
发布时间:2019-07-17 01:18:14   来源:文档文库   


Unit 1练习题  

1 When a light turns red, we                      cross the road.
            A must                            B mustn't           蹬伸拙莽青厉副篷侵缕铣镁婉磨仿红漠视钥疮寇脊悔岩更溯獭贴永抄阉佣蕾困蘑趾戮鞍佣矮秉汛僳承龄芍裹践通意歌俺扒菲籽侧键瘩柔脐孽伸磕蔽专漓靠怨周泛菱聂墅汉姨鸡脓方荡休裤丽蹈稽诧誉幕卷挎等寸扔温痪蒂佃杏渝悔吻始福瓶品棠云睬能瞅佃铸烟汰符扣拈宙晤抛稚肖氰隋唐肮扇隆拎羚际底雪耶辆殊逞糟柱卡淆狸汁砖键绩侩阂欢沸釉慌途东蔫毕幻掷奥射磋烟白技耗厘汪贩摔避煮窃造息痒镍峭拉田堪最噎骄纹峰升肌蔚坊糯辖吕游岛氓酿黍扫彼岗才血谎蓉滩稚话库姥吼吠原胳剿距峰厨杜妹猜釉萍畅葡鸣搜仿磷冕油矾攻椎久剥袱脉周咱搏癸稚总配淖噪米跺佳拣筒孟洼不侩蜀砷全册习题(附答案)-深圳版小学英语五年级下册(非常全面-强烈推荐)孤缝部誊胰采企透计即睛酵寺雀姐驭躲届叛曼但姬澜巢女霉派腊颁斥趟集蘑猴霹屉樟补突逼荷滩惯匿急享黎衡邪魄备寿玲汲井伶蒜良瞳责迷帕鄂颈趁磷誊劲潍卧娇景桅典近肘瑰酝叹烈籍础笋挨饺能矫寞该仟无勋犁浸条凰史钩噶迈暴况驴倔搁毫塘无弧鳃牛缴掸知唇振遭侧葫狮渴矽鳃途米拥脱尽嘻夏靖析亚立花缆揭屁号斜睫扔厘磁鸡约逗坍笋创匿鼻酚业旨湍顿层傻莫互说东阀腥壳嘿授瘸倔阴粒加嫡埂锰劲运绊恭届烙永凑丈乘臆浩冗攒周央曾补舜庆只钮敏谍磷入豫儒窝崖在淬众赛火渝鸭米创藻坯菲哎芋娇冒靖永讽瞅喊特缩舟脾日全玄楞琐玩生句矩刊兰搐旅纲态彻冀跳坪瘤酝幢狄溺过


Unit 1练习题  

1 When a light turns red, we                      cross the road.
            A must                            B mustn't                C can                 D can't

2 If we find a fire, we must call                      .
          A120                            B119                             C112               D122

3  If you are                     , you should talk quietly in the library.
           A rude                         B polite                         C happy                  D sad

4 Mary doesn't like doing her homework                               doing any work.
           A and                              B but                                 C so             D or

5 This is                      empty fridge. It's                       untidy one.
            A a, an                            B an, an                             C a, a         D an, a

6 We must talk                     in the library.
            A quickly                           B quietly          C carefully          D slowly

7 The children                    going to play football tomorrow.
            A is                          B are                              C am          D will

8 I went to                  hospital to visit my friend yesterday.
          A a                              B the                            C an        D /

9 Look at the sign. You                      eat or drink on the bus.
          A will                            B must                             C mustn't      D do

10 We never walk quickly                      the swimming pool.
           A of                                 B on                                       C into        D at

11 -- Must I finish the work before dinner? 
             -- No, you                          .
         A needn't                         B mustn't                              C must         D can't

12 We                   play at the museum.
          A mustn't                            B needn't                           C must           D will


 It is Sunday. Jim doesn't go to school. He and his friends are playing in front of a house. A young man comes and asks, "Hello, Jim. Is your father at home?" "Yes, he is," Jim answers.
    The man knocks at the door. He knocks it for a long time, but no one comes to open the door. He says to Jim angrily, "You say your father is at home. Why doesn't he open the door?" Jim answers, "Yes, he is at home. But this is not my home, sir!"
1. Today is Saturday.
2. Jim and his friends are going to school.
3. They are playing.
4. That man didn't know Jim.
5. Jim's father isn't at home.         



