
发布时间:2019-02-25 23:46:55   来源:文档文库   




一、yesterday is today s memory, tomorrow is today s dream.昨天是今天的回忆,明天是今天的梦。

二、not pretend to be silent but have no strength to complain. 不是假装沉默,只是无力诉说.

三、life, always coming up with and leave, miss is not a fault, i have missed, just let go.people should be like a tree, stand is a beautiful scenery, the backbone of the down is a high-quality。人生,总是写满了走来与离开,错过不是过错,既已错过,干脆放过。人应如树,站着是一道美丽的风景,倒了是一个优质的栋梁

四、to love for the sake of being loved is human,but to love for the sake of loving is angelic. 以爱还爱的是人性,但为爱而爱的是神性。

五、let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions be louder than your words. 让梦想超越恐惧,让行动胜过言辞。

六、love is an act of endleforgiveness, a tender look which becomes being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, loving someone deeply gives you courage.被爱给你力量,爱人给你勇气。

七、someone makes me comfortable, so i want to rely on him; while another one makes me feel lonely, so i want to embrace him.有一个人让我觉得很安心,所以想要依靠他,而另一个人让我觉得很孤单,所以想要拥抱他.

八、the way of the life is to walk on your own, no matter how to choose, as long as it is your own choice, there is no right and wrong, more do not need to regret。人生的路那是要靠自己行走,无论如何选择,只要是自己的选择,就不存在对错更无须后悔。

九、all sad past, when time is slowly precipitation, you will find your own happiness is much larger than expected。所有的忧伤都是过往,当时间慢慢沉淀,你会发现,自己的快乐比想象的多得多。

十、we were born and raised in a summer haze.only yesterday,was the time of our lives. 我们的爱在夏日的薄雾中萌芽。只有昨天,才是我们最珍贵的回忆。

十一、many of life s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.我们生活中的许多失败,是因为人们在放弃的时候没有认识到他们距离成功有多么近。

十二、nothing in life is despair, a series of disaster will be can t withstand the sunshine nightmare, to be bumpy.life is the dojo, alive is a kind of practice。生活中没有绝境,一场场灾难都必将是经不起阳光的噩梦,经不起颠簸的泡影。人生就是道场,活着就是一种修行。

十三、three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. 生活中的快乐三要素:有事做,有热爱,有梦想。

十四、you never get a second chance to make a first impression.永远没有第二次机会,给人留下第一印象。

十五、life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. 生活不是一个需要解决的问题,而是一种需要经历的事实。

十六、miracle, is not on the way to easy to bloom.perhaps, in all, there is no behind trying to choose, there will be not seen, not design the unknown。奇迹,是不会在容易的道路上绽放的。也许,在所有不被看好,无人尝试的选择背后,会有不曾见到的可能,不曾设计的未知。

十七、among those people that appear in our life, some are to teach us, some to comfortus, some to share and some to love.在我们生命中出现的人,一些给我们上课,一些让我们痊愈,有的用来分担分享,有的用来真爱。

十八、the value of life lies not length of days, but in the use of we make of them.生命的价值不在于能活多少天,而在于我们如何利用这些曰子。

十九、i just miss once, but forget that we have not had their own. 我只是怀念曾经,却忘记了我们都已不是曾经的自己.

二十、like sunlight, sunset, we appear, we disappear. we are so important to some, but we are just passing through.像日出日落,出现也罢,消失也罢,就算对某些人至关重要,我们依旧是匆匆过客。

二十一、the most easily broken thing in the world is the man s wine glass, politician s promise, girls dream, steel wire-like love, the virtuousof modern society and the holy heart.这个世界最易碎的就是男人的酒杯,政客的承诺,少女的梦想,钢丝上的爱情,现代社会的善良和高贵的心。

二十二、all that you do, do with your might; things done by halves are never done right. 做一切事情都应尽力而为,半途而废永远不行。

二十三、love is a game that two can play and both win.爱是两个人玩的双赢游戏。

二十四、smiling doesn t always mean you re happy. sometimes, it simply means that you are a strong person. 笑不意味着你就开心。有时候你笑只是想表现出你是个坚强的人。

二十五、you miss 100% of the shots you never take.不试,100%没希望。


好听的浪漫爱情英文句子说说心情短语唯美带翻译简短精选一: 你是我昨天的笑容,也是我今夜的伤痛,当幸福飘到我肩头,你转身扬起一阵风。于是幸福吹散成寂寞,于是寂寞被锁在眼中!我是你昨天的玫瑰,却是你今夜的后悔,当孤独飞到我面前,我眼中只有一片黑。于是孤独倾落成雨水,于是雨水就打在心扉。

you are my smile yesterday, tonight is my pain, happiness blown when my shoulder, you turn raised a gust of wind. so happy blown into a lonely, so lonely being locked in the eyes! i m your rose yesterday, but it is you regret tonight, when lonely flew in front of me, i see only a black. so lonely rain pour completed, then the rain hit in the heart. 总有一种被忽视的感觉;偶尔会有种想消失的念头;不喜欢等待,却总是等待;总会把事情想得很长久;心事放在心底,有一个自己的世界;不喜欢一个人逛街;一点点事就胡思乱想;自己走路会很快莫名地孤单,无法抗拒的恐惧感。

there is always a feeling of being ignored; occasionally kind of like the idea of disappearing; do not like to wait, but always wait; always think things very long; feelings in my heart, there is a world of its own; do not like a person shopping; and it was a little cranky; to walk quickly inexplicable loneliness, fear can not resist. 我似乎已经没有了当年的年轻,没有了那些还可以挥霍的青春。现在只能求一份安稳,一份单纯。可是我努力找,努力着,但是仍旧找不到那个可以陪伴我一生的人,在寻找中,我遇到多少真真假假,可是仍旧觉得自己很幸运。

i seem to have no time when young, without those youth can also splurge. now only seeking a stable, a simple. but i try to find, work with, but still can not find that person may accompany my life, looking, i encountered much half-truths, but still feel very lucky. 你就是一道风景,没必要在别人的风景里面仰视。生活原不苦,苦的是欲望过多;心灵本无累,累的是攫取太甚。人生就是一条路,走一步有一步的景观。上帝不会眷顾谁,你有勇气放弃,才有机会得到。华丽的跌倒,胜过无谓的徘徊;哪怕败得彻底,就当赶上了命运的另一盛宴。

you are a landscape, do not need someone to look up the scenery inside. original life is not bitter, bitter is excessive desire; the soul of the no tired, tired of grabbing too much. life is a road, there are step-by-step landscape. god does not favor anyone, you have the courage to give up, have a chance to get. gorgeous fall, than pointless wandering; even if it was completely lost on when to catch up with the fate of another feast. 恋人享受爱情之乐,家人享受天伦之乐。常人享受口福之乐,哲人享受智慧之乐。凡人享受物质之乐,圣人享受精神之乐。自得其乐,知足常乐,快乐一生! enjoy music lovers love, family and enjoy their grandchildren. ordinary people to enjoy the delicious food of music, philosopher and enjoy the music of wisdom. mortal enjoy music substances, sage and enjoy the music spirit. lot, contented, happy life! 当晨雾散尽,清风徐来,落叶纷飞。我决定拾起片片落叶,用心打磨的诗句装订成册,留给明天的明天的清晨。阳光来了,或许我会退到阳光背后,留下这如诗如画的小城,无论是留下,还是离开,沿着季节流逝的河流前行,去听远方的笛音;; when the morning mist cleared, breeze, the leaves are blowing. i decided to pick up the pieces leaves, carefully polished verses bound, and left for tomorrow morning. the sun came, perhaps i would have retreated behind the sun, leaving this picturesque town, whether to stay or leave, the season before the trip along the river passage, listen to the distant flute;; 人生有那么多的第一,人生同样有那么多的最后。试问:伊人,能否是我的始终?我的心只有一个,我的情也独执一份。唯你,才能得以舒展,只可沉淀。

