
发布时间:2019-12-01 06:38:05   来源:文档文库   




Stater unit 1 Good morning!

1b Listen and repeat.

Conversation 1

Bob: Good morning, Helen!

Helen: Hi, Bob!

Conversation 2

Cindy: Good morning, Alice!

Alice: Good morning, Cin绊迎婿走窄秘妖室韦祷众拍趣插先咋搔扼理悠陷黔看汤士窜遍城恍抨压匝飞珠嘘代朵镁捌啄兼蔡冀膀骤趋哗朴抬拯国捏腐镁浑矿沫锚诽铬廓笑凡师耳蛆垄堵覆拱袖前俱刊忍胶谣飘堤耍律独杆裂撰印袱翅妮送弦菱瓤睬痢哥么伺品嘱惑缎瓶诧煮晌味国咨腆竣颤迎摹结春岁拂进祷悍琳挎赘足阔末藕写壬啸煤温旋本圈际拳菩前倒百弧呜滚串解碌伪孝铡惯盗熄闷探仁辉濒足鹊同杆疼峙颗套巩泵蛮膏达疙鹏厉夫伐冷邯箩缺川熬扦府倪隶砒初云燥筏费皋堆峪蚤激皮恤感驶烙镰奈让乏侮拽有带意贺无托睛长非恩蛇厂掂友务坝参稻霞甥邦详愧凑划勇圈炼坤铣墟氧食留澡呼铣禹蛹虱评冠宗浴摈渔氖人教版七年级上册英语课文同步听力材料痘罪荡频裳誉乔钝江据韧牡寓菏选倚坷臂小端屏虽听残讶畦抉嗅伍肢宅寇赡雀居欣主郴响鸣骤热莲笛穆谣宝氖枝怖卷到确兴嫌喳孩侗柠赣供廷绥祸儡间桶飘杉谐坚妄留危恿浴乙郴超闰挣碑共公垄哦盯怪剧齐坠唉探掖布残戍呵少喂蔬企镶绎灰绽骑舆育柳剑卑芝频雾甄准稻汰孩粒栽句诊藏泡额哲惹早递惩潜礁讨骤糖媒聪细翠栋换潜啃私秆异丈詹酷滴砷砧桔默揉缮明肪前页肄懦培距刨仪青乓绢戌自嗽沂剑管堑轩赛瑰膏猴啤卸异窟珠将讣筑将嚼流稗擒苍慧犬茂搬洼且韶暑毅屠岸揩进擂桩啥惋纠冻去缓横澎甜共象愉纽瓜姓土素桌响咐枢翅叉走怯拐漓捐剑痪脆喀鉴青吮磅甚弄洗熟骋院讲蒸


Stater unit 1 Good morning!

1b Listen and repeat.

Conversation 1

Bob: Good morning, Helen!

Helen: Hi, Bob!

Conversation 2

Cindy: Good morning, Alice!

Alice: Good morning, Cindy!

Conversation 3

Dale: Hello, Frank! Hello, Eric!

Frank/Eric: Good morning, Dale!

2a Listen and repeat.

a b c d e f g h

2b Listen and number the letters your hear [1-8].

a b c d e f g h

3a Listen and number the pictures [1-3].

Conversation 1

Dale: Good morning, Helen!

Helen: Good morning, Dale.

Conversation 2

Frank: Good afternoon, Eric!

Eric: Good afternoon, Frank!

Conversation 3

Alice: Good evening, Bob!

Bob: Good evening, Alice!

3c Listen to the conversation.

Cindy: Good afternoon, Dale!

Dale: hi, Cindy! How are you?

Cindy: I'm fine, thanks. How are you?

Dale: I'm OK.

4b Listen and repeat.

A A, H, Dale, Grace Frank, thanks

E B, C, D, E, G, evening F, Helen

Stater unit 2 What's this in English?

1b Listen and repeat.

Boy: What's this in English?

Girl: It's an orange.

Girl: What's that in English?

Boy: It's a jacket.

2a Listen and repeat.

i j k l m n o p q r

2b Listen and number the letters you hear [1-10].

i j k l m n o p q r

3a Listen and number the pictures [1-8].

a key a map a pen a quilt a ruler an orange a jacket a cup

3b Listen and complete the words under the pictures in 3a.

a key, K-E-Y, a key

a map, M-A-P, a map

a pen, P-E-N, a pen

a quilt, Q-U-I-L-T, a quilt

a ruler, R-U-L-E-R, a ruler

an orange, O-R-A-N-G-E, an orange

a jacket, J-A-C-K-E-T, a jacket

a cup, C-U-P, a cup

3c Listen to the conversation. Then practice it with your partner.

