
发布时间:2014-11-05 19:43:15   来源:文档文库   

本次练习: 中国农业



二要加大对农业农村投入力度。切实把国家基础设施建设和社会事业发展的重点转向农村,今年财政支农投入的增量要继续高于上年,国家固定资产投资用于农村的增量要继续高于上年,土地出让收入用于农村建设的增量要继续高于上年。中央财政安排用于三农的资金3917亿元,比去年增加520亿元。积极发展农业保险,扩大 农业政策性保险试点范围。



惠农 give favorable treatment to farmers

良种 superior/fine seed variety

农机具 agricultural machinery and tools

农业生产资料 agricultural production supplies



固定资产 fixed asset

土地出让 land transfer

“三农” agriculture, rural areas and farmers

农业政策性保险 policy-supported agricultural insurance


三十而立: 那些忙碌的年轻人

Those Busy Young Men Born in the 1980's

房子已经毫无悬念地成为公司人的最大压力来源。银行鼓励透支财富,数百万人民币在过去听起来无异于天文数字,现在写在房产中介的房源牌上再平常不过。可怜 1980年代生人没赶上“60后”分房福利,也没赶上“70后”的低房价优惠,要买上一套房产中介那儿“再不抢就没了”的普通公寓房让自己蜗居其中,也要伤筋动骨,搬出所有原始积累七拼八凑交了首付,再背上动辄20年的按揭,成为“百万负翁”。Housing has undoubtedly become the largest stress source of the company men. Due to the wealth overdraft encouraged by banks, millions of RMB, as used to be an enormous figure, is now most commonly seen as a house price on the bulletin boards in some house agencies. Having missed the welfare-oriented public housing allocation system for those born in 1960's and the low house price preference for those born in the 1970's, a young man born in the 1980's has to run into a debt of millions on a 20 year bank mortgage after trying to piece together all his savings as a down payment for a narrow dwelling in a common flat which the house agencies tend to publicize with a slogan:"Now or Never!"
       纵然不做“房奴”,生活成本一点也不轻松。一些在上海、北京、广州等大城市工作的公司人不堪重负,“逃”到周边二线城市发展,但更多的人选择了坚持。“什么都在涨,就是工资不涨”一语道尽辛酸,还有人开玩笑:“赚的是卖白菜的钱,操的是卖白粉的心”。Given that he is not a mortgage slave, the living costs are still not at all affordable to him. Some company men in big cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, etc. are so overloaded as to "flee" to the secondary cities around for development, but more of them prefer to insist. the complaint "All goes up except for salaries" says it all, and a joke even goes: "The money we've earned is so little as if selling cabbages, but the pains we've taken is so great as if by selling heroin".
重压之下,连恋爱也谈得颇为艰难。经济适用男成为流行词汇,有房是重点。不必嘲笑爱情在物质面前折腰,吃饭要紧,这一点谁都不能说不在乎。Under such a heavy pressure, it's not so easy for young people to be in love. The term "an economically affordable man", with a focus on "affordable housing" has become the most popular phrase in China. Do not laugh at the phenomenon that love bends to the wealth materials, for subsistence is of vital importance, which nobody will say he doesn't care.
    啃老族成为社会学家研究的新名词,但是谁都清楚,人口红利即将消耗殆尽。老龄化社会越来越多地被提起,两口之家赡养四个老人,压力之重不言自明。The phrase "the sponge-on-parens youth" has become a new term for social scientists to plumb, but as is known to all, the demographic dividend is running out. The problem of "aging society" is talked about more frequently in China. A couple in a family has to take care of 4 elders, which reveals how heavy the pressure is!

    截至2008年底,中国老年人口已经增至1.69亿,现正以年均近1000万的增幅跑步前进。到本世纪中叶,老年人口将从现在9个人中有一个发展到3 个人中就有一个。民政部承认:我国的老龄化要超前于现代化,属于典型的未富先老。相比发达国家建立在财富积累上的医疗保障和配套福利设施,中国还差得很远。Up to the end of 2008, the aged population in China has increased to 169 million, booming in an average of approximately 10 million a year. By the middle of the century the share of aged people in China will change form a ninth nowadays to a third. The Chinese Ministry of Civil Affairs admits that the aging process in China will go ahead of modernization, typical of "Getting old before rich". Compared to health insurance system and the corresponding welfare facilities based on the wealth accumulation in developed countries, China has lagged far behind.
    不过正如那句话所说,这不是最好的时代,也不是最坏的时代Any way, all just goes with that saying:"This is neither a best nor a worst era."