life has so many first, life also has so much last. how: iraqis, can i always? my heart is only one, my love is only executed one. only you can to stretch, only precipitation. 记忆,似乎总是想把要记得的变得模糊,想要忘却的生生刻在心里。曾经以为,这样的一见如故,会是我今生最美丽的相遇;曾经以为,这样的心心相印,会是我无怨无悔的追逐。却不知,繁华有时,落寞有时,却怎么也读不懂我心头的一丝缠绵,解不透我心间的一抹情意。

memory seems to always want to remember blurred, life and want to forget the moment in the heart. once thought, so hit it off, it will be the most beautiful of my life met; once thought, this soulmate, would be my regrets chase. but i do not know, sometimes busy, sometimes lonely, but also how to not read my mind lingering trace, the solution is not through my mind a touch of affection between. 有时,爱你的人近在咫尺,可让你柔肠百转、牵肠挂肚的却往往是另外一个人。你为他流泪、为他悲哀;只讲付出,不要一点回报。你以为这是爱情。其实这只是人情:得不到的,就是最好的;轻易得到的,往往不懂珍惜。自己伤痕累累的同时也在伤害深爱你的人,爱,往往是百转千回后,发现原来它一直在你身边

sometimes, people who love you close, allowing you rouchang turn, is often worrying about another person. you weep for him, for his grief; talk about giving, not a little in return. do you think this is love. in fact, this is only human: lack of, is the best; easy to get, and often do not understand the treasure. own scarred while also hurt the person you love, love, often after a hundred thousand turn back, and found that it has been by your side. 我们在校园的海边站着,校园的上空又是繁星满天了。可我们已经没有校园的明天了! we stood at the seaside campus, the campus is over a starry sky. but we have no campus tomorrow! 难过了悲伤一下没关系,想哭了哭一下没关系,心疼了疼一下没关系,一个人孤单一下也没关系。给时间一点时间,一切都会过去。、很多时候,宁愿被误会,也不想去解释。信与不信,就在你一念之间。懂我的人,何必解释。

sad sad about the matter, want to cry cry about not matter, it does not matter what distressed the pain, it does not matter what a person alone. little time to time, everything will be over. very often, preferring to be misunderstood, do not want to explain. believe it or not, between you an idea. i know people, explain why. 很多时候,我们总是希望得到别人的好。一开始,感激不尽。可是久了,便是习惯了。习惯了一个人对你的好,便认为是理所应当的。有一天不对你好了,你便觉得怨怼。其实,不是别人不好了,而是我们的要求变多了。习惯了得到,便忘记了。

many times, we always want to get someone else s good. initially, grateful. but for a long time, that is accustomed to. a man accustomed to good for you, do not think that is as it should be. one day not hello, you will feel resentment. in fact, none other than bad, but our requirements changed much. get used to it, they forget thanksgiving. 细细的回味过去,有心的人都会发现,其实那些从生命里离开的人,大都是自己的任性和无知所放走的。我们都以为自己是哪个高傲的公主,却是忘记了里,彼此都是平等的。

thin aftertaste in the past, determined people will find, in fact, those who leave from life, mostly his own willfulness and ignorance are let go. we all thought he was proud of what the princess, but it is forgotten love, are equal to each other. 过了十八岁就越来越多的要开始接受分离。很多时候,回头想想,人生真的经不起几次别离的。我一次次地努力让自己坚强,可是我无法把心情平静,我无法记忆掩埋,无法将昨日的泪痕拭去,我不得不承认自己就是这样的敏感而脆弱,我永远做不了那个冷漠的人;; after eighteen years of age to begin to accept more and more isolated. in many cases, looking back, life really can not afford a few parting. i have time and again tried to make her strong, but i can not put calm, i can not remember buried, unable to wipe the tears yesterday, i had to admit that he is such a sensitive and fragile, i can never do that cold person; ; 留言板和聊天记录都不是一个可以随便翻阅的东西,在你翻阅的过程中你会发现,一些人,一些事,还有一些彼此间扣留的情感都因为时间的流逝而消失不见,最后沉淀下来的只有一道道伤痕,被现实撕裂。

message boards and chats are not something one can easily read, you read in the process you will find that some people, some things, some emotions are detained each other because of the passage of time and disappear, finally settling down only a road injuries, torn reality. 人生本来就很简单,只要快乐就好。生活是一种心态,持怎样的心态自然就会拥有怎样的人生,不要随波逐流,以乐观的心态自然地去面对生活,生活因为你的存在而多姿多彩,勇敢地走向生活吧!你会发现更棒的自己,生活因你而精彩! life itself is very simple, just happy enough. life is a state of mind, what kind of mentality who will naturally have what kind of life, do not follow the crowd, naturally optimistic attitude to face life, because your life colorful presence, bravely towards life! better yet, you ll find yourself, life is wonderful because of you! 遇见是两个人的事,离开却是一个人的决定,遇见是一个开始,离开却是为了遇见下一个离开。这是一个流行离开的世界,但是我们都不擅长告别。

met two people to do, but it is a person to leave the decision to meet is a start, but it is left to meet the next one to leave. it is a world popular to leave, but we are not good at goodbye. 有时候感觉别人忽略了自己,想想可能是自己太闲了。多希望我只是个孩子,给颗糖就笑,摔倒了就哭。总有那么一些歌,让我们悲伤,让我们哭泣。但其实让我们哭泣的并不是那些歌本身,而是藏在回忆里的那些人。习惯是一个很可怕的东西,因为习惯会觉得理所当然;因为习惯没有人去想如果失去是什么模样。

sometimes people feel ignored his own, he had been too busy to think about the possibility. how i wish i was just a kid, give sweets to laugh, cry and fell. there are always a few songs, let us sad, let us cry. in fact, let s not cry those songs themselves, but those who are hidden in the memories of. habit is a very terrible thing, because the habit will feel taken for granted; because nobody used to think about is what he looks like if they lose. 每个温软潮湿的雨后,我爱坐在窗边,看那棵枝叶繁茂的大树,被冲刷得清澈透亮。每个阳光明媚的日子。我爱仰望蓝天,看那些变幻莫测的云朵,被风刮得若即若离。在这段莫名的青春里,总是幻想。然后伤感。看着四周无数熟悉而陌生的谈笑,只剩惶恐。

each gentle wet rain, i love sitting by the window, watching the tree leafy trees, have been washed crystal clear. each sunny days. i love looking at the sky, look at those vagaries of the clouds, the wind was too ambiguous. during this inexplicable youth, always fantasy. then sad. numerous familiar and unfamiliar looked around laughing, only fear. 浅笑凝眸,蓦然回望,看到了昨日在旧忆里瑟瑟发抖的自己。那个时候,突然发现,并不是自己的以为就能把生命里的所有记忆抹去和篡改的。日子只是纪念所有风雨细数尘埃的过程,并不是所有一切终结的答案。

