
发布时间:2018-07-02 03:02:18   来源:文档文库   
)A knock at the door prevented me from answering his question. 【译文】因为有人敲门,我无法回答他的问题。 2)The widespread application of new and more complex products will give rise to side-effects. 【译文】由于广泛地应用更复杂的新产品,将产生一些副作用。 3)An intelligence test will allow us to predict the level of a student. 【译文】智力测验能预测学生的实际水平。 4)The sight of the orphan always reminds me of her parents. 【译文】我一见到那个孤儿,就想到他的父母。 5)In this mood, I went to diplomatic circles, earnest but only sketchingly informed. 【译文】我就是怀着这种心情进入外交界的,满腔热情,但知之甚少。 6)Her child, her work, her friends were more than enough to fill her time. 【译文】她照顾孩子,干工作,交朋友,这些占用了她的全部时间。 7)“I’ll make a doctor of him,” said Mrs. White. 【译文】“我一定要把他培养成一个高明的医生,”怀特太太说。 8)I like the place for the very reason that (=for which) you dislike it. 【译文】我喜欢那地方的原因恰恰是你不喜欢它的原因。 9)The old people, weary but excited, decided to have a rest. 【译文】这些老人,虽疲劳却兴致很高,他们决定休息一下。 10)He spoke hopefully of the success of the movement. 【译文】他满怀希望地说这场运动会取得成功。 11)These problems had to be weighed up under varying, sometimes uncertain factors. 【译文】这些问题必须根据变化着的因素,有时是捉摸不定的因素来进行全衡。 12)It was a splendid population—for all the slow, sleepy sluggish—brained sloths stayed at home. 【译文】这是一批迅速能干的人们,——因为那些行动迟缓、昏昏欲睡、呆若树獭的人都留在家里了。 13)Rubber is a light, elastic, durable and water resistant material, which makes rubber industry very important. 【译文】橡胶是一种质轻、富有弹性、经久耐用、并能防水的材料,这就使得橡胶工业显得非常重要。 14)There is a tide in the affairs not only of men, but of women too, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. 【译文】人生在世,有时会时来运转,只要抓住时机,就能有所作为,非但男人如此,女人也一样。 15)Although schoolmistresses’ letters are to be trusted no more nor less than churchyard epitaphs; yet, as it sometimes happens that a person departs his 1ife, who is really deserving of all the praises the stone-cutter carves over his bones; who is a good Christian, a good parent, chi1d, wife or husband; who actually does leave a disconsolate family to morn his loss; … 【译文】尽管校长的信和墓志铭一样靠不住。不过偶然也有个把死人也当得起石匠刻在他们朽骨上的好话,虔诚的教徒,慈爱的父母,孝 顺的儿女,尽职的丈夫,贤良的妻子,他们的家人也实实在在地、哀思绵绵地追悼他们。 1)I’ve got the devil of a toothache. 【译文】我牙痛死了。 2) Water passes from a liquid to a solid state when it freezes. 【译文】水结冰就是从液态转变为固态。 3) The scenery was beautiful; and the acting was superb. 【译文】布景很美,演出很出色。 4) Listening to classical music is my cup of tea. 【译文】我最爱听古典音乐。 5) They don’t know their right hand from their left. 【译文】他们什么也不知道。 6) It’s an experience I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world. 【译文】这就是我最宝贵的一次经历。 7) In the course of the same year, war broke out in that area. 【译文】同年,该地区爆发了战争。 8) Before the night was far advanced, they began to move against the enemy. 【译文】入夜不久,他们开始进攻敌人。 9) The volume of the sun is about 1 300 000 times that of the earth. 【译文】太阳的体积约为地球的1,300,000倍。 10) It is now thought that the more work we give our brain, the more work they are able to do. 【译文】现在人们认为,脑子越用越好使。 11) Those were the days of innocence, when volunteers tended to be welcomed merely because they had volunteered. 【译文】那时人们的想法单纯得很,志愿参加的人都受到欢迎,只是因为他们是自愿的。 12) At the earliest opportunity he ordered the cavalry to ride out and clear the level ground in the occupation of the enemy. 【译文】他下令骑兵乘机出击平原上的敌人阵地。 13) …and as always happens with radios, just at the vital moment a crash and a bang and nothing could be understood and the broadcast ended. 【译文】收音机老出现这种情况:正在紧要关头,嘎啦一声,或是轰隆一响,什么都听不清楚,广播就完了。 14) Times were tough during the Depression, and there were five mouths to feed in my family, besides buying coal and wood for the strove. 