
发布时间:2023-05-20 01:33:00   来源:文档文库   

点赞(Dianzan:赞同、喜爱 任性(Renxing:随心所欲 秒杀(Miaosha:快速达到目的 土豪(Tuhao:很富有
注意:1. 词数80-100
2. 请不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥; 3. 文中不能出现真实的校名和人名;
4. 邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。
Dear Peter, As the Internet is developing fast, more and more new words and phrases have been created in Chinese. Here are some examples. __________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ All the best! Yours, Li Hua 【答案】
Dear Peter, As the Internet is developing fast, more and more new words and phrases have been created in China. Here are some example. One of the most popular words is Dianzan,which is often used when you quite agree with someone. Another example is Renxing. When you say somebody is Renxing,you mean that they will do whatever they like. The phrase Miaosha first came from online shopping, which means you can complete your shopping order before others. But now it’s widely used when you achieve your purpose in a very short time. If you descibe somebody sa a Tuhao, you mean that he is very rich. You can find lots of such new Chinese words. Keep learning , you’ll know more about our language and culture. All the best!

Yours Li Hua 写作亮点:这篇短文语言无误,行文连贯,表达清楚。在具体的写作中句式丰富,如:定语从句which is often used when you quite agree with someone. Another example is Renxing.,宾语从句; you mean that they will do whatever they like,条件状语从句: If you descibe somebody sa a Tuhao, you mean that he is very rich.等。 【考点定位】话题作文。
2【广州市2017年初中毕业生学业考试英语】书面表达(共1题,满分15分) 你校将开设一些特色课程,学生可根据兴趣进行选择。请根据以下内容提示为学校英文网页写一篇短文,介绍这些课程、提出你建议增设的课程并说明理由。

Students in our school are free to choose some special courses according to their interest. … 注意:1. 参考词汇:模型制作 model making 2. 词数80左右(文章开头已给出,不计入词数) 3. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。 【答案】
Students in our school are free to choose some special courses according to their interest. These courses will help students relax themselves after school. There are many courses for them to choose, such as English drama, football, or model making. Here is more information. If you want to improve your oral English, English drama may be the first choice. It is a good chance to practice not only oral English, but also performing skills. If you are interested in football, take the football course. It is good for your physical health. Besides, you can learn more about teamwork. What about model making? You will be amazed by the science world and become interested in it. For my part, a painting course can be added, because students like drawing so much. I hope these courses would be helpful and each student would enjoy a bright and colorful school life here! 写作亮点:这是一篇优秀的范文。短文中作者按照题目的要求给我们介绍了学校即将开设的三个特色课程的活动内容,又发挥想象力补充了第四个课程painting course,内容完整,要点全面,语句通顺,符合题目要求。短文中作者使用了正确的时态和人称,句式表达符合英语的规范。作者还使用了丰富的句型和句式,如here are many courses for them to choose, such as English drama, football, or model makingIt is a good chance to practice not only oral English, but also performing skills.Besides, you can learn more about teamworkFor my part, a painting course can be added, because students like drawing so much等。这些句型的使用从整体上提高了作文的档次,显示了作者较高的写