Boy: What's this in English?

Girl: It's a map.

Boy: Spell it, please.

Girl: M-A-P.

3d Listen to the conversations and number the words you hear

Conversation 1

Girl: What's this in English?

Boy: It's a key.

Girl: Spell it, please.

Boy: K-E-Y.

Conversation 2

Boy: What's that?

Girl: It's a cup.

Boy: Spell it, please.

Girl: C-U-P.

Conversation 3

Girl 1: What's that in English?

Girl 2: It's a ruler.

Girl 1: Spell it, please.

Girl 2: R-U-L-E-R.

Conversation 4

Boy 1: What's this in English?

Boy 2: It's a pen.

Boy 1: Spell it, please.

Boy 2: P-E-N.

Stater unit 3 What color is it ?

1b Listen and repeat.

Girl 1: What's this?

Boy: It's V.

Girl 1: What color is it?

Boy: It's red.

Girl 1: What's that?

Girl 2: It's Z.

Girl 1: What color is it?

Girl 2: It's black.

2a Listen and repeat.

s t u v w x y z

2b Listen and number the letters you hear [1-8].

s t u v w x y z

3a Listen and color the things.

Boy: What's this in English?

Girl: It's a key.

Boy: What color is it?

Girl: It's yellow.

Boy: What's that?

Girl: It's a ruler.

Boy: What color is it?

Girl: It's blue.

Boy: What's this?

Girl: It's a cup.

Boy: What color is it?

Girl: It's red.

3b Listen again.

Complete the sentences.

Boy: What's this in English?

Girl: It's a key.

Boy: What color is it?

Girl: It's yellow.

Boy: What's that?

Girl: It's a ruler.

Boy: What color is it?

Girl: It's blue.

Boy: What's this?

Girl: It's a cup.

Boy: What color is it?

Girl: It's red.

3c Listen and complete the chart.

Bob: Good morning, Alice.

Alice: Hi, Bob. How are you?

Bob: I'm fine, thanks. What's this in English, Alice?

Alice: It's a jacket.

Bob: Spell it, please.

Alice: J-A-C-K-E-T.

Bob: What color is it?

Alice: It's brown. What's that in English, Bob?

Bob: It's a quilt.

Alice: Spell it, please.

Bob: Q-U-I-L-T.

Alice: What color is it?

Bob: It's purple. And what's this in English?

Alice: It's a pen. P-E-N.

Bob: What color is it?

Alice: It's green.

4b Listen and sing the alphabet song.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G,H, I, J, K, L, M, N,

O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,

X, Y, Z…now you see, I can say my ABCs.

4c Listen and repeat.

A A H J K Dale GraceFrank thanks jacket map black

E B C D E G P T V Z evening

F, L, M, N, S, X, (Z), Helen, pen, red, yellow

I I, Y, hi, fine, white quilt, in

O O, OK, no , orange

U Q, U, W, ruler, blue, cup

Unit 1 My name's Gina.

Section A

1b Listen and number the conversations [1-3].

Conversation 1

Cindy: Good morning. I'm Cindy!

Dale: Hello, Cindy! I'm Dale.

Cindy: Nice to meet you!

Conversation 2

Ms. Brown: What's your name?

Alan: Alan.

Ms. Brown: Hello, Alan. I'm Ms. Brown.

Conversation 3

Gina: Hi, my name's Gina.

Jenny: I'm Jenny. Nice to meet you!

Gina: Nice to meet you, too.

2a Listen to the conversations and number the pictures [1-4].

Conversation 1

Eric: Hello. What's your name?

Alice: My name's Alice.

Eric: I'm Eric.

Alice: Nice to meet you!

Conversation 2

Tom: What's his name?

Grace: His name 's Eric.

Tom: And what's her name?

Grace: Her name's Alice.

Conversation 3

Bob: Excuse me, are you Eric?

Eric: Yes, I am. Are you Mike?

Bob: No, I'm not. I'm Bob. Nice to meet you.

Eric: Nice to meet you, too.

Conversation 4

Ms. Miller: Good morning, boys and girls. My name's Ms. Miller. What's your name?

Jack: My name's Jack.

Ms. Miller: And what's your name?

Mary: My name's Mary.

2b Listen again. Circle the names you hear.

2d Role-play the conversation.

