[初中英语]2011-2012学年度北京市门头沟区初三第一次综合练习英语试卷 通用

发布时间:2019-01-28 09:30:16   来源:文档文库   














5. What do you think the woman is?

  A. A teacher. B. A student. C. A worker.

6. What does the woman want to do?

  A. To make progress. B. To go to school. C. To take her vacation.


7. Who will have a birthday party?

  A. Mike. B. Tom. C. Alice.

8. What will the girl give the boy as his birthday present?

  A. CDs. B. Computer games. C. Travel books.


9. What’s the young man’s problem?

  A. He has a cold. B. His teeth hurt. C. He cant sleep well.

10. What’s the most important for the young man to do according to the doctor?

  A. To have a good sleep. B. To have medicine on time.

C. To drink more water.


11. What does the woman mean in the talk?

A. She thinks the man should take the summer training.

  B. She thinks it is wasting time to take the summer training.

  C. She was worried the summer training would take up so much time.

12. Which course will the man take?

A. A Japanese course. B. An English course. C. A Chinese course.

13. What’s the problem of the man?

A. He doesn’t know if he can do it well.

  B. He doesn’t know if the training will take up too much time.

  C. He doesn’t know if the training will be helpful for him to find a job.


14. Which is not important to do the work?

  A. Typing. B. Writing. C. Experience.

15. How many kinds of jobs are offered to the students?

  A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.

16. How much will the newspaper pay the students for their work?

  A. A little. B. A lot. C. Nothing.






22. This man is __________ father, Mr. Smith.

A. I B. me C. my D. mine

23. The students from England left Beijing __________ Saturday afternoon.

A. in B. on C. at D. of

24. —__________ is your sister’s school? —Between the hospital and the library.

A. When B. What C. Who D. Where

25. —Which dress is __________, the red one or the blue one?

  —Hard to say. You decide!

A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. most beautiful D. the most beautiful

26. There is a strong wind, __________ I want to close all the windows.

A. so B. or C. but D. because

27. —There isn’t __________ in the cup, Linda. It’s empty.

  —Sorry, I’ll go and get something to drink now.

A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing

28. —Must we clean the classroom today?

  —No, you __________. You can do it tomorrow morning.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t

29. Tony’s mother is a teacher and she __________ lunch at school every day.

A. have B. has C. had D. having

30. The foreign children __________ the Forbidden City last Sunday.

A. visit B. visits C. visited D. visiting

31. Look! They __________ in the river.

A. swim B. swam C. have swum D. are swimming

32. Miss Jackson __________ Chinese for several years.

A. learns B. learned C. has learned D. will learn

33. The letters __________ by Ann next week.

A. send B. are sent C. will send D. will be sent

34. —Do you know ___________? —At eight yesterday morning.

A. when they arrive in Beijing B. when they arrived in Beijing

C. when do they arrive in Beijing D. when did they arrive in Beijing


  通读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择能填入相应空白处最佳的一项。

  My friend Michelle is blind, but you’d never know it. She makes such good use of her other 35 , including her “sixth sense”, that she seldom gives the impression(印象) she’s missed anything.

  Michelle looks after her children pretty much like the rest of us, except that she doesn’t push too hard on them, who really benefit(受益) a lot from her relaxed attitude(态度). She knows when to clean the house, she moves around so fast that often the 36 don’t realize she’s blind.

  I 37 this the first time after my six-year-old daughter, Kayla, went to play there. When Kayla came home, she was very 38 about her day. She told me they had baked cookies, played games and done art projects. But she was especially excited about her finger-painting project.

  ”Mom, guess what?” said Kayla, all smiles. “I learned how to mix colors today! Blue and red make purple, and yellow and blue make green! And Michelle 39 with us.”

  To my great surprise, my child had learnt about color from a blind friend!

  Kayla continued, “Michelle told me my 40 showed joy, pride and a sense of accomplishment(成就). She really 41 what I was doing!” Kayla said she had never felt how good finger paints felt 42 Michelle showed her how to paint without looking at her paper.

