K12学习2019年高考英语总复习 第一部分 教材梳理 Unit 1 Living well能力

发布时间:2019-06-28 03:36:28   来源:文档文库   

Unit 1 Living well


1(2017年江苏卷·阅读理解C)The giants' success has ________ (benefit) consumers.

2Do you know anyone with a mental or physical ________ (disable)?

3Although some people may think the cinema is ________ (noise), it is suitable for Sally's condition.

4I was ________ (ambition) to be admitted to a key university.Therefore, I did everything in my power to review all my subjects.

5He was beginning to get very ________ (annoy) with me about my carelessness.

6(2017年新课标·阅读理解B)Now all that was needed were the parentsbut they were ________ (absence)

7All roads were blocked and the only access ________ the earthquake­stricken areas was by water.

8Bob is said________ (resign) and to be teaching in a private school recently.

9George returned after the war, only ________ (tell) that his wife had left him.

10While the scientist doing the research, he met ________ a problem difficult to solve.


1Just as I stepped into the shower the phone rang.It was so annoyed.


2From the flats we have an easy access to shops and schools.


3We offer our congratulation to you on your passing the College Entrance Examination.


4(2017年新课标·阅读理解A)Pacific Science Center serves more than 1.3 million people a year and bring inquiry­based science education to classrooms and community events all over Washington State.


5(2017年江苏卷·阅读理解D)So even if emissions were to begin to decrease todaywe would still face the challenge of adaptation to climate change.


6I think it will be such sunny a day as it was yesterday.


7My little brother is like a bull in a china shop, always knock things over.


8While doing my homework, I met a problem difficult to solve.


9He is buried in writing his novel; in some words, he can't spare us even a minute to take a trip.


10Look, this is an excellent article that I have cut down of the magazine.




When I was in hospital and had just given birth to my first child, a lady named Margot Frank used to come in to sweep and __1__.I would greet enthusiastically, but she would __2__ answer.

I did this __3__ but it seemed that I was __4__ a one­man show time and again.I thought she might be __5__.But I was told she was mute and had been so for a long time because she had been in a concentration camp and that her younger sister Anne Frank died of typhus (斑疹伤寒症) within days of her __6__.She had __7__ but some children threw crackers at her window, letting off very loud bangs”, and she never spoke from that day on.

On the __8__ I was going home, I asked her if she would be my friend.I still didn't get any answer.I left her some __9__ and told the staff to give them to her.I left the hospital with my husband and newborn child.

Then I realized I had forgotten to ask the obstetricians (产科医生) something.I __10__ with my baby and husband.They said the lady had __11__ she wanted to see me.She hugged me very tightly.She just couldn't help but sob.The hospital was in silence.Not a __12__ passed her lips.

Two years later I heard a conversation on the radio which stopped me in my tracks! They were talking about that __13__ and the magazines and the events.__14__ to me, she __15__ for the first time later that day in all those years.They said the psychiatrist said it was the first time she had __16__ someone, and that broke her __17__.

I heard that conversation on the radio, and my husband did, __18__.I thought it was __19__ and I was especially __20__ to know that this lady could speak again.


1A.dust Bfix

Cgreet Dsleep

2A.warmly Balways

Cnever Dcoldly

3A.immediately Bnaturally

Cunexpectedly Drepeatedly

4A.taking on Bputting on

Ccarrying on Dtrying on

5A.cautious Bdeaf

Cblind Dfriendly

6A.suffering Bdeath

Cdeafness Dbirth

7A.realized Breflected

Cresponded Drecovered

8A.bus Bsubway

Cday Dway

9A.candies Breadings

Cclothes Dfruits

10A.ran away Bwent back

Cset off Dleft for

11A.indicated Bsaid

Cannounced Dstated

12A.word Bsmile

Cdrop Dcry

13A.obstetrician Bnurse

Cbaby Dlady

14A.Uncertain BUnknown

CUndoubted DUnsure

15A.wrote Bread

Csang Dspoke

16A.visited Badmired

Ctrusted Dunderstood

17A.heart Brecord

Cdream Dsilence

18A.though Botherwise

Ceither Dtoo

19A.amazing Bstrange

Cterrible Ddangerous

20A.disappointed Bregretted

Ccomforted Dangry



Chinese poetry generally 1.________ (fall) into one of two primary types, Classical Chinese poetry 2.________ Modern Chinese poetry.Modern Chinese poetry refers to the modern style of poetry, as opposed to the traditional poetry 3.________ (write) in classical Chinese language.A high point of Classical Chinese poetry occurred during the Tang period, during 4.________ time in China poetry was integrated (融入) into almost every aspect of the professional and social life of the literate class.5.________ traditional forms of Chinese poetry which are rhymed, usually Modern Chinese poetry does not follow specific 6.________ (pattern)Poetry was revolutionized after 1919's May Fourth 7.________ (move)Early 20th­century poets like Hu Shih, Xu Zhimo, and Guo Moruo 8.________ (seek) to break Chinese poetry from past conventions by adopting Western models.

Poetry has 9.________ (consistent) been held in extremely high regard in China.In Chinese culture, poetry has provided a format for both public and private expressions of deep emotion, 10.________ (offer) an audience of peers, readers, and scholars insight into the inner life of Chinese writers.Westerners also have found in it an interesting and pleasurable field of study.



A survey has shown that what you do on a plane can be determined by which nationality is listed on your passport.

According to the results of an international passenger survey, Australians are the biggest drinkers on board with 36 percent choosing to down the hatch (干杯), compared to 35 percent of Americans and 33 percent of Brits.

The Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX) spoke to around 1,500 people, aged 18 and older, who have traveled by plane at least once during the last three months and were living in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, China, Singapore, Australia or Brazil.