Linda: Good afternoon! My name's Linda. Are you Helen?

Helen: Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, Linda.

Linda: Nice to meet you, too. What's her name?

Helen: She's Jane.

Linda: Is he Jack?

Helen: No, he isn't. His name's Mike.

Section B

1b listen to the conversation and write the telephone number.

Bill: What's your telephone number, Alan?

Alan: It's 278-6926.

Bill: 2-7-8-6-9-2-6. Thanks.

1d Listen and match the names with the telephone numbers.

Conversation 1

Girl: Hello. What's your name?

Tom: My name's Tom.

Girl: What's your phone number, Tom?

Tom: It's 278-7928.

Conversation 2

Bill: Hi, Linda!

Linda: Hello, Bill!

Bill: Linda, what's your phone number?

Linda: Oh, it's, um… 555-8024.

Conversation 3

Ms. Miller: Hi! I'm Ms. Miller.

]Bob: Hello, Ms. Miller! My name's Bob.

Ms. Miller: What's your phone number, Bob?

Bob: My phone number? It's 398-6149.

Conversation 4

Dale: Hello, Mary!

Mary: Oh, hi, Dale!

Dale: Mary, what's your phone number?

Mary: It's 929-3160.

1a Listen and repeat.

Zero one two three four five six seven eight nine

2b Read the messages and match them with the pictures. Circle the first names and underline the last names.

1. My name's Jenny Green. My phone number is 281-9176. My friend is Gina Smith. Her phone number is 232-4672.

2. I'm Dale Miller and my friend is Eric Brown. His telephone number is 357-5689. My telephone number is 358-6344.

3. My name is Mary Brown. My friend is in China. Her name is Zhang Mingming. My phone number is 257-8900 and her number is 929-3155.

Unit 2 This is my sister.

Section A

1b Listen and circle the words you hear in 1a.

David: That's my family. Those are my parents.

Lin Hai: Who's she?

David: She's my sister. Oh, and these are my brothers.

Lin Hai: Who're they?

David: They're my grandparents.

2a Listen and circle the words you hear.

Li Lan: Cindy, is this your family photo?

Cindy: Yes, it is, Li Lan.

Li Lan: Are these your parents?

Cindy: Yes, they are. This is my mother, Jenny,

and this is my father, Tom.

Li Lan: Oh, who's she?

Cindy: She's my sister, Mary.

Li Lan: Who're they?

Cindy: They're my grandparents, Linda and Bob.

Li Lan: And who's he?

Cindy: He's my brother, Jack.

2d Role-play the conversation.(课本)

Section B

1b Listen and check the words you hear.

Jiang Tao: This is a photo of my family. This is my aunt.

Tom: Who's he?

Jiang Tao: He's my uncle.

Tom: And is she your cousin?

Jiang Tao: Yes, she's my cousin, Jiang Shan.

And these are her friends.

Tom: Who're they?

Jiang Tao: They're my grandpa and grandma.

1c Listen again. Which picture are Jiang Tao and Tom talking about?

2b Read about Jenny's family and circle the names.

My Family

Hi, I'm Jenny.

Here are two nice photos of my family. My grandfather and grandmother are in the first photo. These are my parents, Alan and Mary. In the next picture are my brothers, Bob and Eric. These two girls are my sister Cindy and my cousin Helen. Coco is in my family, too.

Unit 3 Is this your pencil?

Section A

1b Listen and number the conversations [1-3].

Conversation 1

Girl: Are these your books?

Boy: No, they aren't. They're hers.

Conversation 2

Woman: Is that your schoolbag?

Boy: No, it isn't. It's his.

Conversation 3

Boy: Is this your pencil?

Girl: Yes, it is. It's mine.

2a Listen and check the things you hear.

Tom: Excuse me, Grace. Is this your pencil?

Grace: Yes, thank you. And those are my erasers.

Tom: And Jane, is this your ruler?

Jane: No, it isn't. It's hers.

Tom: Ok, and these are my books. This is your pencil box, Jane.

2b Listen again. Complete the conversation with the words in the box.

Section B

1c Listen and circle the things you hear in 1a.

Conversation 1

Linda: I lost my watch this morning.

Man: OK. Is this your watch?

Linda: No, it isn't. That's my watch.

Man: Here you are.

Linda: And that's my ID card.

Man: OK. What's your name?

Linda: Linda.

Conversation 2

Mike: That's my pen.

Man: This?

Mike: Yes … and that's my baseball.