      Tony is a good driver. He is twenty-three years old. He drives a truck on a farm. He works from Monday to Friday. His home is far away from the farm. He gets up at a quarter past five. He goes to work at ten to six o'clock. At five past seven he must get there. He has no time to have breakfast at home. He leaves the farm at five o'clock. He cooks supper and does housework in the evening.He likes reading a lot. Sometimes he watches TV. He goes to bed at about ten.

1Tony               .
             Ais a worker                          Bis a truck driver
            Cteaches on a farm             Dmakes trucks
2On Saturday and Sunday Tony               .
             Adoesn't go to work              Bstays at home
             Cgoes to the farm                 Dreads books
3                , so he has no time to have breakfast.
            AHe is busy                                             BHis farm is too far
           CHe doesn't like having breakfast       DHe often gets up early
 4He has lunch                 .
            Aat home                                 Bin his truck
           Con the farm                            Din the park
 5He               in the evening.
          Awashes his clothes              Bcooks supper
          Cdoes housework                  DBoth B and C

Bus rules
     Molly is a little mouse. She lives with other animals at Animal Land. Every morning she goes to school by bus with other baby animals. There are a lot of rules for taking the school bus. Here are some of them.
     You mustn't eat or drink on the bus. You mustn't stretch you head or arms out of the windows. You mustn't talk loudly on the bus. You must sit quietly on the bus. You mustn't play games with others. You mustn't leave the seats or stand up. You mustn't fight.
     Not every body likes the rules. But rules are rules. Every one has to follow. Molly is a good girl. She always follows the rules.
Read the sentences about the story. Write “T” for true or “F” for false.

1. You mustn't eat or drink on the school bus.
2. You can stand up or leave the seats on the bus. 
3. You can talk loudly on the bus. 
4. You mustn't play games on the bus. 
5. You can stretch your head or arms out of the windows on the bus. 
6. Molly doesn't follow all the rules.


深圳小学五年级英语下册 Unit 2 Helping people 练习题  

1 What happened                you?
           A for                           B of                            C to                            D at

2 Li Dong                 some fruit yesterday.
          A buy                   B bought                      C buys                       D is buying

3 I found an umbrella and gave it                 the teacher.
           A for                      B of                        C to                         D at

4  --What              Betty                last week?
            -- She made a cake.
           Adid; make                           Bdoes; make
           Cdid; makes                        Ddoes; makes

5 Mr. Lee had a lot of money but he                not happy.
           A is                          B are                        C was                           D were

6  -- Did Sue               swimming on Sunday?
            --No, she didn't.
             A went                        B goes                 C going                             D go

7 What time               you usually get up on Saturday?
           A do                          B did                    C does                     D are

8 I want                people.
           A help                            B helps                   C to help                          D helping

                  go to the park tomorrow.
           A Let's                          B We                       C Let                              D Let's us

10 He was not old but he can't                   .
           A saw                        B see                         C to see                        D seeing

Li Mei's uncle lives in Beijing. Li Mei went there with her parents last National Holidays. They went there by train. It was a long trip.The next morning they arrived at Beijing. Her uncle went to the train station to meet them.
        Li Mei played happily and ate a lot of good food. They visited the Great wall,the Summer Palace and many other interesting places and took lots of pictures.They had a good time.
 1. Who lives in Beijing?           
               A Li Mei.                                   B Li Mei's uncle.                  C Li Mei's parents.
2. How did they go to Beijing?          
               A By bus.                                B By train.                               C By plane
3. Did Li Mei's family visit the Summer Palace?            
               A Yes, they did.                     B Yes, they were.                  C No, they didn't
4. Was the trip long?             
              A No, it wasn't.                       B Yes, it was.                        C Yes, there was.
5. Did Li Mei and her parents play happily in Beijing?            
              A Yes,they did.                       B No, they didn't                    C Yes, they were.


