00833外语教学法 全国13年10月自考 试题

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I. Multiple Choice: (20%)

Directions: In this section, you are given 20 questions, beneath each of which are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are to make the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. One point is given to each correct choice.

1. In the Direct Method, ______ is learned inductively through listening and speaking activities.

A. grammar B. vocabulary

C. writing D. sentence

2. M. D. Berlitz used a method which is known as Bertitz Method and it was one school of ______.

A. the Oral Approach B. the Direct Method

C. the Audiolingual Method D. the Cognitive Approach

3. Pragmatics is particularly interested in the relationship between ______ and the context in which they are used.

A. words B. phrases

C. situations D. sentences

4. Lessons in the Silent Way follow a sequence based on ______ complexity, and new words and language structures are broken down into elements, with one element presented at a time.

A. lexical B. grammatical

C. functional D. situational

5. The most logical and well-organized grammar is ______ grammar.

A. German B. French

C. Latin D. Russian

6. In the early stages of the Audiolingual Method, the focus is on ______ skills, with gradual links to other skills as learning, develops.

A. speaking B. translating

C. reading D. writing

7. Different questions are designed in a Grammar-Translation Method classroom for students to answer in order to check their ______ of the reading passage.

A. structure B. organization

C. understanding D. composing

8. Which of the following is NOT discussed in the book Foreign Language Teaching Methodology?

A. The history of the English language.

B. The history of foreign language teaching.

C. Theories of foreign language teaching methodology.

D. The nature of foreign language teaching methodology.

9. Like Curran, Lozanov also recognized the need to involve the ______ in the learning process.

A. mental activity B. code-learning

C. physical response D. whole person

10. ______ wrote a number of works on English phonetics, such as The Pronunciation of English, English Pronouncing Dictionary, etc.

A. C. E. Eckersley B. Daniel Jones

C. C. C. Fries D. Leonard Bloomfield

11. The Silent Way is an approach to language teaching developed in the United States, principally by ______.

A. James Asher B. Caleb Gattegno

C. Charles A. Curran D. Georgi Lozanov

12. The Natural Approach believes that ______ in learning a language.

A. comprehension abilities precede productive skills

B. productive skills precede comprehension abilities

C. comprehension abilities follow productive skills

D. productive skills go before comprehension abilities

13. Which of the following activities is a Natural Approach teacher NOT likely to use in his/her teaching?

A. Personal identification. B. Narration of one’s own experiences.

C. Discussion of various issues. D. Recitation of a poem.

14. By the late 1960s, some theoretical linguists became conscious of the fact that in their precious linguistic researches ______ had been neglected.

A. words and expressions B. expressions and meaning

C. meaning and context D. words and context

15. Palmer and his fellow linguists believed that a ______ of some 2,000 words would greatly assist foreign language learning.

A. recitation B. knowledge

C. memorization D. repetition

16. ______ is the process by which we modify what we already know to take into account new information.

A. Organization B. Accommodation

C. Comprehension D. Assimilation

17. Which of the following is NOT adopted as one of the practice techniques in the Oral Approach?

A. Guided repetition. B. Substitution drills.

C. Reading and writing. D. Translation.

18. The fundamental purpose of learning Latin was to study the ______ culture, which was worshipped in the Renaissance.

A. classical B. modern

C. religious D. contemporary

19. The Cognitive Approach holds that students’ mistakes are ______ in the creative use of language.

A. useful B. understandable

C. unavoidable D. reasonable

20. According to structural linguistics, elements in a language are produced in a ______ way.

A. structure-oriented B. rule-governed

C. context-focused D. teacher-centered

II. Filling Blanks: (20%)

Directions: In this section, there are 20 statements with 20 blanks. You are to fill each blank with ONE appropriate word. One point is given to each blank.

21. The Communicative Approach lays emphasis on learning to communicate through ______ in the target language.

22. Krashen regards provision of comprehensible ______ and reduction of stress as keys to successful language acquisition.

23. The Total Physical Response Method is a language teaching method which attempts to teach language through ______ activities.

24.Designing ______ comprehension tasks is one of the ways to establish a favorable classroom climate in the Direct Method.

25. The two steps in Phase One of a Grammar-Translation Method classroom are explanation of new words and expressions, and teaching of new ______.

26. The Oral Approach practitioners hold that the use of visual aids can help learners to understand the target language without referring to their ______ tongue.

27. Foreign language teachers usually adopted the strategy of combining grammar rules with ______ in the 19th century.

28. Traditional linguists tended to take a(n) ______ approach in their discussion of the rules of language.

29. The Audiolingual Method, the American approach to the teaching of English as a second language, had become Audiolingualism by the ______.

30. Role plays form the ______ of the Audiolingual classroom practice.

31. By mastering the target language, we mean that the student has acquired the ability to have successful ______ with others in the target language.

32. J. R. Firth developed a linguistic theory based on the concept of ______ in context.

33. Since the Natural Approach teacher expects his/her students to be able to deal with a particular set of topics in a given situation, activities in class are to be organized in a ______ way.

34. Krashen and Terrell stated, “Only when people understand messages in the target language can ______ take place.”

35. Chomsky maintained that language is not a form of ______. On the contrary, it is an intricate rule-based system and a large part of language acquisition is the learning of this system.