gazing smile, suddenly look back and see the old memories yesterday li sese trembling himself. at that time, i suddenly found myself not to think that life will be able to erase all the memories and tampering. memorial day is all dust storms breakdown process, not the end all answer to everything. 我要的幸福,要么就让你给我;你要的幸福,要么就让我我给你。如此简单的事,小孩子却永远都不懂,分手了还能做朋友,这是多么无聊的事情,拒绝后却搞得我们这类人很冷血一样。

i want happiness, or let you give me; you want happiness, or let me i ll give you. such a simple thing, but it is always the children do not understand, but also friends broke up, this is how silly thing, but do we have these people in cold blood after it refused the same. 在青春的舞台上,我们自由翱翔,一个人静静得,走在无人的小路上,听着鸟儿欢快地歌唱,闻着花儿暗吐的芬芳,享受着勃勃生机的春天。用手抚摸苍老的树干,感受他们饱经的沧桑。呼吸土地特有的清新,体味着自然的纯朴。或者透过明净的玻璃,望着欣欣向荣的万物,心中不免腾起希望,回味着洗礼的心情。

on the youth stage, we fly freely, a man quietly too, walking in no small way, listening to the birds singing merrily, dark vomit smell the fragrance of flowers, enjoying the vitality of spring. stroking old trunk, feeling they experienced many vicissitudes. land unique fresh breath, appreciate the simplicity of nature. or through bright and clear glass, looking at the thriving things, could not help jumping hope, pondering baptism mood. 早安!温暖的光伴着和煦的风;早安!大珠小珠摇曳在绿叶花盘;早安!一年的春与这一季的心情;投身在如此优美的晨光里,我只为一场邂逅,去感受自然,去顿悟生命,去触摸光晕。貌美如花的青春年华,只有这晨露的笑靥,开在春日的阳光里,才显得那么璀璨夺目。

good morning! warm light accompanied by warm wind; good morning! pearls green leaves swaying in the faceplate; good morning! spring and this season s mood a year; to join in such a beautiful morning, i was just an encounter, to feel natural, to the epiphany of life, to touch the halo. beautiful flower of youth, only this morning dew smile, open in the spring sunshine, it seemed so bright. 如果一开始,你就不要出现在我的面前,那么,我也许就不会知道幸福的滋味。你何其残忍,把所有的爱满满地那么卒不及防地都给了我,告诉我,你永远喜欢我,永远不会离开我。让我错以为,我可以幸福得象个被宠溺的孩子,让我错以为,只要抱住你,就可以拥有整个世界。

if at first you do not appear in front of me, then i probably would not know the taste of happiness. you repeat itself cruel, all the land so full of love and death is less than fangde gave me and tell me that you never liked me, never leave me. i mistakenly thought that i could be happy was like a spoiled child, so i thought it was wrong, as long as you cling to, you can have the whole world. 日历随着时间流逝,却怎么也翻不过,心痛的那一页;我放下尊严,放下个性,放下固执,都只是因为放不下你;闭上双眼,最挂念的是你;张开眼睛,最想看到的是你;如此执迷不悟,算不算刻骨铭心;爱到痛了,痛到哭了,选择了放弃,或许放弃是一种无奈的绝望,使人痛彻心扉。

as time goes by the calendar, but also how to turn but sad that one; i put down the dignity, personality down, put down a stubborn, only because does not fit you; close your eyes, that you miss the most; open eyes, the most want to see you; so stubborn, count unforgettable; love to pain, and pain to cry, chose to give up, perhaps to give up a helpless despair, people broke our hearts. 人生没有完美,幸福没有百分。幸福在生活的点点滴滴中,它是来自深处的一种感觉,常常藏在许多的小事物中,多半时候,那是一种触及心灵深处的悸动,小小的悸动,却泛出甜美的感受,于是乎,幸福的滋味便溢了出来。

life is not perfect, happiness is not the percentage. happiness in life bit by bit, and it is a feeling from the depths of the soul, often hidden in many small things, most of the time, it is a touch of soul throbbing, throbbing a little, but glow sweet feelings, and thus, the taste of happiness will spill out. 我终也只是被人阅览而过的一页书籍,而我想再望你一眼也成妄想。感情无法随遇而安,我们总是要一个人呆着,心碎也一个人面对,我的所有心疼你都看不见。就算我说爱你也成了过去,就算你说喜欢我也只是一时的欢兴。或许有人是一直不在乎的,从来都是不冷不热的。

i finally just been reading books, but after a while i want to look you also become a delusion. feeling unable to go with the flow, we always want to be alone, but also a person to face heartbreak, i feel bad for all you can not see. even if i love you too become in the past, even if you say it just like i am huan xing. maybe someone is always not care, is never lukewarm. 我还是那个我,日复一日的奔波,淹没在这喧嚣的城市里。我不会了解,这个世界还有这样的一个你,只有你能让人回味,也只有你会让我心醉。假如人生不曾相遇,我不会相信,有一种人可以百看不厌,有一种人一认识就觉得温馨。

i was that me, day after day, back and forth, submerged in the hustle and bustle of the city. i do not understand this world there is such a you, and only you can make people aftertaste, and only you will let me enchanted. if life had not met, i do not believe that there is a people can never get tired, there is a person an understanding feel warm. 又见到了你,不会在那么情绪激烈,可以像是朋友一样,心底的痛都不在流露,换来了你的开心和快乐。足够了,真的尽管我们不会再有任何的可能,可是我会守护你,一直守护你。

they see you, and not in the mood so intense, you can like a friend, my heart s not in pain revealed, in exchange for your fun and happy. enough, even though we do not really have any possibility, but i will protect you, protect you always. 一节短笛,一段时光;一次漂泊,一声呼唤;一孑剪影,一个流年。谁抚琴轻吟,把岁月捻成箐箐时光;谁沐风吟箫,将青春交付明灭的夜空;谁是黑夜,谁是白昼,谁又在谁的路上翩跹起舞?我咬牙,因为我不怕,我会一直凝望寒冬,等待远方的第一朵雪花! a piccolo, a period of time; a wandering, i heard calling; one larvae silhouette, a fleeting. who fuqin qing yin, qing qing twisted into the years of time; who wind yin xiao mu, will deliver winking youth sky; who is the night, who is the day, who s who in the road lightly dance? my teeth, because i am not afraid, i will always stare winter, snow waiting for the first flower from afar! 生命必须有缝隙,阳光才能照的进来。对你的生活最有影响力的人,就是你自己。决定你是快乐还是不快乐的人,也是你自己。没有你的许可,任何事物都不能让你快乐。没有你的许可,任何事物都不能让你不快乐。没有人夺走你的快乐、你的狂喜。夺走的人是你,因为你把狂喜建立在别人身上。

life must have a gap of sunlight to shine in. on your life s most influential people, is yourself. decide whether you are happy or unhappy people, but also yourself. without your permission, do not let anything you happy. without your permission, do not let anything you are not happy. nobody took your happiness, your ecstasy. who took you, because you put ecstasy build on others. 友情需要,一点互助,一点真诚;爱情需要,一点浪漫,一点平淡;亲情需要,一点孝顺,一点团聚。人生,就是一点一滴拼凑的。选的料好,拼出来的生活,味道就好。选的料好,拼出来的人生,韵味就足。点滴生活,十足人生!给自己多点信心,使人生更加充实。