【译文】那年头正值大萧条期,日子过得紧紧巴巴,我们家除了买煤买柴之外,还有五张嘴等着要吃饭。 15) She was lucky, for he had given her a gift more powerful than sight, the gift of love that can bring light where had been darkness. 【译文】她很幸运,因为他送给她的是一份比视力更能增添力量的礼物,这份礼物充满着爱意,可以使光明重现 When a person moves from one culture to another, he suddenly finds that much of what he has learned about interpreting the actions of people around him is suddenly irrelevant. He finds that the strategies he has used to influence people or events in certain ways are no longer effective, and the assumptions that guided his understandings and reactions are no longer reliable. Even distinguishing between the significant and the insignificant in a given situation becomes difficult, if not impossible. 【译文】当一个人从一种文化迁移到另一种文化时,会发现许多他曾用来解释周围人们行为的方法突然不再灵验。同时也会发现他曾用来影响人们的方法或处理事情的策略不再有效。曾有助于他理解事情并对事物做出反应的种种设想也不再可靠。甚至对事物在某一情景中的重要性的判断也变得十分困难,也许丧失了这种判断力。 This sudden psychological transition from competent adult to ineffective child inevitably results in the serious impact of the individual’s feelings of selfworth. He experiences feelings of frustration and helplessness. In short, he experiences culture shock. 这种突然的心理转变,使一个心理健全的成年人变成一个无知的小孩,必然会对个人的自尊心产生严重的影响。使人感到灰心无助。说到底,这就是在经受文化冲击的洗礼。 Culture shock is the result of the removal of the familiar. Suddenly the individual is faced with the necessity of working, commuting, studying, eating, shopping, relaxing, even sleeping, in an unfamiliar environment organized according to unknown rules. In mild form, culture shock shows itself in symptoms of fatigue, irritability and impatience. Being unable to interpret the situations in which they find themselves, people often believe they are being deliberately deceived or exploited by host-country nationals. 人们离开了所熟悉的一切,就会经历文化冲击。一个人突然置身于一个陌生的环境,所面对的工作、学习、旅行、饮食、购物、休闲以及睡眠等活动都会变得无所适从。轻微的文化冲击表现为疲倦,易怒和急躁。由于不能理解所面临的情形,人们经常认为所在国的当地人在有意欺骗或利用他们。 They tend to perceive rudeness where none is intended. Their efficiency and flexibility is often impaired and both work and family suffer. Some people may respond by developing negative stereotypes of the host culture, by refusing to learn the language and by mixing exclusively with people of their own cultural background. In extreme cases, rejection may be so complete that the individual returns immediately to their own culture, regardless of the cost in social, economic or personal terms. Alternatively, people may retreat into their own private world, either mentally or physically. 他们总觉得没得到应有的礼遇。其实,没有人故意这样做。一旦效率和适应性遭到削弱,他们的工作和生活都会受到较大的影响。因而有些人可能还会对所在国的文化产生偏见,拒绝学习其语言。他们的交往也仅仅限于那些来自本族文化的同胞。但对于那些经历极端文化冲击的人来讲,他们会完全拒绝新文化。不顾社会,经济或个人方面所付出的代价,固守 自己的原有文化。甚至他们还可能从精神上或身体上与世隔绝,退缩到自己的个人世界里。 Physical symptoms of culture shock may include headaches, stomachaches, constant fatigue, difficulty in sleeping and a general feeling of uneasiness. Unfortunately, many doctors are unfamiliar with culture shock and attempt to treat the symptoms rather than the cause. 文化冲击的影响在身体方面的症状表现为头痛,胃痛,持续疲倦,失眠以及身体不适。遗憾的是,许多医生对文化冲击知之甚少,只能对病症治疗而不究其病因 The important thing to recognize about culture shock is that it is universal. It is experienced to a greater or lesser degree by all those who move from one culture to another. Experiencing culture shock does not mean that an individual is inflexible or unadaptable. It does mean that recognition of its inevitability can lead to the development of steps to reduce its impact. 文化冲击现象相当普遍,只有认识了这一点,才能真正理解文化冲击。几乎所有从一种文化迁移到另一种文化的人都或多或少地经历过文化冲击。人们经历文化冲击并不意味着他们顽固不化或适应能力差。然而,只有明白了文化冲击是不可避免的,人们才能设法减少其负面影响。


