
发布时间:2015-03-04 11:47:23   来源:文档文库   

IVTranslation. 翻译。为1-5题的句子选择最佳翻译方案,并为第6题的短文写出完整中文翻译。2’×5+5=15

1. On account of rapid increase of trade with China, we have recently

established a new branch there..

A. 由于对华贸易的高速增长,我们最近在中国设立了新的分公司。

B. 为适应对华贸易的高速增长,我们新公司最近在中国隆重开业。

C. 为了在中国建立一家新公司,我们需要重新开设一个贸易账户。

2. It seems that women are now more attracted to convenience of online

shopping than they used to be.

A. 现在看来,利用网络购物的女性与过去相比,人数越来越多。

B. 现代的妇女与传统的妇女比较起来,似乎更加喜欢网络购物。

C. 看起来,如今的妇女比起过去更加为网络购物的便捷所吸引。

3. There was a heated discussion about customer service at the meeting until

the manager came up a great idea.

A. 经理到会之前,会议还在对那个客户提出的合理建议进行热烈的争论。

B. 会议就客服问题进行了热烈讨论,直到经理提出一个绝妙的主意才停止。

C. 会议一直在热烈讨论客服问题,直到结束时经理才想出一个好主意。

4. I believe my education background and experience in team work fit in

nicely with the job requirements..

A. 我认为这个团队应该招聘像我这样受过教育并有经验的人。

B. 我相信我的学历和团队工作经历完全符合这一职务的要求。

C. 我相信我受过的教育和经历完全能够适应团队工作的需求。

5. The department head does not believe that this is the right way to deal with

the problem.

A. 部门领导并不认为这就是发现问题的唯一途径。

B. 部门领导不相信这一方法能正确找出那一问题。

C. 部门领导认为这不是解决这一问题的正确途径。

6At these words, the boss turned to me. “I want a boy who not only works hard but also has clean habits. Remember this is a restaurant. But look at your hands and clothes!”

1A-B-C 2C-A-B 3B-C-A 4B-C-A 5C-B-A

6中文翻译 听到我这些话,老板转过身来,“我想找个不仅干活卖力而且讲卫生的男孩,这可是餐馆,但你看看你的手和衣服。”

IVTranslation. 翻译。为1-5题的句子选择最佳翻译方案,并为第6题的短文写出完整中文翻译。2’×5+5=15

1. A busy shopping center is usually also a good location for a restaurant.

A. 忙碌的购物中心往往也是饭店好生意的来源。

B. 繁忙的购物中心常常也是就餐的好地方。

C. 繁忙的购物中心通常也是建造饭店的好场所。

2. Customers prefer to purchase our products though they seem higher in


A. 顾客情愿购买我们那些价格看上去较高的产品。

B. 虽然我们的产品价格似乎高了一些,顾客仍喜欢购买。

C. 消费者宁愿买我们的产品,不过它们的价格似乎高了一些。

3. I have to come to discuss with you about the measures we shall take to cope

with the situation.

A. 我得和你讨论关于我们如何应付这个形势的问题。

B. 我得开始和你讨论,面临这种情况如何掌握分寸。

C. 我得和你商量一下,应该采取什么措施应对这个局面。

4. If you can provide satisfactory after-sale service, your products will surely

have a wide market here.

A. 如果你们能够提供满意的售后服务,你们的产品在这里会有很大的销量。

B. 如果你们能够提供满意的售后服务,你们的产品在这里会有广阔的市场。

C. 如果你们销售后的产品令人满意,你们的产品将进入这里的一个大市场。

5. As a matter of fact, your product will sell well if the advertisement is


A. 事实上,如果广告令人信服的话,你们的产品会很畅销。

B. 实际上,尽管广告做得较差,你们出售的产品还是好的。

C. 实际上,要是广告能说服人,你们产品就能卖出好价钱。

6. When Christmas Eve arrived, mom told me in her best “I-mean-it” voice to remove all the decorations from our Christmas tree. She packed them up, along with all the trimmings needed for a complete turkey dinner.

1C-B-A 2B-C-A 3C-A-B 4B-A-C 5A-C-B



IVTranslation. 翻译。为1-5题的句子选择最佳翻译方案,并为第6题的短文写出完整中文翻译。2’×5+5=15

1. A busy shopping center is usually also a good location for a restaurant.




2. Customers prefer to purchase our products though they seem higher in price.




3. I have to come to discuss with you about the measures we shall take

to cope with the situation.




