Unit 17 Laughter Lesson 3 Languae point导学案-北师大选修6精品

发布时间:2019-07-31 12:56:59   来源:文档文库   

Unit 17 Lesson 3 Communication, Workshop, Language point导学案

(1) 派生词

1 astonish(使。。惊讶,动词) astonishment(惊讶,名词)

astonished(感到惊讶的,形容词) astonishing(让人感到惊讶的,形容词)

2.convince(使相信,动词) convinced(确信的,形容词,人的心理)


3compensate(赔偿,动词) compensation(赔偿,名词)

4present(出席的,到场的,形容词) presence(出席,到场,名词)

5scare(使害怕,动词,名词) scared(害怕的,形容词) scaring=scary(使感到害怕的,性质

6accomplish(收获,完成,动词) accomplishment(收获,成就,名词)

7depth(深度,名词) deep(深的,形容词)

8starve(挨饿,动词) starvation(挨饿,名词)


1I am__________(感到惊讶)at the ___________(使人感到惊讶的)news.

2. To our_______(惊讶) he could lift the stone. 3He is___________(惊讶)thin.

4I am__________(相信) of the________________(令人信服的)story.

5.The________(出场的)actor made us excited about her_____________(出场)

6Since he__________(被赔偿)he has travelled the world.

7.Don’t _______(恐吓)me and I will not be_________(害怕的)at the_____(使感到害怕的)news

8He____________(收获)a lot since last year and I feel proud of his_____________(成就)

9The river is very _______(深的)and it is 100metres in____________(深度)

10 I am ____________(挨饿) and I can’t stand the______________(挨饿)


1. be convinced of sth确信某事


2. be convinced相信,确信

我相信,你的努力会得到回报的(your hard work will pay off)


3. convince sb to do sth说服某人去做某事


4.令人信服的convincing 他说的话是令人信服的。___________________

5. regardless of 不管,不顾=___________=______________,这些短语后接_________(句子,名词/代词


(1) 尽管天气寒冷,他还是穿很少的衣服。(3种方法)

(2) 他总是做他喜欢做的事情,不管别人的感受。

6. Present,出席,在场,礼物,目前,把。。当作礼物赠送, 呈现,展示

写出present 在这些句子中的意思

1. )How many people were present at that time __________(词性:__________)

2. ) At present I don’t want to disturb him._______ ___ (词性:__________)

3. )What is the present situation like __________(词性:__________)

4. )There is no time like the present__________(词性:__________)

5. )He presented the girl with some flowers__________(词性:__________)

6. ) He presented their plan on the screen. __________(词性:__________)

7. )what is your present for his birthday. __________(词性:__________)

给某人赠送。。____________________________ 在目前____________________

presence 名词出场,出席,

(1)I was surprised by the presence of so many people at the meeting._


(2)Your presence is requested_翻译成中文________________________________

(3) in the presence of sb(在某人在场的时候)

在大人在场的时候,我们都有点紧张。We felt nervous ______________________ the adults.

7. 很少,rarely=______________,放在句首前,要用倒装句。

例句:我很少发脾气。Rarely do I lose my temper. (谓语+主语)

1. 他很少笑。______________________________.

2. 我很少看电视剧_______________________________ the TV series.

8.put on假装,穿戴,增加重量,上演

写出put on在这些句子中的意思

(1) He puts on a serious look_________ (2) Stop putting on and be yourself. _________

(3)I don’t want to put on weight anymore. ________

(4)We want to put on a new play tonight. _________ (5) Put on your coat __________

9. turn sb. off使某人觉得讨厌


10. purely 纯粹地,仅仅地,单纯地。 Pure________________

(1)I help you purely out of kindness_________(2) He did it purely for his hobby. _______

11. desperate 绝望的,铤而走险的,不顾一切的

A desperate housewife_____________ feel desperate________________

A desperate attempt ___________________ some desperate measures______________

Be desperate for_______________________

Desperately极其地 He needs the love desperately.___________ ___________

12. be scared to death怕得要死 a scared look/face受到惊吓的表情、脸

To tell you the truth I ______________(怕得要死)Can’t you see my_________(受到惊吓的表情)

13. The sea is 150metres _____________() The classroom is 2 metres ____________( )

The road is 4 metres ____________() He is 2 metres ____________()

14. tough 艰难的,强硬的,顽强的


(1) His wife helped him go through the tough times_____

(2) You should be a tough leader, or they will not listen to you.____

(3) I admire him because he is tough and strong-willed._____


《Unit 17 Laughter Lesson 3 Languae point导学案-北师大选修6精品.doc》