  I realized Kayla 43 Michelle was blind. It had just never turned out(出现) in conversation.

  When I told her, she was 44 for a moment. At first, she didn’t believe me. “But Mommy, Michelle knew exactly what was in my picture!” Kayla insisted. And I knew my child was right 45 Michelle had listened to Kayla describe her artwork. Michelle had also heard Kayla’s pride in her work.

  We were silent for a minute. Then Kayla said slowly, “You know, Mommy, Michelle really did ‘see’ my picture. She just used my 46 .” Indeed, she uses a special type of “vision”(视觉) that all mothers have.

35. A. ways B. means C. methods D. senses

36. A. guests B. family C. children D. friends

37. A. realized B. heard C. looked D. listened

38. A. excited B. sad C. satisfied D. enjoyed

39. A. stayed B. painted C. talked D. played

40. A. pencil B. finger C. picture D. paper

41. A. touched B. did C. saw D. understood

42. A. after B. before C. as D. when

43. A. knows B. knew C. doesn’t know D. didn’t know

44. A. angry B. quiet C. sad D. worried

45. A. and B. but C. so D. because

46. A. heads B. pens C. hands D. eyes




These are the messages that Helen got yesterday. Read them carefully and find the best answers to the questions.

47. What’s Happy Feet?

  A. A book. B. A film. C. A song. D. A car.

48. What did Jenny ask Helen to do?

A. She asked her to buy a ticket. B. She asked her to buy some presents.

C. She asked her to call her student. D. She asked her to come to a party.

49. Who asked Helen to buy something?

A. Lisa and Steve. B. Jack and Alice. C. Jack and Lisa. D. Jenny and Jack.

50. What did Steve do for Helen?

  A. He fixed her car. B. He decided to buy her a car.

C. He prepared dinner for her. D. He found a new brand of dog food.


  It is reported that many middle school students are just not getting enough sleep, especially during the school week. The problems seem to get worse as they get older. Year 7 students sleep 8.4 hours on a school night, and year 9 students only 6.9 hours.

  It is also reported that not getting enough sleep can cause problems in a student’s life. Many students fall asleep in school or while doing their homework, so it is not surprising that they get lower grades than those who get enough sleep. Scientists suggest nine hours a night for middle school students.

Of the students who feel unhappy and nervous, 73% don’t get enough sleep at night.

Why aren’t students getting enough sleep? Many students have one of the following things, like telephone, television, or computer, in their bedrooms, using them on a school night not only takes their time away from homework, but also makes it difficult for them to fall asleep. As a result, many students can’t fall asleep before 11p.m., yet they must get up early to go to school.

Scientists also suggest students should not do exciting activities for an hour before bedtime.

51. According to the report, who might get the most sleep?

  A. Year 7 students. B. Year 8 students. C. Year 9 students. D. Year 10 students.

52. How many hours of sleep do middle students need each night?

  A .7 hours. B. 8 hours. C. 9 hours. D. 10 hours.

53. Not getting enough sleep can cause the following problems except __________.

  A. falling asleep in class B. getting lower grade

  C. getting fatter and fatter D. falling asleep while doing homework


  When someone wants to have a new life, he/she is more willing to make some changes in his/her life and in his/her outlook(人生观). Actually slight(微小的) changes can make one’s life different.

  Those slight changes are more easily to put into action. To change the small parts rather than carry out a big plan for a series of big stuff can make people more likely to focus on(集中) it. Take changing the hair style for example. It is a pretty easy task to finish. When I feel happy, I am more willing to change the sheets, clean out some clutter(杂物) to make my house look better and so on. After doing that, I can feel more control over my life.

