (语气变抱怨,蔑视MUnlike your uncle ,he cant even show a little affection in public , not even say I love you

M: Cam , you promise you will never pick up on it.

GWhat are u guys talking about?

COH, Gloria .I’m just saying that Mitch has problem showing affection,like

(避开,C滚地)Mitchcam not now . and by the way is there anything wrong with that?

Phil: of course there is! Affection should be shown to your loved one!

M:My father never did such kind of things and maybe it pass to me.You cannot blame me for that.

G:wait a minute.Here is the problem!Jay never expresses his love to his son and his son has problem showing affection!

Jay:What?It’s nothing to do with me

G:Yes,it is ,Jay. Tell Mitch that you love him

众人起哄 say it say it say it

Jay: all right all right. Shut up!Mitch,I’m proud that I have a son like you. I love you.

Jay 接着讲,OKthat’s it, there’s nothing to do with me now.


Luke Manny开门

Luke: There’s a stranger out there.来了个怪叔叔


Cam立马怂恿 两眼放光(对Alex

MannyGod bless you

Alex 无奈地走出门外Jeremy单独会面

Just so you know, if my friends weren't there, I would've said yes. So, if you still want to...

If it's okay...

Maybe we should hang out more first.

This is only the second conversation we've had

Well, I’ll text you


G:All right, now that Alex has taken her step out ,Mitch, it’s your turn.

Mitch:what? Again? Can’t we just eat?

Manny:Not before you say it

GCome on,say it to cam in front of all of usMitch:oh god,it doesnt make any sense!

众人起哄:say it ,say it ,say it……(背景音乐响起) MitchOK OK calm down I love you. (很小声)Alexwhat? Did you just say something?Mitch:I love you Cam:cant hear youMitch:I love you !!众人欢呼Gloria: thats more like it! In Colombia, we kiss for everything,

because a kiss can mean so many different things.

It can be the start of something new.

It can be how we say, "This is the person that I love."

It can be romantic.

It can also be worth waiting for u

So just be brave and express the love in your heart because affection should be shown to your loved one!