4. If you can provide satisfactory after-sale service, your products will surely have a wide market here.




5. The goods delivered certainly do not match the samples you sent us.




6. My friend, Jack, was a taxi driver. We became friends quite by accident. Five years ago, I made a trip to Chicago. After I got out of O’ Hare International Airport, I took a taxi to the Sears Tower.

1. C-B-A 2. A-B-C 3. C-A-B 4.B-A-C 5. A-C-B


我的朋友杰克是位出租车司机。我们成为朋友非常偶然。五年前, 我去了一趟芝加哥。走出奥哈尔国际机场后我打了一辆出租车去希尔斯大厦。

IVTranslation. 翻译。为1-5题的句子选择最佳翻译方案,并为第6题的短文写出完整中文翻译。2’×5+5=15

1. There is not quite so much activity in the stock exchange.




2. It is quite common that customers don't bargain about prices in that city.




3. He attributed his success to luck more than to capacity.




4. With more channels, we will get more high-quality programs and also more "rubbish".




5. This is rather for your father to decide than for you.




6. The moment I stepped into the cab, I realized it was different. The floor was covered with a rug. There were small reproductions of paintings by van Gogh and Gauguin inside the cab. And the windows were spotless. I told the driver I had never ridden in a more attractive taxi.

1. C-A-B 2. B-A-C 3. B-C-A 4. A-B-C 5. B-A-C


坐上出租车的那一刻, 我就感到这辆车与众不同。脚下铺着小地毯,车里挂着梵高和高更的小仿制画, 玻璃窗一尘不染。我对司机说这是我坐过的最漂亮的出租车。

IVTranslation. 翻译。为1-5题的句子选择最佳翻译方案,并为第6题的短文写出完整中文翻译。2’×5+5=15

1. I believe my education background and experience in team work fit in nicely with the job requirements

A. 我认为这个团队应该招聘像我这样受过教育并有经验的人。

B. 我相信我的学历和团队工作经历完全符合这一职务的要求。

C. 我认为我受到的教育能够很好地满足这个团队提出的要求。

2. The department head does not believe that this is the right way to deal with the problem.

A. 部门领导并不认为这就是发现问题的唯一途径。

B. 部门领导认为这不是解决这一问题的正确途径。

C. 部门领导相信不用这个办法也能发现问题的。

3. We need a recommendation letter from your former employer before we can give you a definite answer.

A. 我们给你答复的前提是,你以前的老板愿意向们提供一份推荐函。

B. 我们需要你以前的雇主提供一份推荐函,然后才能给你明确的答复。

C. 我们给你的答复是,你向以前的老板索取一份肯定你工作的证明信。

4. We are thinking about how to ensure that our employees can work under the best possible conditions.

A. 我们始终认为,我们员工一直都是在最好的工作状态下进行工作。

B. 我们正在考虑怎样才能确保我们的员工在尽可能好的条件下工作。

C. 我们始终认为,我们的责任是确保我们的员工早最家状态下工作。

5. First of all, I appreciate your advice on my decision to go to work in the computer company.

A. 我首先感谢你们的决定,让我到这家电脑公司来工作。

B. 首先,很高兴到贵公司来听取你们在计算机方面的意见。

C. 首先,感谢你对我决定去那家电脑公司工作所给予的建议。

6. I couldn’t keep the tears from my eyes, either. I knew then that mom had also given me the best Christmas present ever, she had taught me what a beautiful thing it is to give.

1 B-C-A 2 B-C-A 3 B-A-C 4 B-C-A 5C-A-B



IVTranslation. 翻译。为1-5题的句子选择最佳翻译方案,并为第6题的短文写出完整中文翻译。2’×5+5=15

1I must get hold of that reference book before the library closes, since I am

going to prepare for tomorrow’s exam in the evening.

A. 我必须在图书馆前寻找那本参考书,因为我要准备明晚的检查。

B. 我必须在图书馆关门前获得那本参考书,晚上我要准备明天的审查。

C. 我必须在图书馆关门前获得那本参考书,晚上我要准备明天的考试。

2Customers prefer to purchase our products though they seem to be higher in price.

