
发布时间:2020-05-11 01:32:28   来源:文档文库   

. 高考常见文体写作模板


△阐释主题型:要求考生围绕一个主题,描述生活中的一件事,说明这一主题。 模板一:

An ancient saying goes:”①_________________, which is universally true. A story of /My experience of ________________________________proved it again.

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ After that, my belief becomes firmer that ___________________________________; and in my daily life ______________________________________________. 1. 名言警句 2. 实例名称 3. 事件的具体内容 4. 主题 5. 此事的影响或对主题的倡议 模板二:

In my ___________________________________, there is a /an _________________________________. Whenever seeing it. I think of __________________________________. It was three years ago ____________________________________________________________________. From _____________________________, I learned that ___________________________________________. 1. 地点 2. 3. 事件名称或主题 4. 事件内容 5. 人或事 6. 主题


△说明原因型:要求考生解释出现某一现象的原因。 模板一:

In recent years, more and more people ______________________________. Why should this phenomenon take place? There're generally________________________________factors accounting for it. The main reason lies in __________________________.Secondly, _________________________________. Other than that, ______________________________,as well, plays /play a role in the issue. Anyway, ________________________________________________________________. 1. 趋势 2. 数字 3. 第一个原因 4. 第二个原因 5. 第三个原因 6. 总结 模板二:

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. Nowadays, man is facing a big problem_________________________. Here are several reasons for ________________________________________. The most obvious reason for this situation is that ____________________________________________. Last but not least, ________________________________________. As we all know, it is of great necessity to ___________________________________. Therefore, we so as to ______________________________________________________. 1.问题 2. 现象 3. 第一个原因 4. 第二个原因 5. 倡导的主题 6. 倡议 7. 目的 模板三:

In recent years,__________________________has become a serious problem in the world/city among ___________________________. No doubt, it does great harm to _______________________________. Actually, there're several factors contributing to ___________________________. Among them, the most responsible is

__________________, for

__________________________. Besides,

____________________________________plays a role in it as well. ________________________________________. On account of the above reasons, we should _________________________________________. 1. 问题 2. 出现问题的群体 3. 危害的对象 4. 问题 5. 第一个因素 6.

对第一个因素和问题间关系的解释 7. 第二个因素 8. 对第二个因素和问题间关系的解释 9. 倡议

△说明利弊型:要求考生往往先简要陈述某现象,详细讲述该现象可能产生的影响,一般从利弊两方面分析(如下面的模板一,二,三)。也可有所侧重,从利(如下面模板五,六)或弊(如模板四)中重点择一说明。最后考生可根据自己的分析给出合理的建议或者呼吁。 模板一:

Nowadays, ____________________________has sprung up at every corner of our country/flooded our life/become increasingly popular among people, for it has brought people much /many ____________________. First, _________________. Besides, ________________. But every coin has two sides. Though ________________, the negative aspects are obvious, as well .To begin with _________________. Other than that, ____________________. Taking both sides into consideration/To sun up, we should try to bring the advantages of _________________________________ into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum(最低点)at the same time. Only in this way , can we make a better use of_______________________________. 1. 事物或现象 2. 优点或好处 3. 第一个好处 4. 第二个好处 5. 对优点的总结 7. 第一个缺点 8. Word 资料

. 第二个缺点 8.9. 本文讨论的事物 模板二:

Nowadays, it's hard to say whether ______________ act as a curse or a blessing(是福还是祸). Anyway, we have to admit ________________ is /are of great necessity /use in modern life. We use ___________________ to ____________________. Without it, we might ____________________.So it's widely recognized that ______________________ improve(s)/enrich(es) our life. But _______________________ is /are not always a positive force. If not used in the right way, it maybe harmful and even dangerous to people. For example, ___________________. We can see under the negative influence, we may be faced with great danger. Taking both sides into consideration, we'd say it's a curse, as well as a blessing. Therefore, on one hand, we should make the best of the positive force; on the other hand, try to reduce its negative effects.本文所讨论的事物 4.用途 5. 假设会出现的结果 8. 危害人类的例证 模板三:

____________________is/are gaining a great popularity. Compared with ___________________, ____________________ have many advantages. First, ___________________________. Second,

______________________________. What's more,

__________________________________. However, ____________________creates some problems. For example, ___________________;Besides, ____________________________. Therefore, while enjoying the convenience brought by ____________________.We have a long way to go to solve the problem.