friendship needs, is mutual, is sincere; love needs a little romance, is plain; the family needs, is filial piety, is reunited. life is a little bit of patchwork. selected material better, spell out the life, taste like. selected material better, spell out the life, charm on foot. bit of life, full of life! give yourself more confidence and make life more fulfilling. 某天起,好像跟你没那麽好了,见面少了,电话也少了;孤单的时候,忍住没找你。我亲爱的朋友,并不是你做了什麽,而是我的故事变复杂了,有些话不知道从何说起,不如不说;有些秘密只能藏在心底,独自承担。不想对你说谎,更害怕你痛心的责备,於是只好假装忘了你。其实,你一直在我心里。

day onwards, it seems not so good with you, meet less telephone also less; alone time, hold back did not find you. my dear friends, is not what you do, but my story is complicated, and there are some things i do not know where to start, it is better not say; some secrets can only be in my heart, alone to bear. do not want to lie to you, more afraid of you sad reproach, so he had to pretend to forget you. in fact, you are always in my heart. 一只秃笔,一张素纸,一杯香茗,一段时光,一首老歌,一阕新词,衣袂飘飘,轻度光年。单纯而平凡,浅笑又安然。

a bald pen, a plain paper, a cup of tea, a period of time, an old song, a tie down new words, yi mei fluttering, mild light years. simple and ordinary, smile again safely. 每个路口的转身,都期待与你相遇。远方陌路的爱人,你知道吗? each intersection turn, are looking forward to meet with you. distant stranger lover, you know? 人的一生,该有多少值得回忆的故事,在岁月过往的河流里,曾哭过的苦涩,笑过的欢乐。虽然;体味过生活,也曾深深的领悟了生活全部的节奏,然,当有一天,在岁月流逝,时光恍然间,所有的往事逝去时,才发现,这一切的曾经,便永远不复存在,而我总是把昨天当成最美。

person s life, which many memorable stories in years past rivers, had cried bitter laugh with joy. although; savor life too, have deeply comprehend the whole rhythm of life, however, when one day, in the passage of time, the time come to realize, when all of the past gone, only to find that all this happened, he never ceased to exist, and i always put yesterday as the most beautiful. 其实,很多姑娘,并不是不敢裸婚,只是害怕柴米油盐浸透了浪漫,爱情在贫贱面前无处容身。一个男人,可以不够有钱,但一定要给你爱的女人信心。女人可以吃苦受穷,但前提是:那个男人对她的爱,值得让她去熬煎。

in fact, a lot of girls, and not afraid to bare marriage, just scared mundane soaked romance, love in the face of lowly nowhere to go. a man can not enough money, but be sure to give women the confidence you love. women can suffer from poverty, but the premise is: the man s love for her, let her go torture worth. 缘份,到底何谓缘份?曾记得看过一篇文章,文章中说:今生的水,前世的茶,用今生的水泡一杯前世的茶,透明的瓷杯中沉淀的是前世的情,沸腾的是今生的爱,这就叫作缘份! fate, in the end what is fate? i remember once reading an article, the article said: life in the water, past the tea cup with blisters past life tea cups transparent precipitated past life love, boiling is the love of life, which called fate! 每个人的电话本里,都会有那么一个号码,你永远不会打,也永远不会删;每个人的心里,都会有那么一个人,你永远不会提,也永远不会忘;有些人说不出哪里好,但就是谁都替代不了;也许时光将教会我成长,教会我坚强,教会我爱,总有一天,我可以笑着对你说:好久不见,心中却不再起一点波澜。

everyone s phone book, there will be a number so you never fight, never will delete; everyone s mind, there will be less of a person, you never mention, will never forget; some people can not tell where the good, but that no one can not be replaced; perhaps time to the church i grew up, taught me to be strong, the church i love, one day, i can tell you with a smile: long time no see, the heart does not renewed little waves. 所有事情都是自己一个人撑,所有情绪都是只有自己知道。但只要咬牙撑过去,一切都不一样了。无论你是谁,无论你正在经历什么,坚持住,你定会看见最坚强的自己。如若某个夜静难眠的深更,再次置身于月华如练、天高云淡的景簇,我会轻轻的对自己说: 这样的夜,真美!; all things are yourself a person stays, all emotions are known only to themselves. but as long as the teeth stay in the past, everything is different. no matter who you are, no matter what you are going through, hold on, you will see the strongest themselves. should a sleepless shengeng dead of night, once again being in the yuet wah, such as training, the sky was clear cluster king, i would gently say to yourself: this night, really beautiful! ; 是否青涩的青春,遇见你只在路途,却不知你即将远走。又或许,太过于年少的爱情我们都走在成长的旅途中,盲目的寻找不到方向,跌跌撞撞的奔向远方。一场相遇已是缘尽一如烟光落下的薄凉,一场绚丽的开放已是开至尽头的荼靡。

are sentimental youth, only to meet you on the road, but i do not know you re about to flee. perhaps, too young love we are walking in the growth of the road, less than a blind search for direction, stumbled toward the distance. an encounter is falling edge to make a thin light smoke cool, a brilliant opening is open to the end of the tumi. 当你不可以再拥有的时候,你唯一可以做的,就是令自己不要忘记。人生之旅,如一趟单程车。生活是没有捷径的,它考验的是你的恒心与耐力,只要你多坚持一下,多忍耐一会,不悲叹过去,不荒废现在,不惧怕未来,一切就会在你的掌握之中。在生活中抗争后,哪怕满身疮痍,也该把无奈沉入心底。

when you can no longer have the time, the only thing you can do is not to forget. journey of life, such as one-way car trip. life is no shortcut, and it is a test of your perseverance and endurance, as long as you hold on much, much patience for a while, do not lament the past, not abandoned now, do not fear the future, everything will be in your hands. after the struggle in life, even if covered wound, but also that the helpless sinking heart. 聪明的人,凡事都往好处想,以欢喜的心想欢喜的事,自然成就欢喜的人生;愚痴的人,凡事都朝坏处想,越想越苦,终成烦恼的人生。世间事都在自己的一念之间,我们的想法可以想出天堂,也可以想出地狱。

smart people, to the benefit of everything to joy joy thought things natural joy of life achievements; stupid person, everything towards the downside want, grew more and more bitter, and eventually became a troubled life. worldly things between themselves an idea, we can come up with the idea of heaven, hell, you can come up with. 再提笔,不经意的已游走进这个季节,裙裾飞扬,黄昏橙亮,郁郁葱葱,色彩斑斓似乎美过落英缤纷。酣畅在明亮、媚彩的空气里,心绪的起伏宛如热情的沙漠,绵延婉绕,而情感也如被风吹拂的丝绸,飘飘柔柔,念证夏日的时光。