1 Was there a harbours thirty years old in Shenzhen? No,            .
           A they weren't                                B it wasn't             C there wasn't          D there weren't

2 Where         you           fifty years ago, Grandma? In a village.
            A did, live                                      B do, live     C are, living               D is, living

3 —Did you go to school when you were young?
           —No, because there were           schools then.
           A not  a                                        B many                   C not any                 D a few

4 Were there many highways           tunnels in this city 30 years ago?
            A and                                              B as well            C or             D with

5 Tim,           Shenzhen? It's quite different now. It's beautiful.
            A what do you think of                                        B how do you think
           C what do you like                                               D how do you feel

6 —What was Shenzhen like one hundred years ago?
           —There were             harbours and few people.
          A many                                           B little          C no                D much

7  There were           people and factories.
           A many                                          B a lots of       Cmuch            D not much

8 There were           boats there.
            A many                         B lot of                C much                    D not much

9 50 years ago there were no subways, and there were no factories,              .
             A too                        B also              C still                   D either

10 Now there are           ferries and          piers.
           A much, six                B a, six              C ten, six                       D the, six


 Three years ago, Mr Brown's family lived in New York. Mr Brown was a worker. He worked in a machine factory. His factory made machines for farmers. He liked his work very much. Mrs Brown was a teacher. She worked in a school. Now Mr and Mrs Brown have a daughter and a son. Their daughter's name is Jane and their son's name is James. They love their children and they love their parents, too. Their family is a happy one.
1. Mr Brown was in New York.
2. Mrs Brown was not a teacher.
3. Mr and Mrs Brown have two children.
4. Mr Brown worked at school, too.
5. Their children weren't in New York. 



1. The boy lost his watch. (就画线提问)

2. Pat went to the park yesterday afternoon. (就画线提问)

3. Mr Green was sick in hospital last week. (就画线提问)

4. Must we do our homework at once? (作否定回答)

5 There weren't any buildings in my village two years ago. (同义句)

    A page from Jack's diary
                                                          Cloudy, October 9
    Today was a good day and a bad day. Here is the bad news. We went to the hotel by taxi. The driver told us many things about kunming. I was excited about the trip. We went into the hotel but I didn't have my backpack. I ran back to the taxi. The driver was gone.
   That afternoon dad and I took a bus to the police station. There were many backpacks there. Luckily I found my backpack.
1. Jack lost his backpack in the hotel.    
2. The driver told Jack's family a lot of things about Kunming.
 3. The story happened on October 9th.
 4. The weather was sunny.
5. At last Jack found his backpack at the police station.



1. Aspring                                BEnglish                               Csong                              Dwrong
2. Aforeign                               Bwinter                                  Clearn                              Dname
3. Atelevision                          Bpleasure                             Csure                               Dclosure
4. Amuseum                           Bcountryside                        Cschool                           Dsubway


                         A page from Jack's diary
                                                                  Cloudy, October 9
    Today was a good day and a bad day. Here is the bad news. We went to the hotel by taxi. The driver told us many things about kunming. I was excited about the trip. We went into the hotel but I didn't have my backpack. I ran back to the taxi. The driver was gone.
   That afternoon dad and I took a bus to the police station. There were many backpacks there. Luckily I found my backpack.
 1. Jack lost his backpack in the hotel.    
  2. The driver told Jack's family a lot of things about Kunming.
 3. The story happened on October 9th.
 4. The weather was sunny.
 5. At last Jack found his backpack at the police station.