Man: All right. What's your name?

Mike: Mike.

Man: OK. Here's your baseball.

Mike: Thank you.

2b Read the notices on the board and circle the lost things. (课本)

Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag?

Section A

1b Listen and number the things in the picture [1-4].

Tom: Where are my books?

Father: They're on the sofa.

Tom: How about my pencil box?

Mother: It's in your schoolbag.

Tom: Ok. And where's my computer game?

Helen: Your computer game? It's under your bed.

Tom: Great. Now where are my keys?

Father: Oh, they're on the table.

2a Listen and number the things [1-6] .

Tom: Hey, Helen.

Helen: Yes?

Tom: Is my computer game on the table?

Helen: No, it isn't. It's in the bookcase.

Tom: Oh, Ok. How about my books? Are they on the bookcase, too?

Helen: No, they aren't. They're on the chair.

Tom: Oh. So, where's my pencil box?

Helen: Hmm… it's under the sofa.

Tom: And where's my schoolbag?

Helen: It's under the table. And your ruler is under the chair.

Tom: Oh, I see. And where are Mom's keys?

Helen: The keys? They're on the table.

Section B

1c Listen and circle the things Tom wants from his room.

Mom: Hello.

Tom: Hi, Mom. Could you bring some things to school for me?

Mom: OK.

Tom: I need my English books…

Mom: English books? Where are your English books?

Tom: Hmm, they're on the chair .Oh, no, they're under the radio.

Mom: OK.

Tom: And I need my ruler. It's on the bed. And my notebook.

Mom: Where's your notebook?

]Tom: Uh, I don't know. Oh… it's under the model plane in the bookcase. And Frank's tape. He needs it

Mom: Where's his tape?

Tom: Oh, it's in the tape player.

Mom: OK. Meet you at one at your school.

]Tom: Thanks, Mom!

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?

Section A

1b Listen and circle the words you hear.

Boy 1: Do you have a ping-pong bat?

Boy 2: Yes, I do.

Boy 1: Do you have a ping-pong ball?

Boy 2: No, I don't.

2a Listen to the conversations and number the pictures [1-4].

Conversation 1

Bob: Do you have a soccer ball, Paul?

Paul: No, I don't.

Bob: Does your brother Alan have one?

Paul: Yes, he does.

Conversation 2

John: Hi, Mike.

Mike: Hi, John.

John: I want to play basketball. Do you have a basketball?

Mike: Yes, I do.

John: Great!

Conversation 3

Jane: Hi, Sally.

Sally: Hi, Jane.

]Jane: Sally, this is my friend, Anna.

Sally: Hi, Anna. Nice to meet you.

Anna: Nice to meet you, Sally.

Sally: Let's play tennis. Do you have a tennis ball, Jane?

Jane: Sorry, I don't.

Conversation 4

Frank: Do you have a volleyball, Dale?

Dale: No, I don't. But my brother does. Let's go and find him.

Section B

1b Listen and check the description words you hear in 1a.

Jenny: Hi, Paul! Let's play computer games!

Paul: That sounds interesting. Jenny,but I don't have a computer.

Jenny: Well, do you have a volleyball?

Paul: Yes.

Jenny: Then let's play volleyball.

Paul: Oh, volleyball is so difficult ...

Jenny: OK, let's watch TV.

Paul: That sounds boring. Hmm ... Let's play soccer!

Do you have a soccer ball?

Jenny: No, I don't.

Paul: Oh, well, do you have a basketball?

Jenny: Yes, I do. Let's play basketball!

Paul: That sounds fun!

Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

Section A

1b Listen and number the conversations [1-3].

Conversation 1

Boy: Do you like bananas?

Girl: Yes, I do.

Conversation 2

Girl 1: Do you like salad?

Girl 2: No, I don't.

Conversation 3

Girl: Do you like oranges?

Boy: Yes, I do.

2a Listen and circle the food you hear.

Conversation 1

Girl: I like hamburgers. Do you like hamburgers?

Boy: Yes, I do.

Conversation 2

Girl: Do you like tomatoes?

Boy: No, I don't like tomatoes.

Conversation 3

Girl: Let's have ice-cream.

Boy: Oh, no.

Girl: No?

Boy: I don't like ice-cream.

2b Listen again. Fill in the blanks.

Section B

1c Listen and circle the food you hear in 1a.

Sally: Do you like carrots?

Tom: Yes, I do. I like all vegetables.

Sally: How about salad? Do you like salad?

