希望英语 综合教程3 翻译(答案)

发布时间:2010-12-23 22:37:14   来源:文档文库   


1. 战斗结束后,双方均宣称获胜.

After the battle, both sides claimed that they won


he started out to learn French ,ended up as an English translator

3. 我必须强调他们只不过是孩子这一事实

I must put emphasis on the face that they are  only children

4. 她公开表明观点,反对在这块肥沃的农田上建造新机场

she went on record as disagreeing to build airport on the rich farmland

5. 那首充满节奏感的流行歌曲源于他的灵感,深受全世界年轻人的喜爱

The popular song alive with rhythms was born of his inspiration, and it was loved by young people whould world wide

Unit 2


in most cases ,the traffic accidents arise from the drivers' carelessness


in a sense ,nowadays students respond badly to tranditional teaching mathods


in most mountain, hunter always begin their hunting with rounding up the beasts


if you are dissatisfied with our goods within seven days ,we gurantee to fully return the payment for them


the workers of this factory work eight hours on average ,it is estimated that if there are some significant technical improvements they do not have to work so long

Unit 3


I spent nearly an hour clearing up the room after the children's party


no doubt a number of people are reluctant to go to work at night without extra pay


with the coming of chritmas, the assistants of this supermarket wait on customers continuously


it was reported that the prodution of this area went up by 9%last year at the expense of enviroment


even now, women cant enjoy fully equal promotional prospects with man as a result of the prejudice against them

Unit 4


They anticipate that you could assist them to finish that experiment but you haven’t made any response

2. 从长远来看,我们主要关心的事应当是如何应付目前的财政危机.

How to cope with the present financial crisis is our major concern in the long run.


The polity to be made has something to do with unemployment, so feedback from all sides is called for

4. 随着大街上的车越来越, 好多人不再喜欢晚上后去散步了.

As there are more and more cans in the streets, quiet a lot of people have gone off taking a walk after supper


Professor smith retired after he acted as the president for year’s Now he is engaged in writing a book

Unit 5


Most of the team members didn’t think his suggestion was feasible. So they had a strong objection to it


Autumn is the ideal season to harvest corps for farmers worldwide


Their beat hit heavily on a huge stone and split into two halves. They had to find another one.


That fire virtually wiped out the whole town at present. The police are making efforts to investigate the cause of it

5. 总的来说,从这些实验中得到的数据都在0.130.15之间变动,不过到目前为止还没有得到完全相同的数据。

As a whole, the data obtained from these experiments showed variations ranging between 0.13 and 0.15. However, up to now, no identical data have been obtained.

Unit 6


What the most essential is you need to study trusting the other people, only if can you trusted by them.


He hasn't undergone any hard things during his lifetime, other than his childhood.
3. 如果你对某个人一见钟情,很可能那还不是真正的爱情,只是一种暂时的吸引而已。

If you fall in love with someone by first sight, it is more likely than not true love, but attraction in a short time.

4. 她声称她理解永恒友谊的真谛,但她却不知道信任是友谊的基础。

She made out that she understood well what the everlasting friendship was however, she didn't know trust was the foundation of friendship.

5. 虽然有些人的婚姻是出于政治、经济或社会利益,但大多数人并没有放弃对真爱的追求。

Someone's marriage based on politic, economic or advantage, however majority of them didn't give up to after true love


《希望英语 综合教程3 翻译(答案).doc》