本文所讨论的事物 2.比较对象 4. 第一个优点 5.第二个优点 6.第三个优点 8.第一个缺点或不足 9.第二个缺点或不足


Recently, the issue of ________________ has been brought to public attention. The tragedy/loss caused by it arouses our deep consideration once again. To tell the truth, the action results from ________________, which brings great harm to both the doer himself and society. To start with, __________________. Secondly, ________________________. Moreover, ____________________. Therefore, ____________________________. 1. 本文所讨论的事物 2. 根源 3.第一个危害 4.第二个危害 5. 第三个危害 6.结论

Word 资料

. 模板五:

Nowadays, people/Chinese parents/students/ seldom pay attention to /pay little attention to ______________________. While, in fact, _________________benefit(s) us in many ways, and big differences might be made whether you ___________________ or not. To start with , __________________.Secondly, __________________.In addition,

____________________________ So it is suggested that _________________________. 1.2.

本文所讨论的事物 3. 采取的行动 4. 第一个优点或长处 5.第二个优点 6. 第三个优点 7. 结论


Nowadays,_________________has become popular, especially among youngsters, for it has many advantages. Firstly, _________________. Secondly, ________________.Thirdly, __________________For example, _____________________________. Though ____________________, on the whole , it is beneficial to us .So, ______________________. 1.本文多讨论的事物 2. 第一个长处 3. 第二个长处 4.第三个长处 5. 例证 6. 缺点 7.结论或倡议 △说明解决方案型:要求考生提供解决某一问题的建议。 模板一:

Nowadays, _______________has become a serious problem we have to face. _____________________. Usually, ________________solutions are recommended to the problem. The key solution is ___________________.In addition, _________________________.Another idea is ________________. To conclude, not an individual method mentioned above itself can work effectively. It requires an overall effort. Only when _________________, can we successfully ___________________________. 1. 本文所讨论的问题 2. 问题的表现 3. 数字 4. 主要的解决办法 5.第二个解决办法 6. 第三个解决办法 7. 行动 8.展望未来 模板二:

No doubt, everyone hopes that ________________. But in reality , some are still suffering from lack of ________________. In fact, with own efforts, it is quite possible to acquire _________________.Firstly, ____________________.Furthermore, ____________________.Last but not least,_____________________. However, as a proverb says, Rome is not built overnight,______________________. 1. 美好的愿望 2.残缺的现实 3.本文所讨论的事物或主题 4.第一个解决办法 5.第二个解决办法

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. 6. 第三个解决办法 7. 倡议 模板三:

Nowadays, _______________has become the source of the greatest complaint among people. As it has seriously influenced our life, the highest priority has been given to the problem and many students are called in for advice. According to some of them, ________________is the key solution. The advantage is obvious:_________________. But there exists some shortcomings, as well:______________________. Others argue that _______________.Of course, it is not perfect, either:_____________________. Since each suggestion has its own disadvantages, it is hard to tell which advice is more effective. It requires our further consideration. 1.本文所讨论的问题 2.一些人的观点 3.第一种观点的优点 4.缺点 5.第二种观点 6.第二种观点的不足 模板四:

Although we all wish to _______________, to some , especially the youngsters, ____________________is still a headache. Here are several steps we can follow. The first step is to _______________.This can help you smoothly go into the next stage: _______________________.After that, you can continue with ____________________. My personal experience shows that if one follows these suggestions, gradually he or she can _________________________. 1.美好希望 2.问题 3.第一步 4. 第二步 5.第三步 6.展望未来

文字提示型议论文:要求考生就一文字提示所谈及的问题或现象发表自己的看法(或反对,或支持或独抒己见)。 模板一:

Nowadays, more people tend to argue that ___________________.Personally, I don't agree with the idea. First of all, _________________________. Secondly, _______________________.Besides, ______________________________. A good example can be provided here. _____________________. On account of the above, I'd conclude _________________________. 1.本文所反对的观点 2.反对的第一个理由 3.反对的第二个理由 4. 反对的第三个理由 5例证 6.提出观点 模板二:

Word 资料

. _______________________is given high priority in our life. Why is it so important? There are at least three reasons. One reason is that __________________. It is also suggested that ___________________. Only when we ______________________, can we ____________________.Besides, _____________________. Therefore, _________________________________. 1.本文所讨论的主题 2.持本文观点的第一个理由 3.第二个理由 4.5. 对所持观点的反面论证 6. 第三个理由 7. 总结或倡议 模板三:

A proverb goes that ________________. It tells us ____________________, which is universally true. For one thing, _______________.For another, ___________________.Take _________________for example. ____________________________. Therefore/in short, _________________________________________. 1.名言警句 2.名言警句的意义 3.持本文观点的第一个理由 4.第二个理由 5.6.例证 7.总结或倡议 . 图表作文

图表说明文:要求考生在观察、分析图表的基础上,说明出现图表中现象的原因或此问题带来的影响。 模板一:

In recent years, _________________,which can be clearly observed from the diagram:___________________________. Several reasons contribute to /several factors result in this phenomenon. Firstly, _____________________. Secondly,____________________Thirdly, ______________________. All in all, ________________________ is not by chance but a due result of ________________________________. 1.6.图表反映的现象 2.用图表中的数据说明这一现象 3. 出现这一现象的第一个原因 4. 第二个原因 5.第三个原因 7. 对原因的总结 模板二:

_____________________happen(s) every day around us. From the bar chart, we can see there are mainly _________________ causes for _______________________.________________________% are caused by ____________________. While ______________________% are started by _____________________ and ___________________________ result from _______________________. Actually, the problem/disaster can be prevented if we take necessary measures. The key measure is to _________________.Besides, _____________________.Finally, __________________________. Word 资料