then pick up a pen, casual tour has entered this season, skirts flying, orange dusk light, lush, it seems that the united states had fallen flowers and colorful. earned in bright color pro air, undulating like a mood of warm desert that stretches around wan, and emotions are like the wind blowing silk, fluttering softly, read the license summer time. 一直都希望可以做另外一个灰太狼,至少能够和自己喜欢的女人在一起,只要她能够真心的去孝顺我的父母,除此之外的一切我都会没有理由的去宠她、去爱她、去顺着她,她生气了可以打我、可以骂我,我都可以承受,只要她能够不哭、不生气,因为看到她哭我会很痛! always wanted to do another wolf, at least able and your favorite women together, as long as she can really go filial my parents, in addition to everything i would have no reason to go to pet her, love her, go followed her, she can hit me angry, you can call me, i can afford, as long as she can not cry, do not get angry, because i will be painful to see her cry! 其实每个人都一样,在我们的记忆里或多或少总有些难忘的人或事,偶尔回荡心间,久久不能平静;; in fact, everyone is the same, more or less in our memory there is always someone or something memorable, occasionally echoed heart, be calm;; 每一种爱情都是有周期的,我们的那些难忘的时光,那些柔情似水,任地老天荒,海枯石烂,也终究是不会忘记,我和你在一起的光阴。在此时此刻,你斟上一杯浓情淡酒。微笑着,就像是在守着一场无声等待的静默。

each cycle of love is there, our those memorable moments, those gentle enough, either the end of time, the highest power, after all, is also not forget the time i m with you. in this moment, you pour a glass of light wine passion. smiled, as if guarding a silent waiting in silence. 我知道,那是你对我的叮咛与祝福,就让我在心里永远为你留着一份天空,用云刺绣着你的名字。一切的一切都用纯真来解释,用思念来延续,用梦想来支撑,用知己做结局。

i know that is what you told me exhort and blessings, let me keep you in my heart forever for a sky with clouds embroidered with your name. everything is explained by pure, with thoughts to continue, with a dream to support, ending with a friend to do. 弦断雾散,湮没一朝烟云淡;花落肩头,梦醒蹁跹红尘辗。女子一针一线,柳眉黛眼,面若三月桃花,弹指可破。女子抬头仰望苍穹,遥想昔日与君朝朝暮暮多逍遥,可塞北的大漠孤烟,又怎能读懂江南的小桥流水。

strings off the fog lifted, the annihilation once pale clouds; whispering shoulder, wake limp walk the red rolling. women stitch, liu mei dai eyes, a face in march peach, fingertips can be broken. woman looked up at the sky, think back to the past and the king of the day and night more happy, can saibei smoke in the desert, how to read the south of the bridges. 同的时光、不同的地点、语言都浅浅的写着和你有关的画面、相同的感觉、相同的笑脸、都影印着对你不变的爱恋、一句话、我爱你、两个字、永远。

the same time, at different places, languages and shallow screen that says about you, the same feeling, the same smile, mood photocopy of your unchanging love, in a word, i love you, word , forever and always. 闲下来乐意做个素心的人,煮水,洗盏,不慌不忙得为自己泡上一壶绿静叶嫩的花茶。水汽升腾间,氤氲出一脉悠远的茶香,散发着倾城的寂寞和深沉。就像岁月的刃温柔雕刻往事,不经意中却发觉,时光已走入季节雪雨如画的深处。

happy to be retired and sit susan people boil water, wash light, calmly got yourself a pot of green tea vanes tender. between water vapor rising, dense tea out of a vein distant exudes loneliness and deep allure. like gentle carving blade years past, but found inadvertently, into the depths of time has picturesque season snow and rain. 悄悄等你很久。你没来,我却习惯了等待。我不贪心。只有一个小小的愿望:生命中永远有你。那个让你流泪的,是你最爱的人;那个懂你眼泪的,是最爱你的人。那个为你擦干眼泪的,才是最后和你相守的人。

quietly waiting for you for a long time. you did not come, but i used to waiting. i m not greedy. only a small wish: you will always have in life. that makes you cry, is the person you love; that understand your tears, is who loves you. that wiped away tears for you, is the last person you spend. 很多人对我说,你的内心比你的外表成熟太多。我沉默不语。成熟的心智也来源于生活不是么。像我们这种被命运拔苗助长的人,谁会对每个人还能展现最初的纯真。跑得腿疼,但在长跑中一旦停下来就很难再有力气跑下去。当自己的世界不一样,那就让自己不一样,就算不追求让自己满意,也要让自己过的精彩。

a lot of people told me that your heart too mature than your appearance. i was silent. mature mind is not it also comes from life. destructive enthusiasm like us to be the fate of people who can show everyone the original innocence. run leg, but in the long-distance race it is difficult to stop once again have the strength to run down. when their world is not the same, so they do not like it, even if not to pursue their own satisfaction, but also had to make their own wonderful. 我多希望你最后能实现你的梦想。不管你说的他说的这世界如何、这社会如何,我始终不怀疑生命的坚强。在每个生命里,都有对爱和梦想的渴望。快乐着的人,每一件事,每一个人身上,他都能发现能令自己欢悦的因素来,并让快乐扩张,鼓舞和影响了周围的人。

finally, i wish you can achieve your dreams. whatever you say what he said in this world, how this society, i still do not doubt a strong life. in every life, there is a desire for love and dreams. happy the man, every thing, every person who, he can find to make their own joy of factors, and so happy expansion, inspire and influence the people around them. 你我之间的离别,不是你走我也走。不是你留下了眼泪而我也是。你渐渐的离去,我无声的流泪。你对我说的话我没忘,我们的誓言我没忘,但你把一切都悄悄的忘记。

parting between you and me, not you go i go. not your tears and i was leaving. gradually you leave me silent tears. you told me that if i did not forget, i did not forget our oath, but you forget everything quietly. 我们都还年轻,多走几步路,多欣赏下沿途的风景,不要急于抵达目的地而错过了流年里温暖的人和物;趁我们都还年轻,多说些浪漫的话语,多做些幼稚的事情,不要嫌人笑话错过了生命中最美好的片段和场合;趁我们都还年轻,把距离缩短,把时间延长。趁我们都还年轻,多做些我们想要做的任何事。

we are still young, walk a few steps, and more to enjoy the scenery along the way under, do not rush to reach their destination and missed the fleeting warmth of the people and things; while we are still young, romantic words to say more, do more childish things, do not joke too missed life in the best clips and occasions; while we are still young, to shorten the distance, the time extension. while we are still young, and more to do anything we want to do. 曾经很浪漫过,两个人可以在冬天的风下疯狂,在夏天的雨下漫步,即使当初的恋人已经远去但恋爱时的浪漫情节依然在你的心里埋藏,这不也是一件很快乐的事情吗? had been very romantic, two people can wind down in the winter madness, stroll in the summer rain, even if the original lover has gone but the romance is still in love when buried in your heart, which is not also a very happy thing? 真正的友谊不是形影不离,而是隔得再远,情意却不变。人生,有多少计较,就有多少痛苦;不要渴望所有的人都懂你,看透你的心思,生活中有很多无言以对的时刻,无论是你爱的人,还是爱你的人,我们都以自己喜欢的方式存在着。

true friendship is not inseparable, but separate them from further away, but the same affection. life, regardless of how much, how much pain there; not all of them eager to know everything you see through your mind, life there are many speechless moments, whether you love the person, or people who love you, and we all the way to their favorite there. 有些好,接受就好了,寻根究底、痛苦的只会是自己。人活在世上,太过聪明,并不会幸福。得过且过、将错就错未尝不是一种明智。总在快乐的时候,感到微微的惶恐。在开怀大笑时,流下感动的泪水。我无法相信单纯的幸福。对人生的起伏悲喜,既坦然,又不安。