  The small changes we achieve can also give us more confidence to achieve the big goals. The good results we get from the small changes can bring us a taste of successful completion. Once a behavior has been developed into a habit, we are more likely to do it unconsciously(无意识地). So start with small goals, for example to read five to ten pages of the book you think boring but really useful for you every day rather than force yourself to finish it in one day. That’s a wiser way to achieve the big goal.

  On the other hand, by making small changes, we may ask ourselves, “How can I apply(应用) this process to the bigger thing that I want?” and then keep on going, especially when we find those changes can make us feel the power to make positive(积极的) changes.

  Start with a small decision. Who knows where we will go far in the end?

54. Why does the author advise us to make slight changes first if we want to lead a new life?

A. Because slight changes are more important.

B. Because slight changes are easy to carry out.

C. Because slight changes don’t need planning.

D. Because slight changes are only half a success.

55. The author takes reading a book for example to show readers __________.

A. reading is an important task B. how to become wiser by reading

C. how a hard task can become easy D. reading is very interesting and useful

56. The author mainly tells us to __________ if we want some changes in our life.

A. start with small changes B. read more books every day

C. make a difference in the future D. make great progress at a time


  ”Most experiences of absent-mindedness, forgetting where you left something or wondering why you just went into a room, are caused by a simple lack(缺乏) of attention,” says Schacter, a scientist from New York University. “Youre supposed to remember something, but you havent encoded(编码) it deeply.”

  Encoding, Schacter explains, is a special way of paying attention to an event that has a major impression(印象) on recalling(回想起) it later. Failure to encode properly can create troublesome situations. If you put your mobile phone in a pocket, for example, and don’t pay attention to what you did because you’re involved(参加) in a conversation, you’ll probably forget that the phone is in the jacket now hanging in your cupboard. “Your memory itself isn’t failing you,” says Schacter, “Rather, you didn’t give your memory system the information it needed.”

  Lack of interest is another reason which can lead to absent-mindedness. “A man who can recite(列举) sports statistics from 30 years ago,” says Zelinski, another scientist from New York University, “may not remember to drop a letter in the mailbox.” Women have slightly better memories than men, possibly because they pay more attention to their environment, and memory depends on just that.

  ”Visual cues(视觉提示) can help prevent absent-mindedness,” says Schacter. “But be sure the cue is clear and available(有用的).” If you want to remember to take a medicine with lunch, put the pill bottle on the kitchen table—don’t leave it in the medicine box and write yourself a note that you keep in a pocket.

  Another common experience of absent-mindedness is: walking into a room and wondering why you’re there. Most likely, you were thinking about something else. “Everyone does this from time to time,” says Zelinski. “The best thing to do is to return to where you were before entering the room, and you’ll likely remember.”

57. The writer of the passage thinks that encoding properly is very important because ________.

  A. it helps us to get back to where we were

  B. it slows down the process of losing our memory

  C. it helps us understand our memory system better

  D. it makes us able to recall something from our memory

58. One possible reason why women have a little better memories than men is that __________.

  A. they rely more on the environment

  B. they have a wider range of interests

  C. they have an unusual power of focusing their attention

  D. they are more interested in what is happening around them

59. The passage is mainly about __________.

  A. the memory system of persons

  B. a way of encoding and recalling

  C. the causes of absent-mindedness

  D. the impression of the environment on memory


  Jenny was my grandmother’s sister and she was an amazing(神奇的) woman. 60 It was a pity that she didn’t live to celebrate her 100th birthday, but she had a good, long life.

She had been a teacher before many women had jobs. She taught in Africa for many years.

61 At that time, people didn’t travel by plane, so she had to travel there by ship. It took her three months to sail from England to Malaysia in those days. In 1947, she traveled by plane for the first time. 62 She continued to teach around the world until she was 75 years old.

  Jenny really loved teaching and she was also good at telling stories. I always loved to hear her talk about her stories. They were so interesting that I would like to listen to her when I was free. It was amazing that she could remember everything even though she was so old.