. With the above efforts, we can reduce the disaster/problem largely, though we can't do away with it completely. 1.3.本文所讨论的事物或问题 2.4. 5. 第一个原因 6.数字 7. 第二个原因 8.数字 9.第三个原因 10. 第一个解决办法 11.第二个原因 12.第三个原因

看图议论文:要求考生简单描述图画内容,并就图片主题谈谈自己的看法或感想。 模板:

In the picture, _________________. The picture is a vivid reflection of _______________________.As far as I am concerned, ________________________________. Firstly, __________________________.Secondly, _____________________________. Therefore, ________________________________________________. 1.图画内容 2. 图画揭示的主题 3. 本文的观点 4.持本文观点的第一个理由 5.第二个理由 6.结论或倡议

图表议论文:要求考生就图表所反映的主题或现象发表自己的看法或感想。 模板一:

In recent years, ______________________, which can be read from the above diagram:_____________________________. With reference to the phenomenon, I think, reasonable as it seems, _________________is not preferable. To start with, _________________ .Secondly, ____________________.Besides, ________________________. So it is high time ____________________________. 1.图表所反映的趋势或现象 2.此趋势或现象在图表中的具体体现 3.本文图表所反映的现象 4. 对此现象不看好的第一个理由 5.第二个理由 6.第三个理由 7. 倡议 模板二:

Opinions differ regarding _______________. According to a survey, about _______________% of ________________________ _________________________,for they think ____________________.While around ______________________% maintain that _________________ .They argue____________________________. As to me, ___________________________because ____________________________. So, I'd like to come to a conclusion that _________________________________. 1.图表反映的主题 2.6.数字 3.被调查群体 4.5.第一种观点及理由 7.第二种观点 8.理由 9. 作者观点 10. 总结或倡议

Word 资料

. . 应用文

申请信:要求考生根据试题提供的信息表明自己申请的意愿及理由,包括求职信。 模板一: Dear_________, I'm ___________________.Upon hearing the news that _____________________,I feel very delighted. I can't wait any more to write to seize the opportunity. First, ___________________________. Second, ____________________________. In addition,_________________________. I am confident that I can ____________________.If I can have the opportunity, I will be more than glad and try my best to do it well. Looking forward to your reply. Sincerely Yours, __________________ 1. 称谓 2.自我介绍 3.消息的内容 4. 第一个理由 5. 第二个理由 6.第三个理由 7.信心 8.


模板二: Dear Sir/Madam, I have just learned on Internet that ___________________is /are wanted in your company. I'd like to get the job/post. There , I'm writing to you to introduce myself. My name is ______________. I'm studying in/I have just graduated from _______________senior middle school. My experience and qualification, I think, enables me to qualify for the job. First, _______________________.Besides, ______________________.Last but not least, I am ________________. I would appreciate it if there could be an interview and I can come at your earliest convenience. You can contact me at ________________________________. Thanks for reading. I'm looking forward to your reply. Truly Yours, ______________________ 1. 信息 2.名字 3.毕业学校 4.第一个理由 5.第二个理由 6.第三个理由 7.联系方式 8.签名


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. 模板一: Dear________

Thanks for your letter dated ______________,in which you ________________. I hope the following will be helpful. First of all,_________________________. Secondly,_____________________________________. I also suggest ______________________________. If you want to know more or have any question, please don't hesitate to let me know. I will be of your help at any time. Best wishes. Yours, _______________ 1.称谓 2..日期 3.来信内容 4.第一条信息 5.第二条信息 6.第三条信息 7.签名 模板二:

Dear ___________, Recently, a heated discussion has sprung up regarding ________________.Opinions vary from person to person. About 35% of us argue that ___________________,for __________________. However the majorityabout 40%hold that _____________.The rest, 25% or so, are of the opinion that __________________. In my eyes, as an important issue, it requires our further consideration. Best wishes. Yours Sincerely, __________________ 1.称谓 2.讨论的主题 3.第一种观点 4.理由 5.第二种观点 6.第三种观点 7.签名 提供意见和建议:要求考生根据所给的问题,提供自己的意见或建议。 模板一:

Dear____________, In recent years, the problem of ____________ has become more and more serious around us:_____________________________. As far as I am concerned, several effective measures can be taken to solve the problem.First,___________________.Second,

_______________________________.Last but not least,

______________________________________. Word 资料

. Though easier said than done, as long as all of us are aware of the importance of _________________________and spare no effort to cope with the problem, I am confident that what awaits us is a better future. I hope my suggestions will be helpful. ____________________ 1.称谓 2.问题 3.问题严重的表现 4.第一个措施 5.第二个措施 6.第三个措施 7.本文讨论的问题 模板二:

Dear ____________, I'm sorry to learn that _____________________,Personally, _________________.

First, _________________.Second,___________________.What's more,______________________. For the above reasons, I think that _______________.So ________________________.I'm sure ______________________________________. Best wishes. Yours, ____________ 1.称谓 2.问题 3.观点 4.第一个理由 5.第二个理由 6.第三个理由 7.观点 8.倡议或结论 9.展望未来 10.签名

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