“放管服”三者关系的经济法思考 - 以“适度干预”理论为视角

发布时间:2020-02-17 15:20:58   来源:文档文库   
Open Journal of Legal Science 法学, 2020, 8(1), 15-22 Published Online January 2020 in Hans. http://www.hanspub.org/journal/ojls https://doi.org/10.12677/ojls.2020.81003文章引用: 吴香芸. “放管服”三者关系的经济法思考[J]. 法学, 2020, 8(1): 15-22.DOI: 10.12677/ojls.2020.81003Thoughts on the Economic Law of the Relationship between “Decentralizing, Management and Service”—From the Perspective of “Moderate Intervention” TheoryXiangyun WuFaculty of Law, Ningbo University, Ningbo ZhejiangReceived: Nov. 11th , 2019; accepted: Nov. 28th , 2019; published: Dec. 5th , 2019 Abstract“Decentralizing, Management and Service” is a reform practice implemented by the government using the “moderate intervention” theory. The key to the reform lies in the definition of “degree” of government intervention in the market. In practice, it has accumulated certain defined expe-rience through power decentralizing to the market and the implementation of post-event supervi-sion and intervention process, but still faces difficulties in thinking transformation and “degree”, which is the real dilemma where standard ambiguity and intervention ability need to be improved. In order to further deepen the reform, it is necessary to standardize the “government intervention”, incorporate the “Decentralizing, Management and Service” reform into the legalization path, pro-mote the establishment of intervention accountability and guarantee mechanism, and promote the social intermediary organization to supervise government intervention, ultimately contributing to the long-term development of management “Decentralizing, Management and Service” reform. Keywords“Decentralizing, Management and Service”, Economic Law, the “Moderate Intervention” Theory, Government Intervention “放管服”三者关系的经济法思考——以“适度干预”理论为视角吴香芸宁波大学法学院,浙江 宁波


《“放管服”三者关系的经济法思考 - 以“适度干预”理论为视角.doc》