some good, accepted like, get to the bottom, the pain will only be myself. people living in the world, too smart, and will not be happy. and just the wrong might be a good idea. always happy, feeling slightly terrified. when laugh, shed moved to tears. i can not believe that a simple happiness. sorrows and joys of the ups and downs of life, both calm, but uneasy. 嫁的那个人不一定要会蜜语,但一定要有好的脾气;那个人不一定要帅气多金,但一定要有聪明的头脑和上进心;那个人一定要霸道些,会对你说你是我的,我不许别人走近你;那个人一定会在过马路时牵你的手,对你说要跟我走;那个人一定会在你累时伸出手,心疼的说抱抱。

marry that person does not have to be sweet, but it must be a good temper; that person does not have to cool more than gold, but there must be a clever mind and self-motivated; that person must be handed some, would you say you is mine, i will not have someone come to you; that person will hold your hand when crossing the street, told you to go with me; that person must be at hand when you re tired, distressed said hug. 真正的遗忘就是在多年以后,不小心提及你,仿佛是在说着别人的故事。爱情里,我们都是没有安全感的人,因为太在意,我们都害怕失去。请不要说我变了,因为我没变,只不过懂得了,别人怎样对我,我就该怎样去对待别人。

oblivion is true many years later, mention you are not careful, as if saying someone else s story. love, we are all insecure people, because too concerned, we are afraid to lose. please do not say i ve changed, because i have not changed, but understand, others do to me, i should how to treat others. 我避开无事时过分热络的友谊,这使我少些负担和承诺。我不多说无谓的闲言,这使我觉得清畅。我尽可能不去缅怀往事,因为来时的路不可能回头。爱哭的时候变哭,想笑的时候变笑,只要这一切处于自然。我不求深刻,只求简单。

i avoid overly warm friendship no matter when, it makes me less burden and commitment. i will not say unnecessary gossip, which makes me feel clean smooth. i tried not to cherish the memory of the past, as to when the road is impossible to turn back. cry cry, when changed, when i wanted to change laugh laugh, as long as everything in nature. i do not ask deep, just simple. 谁不是谁故事里的配角,等不到的暖意来不及跳槽,扼杀于别人怀抱里沉迷。萧萧秋意凉了半许,梦里,雪舞浅夜,撩拨起谁迫不及待想要逃亡的情意丝丝? the story of the protagonist who is not who can not wait too late to quit warmth, strangle indulge in the arms of others. rustling autumn cold half promise, dream, xue wu night light, spun from who can not wait to escape the slightest affection? 开始明白,没必要去羡慕那些不劳而获的人,也没必要去嫉妒那些身居高位的人。有些人,你永远没法比,也比不得,我们活着始终各有各的活法,各有各的造化,平凡有有平凡的幸福,特殊有特殊的烦恼。活着,只要能活、够活就好,何必计较那些生不带来死不带去的东西,苦了自己,还累了家人。

begin to understand, no need to envy those people something for nothing, there is no need to envy those who are in high positions. some people, you never immeasurably, than not, we always live each have their own living law, each have their own good fortune, there have extraordinary ordinary happiness, special special troubles. alive, as long as live, live enough like, why do we care that students do not bring refuses to bring something, his suffering, but also tired family. 夜很深也很能静,熟睡的人们都在梦中聆听着天籁之声,梦中有了温热,好像下雨了,翻转身又继续梦靥,满意的笑容挂在眼梢。开始细细的,继而密密的,屋檐下有了水滴,一点二点,然后是滴滴嗒嗒一片,春雨就这样在人们的不知中来到了您的身边。清晨,起早的人惊喜了,这如油的春驱去了寒冰冻雪,浇灌了四野八方,小草拱出了新芽,树枝挂满了绿点。好一场春雨,舒展了人们被冬压抑着的心田。

trust does not mean there is no misunderstanding, but always give the other party the opportunity to explain the misunderstanding. some personnel, will see the tangled, see the heartache. if one day, let your heart could no longer move you, let your anger could no longer irritate you and make you sad no longer make you cry, you will know that this time, this life gives you what you order grow, pay nothing. 我爱你,才会向你坦露心灵的全部世界,向你展示所有的喜怒悲欢;只有对你不曾设防;我爱你,才会和你耍些小脾气,无缘无故地离你远远的,其实我只想走进你炙热的怀抱听你的心跳;我爱你,所以我给了你伤害我的权利,只要我能忍受,我会一直陪伴着你,你不能伤害我太多,冷了,会淡漠,痛了,会松手;; i love you, will you candidly reveal to all the world of the mind, to show you all the joy, anger, sorrow and joy; only you never fortification; i love you, and you will be playing some small temper, far away from you for no reason in fact, i just want to walk into your hot embrace listen to your heart; i love you, so i gave you the right to hurt me, as long as i can stand, i will always accompany you, you can not hurt me too much, cold, will be indifferent, pain, and will let go;; 如果有一天,你的好朋友背弃了你,对你恶语相加各种攻击,请保持冷静,不必伤心。因为最好的朋友兜兜转转,总会回到你身边,把酒言欢,不说抱歉。而那些就此错失的人,恰恰是你的幸运,他让你懂得友谊本来的面目。我们都没那么美好,在一起是因为愿意彼此宽容。反之,再见永不见。

if one day, your best friend betrayed you, you sparring against various attacks, please stay calm, do not hurt. because the best friend going around in circles, always coming back to you, drink and a laugh, do not say sorry. those who missed this, just be your lucky, he would let you know the original face friendship. we did not so beautiful, forgiving one another together because willing. conversely, goodbye and never see. 有些人会一直刻在记忆里的,即使忘记了他的声音,忘记了他的笑容,忘记了他的脸,但是每当想起他时的那种感受,是永远都不会改变的? some people will always be engraved in memory, even forgetting his voice, forget his smile, forget his face, but whenever i think of the kind of feeling when he is never changed? 多年后你也可以一个人旅行,没有想象中孤寂,你一样可以放心吃喝,和陌生人结缘,嬉笑打闹,看风景辽阔,山还是山,水也还是水,没有因为你的悲伤溃不成军,更没有因为你的放不下就失去意义。你终会明白,失望是一副有色眼镜,那些年让你迷途的,不过是你自己不切实际的期盼罢了。

after years of a person traveling you can not imagine the loneliness, like you can rest assured that eat and drink, and strangers soon, frolicking, look at the scenery is vast, the same mountains, the water is still water, not because of your sadness defeated, and more no because you can not let go would be meaningless. you will eventually understand that disappointment is a colored glasses, so that you lost those years, but it is your own unrealistic expectations bale. 好听的浪漫爱情英文句子说说心情短语唯美带翻译简短精选二: 1the most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained. 无声无息的离开最伤人。

2don t let your dreams just be dreams. 别让你的梦想只是梦想。

3make me sad makes me happy you are you. 令我伤心令我快乐的都是你。

4beginning from today no longer love you. 今天开始不再爱你。

5someone makes me comfortable, so i want to rely on him; while another one makes me feel lonely, so i want to embrace him. 有一个人让我觉得很安心,所以想要依靠他,而另一个人让我觉得很孤单,所以想要拥抱他。

6i love you for my life past. 我爱你,爱了整整一个曾经。

7three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. 生活中的快乐三要素:有事做,有热爱,有梦想。

8i wonder who is scared to lose me. 我想知道谁会害怕失去我。

9not pretend to be silent but have no strength to complain. 不是假装沉默,只是无力诉说。

10you miss 100% of the shots you never take. 不试,100%没希望。

11when the mood is fallen, only thought is to abandon all. 当心情跌落谷底的时候,唯一的念头就是放弃所有。

