医疗期协议书Medical Treatment Period Agreement

发布时间:2014-01-14 20:17:04   来源:文档文库   


Medical Treatment Period Agreement


Hereinafter referred to asXXXX


XX referred to as the Party B


According to the related laws and regulations issued by Labor Bureau of P.R.C, the document is signed between XXX and XXXXXXXX based on a fully understanding of an agreement to the following terms and conditions:

第一条 医疗期限 Medical Treatment Period

1、 甲方根据乙方本人的社会工作年限及在甲方的实际工作年限,经核准确定,乙方的最长医疗期为 三个 月,该20131008日起计算,截止至2014107日乙方医疗期满。

According to the related laws and regulations, the Medical Treatment Period for the Party B is 3 months, from 8th October, 2013 to 7th January. 2014.

2、 在医疗期内,乙方须按甲方要求提供乙方基本医疗定点医院(市级及以上医院)的相关诊断证明及假条,逾期不交的,公司将视为其医疗终结即医疗期满医疗期满或医疗终结时劳动合同未到期的乙方应到岗上班,如未经批准不到岗上班的,甲方将按照旷工处理。

Any sick leave application should be attached with the doctor's certificate issued by hospitals above municipal level with the relevant specification and details. Otherwise, such sick leave shall not be approved or be considered as the Medical Treatment Period end. The party B should report back to work when ended of the Medical Treatment Period approved or will be considered as an absent from work duty.

第二条 劳动报酬 Remuneration Payment

1、 根据《关于贯彻执行<中华人民共和国劳动法>若干问题的意见》第59规定,职工患病或非因工负伤治疗期间,在规定的医疗期内由企业按有关规定支付其病假工资或疾病救济费,病假工资或疾病救济费可低于当地最低工资标准支付,但不能低于最低工资标准的80%病假期期间工资将按照XXX2013年最低工资标准1130元的80%支付,为904元。

In accordance with the relevant labor laws, sick leave allowance shall be calculated by 80 percent on the base of the lowest salary standard regulated by the local administrative authorities. In the case of Lijiang, the lowest employee monthly salary is RMB1130.00 in the year of 2013, which means and indicates the sick leave allowance for the case of party B is RMB904.00.

2、 甲方发薪日期为每月 5 日,发薪方法由甲方决定。

The XXX pay day is on the 5th of every month, pay method will be decided by XXX.

第三条 劳动保险和福利待遇 Labour Insurance & Benefits

1、 在医疗期内,甲方将继续为乙方缴纳各项社会保险,个人缴纳部分由甲


The social insurance entitled to the staff in concern would be conducted in accord with the relevant regulations and laws and its personal payment shall be deducted from his or her lowest salary part of RMB904.

2、 医疗期内除上述医疗期工资、社会保险外,甲方不再支付乙方其他福利。

Except the above social insurance and remuneration payment, the rest of benefits for the staff in concern shall be called to stop right after the month the Party B applies for the medical treatment.

3、 201310月起甲方将停购乙方住房公积金。

From Oct. 2013 the housing fund for the staff in concern shall be called to stop.

4、 乙方产假期间的工资、劳动保险及福利待遇参照相关法律法规办理。产


The insurance payment during a females child delivery period shall be conducted in accord with the relevant laws as well but the salary shall be accordingly stopped.

第四条 注意事项

1、 甲方如发现乙方在医疗期内,从事其他有偿或无偿的工作的,可即时解


If the Party B works for the Third party during the Medical Treatment Period, XXXX has its rights to terminate the agreement and contract.

2、 一旦发现乙方提交甲方的诊断证明及假条存在谎报或虚假现象的,本协


Once the XXXX found the certificate and sick leave form issued by hospitals is fake one, the agreement and contract will be terminated. None of the compensation will be paid to the Party B.

3、 乙方在患病医疗期期间,仍须遵守甲方的劳动纪律及各项规章制度。

The Party B must follow the XXXX rule regulations during Medical Treatment Period.

4、 甲方将保留与乙方的劳动关系,乙方回到岗位后由甲方重新安排工作。

The employment relation or the contract could be maintained.

5、 若对本合同中英文的解释有争议,请以中文为正式文本。甲方人力资源


In case of dispute in the interpretation of the wordings of this contract, the Chinese language will be the official version.

6、 本合同如有其它未尽事宜, 应本着双方协商讨论的原则解决。

Should there be any other matter not covered by the contract, it shall be solved based on consultation and discussion by both parties.


1 如甲方因业务发展需要发生的组织机构变更或其他重大客观事项变更的,乙方须同意甲方做相应的变更,且承认本协议内容继续有效,直至本协议期满为止。

If XXX has any organizational change due to the business development reason or any other objectives, Party B shall agree with such changes and acknowledge the effective of this agreement until the agreement terminated.


This agreement shall take effect once signed by both parties and both parties shall have one copy of the contract and abide by the terms and conditions of this agreement.




《医疗期协议书Medical Treatment Period Agreement.doc》