A. 顾客情愿购买我们那些价格看上去较高的产品。

B. 虽然我们的产品价格似乎高了一些,顾客仍喜欢购买。

C. 消费者宁愿买我们的产品,不过他们的价格似乎高了一些。

3He thinks that we shouldn’t take it for granted that those who get high

marks on intellectual tests can do well in practical work.

A. 他认为我们不应该想当然地认为那些智力测验得分高的人在实际工作中就一定能干好。

B. 他想,我们不应该认为那些智力考试成绩高的人在实际工作中就干得好。

C. 他认为我们不能同意那些在知识考试中得高分的人在实际中能做好。

4If you can provide satisfactory after-sale serviceyour products will surely

have a wide market here.

A. 如果你们能提供满意的售后服务,你们的产品在这里会有很大的销量。

B. 如果你们能提供满意的售后服务,你们的产品在这里会有广阔的市场。

C. 如果你们在销售后产品令人满意,你们的产品将在这里广泛地开拓市场。

5The international situation of the present day is beyond my comprehension.

A. 现在的国际形势超出了我的综合判断。

B. 当今的国际形势在我的理解之中。

C. 我真弄不明白当今的国际形势。

6. On Saturday morning, I went out to look for a job. Having been refused many times, I at last wandered into a restaurant at 8:00 p.m. There were already four male candidates in the boss’s office.

1 C-B-A 2 B-C-A 3 A--B-C 4 B-A-C 5 C-A-B



IVTranslation. 翻译。为1-5题的句子选择最佳翻译方案,并为第6题的短文写出完整中文翻译。2’×5+5=15

1. It makes no difference to me whether Mr. Smith comes or not.

A. 它没有向我表明史密斯先生会来。

B. 我无法区别史密斯先生来与不来。

C. 史密斯先生来不来与我无关。

2. People’s attitudes towards gift giving may vary from country to country.

A. 人们的态度是国家之间要互相送礼物。

B. 不同国家的人对送礼的看法各不相同。

C. 国与国之间人们对礼物的看法不尽相同。

3. First of all, our purpose is to apply science and technology to the solution of practical problems.

A. 首先,提供解决实际问题的科学技术是我们的目标。

B. 首先,我们的目的是运用科学技术来解决实际问题。

C. 首先,我们的目标是在解决问题中依靠科学技术。

4. Maybe your family members or friends are lying about how much time they spend online.

A. 你的家人或朋友四处炫耀他们上网的时间。

B. 或许你的家人和朋友对自己上网聊天的时间有所隐瞒。

C. 你的家人或朋友也许对自己的上网时间不说实话。

5. It was lucky indeed for Mr. Fox to have changed his flight and arrived safe.

A. 福克斯先生改换了航班,安全到达,真幸运。

B. 幸运的是福克斯先生的确改变了航班,安全到达。

C. 它为福克斯先生改变了航班,安全到达,真幸运。

6. As a college student, I find that I am more and more in need of a computer. Bur I don’t have enough money to buy one. Asking my parents for help is not a sensible solution.

1. C-B-A 2. B-C-A 3. B-C-A 4. C-B-A 5. A-B-C



IVTranslation. 翻译。为1-5题的句子选择最佳翻译方案,并为第6题的短文写出完整中文翻译。2’×5+5=15

1. But for your help we could never have finished the design in time.

A. 你没有帮助我们,所以我们就没能及时完成这项设计。

B. 你若不帮助我们,我们就不能完成这项设计。

C. 若没有您的帮助,我们就不能及时完成这项设计。

2. How do you expect me to do my work with you interrupting me all the time?

A. 你一直期望我和你一起做事?

B. 你一直打搅我,怎么能期望我做事情呢?

C. 你一直打断我的工作,怎么能指望我?

3. The output of this year increased to five times over last year’s.

A. 今年产量五次增加,超过去年产量。

B. 今年产量与去年产量相比,增加了5

C. 今年产量增加了,是去年的5倍。

4. I don’t think that we have asked for anything that they haven’t done.

A. 我不认为我们要求他们没有做到的任何事情。

B. 我认为我们没有要求任何他们没有做过的事情。

C. 我认为我们要求的事情他们都办到了。

5. Bargaining is not common in shops and customers are expected to pay the marked price for goods.

A. 讨价还价在商店里是不平常的,并且顾客应按市场价付款。

B. 讨价还价在商店里是不常见的,顾客应按标明的货价付款。

C. 讨价还价在商店里是不普通的,顾客期望是按标明的货价付款。

6. If I build muscles, I will gain weight.” This is true. Muscle is denser than fat, so the same amount weighs more. But muscle also takes up less space. When you replace fat with muscle, you will look thinner and denser.

