七年级英语下册Unit4After - SchoolActivitiesLesson19Adinnerdate练习无答案冀教版

发布时间:2019-01-11 09:43:57   来源:文档文库   

Unit 4 lesson 19 a dinner date



1. There are many people playing ______ (排球) on the beach.

2. His parents are b_____teachers.

3. The boy needs more writing ______ (练习).

4. I’d like some tea with n______ in it.

5.Some people like outdoors(活动).


1. Lily and Mary are two ________ (volunteer).

2. ________ (both) of his parents are doctors.

3. My father is ill, but I have ________ (nothing) to do but wait.

4. How about ________ (go) to school with me?

5. Mary was ill yesterday, so her mother must stay at home ________ (take) care of her.


1.过来;顺便拜访 _______________ 2.排球训练 ________________ 3.对…有好处 ______________ 4.国际象棋俱乐部_____________

5.敬老院 6.植树________________

7.…怎么样________________ 8.在…方面做的好 ____________

9.准备;打算;将要 ________________


1. There are a lot of ____ in our school every term.

A. active B. activities C. actor D. activity

2. After practice ____ basketball, he went home late.

A. play B. playing C. plays D. played

3. Last year I joined(加入) ____.

A. the chess club B. chess C. home D. class

4. “I like ____ very much, but I don’t like ping-pong,” Lily told me.

A. play volleyball B. play basketball

C. playing volleyball D. played volleyball

5. If you want to be a good basketball player, you need a lot of ____.

A. practice B. practices C. player D. play

6. —How about ____ a film this evening?

—Sure, I’d like to.

A. see B. to see C. seeing D. sees

7. Peter does ____ maths, but he isn’t good at drawing.

A. well B. well in C. good D. good at

8. I want Tim to ____ to my house.

A. come over B. coming over C. comes over D. came over

9. —What could I get my father for Father’s Day?

—____ getting him a tie?

A. Why not B. How about C. Why don’t you


1. 多吃水果对我们的身体有好处。

Eating more fruit ________ ________ ________ our bodies.

2. 放学后我准备去打篮球。

_______ ________, I am going to play basketball.

3. 每个星期天我都要上数学课。

Every Sunday I ________ ________ ________.

4. 我们周末都很忙。

We are all ________ on weekends.

5. 明天你来吃晚饭行吗?

Would you like to ________ ________ for supper tomorrow?

6. 我打算明天打篮球。

I ________ ________ ________ play basketball tomorrow.


《七年级英语下册Unit4After - SchoolActivitiesLesson19Adinnerdate练习无答案冀教版.doc》
