二工大 上海第二工业大学 计算机专业英语 期末考试

发布时间:2012-01-04 17:01:26   来源:文档文库   



Unit 1 (P3)
词汇central processing unit 中央处理器
computer instruction 计算机指令
electromagnetic signals 电磁信号
electronic desktop 电子桌面
main memory 主存,主存储器
output hardware 处理硬件
processing power 处理能力
句子The purpose of storage hardware is to provide a means of storing computer instructions and data in a form that is relatively permanent, that is , the data is not lost when the power is turned off, and easy to retrieve when needed for processing.=存储硬件的目的是提供一种以相对持久的形式存储计算机指令和数据的手段,也就是在计算机断电时,其数据不至于丢失,同时在要加工处理时很容易将它们检索出来
With a well-designed CPU in your computer, you can perform highly sophisticated tasks in a very short time.=假如你的计算机的CPU设计得很好,你就可以在很短的时间内高效完成复杂的任务
The purpose of output hardware is to provide the user with the means to view information produced by the computer system.=输出硬件的目的是提供一种工具,以使用户能看到经过计算机系统加工处理的信息

Unit 2 (P12)
词汇computer component 计算机部件
storage location 存储位置
cps=characters per second 字符每秒
mips=millions of instructions per second 百万条指令每秒
PC=Personal Computer 个人计算机
句子As technological improvements were made in computer components, the overall size of computers began to shrink.=随着计算机部件制造工艺的改进,计算机 的总体尺寸开始缩小
They vary in size from small portables, and laptop computers that you can carry around like a briefcase, to powerful desktop workstations, such as those used by engineers and scientists.=微机的尺寸各异,从小型便携式计算机(l例如膝上计算机就可以像公文包一样提在手中)到强大的桌面工作站(例如工程师和科学家所使用的那种工作站)

Unit 3 (P23)
词汇arithmetic and logic unit 算术逻辑单元
data bus 数据总线 language processor 语言处理器
execution cycle 执行周期 one computer generation 一代计算机
instruction cycle 指令周期 secondary storage 辅助存储器,辅存
machine cycle 机器周期 software instruction 软件指令
句子According to each specific instruction, the control unit issues the necessary signals to other computer system components as needed to satisfy the processing requirements.=根据每项具体指令,控制单元向其他计算机系统部件发出其所需的信号来满足处理需求
The term bus refers to an electrical pathway through which bits are transmitted the various computer components.=总线这一术语指的是二进制在各种计算机部件之间传送的电子通道

Unit 5 (P51)
词汇circuit switching 电路交换 IP address IP地址
packet switching 信息包交换 star network 星状网络
Gbps=gigabits per second 吉比特每秒
Kbps=kilobits per second 千比特每秒
Mbps=megabits per second 兆或百万比特每秒
LANs=local area networks 局域网
TCP/IP=Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol传输控制/网际协协议
句子The network known as a local area network or LAN is a communications network consisting of cables, computers, and network devices confined to a very small geographic region such as a single building, or floor of a building.=大家所知的本地网(或局域网)是一个由限制在一片非常小的地理区域内(比如一幢建筑或其中的一个楼层)的电缆、计算机和网络设备所组成的通信网络
Packet: When sending a message over a network(e.g., an E-mail), the message is usually broken up into a smaller set of message called packets.=信息包:通过网络发送信息的时候(比如电子邮件),此信息通常被分成一个较小的信息集,成为信息包

Unit 6 (P69)
词汇color bit-mapped graphics 彩色位映像图
computer terminal 计算机终端 flatbed plotter 平板式绘图仪
ink-jet printer 喷墨打印机 laser printer 激光打印机
thermal printer 热敏式打印机
video display image 视频显示图像
句子A plotter is most often used for producing graphics because it can output freeform drawing on paper in color.=绘图仪经常用来画图,因为它能在纸上输出各种形式的彩色画图
The most notable disadvantages of CRTs are their large size(to accommodate the electron gun setup), their high rate of power consumption, and their fragility.= CRT最显著的缺陷是体积大(需要安装电子枪)、耗电多和容易损坏

Unit 8 (P104)
词汇communication channel 信道 Frame Relay 帧中继
network adapter 网络适配器 routing control 路由控制
session layer 会话层
ATM=Asynchronous Transfer Mode 异步传输模式
ICS=Internet Connection Sharing 因特网连接共享
NFS=Network File System 网络文件系统
OSI=Open System Interconnection reference model 开放式系统
   SONET=Synchronous Optical Network(ing) 同步光纤网
VPN=Virtual Private Network 虚拟个人网络
Wi-Fi=Wireless Fidelity 无线网络保真标准
WWW=World Wide Web 万维网
句子Popular protocols include TCP/IP, the most common protocol found on the Internet and in home networks.=流行的协议包括TCP/IP---在因特网和家庭网络中用得最普遍的协议


《二工大 上海第二工业大学 计算机专业英语 期末考试.doc》
