
发布时间:2011-10-17 09:26:59   来源:文档文库   

Negotiation Strategies

What are the important factors that influence a strategy?

Repeatability---with a whole series of deals with an organization, there needs to be goodwill and lasting relationships.

Each party’s strength---single seller vs many buyers or vice versa

Importance of the deal--- a deal worth millions of dollars vs thousands of dollars; well-established market vs new market

The time scale---urgent deals v.s. little urgent deals

Negotiation resources---qualified negotiators, enough capital, enough resources

What are the guidelines for strategic decisions?

the choice of the other party, of how many parties

how quickly should negotiations proceed

how high to aim in strategic thinking

what sort of objective

what style should be used to negotiate

The exact negotiation tactics/techniques

Experienced negotiators may have many tactics to realize their goals. They are listed as follows:

When strategy:

Forbearance----patience, self-control, tolerance. When one holds off, suspends, puts off an answer instead of giving it at that moment, does not answer a question, takes time out to decide, or knowing when to stop

Surprise----a sudden shift in attitude, requirement, method, argument, approach. e.g. The substitution of the chief negotiation leaders in the middle of a negotiation.

Fait accompli---a very risky tactic against the opposition to see the opposite’s response

Reversal---the action is in opposition to what may be considered to be the popular trend or goal. People who make money in the stock market are those who are the first in and the first out. Buy in when everyone is pessimistic and sell out when everyone is optimistic.

Limits---similar to deadline or ultimatum. there are many types of limits:

Power limit; Reference limit; Human resource limit; Production technique requirement limit; Communication limit; Time limit; Geographical limit

Feinting ---somewhat like looking to the right but going to the left声东击西. Satisfying the other side through concessions on matters of minor importance and this will create a positive atmosphere and pave way for settlement on items of vital importance.

Participation---a form of strategy one makes efforts to obtain the aid of other parties on one’s behalf. E.g. in meditating a merger or acquisition.

Crossroads---a form of strategy introducing several matters into the discussion so that there can be concessions on one and gains on the other.需要做出抉择的重要关头

Blanketing---a technique to try to cover as large an area as possible to achieve a breakthrough in one more places以林遮木.

Salami---taking something bit by bit, so that one eventually gains possession of the entire piece挤香肠,得寸进尺

Agency---similar to power limit

Shifting levels/side-stepping---changing an issue to a higher or lower level ;if one party does not want to answer the other’s questions directly, they may seek to get by the issue转换议题

Finding fault 先苦后甜,吹毛求疵。指在谈判中,一方为了达到自己预定的目的,先向对方提出苛刻的要求,然后再逐渐让步,求得双方一致的意见,依此来获得己方的利益。

14Play the villain or good person 利用白脸与红脸

15No exception不开先例。

16Promises争取承诺e.g. One party indicates its intention to provide a reinforced outcome that it anticipates the counterpart will consider pleasant, positive or rewarding. For example, “if you can deliver the equipment by May 1st, we will make another order right away.”


18) Tit for tat针锋相对

It is an effective tactic in business negotiations. Sometimes you need to be hard-shelled to make your opponent give up. In most cases, you need to be hard-shelled to make your opponent give up. In most cases, this technique can serve to push the negotiation forward if the negotiator deals with it appropriately. It can usually fool the opponent into making concessions and closing the deal.

19) Use of commitments利用借口

The use of commitments, for example national laws and regulations, standard negotiating procedures of the company, instructions from a superior, previous precedents, etc., is needed to persuade the opponent of the truth of the statements the party makes. It is a major offensive negotiating tactic that both sides will use. When the commitments are of different levels, the higher one normally prevails.

20) Uncover the counterpart’s interests and “the right answer”善于发现对方利益和“正确答案”

When two parties have conflicts of interests, which are pretty difficult to resolve, they may try the right answer strategy. It works this:1.agree that a state of deadlock exists; 2.step out of the role of negotiators; 3.study the problem objectively; 4. seek the right answers; 5. agree on the right answer; 6. return to the role of negotiators and see if the right answer offers acceptable solutions.

21) Search for contextual irregularities or discrepancies寻找文本中违反规则和前后不一致的地方

Keep in mind that the person who understands the context best will probably “win” the negotiation. A contextual irregularity is some factor in the negotiation that arouses suspicion or appears to be incorrect, given the overall context of the transaction. The term” discrepancy” specifically refers to inconsistencies associated with the prices or numbers in a seller’s proposal. In other words, it is a method of challenging the validity of a proposal. A case will be found in which application of the proposal would be absurd, so the person who posed it is challenged to redefine it in more limited ways. Thus, you can make the other party appear unreasonable and you can occupy an advantageous stance.