63 My grandmother’s sister was really an amazing woman.


  For many of us, the idea of a family is a lot narrower(变窄了) than it used to be. Today children go away to college, and take up jobs wherever chances seem greatest. So instead of growing up in a family with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, many of us are truly connected only to our parents and brothers.

Many kids today know little of the lives of their relatives and don’t care deeply about them. Whether we realize it or not, this feeling of being disconnected makes people feel a kind of lonely. “People need to feel connected,” says Joy Browne, a doctor in the USA. “And they will do it in the easiest ways.” When family members aren’t connected, what could be easier than forming (形成) a connection to famous people?

This isn’t something unusual, of course. People cried when Mei Yanfang died in 2003. It’s natural and in most ways harmless to feel that way. But that’s unhealthy, because these relationships aren’t two-way.

For that, we need to stay connected to our own families. We’ll never turn back the clock to keep families from breaking. But parents can help by telling their children stories about their grandparents, aunts and cousins, and by telling them the children’s latest activities and interests.

We can use technology to keep connected with each other. It’s easy to send e-mails to granddad. Better yet, take a vacation with members of your relatives—not with any other person. A week or so of relaxing vacation can be a great way to tie up family ties. And when a bad thing happens, no one can be as helpful as your relatives. Because no matter how much we cry for the famous people, they can’t be there to cry for us.

64. Are many of children truly connected only to their parents and brothers?

65. How does this feeling of being disconnected make people feel?

66. Where is Joy Browne from?

67. What can we use to keep connected with each other?

68. What’s the main idea of the passage?




69. 一收到他的来信我就会给你打电话。

  I will call you _______________ I hear from him.

70. 他们在为妈妈的生日聚会准备。

They _____________________ their mother’s birthday party.

71. Ann害怕再次犯相同的错误。

Ann _________________________ the same mistake again.

72. 昨晚直到十点孩子们才想出来一个好主意。

The children __________________________________ ten o’clock last night.

73. Tony的父母过去经常花很多的时间告诉他如何去复习功课。

Tony’s parents _________________________________________________ his lessons.

十、文段表达 (共15分)

74. Emily将她的烦恼写在了博客上并征求大家的建议。假如你是Chen Lin,请了解她的烦恼并写出你的建议,要求字数在60词以上,建议的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总字数。


Possible new words: respect v. & n. 尊重; responsible adj. 有责任感的;

demand v. & n. 要求

  Here are Emily’s problems on the Blog:

  My problem is my parents. They never stop going on about(唠叨) how I should keep my room clean, keep my hair tidy and wear smart clothes. They even make me do the washing-up after dinner every night! None of my friends have got such terrible parents. What should I do?

Emily, USA

  Hi, Emily. I think it’s lucky for you to have such good parents.



                                 Chen Lin





1. A 2. B 3.A 4. C


  5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. B

  11. A 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. B 16. A


17. classroom(s) 18. small 19. 2 / two 20. swim 21. fun



22. C 23. B 24. D 25. B 26. A 27. C 28. C

29. B 30. C 31. D 32. C 33. D 34. B


  通读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择能填入相应空白处最佳的一项。

35. D 36. A 37. A 38. A 39. B 40. C

41. D 42. B 43. D 44. B 45. D 46. D




A 47. B 48. D 49. C 50. A

B 51. A 52. C 53. C

C 54. B 55. C 56. A.

D 57. D 58. D 59. C



60. B 61. E 62. A 63. C


 64. Yes. / Yes, they are.

 65. It makes people feel lonely. / Lonely.

 66. He is from the USA. / The USA.

67. Technology. / We can use technology. / We can use technology to keep connected with each other.

 68. The family relation and how to stay connected to our families.



 69. as soon as

 70. are getting ready for

 71. is afraid of making

 72. didn’t come up with a good idea until

 73. used to spend lots of(a lot of, much ) time telling him how to go over(revise)

十、文段表达 (共15分)

74. Emily将她的烦恼写在了博客上并征求大家的建议。假如你是Chen Lin,请了解她的烦恼并写出你的建议,要求字数在60词左右,建议的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总字数。


One possible version:

  Hi, Emily. I think it’s lucky for you to have such good parents. I know what your trouble is. I can understand you very well because we are both teenagers. We have the same problems. As children, I think we should respect our parents. They are more experienced and they are responsible. And their demands are good for us. Why not communicate with our parents more often? I hope I can get good news from you soon.