大家都在努力。这一代人,只要努力了,面包会有的,牛奶也会有的。All are working hard, for the bread will come, the milk will come, and so does everything as long as they work hard.

“忙”、“累”、“变化” 也许再过10年,还是忙还是累,但是“变化”不再有那么多。在《第一财经周刊》调查的公司人里,说起2010年的计划,“结婚生子”和“事业稳定”还是两大主题。"Busy!", "Tired!", "Change!",all these exclamations will echo possibly in another 10 years, but the "changes" on them will be no longer so many. among the company men born in the 1980's in the poll made by China Business Weekly, when asked about their plans for 2010, they all focus on two themes: to get married and have children, and to have a stable career.

终于找到了那份“还过得去”的工作,并试图让自己变的“不可替代”。“成就感”开始步入人生视野,不再是工作挑我,而是我挑工作;不再是积累经验值,而是“看看能不能帮到别人”。说得再悬一点儿,就是“成为一个内心自在,不为外部环境所动的我”。Having found at last a job not so bad and tried to be irreplaceable in it, the company man begins to experience in life a sense of accomplishment: no longer to be chosen by the work but to choose the work; no longer to accumulate his won life experience but to think if he can help others. to speak a little more profoundly, he has become "the inner self" that can not be moved by the external environment.

要是,再看远一点儿呢?比方说,20年。What if we see a little further? Say, in 20 years?

30岁,一个传说中很可怕的年龄就要来了。突然发现原来有些事情不可强求,开始正视自己“35岁成为巴菲特”的梦想。觉得小孩子似乎没以前那么令人讨厌了,看世界的目光也变得柔和。但“人生压力”似乎与日俱增,毕竟已经成为中流砥柱。The age of 30, a terrible age on the lips of young people, is approaching him. he will realize that something in life can not be compelled and begin to deal correctly with his dream "to become at 35 a Warren Edward Buffett, the God of stocks". He will no longer regard the children as troublesome and his look at the world accordingly becomes soft. Nevertheless, his life stress seems increasing because, after all , he will become a mainstay in life.

第一个10年,2010年至2019年。第一套房贷也许终于可以还清,作为勤勤恳恳的salary man(工薪族),没有大笔来钱的理由,房产是最理想的生财之道。人生中也许是最平衡的时期到来:孩子已经上了小学,也许做的功课还和自己当年差不多。父母还用不着太担心。每天祈求世界和平气候稳定,“老婆孩子热炕头”。In the first ten years to come, i.e. from 2010 to 1019, he will probably have paid off him home loan for his first apartment, and therefore he owns a house property which is the ideal road to riches for a hard-working salary man with no other way to get big fortunes. The most balanced phase in his life will therefore come to him: his own child is at school with the schoolwork nearly the same as he used to have. There is no need for him to worry much about his parents. instead, he will just pray for a peaceful world, a stable climate, and a happy family life.

第二个10年,2020年至2029年。传说中会被“那帮年轻人”鄙视的年纪到来了。突然不明白自己孩子喜欢的玩意儿,更年期与青春期的隔阂史无前例的巨大;突然发现自己的爸妈像小孩一样无比麻烦。最担心的事开始变成家里老人的健康状况。婚姻进入无感期,蓦然发现自己年轻时的“许愿清单”还有一大堆没完成。In the first ten years to come, i.e. from 2020 to 2029, he will run into the age said to be looked down upon by "those young guys". It will hit upon him that he doesn't understand that what his kind likes, with the gap between the menopause and the adolescence unprecedented big, and that his parents are as troublesome as children and their health turns to be the worst of his worries, and his passion in his marriage has gone cold. When looking back, he will suddenly find that lots of his wishes made in his youth have not been fulfilled.

这就是未来20年?会不会有点悲观?谁知道呢,“80后”的奋斗之路才刚刚开始。Is this the next 20 years to come? Isn't it a little pessimistic? Who Knows? The journey to strive in life for those born in the 1980's just begins.

2010年,这个世纪进入第二个十年。In 2010, the 21st century begins its second decade.

2010年,1980年出生的人步入30岁。In 2010, those born in the year of 1980 have entered the age of 30.

这一代公司人的而立之年,就这样陆陆续续到来。The year to be independent in life for the company men born in the 1980's has successively approached in this way.