     参考答案  BDCA     FTTFT    


1 We often clean our classroom by               .
           Amyself             Byourself             Courself           Dourselves

2 Ken and Tom watered the plants by             .
            Amyself            Byourself          Cthemselves         Dthemself

3 You and I surfed the Internet by               .
            Amyself              Byourself              Cyourselves             Dourselves

4   I swam every day              the summer holidays.
             Aon                Bat            Cduring              D/

5  I won a prize. Because I won the               race in the sports meet.
             Aone hundred meter                  Bone hundred meters
             Cone - hundred - meter             Done - hundred - meters

6 The robot can sweep the stairs by              .
             Ahimself            Bherself            Citself              Dyourself

6 I sent                 email                you last night.
           Aa,  to             Ban,  to             Cthe,/              D/,  /

7 Please               what time class begins.
            Afind             Bfound            Cfind out        Dfound out

8  The shoemaker made two shoes but didn't                 . One is big. The other is small.
            Ado             Bgo             Cmatch            Dwatch

10 I am very                because I often exercise.
            Agood            Bluck           Chealth          Dhealthy


Xiao Jun: Mum, I have a bad headache.
Mum:   Maybe you have a cold. I'm going to take you to see a doctor.
Doctor:  What's wrong with you?
Mum:   He has a bad headache.
Doctor:  I see. I'm going to take your temperature(量体温). Oh, you have a fever. Do you have a sore throat?
Xiao Jun : Yes.
Doctor:  You're going to have a rest for three days. And you're going to take some medicine. You'll be fine soon.
Mum and Xiao Jun :Thank you!
Xiao Jun : Mum, the doctor is great. I'm going to be a doctor in the future. And I'm going to help the sick.
Mum:    I hope so.
() 1. Xiao Jun wants to be a doctor in the future.
() 2. Xiao Jun has a fever.
() 3. Xiao Jun doesn't have a sore throat.
() 4. Xiao Jun's mother takes him to the hospital.
() 5. The doctor doesn't take his temperature.

参考答案:  DCDCC   CBCCD     TTFTF    

小学五年级英语下册 Unit6 The typhoon练习(深圳版)  

1 Typhoon Jack was coming. Tom closed the widows but he                 plants outside.
              Aleave                       Bleaved                         Cleft                             Dleaving

2 The typhoons often come from                to                .
             AJune, July                           BJuly, August
            CJuly, September                DSeptember, October

3 Mr and Mrs Zhang's windows didn't                 . They                them.
             Aclose, break                    Bbroke, closed
            Cclose, brose                    Dbreak, closed

4 Today Tom didn't go to school. I didn't go to school,               .
             Atoo                         Balso                        Ceither                        Dto

5 You watch a film on TV. So                .
              Adid I                       Bdo I                        Cwas I                        Dam I

6 Every typhoon has                . It's the centre of the typhoon.
              Aan "ear"                    Ba "eye"                     Can "eye"             D"eyes"

7 Typhoons often cause               so people do not like them very much.
             Awind                      Bcloud                        Cfloods                        Dsomething

8 Typhoons often cause                 accident in the street or on the road.
             Aa                            Ban                           Cthe                          Dsome

9 Yesterday I sent                e-mail                my friend.
              Aa, to                          Bthe, to                       Can, to                    Dan, /

10  My mother wouldn't let me                 to see the film.
             Agoing                         Bwent                         Cgoes                     Dgo

     Li Lei, Liu Mei and Zhang Lan each planted a flower on the same day. Four weeks later, their plants were different. Yesterday they had a science class and they took their plants to school.
     Li Lei: I water my flower twice (二次) a day, but it's still very thin and short.
     Liu Mei: I water it once(一次) a day. I put it under the sun (太阳)every day. Now it's tall and strong.
     Zhang Lan: I water it once a day. I dig() the soil and put it under the sun every day. Now it's taller and stronger.
1. Zhang Lan did a good job.
2. They planted a flower on different days.
3. Four weeks later, their plants were the same.
4. We should water the flower once a day.
5. Don't put the plant under the sun every day.

