
发布时间:2012-08-14 12:52:24   来源:文档文库   
  文章编号:100628244(2004)012012106档自动变速器和CV T对燃油经济性的贡献Six-Speed Automatic Tran s m ission s and CVT′s to Support Fuel Econom y Z F Getriebe Gm bH,K ressbronn,Ger m any德国Z F公司 Gerha rd W ag ner[摘要]改善燃油经济性和CO2排放水平是新型轿车开发工作中优先考虑的问题。新开发的6档自动变速器和CV T将应用在车辆上。这些变速器可完全满足降低燃油消耗和排放的要求,并在任何情况下都能提高驾驶舒适性。将它们于5档后轮驱动和4档前轮驱动自动变速器相比,即可发现新变速器系统的优越性。在N EDC(新欧洲循环驾驶)试验中可节约6-8%的燃油,而0-60km的加速性提高了4-10%。[Abstract]T he i m p rovem en t in fuel econom y and in CO2em issi on levels has a h igh p ri o rity in the develop2 m en t w o rk of new passenger cars and new models.N ew ly developed62speed au tom atic tran s m issi on s and con tinuou sly variab le tran s m issi on s(CV T)w ill be availab le in veh icles in the near fu tu re.T hese tran s m is2 si on s w ill fu lfil the requ irem en ts to reduce fuel con sump ti on and em issi on s and w ill increase driving com fo rt at the sam e ti m e.A comparison w ith the state of the art so lu ti on s,i.e.52speed au tom atic tran s m issi on s fo r rear w heel driven and42speed au tom atics fo r fron t w heel driven cars,show s the advan tage of the new tran s m issi on system s.T he new design s lead to a fuel con sump ti on reducti on in the N ew Eu ropean D riving Cycle(N EDC)of6to8%.In parallel there is an increase in accelerati on from0to60mph of4to10%.  关键词:自动变速器 CV T 油耗 排放 加速性  Key w o rds:A T CV T Fuel con sump ti on Em issi on A ccelerati on  中图分类号:U463.212     文献标识码:B1 前言目前在轿车开发过程中,降低燃油消耗是检验新品种和新车型的一个关键。在欧洲,背后的促进力来自:1991年德国汽车制造商自行决定在2005年实现减少燃油消耗25%,同时欧洲汽车协会(A CEA)在1995年建议将汽车燃油消耗降至欧洲可接受的水平。德国汽车制造商预测以汽车工业平均水平而论在14年内能将轿车的平均油耗从8升 100km降到6升 100km[1],相当于从每加仑56.8英里增加到每加仑75.7英里。A CEA的协议建立在到2008年汽车的CO2排放将从180g km(112g m i)降至140g km(87g m i)[2]。这样一个雄心勃勃的目标只能通过各方面的改进才能实现。为达到该目标,除了改进发动机外,传动系统也应做出贡献。作为传动系的主要部件,变速器尤为重要。除了最低燃油消耗和高的性价比外,在评判轿车水平方面,驾驶舒适性正成为一个重要的依据。因此欧洲自动变速器的比例正在提高(见图1)。由于自动变速器各部件已标准化,和手动变速器相比,1 I n troductionCu rren tly in passenger car developm en t,a re2 ducti on in fuel con sump ti on is one of the key crite2 ria that a new veh icle o r a new model is m easu red fo r.In Eu rope,the mo tivating fo rce beh ind th is is the1991self2adop ted m issi on of Germ an au tomo2 tive m anufactu rers to reduce fuel con sump ti on by 25%by the year2005and the p ropo sal sen t by the A ssociati on of Eu ropean A u tomo tive Indu stry (A CEA)to the Eu ropean Comm issi on in1995call2 ing fo r a reducti on of fleet con sump ti on fo r the ve2 h icles licen sed in Eu rope.T he self2adop ted m issi on of Germ an au tomo tive m anufactu rers(VDA con2 sen t)p redict,on average fo r the indu stry,a reduc2 ti on in average con sump ti on from8l 100km to6l 100km over a peri od of14years[1].T h is co rre2 sponds to an increase from56.8mpg to75.7mpg.T he A CEA agreem en t is based on a reducti on in CO2em issi on s from180g km(112g m i)to140—1—2004年3月DR I V E SYST E M T ECHN I QU E M arch2004 © 1995-2005 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


