
发布时间:2019-05-30 05:39:41   来源:文档文库   


Module 6 The Tang Poems Films and TV Programmes



. 单句语法填空

1. They are arguing ___________ each other about private affairs.

2. Our teacher told us so ___________ a story that we were all___________ to tears. (move)

3. The new album of the singer will come ___________ next month.

4. She worked hard but much___________ our surprise, she didn’t pass the exam.

5. I go to the seaside ___________ (occasion)because it isn’t far from my home.

6. The young man was praised for his ___________ (brave)of saving the boy from the big fire.

7. I fell___________ love with the cat at the first sight of it.

8. Sally stood up and accepted the prize, ___________ (excite)and proud.

9. I don’t care ___________ he says and does.

10. It was in the meeting ___________ I put forward that idea.


1. with

2. moving moved

3. out

4. to

5. occasionally

6. bravery

7. in

8. excited

9. what

10. that

. 单句改错

1. It was yesterday when I came across an old teacher in the street.


2. The first attempt may fail, but we don’t care for that.


3. Mary often argues her friends about small things angrily.


4. It agreed that another meeting was necessary.


5. The speaker answered all the questions raising by the audience.


6. The magazine that he is reading is comes out every Monday.




2. for改为about

3. argues后加with

4. It后加was

5. raising改为raised

6. 第二个is去掉


. 教材与语法填空

  根据课文内容, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon1. ______________ (direct)by Ang Lee, which turned out to be 2. ______________ masterpiece. It was a type of martial arts film 3. ______________ (tell)of martial arts masters with unusual abilities. The story is set in the early 1800s in China. Two of its main 4. ______________ (character), Li Mubai and Yu Xiulian are in love with each other, 5. ______________ they can’t get married because Xiulian’s dead fiancéis a good friend of Mubai.

6. ______________ Xiulian’s sword is stolen, Mubai and Xiulian try 7. ___________ (get)it back. Another female character, Yu Jiaolong, played by Zhang Ziyi, also interests us. She and Xiulian’s fight scenes are some of the most exciting moments in modern cinema. The action in the film is 8. ______________ (amaze), and characters leap 9. ______________ the air every now and then. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon will make audiences’ hearts leap with 10. ______________ (excite)at its beauty. In a word, this is a film worth seeing.

答案:1. was directed 2. a 3. telling 4. characters 5. but

6. When 7. to get 8. amazing 9. through 10. excitement

. 教材与短文改错

  根据课文内容, 对下面材料进行修改。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

  Asking a young person in the street who the greatest American film director is, and you may get the answer Steven Spielberg. He has certainly made successful films than any other directors in the west. As a young man he showed that he had unusually abilities, completed his first 15-minute home movie. One of his famous films are Schindler’s List, making him to win an Oscar, Hollywood’s highest prize. And his later films have been less successful. However, it is agreed that he, more than someone else in the history of films, understood the meaning of the word entertainment.

答案: 1. 第一句中的AskingAsk

2. 第二句在successful前加more

3. 第二句中的directorsdirector

4. 第三句中的unusuallyunusual

5. 第三句中的completedcompleting

6. 第四句中的areis

7. 第四句中删除win前面的to

8. 第五句中的AndBut

9. 第六句中的someoneanyone

10. 第六句中的understoodunderstands

. 教材与话题写作

  用本模块所学知识完成下列句子, 并按照逻辑连成短文。

1. Ni Ping is a famous actress, and_________________________ .

倪萍是一个著名的演员, 也是一个著名的主持人。

2. She_________________________ in a film whose setting was in a remote mountain village.


3. The leading character in the film was______________________ and___________



4. When we saw the film, we_________________________.

当我们看到这部影片时, 我们立刻就喜欢上了它。

组篇公式: 1改为非谓语动词作定语+过渡词






答案:1. well-known as a hostess

2. played a part of woman teacher

3. a good and brave female; what she did made us moved

4. fell in love with it


  Ni Ping is a famous actress, well-known as a hostess. To our surprise, she played a part of woman teacher in a film whose setting was in a remote mountain village. The leading character in the film was a good and brave female and what she did made us moved. When we saw the film, we fell in love with it.