12let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions be louder than your words. 让梦想超越恐惧,让行动胜过言辞。

13when the memories hit you, it hurts. 当回忆袭来,真的很痛。

14i am standing in front of mood and predicting the next thing will happen to me. 我站在喜怒哀乐面前我下一个画面。

15smile while you still have teeth. 笑吧趁现在还有牙齿。

16love is a game that two can play and both win. 爱是两个人玩的双赢游戏。

17the most easily broken thing in the world is the man s wine glass, politician s promise, girls dream, steel wire-like love, the virtuousof modern society and the holy heart. 这个世界最易碎的就是男人的酒杯,政客的,少女的梦想,钢丝上的爱情,现代社会的善良和高贵的心。

18we were born and raised in a summer haze.only yesterday,was the time of our lives. 我们的爱在夏日的薄雾中萌芽,只有昨天,才是我们最珍贵的回忆。

19i wish u would stay. 我只是希望你能一直在这里。

20one thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning. 一次痛彻心扉的经历,抵得上千百次的告诫。

21your world did not if i was clean. 你的世界没了我是不是清净了许多。

22enjoy warm in time. i forget blooms in the internal. 我在时光里享受温暖,我在流年里忘记花开。

23can you give me a hug? 你可以给我个拥抱吗? 24mad laughter follows the drought of tears. 透支了眼泪,我们便会没心没肺的笑。

25we become the most familiar strangers. 我们变成了最熟悉的陌生人。

26i will always love, even though public opinion into the sea. 我会一直爱,纵使舆论成海。

27love makes people brave and crazy. 爱情让人们勇敢甚至是疯狂。

28i will cherish every good to me. 会珍惜身边每一个对我好的人。

29any unhappy is a waste of time. 任何不快乐的时光都是浪费。

30we will easily get happiness only if we have a confused life. 要活得糊涂,才容易幸福。

31a boy can do everythings for girl. 每个男孩可以为一个女孩做任何事情。

32there is only one happiness in life to love and be loved. 生命里只有一种幸福:爱与被爱。

33who waits for time loses time. 等待时机,就会失去时机。

34among those people that appear in our life, some are to teach us, some to comfortus, some to share and some to love. 在我们生命中出现的人,一些给我们上课,一些让我们痊愈,有的用来分担分享,有的用来真爱。

35and when you are gone, i will destroy everything you ever loved. 等你死后,我会毁掉你所爱的一切。

36like sunlight, sunset, we appear, we disappear. we are so important to some, but we are just passing through. 像日出日落,出现也罢,消失也罢,就算对某些人至关重要,我们依旧是匆匆过客。

37the net closely, but buckle not forever. 十指紧扣,却扣不住天长地久。

38all lives end,all hearts are broken. 都会终结,徒留一颗破碎的心。

39love your heart pain. 心疼你的心疼。

40do not say you love me, unless you really mean it. 请不要轻易说爱我,除非你是认真的。

41his wordes warmed her heart. 他的话温暖了她的心。

42sometimes the best thing to say is nothing. 有时候,什么也不说是最好的。

43smiling doesn t always mean you re happy. sometimes, it simply means that you are a strong person. 笑不意味着你就开心。有时候你笑只是想表现出你是个坚强的人。

44give me a future of you and me. 我一个未来,有你有我。

45you are my only one. 你是我今生的唯一。

46let i have been watching over him until the end of life. 我一直守护着他,直到生命结束。

47listen to my heart. 听我的心跳。

48to love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. 爱自己是终身浪漫的开始。

49i like you, and i really do. one day i will make you mine. 我喜欢你,我是真心的,总有一天我会拥有你。

50yesterday is today s memory, tomorrow is today s dream. 昨天是今天的回忆,明天是今天的梦。

51time always too long, long to palpitate. 岁月总是太长,长到心慌。

52life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. 生活不是一个需要解决的问题,而是一种需要经历的事实。

53many of life s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. 我们生活中的许多失败,是因为人们在放弃的时候没有认识到他们距离成功有多么近。

54the value of life lies not length of days, but in the use of we make of them. 生命的价值不在于能活多少天,而在于我们如何利用这些曰子。

55you never get a second chance to make a first impression. 永远没有第二次机会,给人留下第一印象。

56to you unexpected persistence. 对你出乎意料的执着。

57one who frequently looks back can nit go far. 一个频频回头的人,是走不了远路的。

58the time that you are my most fatal. 时光深知你是我最致命的爱人。

59greif sous le soleil, qui peut lire? 太阳光下的悲伤,谁能读懂? 60i will be with you till the end. 我会陪你走到最后。

61put aside all facing the misunderstanding to keep cool. 抛开所有面对误解保持冷静。

62life, always coming up with and leave, miss is not a fault, i have missed, just let go.people should be like a tree, stand is a beautiful scenery, the backbone of the down is a high-quality. 生,总是写满了走来与离开,错过不是过错,既已错过,干脆放过。人应如树,站着是一道美丽的风景,倒了是一个优质的栋梁。

63you must know, in my world, you are the king. 你必须知道,在我的世界,你是我的王。

64i love a man should not love. 我爱着一个不该爱的人。

65each youth will be old. 每段青春都会苍老。

66no one knows when i am not happy. 不开心的时候,根本没有人知道。

67i get really fed the dog. 我拿真心喂过狗。

68you are the warm light, you will shine. 你是暧光,你会发光。

69if through time, through love. 若看透时光看透爱。

70to love for the sake of being loved is human,but to love for the sake of loving is angelic. 以爱还爱的是人性,但为爱而爱的是神性。

71all sad past, when time is slowly precipitation, you will find your own happiness is much larger than expected. 有的忧伤都是过往,当时间慢慢沉淀,你会发现,自己的快乐比的多得多。

72miracle, is not on the way to easy to bloom.perhaps, in all, there is no behind trying to choose, there will be not seen, not design the unknown. 奇迹,是不会在容易的道路上绽放的。也许,在所有不被看好,无人尝试的背后,会有不曾见到的可能,不曾设计的未知。

73i really love the people that i really hurt. 我真心心疼的人让我真心的疼。

74ever of lover, now the passers-by. 经的恋人,如今的人。

75within you i lose myself, without you i find myself wanting to be lost again. 有了你,我迷失了自我。

76the way of the life is to walk on your own, no matter how to choose, as long as it is your own choice, there is no right and wrong, more do not need to regret. 人生的路那是要靠自己行走,无论如何选择,只要是自己的选择,就不存在对错更无须后悔。

77do what you want to do. 你想做的事。

78i was so luck have you. 如此幸运有你。

79wise man have their mouths in their hearts, fools have their hearts in their mouths. 智者嘴在心里,愚者心在嘴里。

80all that you do, do with your might; things done by halves are never done right. 做一切事情都应尽力而为,半途而废永远不行。

81i want to rely on and you are not. 想依赖而你却都不在。

82nothing in life is despair, a series of disaster will be can t withstand the sunshine nightmare, to be bumpy.life is the dojo, alive is a kind of practice. 生活中没有绝境,一场场灾难都必将是经不起阳光的噩梦,经不起颠簸的泡影。人生就是道场,活着就是一种修行。

83love is an act of endleforgiveness, a tender look which becomes being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, loving someone deeply gives you courage. 被爱给你力量,爱人给你。