The results found Chinese travelers are most likely to nod off once the seat belt sign switches off.They are also the first to reach for their credit card for some in­flight shopping and the biggest fans of gaming.Americans on the other hand like to use their time in the air more productively—when not drinking, choosing to work while flying at 35,000 feet.

Meanwhile, Brits and Germans are the best at making chat with random strangers—spending 50 percent more time than any other nationality.Comparatively, Brazilians conduct their conversations online via email, messaging apps or social media.

Despite plane food having a bad reputation, seven out of ten interviewees said they were happy to eat up on the selection of in­flight snacks and meals.In­flight magazines were also popular with four out of five passengers claiming to read them.

The international flyers did, however, express their desire for better in­flight entertainment.The industry has greatly improved the comfort, entertainment and on­board service, and passengers are accepting those improvements” said Russell Lemieux, APEX executive director.At the same time, passengers are demanding more from their air travel experiences which will drive more improvements touching all aspects of the journey” he added.

1What can you probably see in the flight according to the passage?

ABrazilians choose to drink.

BGermans chat to kill their time.

CAmericans do in­flight shopping.

DThe Chinese switch off the seat belt sign.

2When on board the plane, ________.

Amost passengers like to read in­flight magazines

Bpassengers from one nation have little in common

Cmore than half of the passengers don't enjoy plane food

Dmost people tend to use in­flight time to have a good sleep

3What can we learn from the last paragraph?

AFlyers care little about entertainment.

BFlyers are expecting better flight experiences.

CFlyers are not satisfied with the improvements.

DFlyers have more and more demands for airlines.

4What's the purpose of the passage?

ATo entertain readers with interesting stories.

BTo encourage people to behave well in public.

CTo criticize impolite behaviors on the plane.

DTo inform readers of the results of a survey.

Unit 1 Living well


一、1.benefited 2.disability 3.noisy 4.ambitious

5annoyed 6.absent 7.to 8.to have resigned 9.to be told 10.with

二、1.annoyedannoying 2.去掉an 

3congratulationcongratulations 4.bringbrings

5adaptationadapting 6.suchso

7knockknocking 8.met后加上with

9someother 10.downout

三、本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了作者当年在医院生小孩时遇到了一位哑巴妇女Margot Frank并在出院时问是否可以和她做朋友并赠送其一些读物,而妇女对作者产生了信任,从而打破了沉默,终于开口说话了。两年后作者才通过广播得知此事并感到很欣慰。

1A sweep”和dust”同义并列,意为打扫

2C 从下文的I still didn't get any answer”得知此处应填never

3D 根据句意得知作者反反复复、多次跟这位妇女打招呼,却屡屡没得到回应。

4B put on a oneman show”意为唱独角戏

5B 根据生活常识和下文提示But I was told she was mute”可以推断作者原以为这位妇女是个聋子。

6A 根据句意得知妹妹Anne在姐姐Margot遭遇不幸之后没过几天便死于伤寒。

7D 根据句意得知这位妇女曾经康复过,但有一天,一些小孩在她窗口扔鞭炮,发出巨大的砰砰声,再次受到惊吓与伤害的她便再也没有开口说过话了。

8C 从上下文得知,这位妇女并没有随同作者一起回家,而作者只是在回家那天问这位妇女是否可以和她做朋友。

9B 从下文的They were talking about that __13__ and the magazines”得知作者当时给这位妇女留下了一些读物。

10B 由上文的left the hospital”得知作者是重新折回医院询问医生一些事情。

11A 这位妇女是个哑巴,自然只能向医生用手势或是文字等方式表明她想见一下作者,而并非是告知或是陈述等。

12A 上文已交代这位妇女是个哑巴,此刻医院也是一片安静,她没有开口说一句话。

13D 根据下文得知广播是在谈论当年的那位妇女。

14B 根据上下文得知,作者当时并不知道,而是两年后听到广播才知道,那位妇女居然在那一天第一次开口说话了。

15D 从下文的I was especially __20__ to know that this lady could speak again”得知此处应填spoke

16C 根据句意得知那位妇女第一次对作者产生了信任,从而打破了沉默,终于开口说话了。

17D 参见上题解析。

18D 根据句意得知作者的丈夫也收听了节目。

19A 作者觉得这件事情很是令人难以置信,有点惊讶。

20C 作者听到这位妇女能够重新开口讲话,感到很欣慰。


1falls 主语是Chinese poetry”,描述客观事实,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。

2and Classical Chinese poetry”与Modern Chinese poetry”并列。

3written 此处为过去分词做后置定语修饰the traditional poetry”,表被动。

4which 做定语,修饰timewhich time”用以指代前面的the Tang period”。

5Unlike 根据句意可知要表示……不一样,不同于

6patterns 根据语境,表示模式,在这里需要用复数形式。

7Movement movement表示运动May Fourth Movement五四运动。

8sought 根据Early 20th­century”可知谓语动词要用一般过去时。

9consistently 根据表达可知这里需要使用副词形式,修饰动词been held

10offering 逻辑主语是主句主语poetry,表主动,用现在分词形式。


1B 细节理解题。根据倒数第三段的Meanwhile, Brits and Germans are the best at making chat with random strangers”可知,德国人会和陌生人聊天以消磨时间,故选B

2A 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的In­flight magazines were also popular with four out of five passengers”可知,大部分乘客喜欢阅读飞行杂志。

3B 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的At the same time, passengers are demanding more from their air travel experiences”可知,乘客要求航空公司提供更好的服务,希望自己能有更好的乘机体验,故选B

4D 写作意图题。本文主要告诉我们一项关于乘机习惯的调查结果,故选D


《K12学习2019年高考英语总复习 第一部分 教材梳理 Unit 1 Living well能力.doc》