1. C-B-A 2. B-C-A 3. C-B-A 4. C-B-A 5. B-C-A


如果我练肌肉就增重。这是真的 肌肉比脂肪密度大所以等量



IVTranslation. 翻译。为1-5题的句子选择最佳翻译方案,并为第6题的短文写出完整中文翻译。2’×5+5=15

1. Not until this week were they aware of the problems with the air-conditioning units in the hotel rooms.

A. 直到这个星期他们才意识到该修理旅馆房间里的空调了。

B. 直到这个星期他们才知道旅馆房间里的空调设备有问题。

C. 他们查不出旅馆房间内空调的故障,这个星期会请人来检查。

2. We sent an e-mail to your Sales Department a week ago asking about the goods we had ordered.

A. 一周前你方销售部发来电子邮件,询问我方是否需要购买该产品。

B. 一周前我们给你方销售部发了电子邮件,查询我们所订购的货物。

C. 一周前你方的销售部派人来核实我们的订购货物的有关电子邮件。

3Candidates applying for this job are expected to be skilled at using a computer and good at spoken English.

A. 申请该岗位的应聘者应熟练使用计算机并有良好的英语口语能力。

B. 本项工作的申请人希望能提高使用计算机的能力和善于说英语。

C. 本工作的受聘人员在应聘前应受过使用计算机的训练并懂得英语。

4It is widely accepted that the cultural industry has been one of the key industries in developed countries.

A. 发达国家广泛接受,文化是支撑国家工业发展的关键事业。

B. 发达国家已普遍接受,文化产业应看成一种关键性的事业。

C. 人们普遍认为,文化产业已成为发达国家的一个支柱产业。

5If your company insists on your price, we will have to turn to other suppliers for the goods.

A. 假如贵公司要调整价格,请及早告知我们,以便另做安排。

B. 假如贵公司提高价格,我们不得不从其他地方另寻货源。

C. 如果贵公司坚持你方报价,我方只能找其他供应商进货。

6. By the time I finished high school, I had been looking forward to spending Christmas with my friends. But two weeks before Christmas, mother told me we were going to my grandmother’s house for the holiday.

1. B-A-C 2.B-A-C 3. A-C-B 4. C-A-B 5. C-B-A

6 到我高中毕业的时候,我就一直期待能和我的朋友们一起过圣诞节。可是就在节前两周,妈妈却告诉我,我们要去外婆家过圣诞。

IVTranslation. 翻译。为1-5题的句子选择最佳翻译方案,并为第6题的短文写出完整中文翻译。2’×5+5=15

1. To understand intercultural communication, we seek to understand tradition and modernization.

A. 要了解文化之间的联系,我们需了解传统与现代。

B. 要了解跨文化交际,我们力图探究传统与现代。

C. 要了解跨文化交际,我们要大力收集资料。

2. The schedule of payments will be based on the schedule of civil works.

A. 付款时间一定要遵守工程建设表。

B. 付款时间要按国内工作而定。

C. 付款时间表将根据工程建设来定。

3. Researchers found that the more carrots people ate, the lower their odds of developing lung cancer.

A. 研究人员发现人们吃胡萝卜越多,得肺癌的可能性越低。

B. 研究者们发现人们吃胡萝卜越多,得肺病的几率越低。

C. 研究者们发现吃胡萝卜的人越多,得肺病的几率越低。

4. The price includes insurance and cost of transportation.

A. 价格包括保险费和运输费。

B. 价格包含定金和运输费。

C. 价格有两种:一是保险费,一是运输费。

5. There may be circumstances when you can benefit from professional advice.

A. 或许有你从专业的建议获益的情形。

B. 或许有些情况下你的确可以从专业的建议获益。

C. 这儿或许有你从专业的建议获益的情形。

6. If I just eat less, I will lose weight.” Many people only focus on the amount of food they take in each day. They don’t pay attention to what they’re eating.

1. B-A-C 2.C-A-B 3. A-B-C 4.A-B-C 5.B-A-C