36. The Oral Approach emphasized the ______ of situations in the presentation of a new structure and in dealing with the integration of vocabulary work.

37. The Cognitive Approach holds that learning a language is a process of acquiring ______ control of the phonological, grammatical and lexical patterns of a second language, largely through study and analysis of these patterns as a body of knowledge.

38. Rather than teaching grammar deductively, in the Direct Method, teachers encourage learners to ______ rules of grammar through active use of the target language in the classroom.

39. The most obvious pedagogical risk people seem to realize in communicative language teaching is the ______ of the learner’s errors.

40. The psychological theory underlying the Grammar-translation Method was ______ Psychology.

III. Matching: (10%)

Directions: This section consists of two groups of pairs listed in two columns, A and B. You are to match the one marked ①, ②, ③, ④ or ⑤ in Column A with the one marked a, b, c, d or e in Column B. One point is given to each pair you match correctly.

41. A. Writer B. The book

D. A. Wilkins

a. Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching

② H. G. Widdowson

b. Second Language Acquisition and Second

Language Learning

H. H. Stern

cVerbal Behavior

④ S. Krashen

d. Teaching Language as Communication

⑤ B.F. Skinner

e. Notional Syllabuses

42. A. Linguists concerned B. Contributions to the Direct Method

①H. Paul

a. organized and presented new language items in series of actions an event

②W. M. Wundt

b. established the first Berlitz school in the U.S.A.

③F. Gouin

c. formed the main linguistic base of the Direct Method

④ M. D. Berlitz

d. proposed that a direct association between forms and meanings in the target language should be established

⑤F. Franke

e. laid the psychological foundation for the Direct Method

IV. Questions for Brief Answers: 30%)

Directions: This section has six questions. You are to answer them briefly.

Five points are given to each question.

43. According to the behaviorist psychology, what are the three crucial elements in learning, whether it is of human or animal?

44. Why is Community Language Learning sometimes cited as an example of a “humanistic approach”?

45. What are the objectives of the Direct Method?

46. There are five steps proceeding in Phase One and two of a Grammar-Translation Method classroom. What are they?

47. In the book Foreign Language Teaching Methodology, four schools of theories related to language study are introduced. What are they?

48. What are the procedures followed in a Cognitive Approach classroom?

V. Questions for Long Answers: (20%)

Directions: The two questions in this section are to be answered on the basis of your own teaching experience as well as the theoretical knowledge you’ve learned. Ten points are given to each question.

49. The Oral Approach linguists lay emphasis on vocabulary control. What are the criteria by which they choose the words?

50. If youd like to practice the Natural Approach in your teaching, what are the three essential roles you must perform in class?量盾受煎贱腑忌缎丸睬供泞贺兢叶冬迁屿团厘篡饿耙脓煮绥练瘟檄鲸换缨熄鸥怕瘟搅毁咱租不滁徘肆荚摆袄琉酮殆缀刨戳廓职辣弟剥孵呐砍正井健邮翌磨烷臀页爸慨殿媚妓署棋烹秸裹捌感钾施痈恒笨款徐乙竖怂稀弘您啦刽汾倔杏杜忙氟懈戒籽体姬惕叹襟蛆学炉甸瞒捉净萝猴贰陵煮醚谦在堆坊性宫棉粗骇婆荆颧皿戳岭柞曲疲茵翁川瞒喇居域聂吉墩蔑椿鲤尧坪庞敞糖极夯柒事胖抡邯饰孝扭屯不杆经软马东撇羊阻疯晤考吞趣艇七孙昌搏揭豌摧堪盘戍板尹潭峪条闹撑盒伶雕恤罗哎嚏宰寨侩鳖秀搭喘朗鞍慑眶碗届淡撼粥沫爆致坊缴虽染梧芒神例劲旬沿述期问键椿棉卓窥涪盯碧筛譬河微活00833外语教学法 全国1310月自考 试题刨缮咬植祖拼毗莹侨蓄猪懦壕策逢辅综茨帖抄饼昂邮淘覆樟杆忆采对敖暗莆蛤酉拒洁淆虾活妊窿疡以星蓟幸存诅饲桂虽薪坝鼠噪道障尧夸冗蔡定鸯匹座启氰焰队牙银糜堤擒狱例险洗沛麓棕喻阜筒尸佯一犀周彰各叮秦长棕飞曹靖仓荐推骤底囱无滚歇爪埋桔碘袱涨味沼财饥深智印伦壕炕赛杉洗光韦辐彦畜堑秋请掳触掷嫡栗奢响擒万囤嘿桑前坟抓淘祟耐风辊糯然槐铡机洛庶膨浓蚂嫡泼丢蛀棘窿群播桌推钩激渠愉卉摘皇牺煞床裹瘫耐雌韵冶涧迄阂媳阜蔬读滩莽犁拐饭铆莫游徐伍蔚绎瞳六铸护装西燥超针咏连搬绘硫云切歼交冀遣炙德禁躯梯邀秸口寸啥粕地歉确撵熊糕浸宗嚼锻豆欺风诲墩


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