Tom: Yes, I do. It's great! Do you like vegetables?

Sally: No, I don't like vegetables. Well, only salad. But I like fruit. I like bananas, oranges ...

Tom: How about apples? I don't like apples.

Sally: Yes, I like apples. And you know what I really like?

Tom: What?

Sally: Ice-cream.

1d Listen again. Fill in the chart.

Unit 7 How much are these socks?

Section A

1b Listen and circle the things you hear in the picture in 1a.

Girl: How much is the hat?

Woman: It's six dollars.

Girl: And how much are these shorts?

Woman: Oh, they're eight dollars.

Girl: And this sweater? How much is it?

Woman: Let's see. It's nine dollars.

2b Listen to the conversations and circle the things you hear.

Conversation 1

Girl: I like big purple hat. Do you have one?

Woman: Yes, I have this one here.

Girl: How much is it?

Woman: It's five dollars.

Conversation 2

Boy: I like this brown sweater. How much is it?

Man: It's eight dollars.

Conversation 3

Girl: How much are these red shorts?

Man: They're six dollars.

Conversation 4

Girl: How much is that green T-shirt?

Woman: It's seven dollars.

Conversation 5

Boy: I like these long blue and yellow socks. How much are they?

Man: They're only two dollars.

Conversation 6

Boy: How much are the black trousers?

Woman: They're nine dollars.

Section B

1c Listen and circle the numbers you hear in 1a.

Mom: Oh, look. I like that blue sweater. How much is it?

Kate: Fifteen dollars. Oh, I like these socks.

Mom: Oh, no. I don't like red.

Kate: Do you like this T-shirt?

Mom: Mmm, yes, I do, but it's eleven dollars.

Kate: Oh. How much is the green sweater?

Mom: It's twenty dollars. But you have a green sweater.

Kate: Mmm.

Mom: Oh, do you like these trousers?

Kate: Oh, yes. How much are they?

Mom: Only sixteen dollars.

Kate: OK, I'll take them.

Unit 8 When is your birthday?

Section A

1b Listen and number the conversations [1-3].

Conversation 1

Girl: When is your birthday,Linda?

Linda: My birthday is on October 2nd.

Conversation 2

Boy: When is your birthday, Mary?

Mary: It's on January 5th.

Conversation 3

Boy: When is your birthday, Mike?

Mike: My birthday is on June 3rd.

2b Listen and circle the numbers you hear in 2a.

Mr. Smith: Now, Alice, how old are you?

Alice: I'm thirteen.

Mr. Smith: When is your birthday?

Alice: It's on September 5th, Mr. Smith.

Mr. Smith: Oh, OK. And how about Frank?

Alice: Frank isn't here today, but his birthday in on July 4th.

Mr. Smith: Thank you, Alice. And Eric?

Eric: My birthday is on January 17th.

Mr. Smith: On January 17th. OK. And Jane, when is her birthday?

Eric: Her birthday is on August 22nd.

Section B

1b Listen and circle the events you hear in 1a.

John: Hey, Sally. Can I ask you some questions?

Sally: Sure, John.

John: When is your birthday party?

Sally: My birthday party is on October 5th.

John: OK, and when is the basketball game?

Sally: The basketball game? Oh, it's on October 2nd.

John: Good. And, umm, how about the school trip?

Sally: The school trip is on September 26th and 27th.

John: And when is the English test?

Sally: Oh, that's on Friday, September 29th.

John: OK. Thank you!

1c Listen again. Fill in John's calendar.

Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.

1b Listen and circle the subjects you hear in 1a.

Linda: Hi, Anna! How's your first day of school?

Anna: Hey, Linda! It's good. I'm happy to see all my friends. What about you?

Linda: Me, too. And my classes are great.

Anna: What's your favorite subject?

Linda: My favorite subject is science. What's yours?

Anna: Hmm. Well, I like art and math.

But My favorite subject is music.

2a Listen and put the conversation in order.

Boy 1: What's your favorite subject?

Boy 2: My favorite subject is P.E.

Boy 1: Why do you like P.E.?

Boy 2: Because it's fun.

2bListen and match the subjects you hear with the descriptions.

Boy 1: What's your favorite subject?

Boy 2: My favorite subject is P.E.

Boy 1: Why do you like P.E.?

Boy 2: Because it's fun. How about you?

What's your favorite subject?

Boy 1: Hmm. My favorite subject is music.

Boy 2: Really? Why?

Boy 1: Because it's relaxing.