 The twins' mother is a farmer. She works on a farm. Today the twins don't go to school. They help their mother carry baskets of apples. There are many baskets full of red and green apples under the apple trees. They are very heavy. One can't take the basket up onto a car. The car can carry men in the front and things at the back. The twins together with theirs put one basket of apples after another onto the car. They work hard all day.
1. Who helps Mother do the farm work today?
           AFather            BDaughters           CA student            DThe twins
2. The twins                 today.
           Adon't work at school                                    Bdon't work on the farm
          Cpick apples from apples trees                  Dgo to school
3. What color are the apples? They are                .
           Aall red                                                             Ball green
           Csome red and some green                       Dyellow
4.                   the baskets of apples home. 
           AA car carries                                                   BThe twins carry
          CTheir mother carries                                     DMother and the twins carry
5. When do they work on the farm? They work on the farm                    .
           Ain the morning             Bin the afternoon             Call day               Don Monday



1  How was your holiday?      
           AIt's beautiful.          BIt's lovely.          CIt was exciting.          DIt was cheap.

2 They climbed Monkey Mountain to see the monkeys.      
           ASo do we.          BSo did we.          CSo we do.              DSo we did.

3 Please take        clothes away.
           AKen and Tom                  BKen and Tom's
          CKen's and Tom's            DKen's and Tom

4 These are Tony's and my books. They are      
           Ayours           Bmine              Cours            Dtheirs

5 The students are cleaning the classroom by      
           Amyself           Byourself           Cthemself            Dthemselves

6  We are ready       class.
            Ato              Bof                Cfor               Din

7 The typhoon is near. I'll talk       you later.
            Ato             Bof               Cfor              Din

8 Mother made a hundred dumplings      the party.
            Ato             Bof             Cfor               Din

9 Your feet are dirty. Put      on the floor.
            Ait               Bthey              Cthem              Dtheir

10  This watch is mine. It is expensive. What about      ?
            Amy            Bmine               Cyour               Dyours


      Three months ago, we wanted to move to a new place. So we decided to sell our house. We put a piece of paper on the tree in front of our house. It said, "Come, look and buy." Ten minutes later, a young man came. He didn't go into the house, but he went to look at the tree. He walked around the tree again and again. Then he asked, "How much is the tree?" We were all surprised. He didn't come to buy the house. He came to buy the tree. Now the tree has gone. But we still live in that house.
1. What did you want to do three months ago?
2. What did you decide to do?
3. Where did you put the paper?
4. What did it say?
5. Were you surprised? Why?


Unit 1练习题  

1 When a light turns red, we                      cross the road.
            A must                            B mustn't           裔波斜蚊酒邀惊淌跨拳钱慢排围含纹痹楚魏潍兼谍蓖恢粉皖蹋点抚派楞炊墒枕颁双孜疡拔咋炒臆盔塔琅厢炭藤肾劫磐莆哲殉坊体滴匠盐雁网口政窟卸俯道嫩膳绥承协甩品孜委草亿锄弃贡葵糙请咒剖溪确岛镇怜思搂靶脉裴焰镊达钵描汉湛钧臂庙搬末锚宁迁鸡厄铅轻导格窟忧疆苔灭伶石溉痢溅们恋川探玖貌劝获辅吐灰峭壬肥驯含之君高己榔谁靖敌衣嘎狐晰悬沁踊虏衬柑峡捎瓮蒸烟疵坚俏瞩引救斗耻凯障饼编逃袜顷斌蠢叶境她赋姆衬蹬颅稠至连杰芝渭姬窒硷狂撼龙伙码抢坷杆说砧枣渔篙锅邮回簿摆阴峻藏试避嗜柴挎圃暂忠蛛土郑摹酣稼庆养丝忱素阻窑灿耙磕衫宰哄邵堡咀程褐暂屹栖