22) The best alternative最佳选择法

This is often used in tender business. After a receiver receives a number of offers, he decides which company has made the most attractive offer and then negotiates with the other companies with a view to improving his best alternative. Once he can improve it no further, he begins his negotiation with his first choice.

23) minimal response and feigned/pretended misunderstanding尽量少做反应并假装误解

The most effective tactic in negotiation is to say just enough to compel the other side to go on talking. The more they talk, the more they will reveal, the more they will feel compelled to reveal in order to be persuasive, and the nearer they will come to exposing their genuine motives and the real level of their bottom line negotiating objective.

24) Silence is golden沉默是金

If one party is highly emotional, approaches in a threatening way or is extremely demanding, keeping quiet can be very unsettling/disturbing to them. Most people are troubled by silence in the midst of a heated discussion. Sometimes silence is regarded as disapproval; but since no specific disapproval is voiced, it cannot be treated as an attack. When met with silence, people modify their previous statements to make them more pleasant. Moreover, the job of a good negotiator is to listen to and understand what others are saying. It is an important element in the crucial tool called active listening which has some interesting consequences: the listener may actually be able to get a clearer picture of the other party’s ideas; the discipline of focusing on other opinions can also give the listener the chances to reflect on the process and strategy.

25) the “yes-but” technique是的,但是

If a negotiator does not want to seem offensive with a negative answer, he may use this technique so that he appears to his counterpart a person who is cooperative and appreciative of the other’s viewpoint.

26) Counter-question

If the opponent uses questions as offensive tactics, the party’s correct response is to counter-question. The questions are designed to compel the opponent to limit the scope of his enquiry and to reveal more of his own position.

27) Straw issues无价值条款

One that is of no value to one party in itself. Its is raised with the intention to be lost, thus providing the opportunity for the party to secure a genuine concession from the opponent in return. Securing a particular concession from the opponent requires giving the opponent something in exchange. By including one or more straw issues in the initial demands, the party ensures that it has “sth in the bank” to act as compensation for the opponent’s abandoning or modifying the initial demands. The party must view the problem through the eyes of their opponent in deciding what to select as a straw issue.

28) Exposing dirty tricks揭露不正当手段

It is quite common in negotiations that the negotiators find their counterparts playing dirty tricks. First, they must recognize that what is happening is in fact signs of dirty tricks. Then, they must show their counterparts that they understand the game by exposing it.

29) To be social友好法

Negotiators of this tactic offer fun, friendship, and favorable connections. Hosts who practice this tactic can be exceptionally persuasive for visitors a long way from home. The social niceties must be observed in every culture, but be wary when they cross the line into manipulation.

30) To reveal no bargaining position at all丝毫不透露真实情况

Choosing to reveal no bargaining position at all is an effective way of eliminating the sham/false element and of positioning the buyer for an effective attack. This is usually initiated by the seller by submitting a proposal, and the buyer should request time to consider it, suggesting that the salesp er should begin his preparation by carefully analyzing and evaluating the sellers’ proposal.

Different Business Cultures and Negotiations

I. Main Focus

1. Differences of business cultures

2. Approaches of typical cultures to negotiation.

1) A comparison between Germany and Africa

2) A comparison between France and the Arab World

3) A comparison between U.S. and Japan

1. How to prepare for negotiation?

1) Establish a clear, specific, impersonal and feasible objective (general objective, negotiation objective, specific objective in a negotiation stage)

Often ask questions like

A. Who can contribute to and who will be affected by this negotiation? (Who is responsible for different stages of the negotiation? What special skills/knowledge do individual members of the team have? What do we know about the other team?)

B. What are the maximum acceptable and minimum targets we will seek?

C. When must we conclude this negotiating and when would we like to conclude?

D. Where is the best place to negotiate?

E. Why has the buyer selected us to negotiate with?

F. How willing are we to make concessions and how will we seek counter-concessions from the other party?

G. What are the main areas of negotiation?

H. What are likely to be the sticking points?

2) Decide issues and positions ( positive or negative position? Pragmatic issue? )

3) Decide the meeting site and accommodation

In your own country? Good timing, favorable geographical location and support at hand from people all around.

A. get unexpected gains

B. prevent the other side from concluding the negotiation prematurely and leaving

C. be at ease psychologically

D. take care of other matters during the negotiation

E. saving your money and travelling time

F. facilitate communication between negotiators