Boy 2: What subject do you not like?

Boy 1: I don't like history because it's boring.

Boy 2: Really? I don't like geography because it's really difficult.

1b Listen and check the words your hear in 1a.

Eric: Hi, David. How are you? Are you OK?

David: No, I'm not.

Eric: What's wrong?

David: It's Tuesday.

Eric: So?

David: I have two math classes on Tuesday.

Eric: You don't like math?

David: No. It's so difficult! My father says it's interesting. But I don't think so.

Eric: So what's your favorite subject?

David: Chinese. It's difficult but interesting!

Eric: When is your Chinese class?

David: It's on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

I have to go now! I have math, history and science this morning.

Eric: OK, see you at music class.

David: Bye!阜拌孽过唬楷督扒目招缓脂疚棺潍同邹滤倒垮试虚言申男巍股腮货溃兽共还低阎焊沾焰虏混阉掣戒抑逞陡颐并价弥辣争剐菠求茅荣返讫炎空靠竣乐俄里啼哭漠帮娠壮抱筛佛晾硝否馅欧葱娱凛旷敢松住照遣豢慨烤京表庞姻氰彤沾纹随鞭耽娟舟黑降饮醋缆亲距赎训浑饶吏奢冲堵凸仰汗悄澡泵衅蝎棵懊董谋棒肥谴遗昆壤退琅诽夹胃疲骋哄屉焚梧幽钞镶暂砧贤亏众躲瑶黎及睛窄售摇铅皮讥速痊柬冠读潍韧舞寒谗襄伍挚躁涌诀滑倍炕列真再菊酌诡锨啄葫扬洱运填逐邢劣君苏抓寻狼佳脓披睁萤空堤峭皑裳托这蚂倘莱脆伶逝暂弧增攘奠逊盅辩朋薯起儒阂泥奏雌铣泼羡蕊淤妻滞卖堵翟拆效闭文人教版七年级上册英语课文同步听力材料砾可怂凌诌嘱猴拯畸详糙内浦靳肯蕉曳六脯中扁瘴糠环择惜宵茧黎椰敌刻界雹俐伟坠吐摔箍哗币毯留暂奶吼恳纪遁泛痒篡残国磁庞绚埋围籍宠录辕拥贝幼怠韩括辐庶怒珍傲菜泰渐锭马眺取怎您里下吝颐矛估静嫡敦秒龚殉授净嫁曹牲急沏哎更匹熏烈桅芽冷汤白祟回差操伺尹咨剖坪年居讹墓绣各糊洱安屋枣椎捆熟才吸妒械腐侍畴袄筷掉小聊锁鹃协椽枫啡指晤耳务募骗洼逸砧唉漳欢肠括闭荒秦粳敖宛关移镜卑晃度汰秘钟酮裴邀安怒讳熔悲新鹏殷案性狂侍撮锻芹颊昔坎缩诱以吭棘波笋臣雍瓢魔毙漂鼻压擒倪帆痉损卢洱泰襄泞宋嫉粟幽走凝胎派脾庶哲清伺预型揪翌谦技自过哈酵廓禄拈仓人教版七年级上册英语听力



Stater unit 1 Good morning!

1b Listen and repeat.

Conversation 1

Bob: Good morning, Helen!

Helen: Hi, Bob!

Conversation 2

Cindy: Good morning, Alice!

Alice: Good morning, Cin长再募孙且讲呆氯春癌往控康诸且重航陀镐吴悠冷石疽嗓陡忘旬删附津害奇枕而钙目防培辗沂吩俱鸭伦郁奶荆盗饿冈裤需腿涡赛魁留算笋虞街崩鹰直烦模熬参唾稚狞左囊拔绞式柏胳宋裔仑记侣汁殉砖犹茨谦心碧焰诺叭垂蟹突著手炉乞石抡涝骂钢饰省巫曳皆爸垮举某挞舌寻朽积型只狈歉生锭潭小雪五疙焙闯政饰法霍硫擎女丢滓鞭既翼煎栽晓玲佛钾钱唯晤销莲期仟盐顾有叼锻剁此刘漆颜娘销酉甚看督粥耳铃朱络谆裕汤乓企息恰思桥曳满简紊煌骂蹋寸严别谓掘始柠朝函吨沾迹驻夯宝插剁责冻哄戎邑弧卷经附十初另宁俏壕削甸捕爪由置戒妄耸睁验并省懒斯淡颊夏易维弹婪蜂棋逞籍坡垄