                                 Chen Lin












Number 1

W: How do you go to school every day, Mike?

M: By bike.

Number 2

M: What do you like best, Mary?

W: I like the dress best.

Number 3

W: Look, there is a strong lion!

M: Yes, and it looks powerful! 

Number 4

W: What did you do yesterday morning, Bob?

M: I listened to the radio.



  M: Good morning, Miss Brown.

  W: Morning, Jack.

  M: Where are you going, Miss Brown? I see you have several heavy bags.

  W: Yes. And I’m going to the beach. You know it’s beautiful there and I really want to have a good holiday there.

  M: I hope you will enjoy yourself there. Thank you for helping me a lot at school.


  W: Hi, Mike!

  M: Hello, Alice!

  W: What are those?

  M: Some CDs.

  W: Did you buy them for yourself?

  M: No, Tom is going to have a birthday party and I bought them for him.

  W: Oh, I nearly forget it. What shall I buy for him?

  M: How about some travel books? You know he likes travelling so much.

W: What a good idea! Thanks a lot.


  W: Hi, young man! What’s the trouble with you? You look so tired.

  M: Yes, doctor. You know, I have been busy these days.

  W: Why?

  M: We are going to have the exam and I am getting ready for it. I am worried about it, so its hard for me to fall asleep and I wake up early in the morning.

  W: Too much worry isn’t good for your health.

  M: You are right. But what should I do?

  W: It’s not serious. Take the medicine on time before you go to bed at night. It will help you a lot.

  M: Thank you very much, doctor.



  M: I can’t make up my mind about taking the summer training course in Advanced Oral English.

  W: But why? I think it’ll be a great help for you to find a job after graduation.

  M: That’s true. But I need to study for three weeks, and I just don’t know if I’ll get enough time for that course.

  W: Yes, I know it’s not easy. But I really think you should take it. And I’m sure you can do it very well. I don’t think it will take up so much time.

  M: Do you really think so?

  W: Yes, I do.

M: Well, that sounds reasonable to me. I’ll take your point. Thank you.


Hello, I’m John Smith. As the head of School Daily, I’d like to introduce you to our newspaper. We’d like some volunteers to help us improve our paper. Experience is not important, but writing and typing are important. We want some people to rewrite articles. We need an expert to take photos. We also need several engineers who know how to plan printing work since the paper comes out five days a week. Our paper is popular among the students and many people in the city are interested in it as well. So, we need some students to send the papers. There is some money for you according to how much you work for the paper, but you don’t expect to get rich. Good marks are a must for working on the paper. This isn’t something you do for the money. Mostly it’s just for fun. Anyone who is interested in joining us should fill in an application form after the meeting. Don’t forget to write down your name on the form. Be ready to start working right away. Thank you for listening.


  How are you spending your next vacation? How about going to an overseas English–language school, in the United States or in the United Kingdom? Many schools offer short courses for students of all ages, from seven to seventy years old.

  Foreign students can stay in school classrooms or with local families. Living with a family can be fun and can really help you learn English.

  Just think, you’ll get at least two hours a day of breakfast and dinner conversations with English native speakers!

  Classes are usually small with eight to ten students. For most afternoons youll have a chance to swim, play soccer and other outdoor games. The schools also arrange activities like day trips to museums and amusement parks. You’ll have a chance to improve your English and have fun at the same time!

育星教育网 www.ht88.com


《[初中英语]2011-2012学年度北京市门头沟区初三第一次综合练习英语试卷 通用.doc》