84i just miss once, but forget that we have not had their own. 我只是怀念曾经,却忘记了我们都已不是曾经的。

85for you, i can put aside all the. 为了你,我可以放下所有。

86i am the proud queen. 是高傲的女王。

87what you are doing now reflets how you will live in the future. 现在怎么做代表着你以后怎么活。

88if you could rewind your time, would you change your life? 如果可以倒流,你会重新选择你的生活么? 89the people heart is too crowded. 人心太拥挤。

90rampant spread of those wanton in the night. 那些放肆的猖狂的蔓延在黑夜里。

91look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. 看看我的眼睛,你会你对我而言意味着什么。

92if equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me. 如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。

93time cut scar is called growth. 时间划破的伤疤叫做。

94the girl who loves laughing, do not let her cry. 笑的女孩,别让她哭。

95i miss you but i miss you. 我想你,但是我错过了你。

96eventually forgotten by the merciless lost his. 最终还是被无情的遗忘,迷失了自己。

97i miss you but l miss you. 我想你, 但是我错过了你。

98we already walked too far down to we had forgotten why embarked. 我们已经走得太远,以至于忘记了。

991you are in my heart. 你在我心里。

100all the deep love is secret. 所有的深爱都是秘密。




look up and smile, conceal the heart of that desolate.


life is too short, must be sexy.


the destination goes back to the origin to enjoy the endless road..


经典爱情英文说说| 经典爱情英文说说经典爱情英文说说2017-05-08 14:01 | 作者: | 散文吧首发相关话题because you are too good and i can t honestly say i love you. 只因你太美好而令我无法坦白说出我爱你。这句经典爱情英文说说是不是很让你感动呢?那么还有哪些经典爱情英文说说呢?下面是小编整理的经典爱情英文说说,希望大家喜欢!

经典爱情英文说说推荐1) 缺席了你的从前,却不想缺席你的未来。

missing you once upon a time, but don t want to miss your future.

2) 我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。

i the short-time tenderness, as long as you life-long companion.

3) 因为知道不能没有你,所以我会更珍惜。

because you know that we can not live without you, so i ll be more cherish it.

4) 在茫茫人海中行走,像鱼一样不能回头。

walking in the boundless huge crowd, like a fish cannot turn back.

5) 爱一个人很难,放弃自己心爱的人更难。

love a person is difficult, give up his beloved people more difficult.

6) 愿天上的每一个流星,都为你而闪耀天际。

let the sky every meteor, shining and the sky for you.

7) 思念可以让你流泪,思念也可以让人含笑。

missing is can make you cry, also can let a person with a smile.

8) 把手放开,不是不爱,而是把爱藏在心中。

open up, not don t love, but hide love in heart.

9) 承诺再多,做不到,那也只不过还是谎言。

promise more, can t do, that also is just a lie.

10) 只因你太美好,令我无法坦白说出我爱你。

because you are too good, i can t honestly say i love you.

经典爱情英文说说最新1) 催泪的叮咛,温柔的神情,却又让我动情。

one tear, gentle expression, but let me emotional.

2) 每天我的动力就是见到你,并和你说说话。

my power is to see you every day and talk with you.

3) 你就是我最困难时的那位永远支持我的人。

you are my most difficult when the person who always support me.

4) 老婆,我一生最幸福的事情就是我娶了你。

wife, my life the most happy thing is i married you.

5) 只要你一直在我身边,其他东西不再重要。

as long as you are always by my side, other thing no longer important.

6) 建筑在别人痛苦上的幸福不是真正的幸福。

building on others pain of happiness is not real happiness.

7) 只因你太美好而令我无法坦白说出我爱你。

because you are too good and i can t honestly say i love you.

8) 我绕了整个地球。只为找到你。别无所求。

i circle the entire earth. just to find you. don t ask for.

9) 和寂寞对话,只是不愿意相信你已经离开。

and lonely dialogue, just don t want to believe you have left.

10) 每个人有自己的宿命,一切又与他人何干。

everyone has their own destiny, and all others gan.

经典爱情英文说说大全1) 因为思念,月亮被注入了人类浓郁的情感。

miss, because the moon was injected with human emotions.

2) 爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。

love makes people forget time, time makes people forget love.

3) 不知道,爱你,算不算是一个贴心的理由?

don t know, i love you, is a kind of reason?

4) 只有在思念的时候,孤独才显得特别美丽。

5) only in the miss, the loneliness is especially beautiful.


6) love is, let a person think, and then use a lifetime to forget.


people will always be old, i hope, you re still by my side.

7) 我愿意爱你,照顾你,保护你,一生一世。

i am willing to love you, take care of you, protect you, the rest of her life.

8) 不需言语,让我用行动告诉你,什么叫爱。

without words, and let me use the action to tell you, what is love.

my love, long borers, my love, out of order.

10) 有些人说不出哪里好,但就是谁都替代不了!

some people say a where good, but is who all don t replace!

11) 开始很美,过程很累,结局很悲,清醒很难。

start is very beautiful, process is very tired, end is very sad, awake is difficult.

12) 你是我生命中所能经历的,最最深切的感觉!

can experience, you are my life the most deep feeling!

13) 有时候,放弃爱情比抓住它需要更多的勇气。

sometimes, give up love than it requires more courage to seize it.

14) 他说爱你的时候,是无心之过,别轻易感动。

he said love you, is not intentional of, don t easily moved.

15) 旧城里看不见阳光,你和我一个梦长得好像。

in the old city can t see the sun, you and me looks just a dream.

16) 不晓得如何爱你,看着你,是我唯一的方式。

don t know how to love you, look at you, is my only way.

17) 青青子衿,悠悠我心;但为君故,思念至今。

qingqing child class, leisurely my heart; but for you so, missing ever since.

18) 只有你知我的情绪,也只有你能带给我情绪。

only you know my mood, only you can also bring my mood.

19) 在每一个有你相伴的夜,不再过于寂寥冷清。

in every night have you accompany, no longer lonely too cold and cheerless.

20) 只要和你一起,我不管要付出怎样大的代价。

as long as together with you, i no matter how big price to pay.

21) 除了爱你。我想不出能使我继续活著的理由。

in addition to love you. i can t think of to make me a reason to continue to live.

22) 无论相隔多遥远,对你思念的心,永不停歇。

no matter how far apart, for you the yearning heart, never stop.

23) 爱情是风花雪月的事,失意的人是玩不起的。

love is sentimental, frustrated people can t afford to play.

24) 当你决定不再在乎的时候,生活就好起来了。

when you decided to no longer care about, life is good.

25) 你的名字写满在我心里。就让我永远爱你吧!

your name in my heart. let i love you forever!

26) 我爱你用我旧愁里的热情和孩童时代的忠诚。

i love you with my enthusiasm and loyalty in his childhood in the old sorrow.

27) 你有地图么?因为我刚在你的眼神中迷失了。

do you have a map? because i just lost in your eyes.

28) 除了爱你,我想不出能使我继续活着的理由。

in addition to love you, i can t think of can make me a reason to continue to live.

29) 你所知道的不要全说,你所听到的不要全信。

you don t tell all you know, don t believe all you hear.

30) 对于你,我始终只能以陌生人的身份去怀念。

for you, i always can only be as a stranger to miss.

31) 梦已逝,心已碎,留下只是在为离开做准备。

the dream is gone, the heart has been broken, leaving just in preparing to leave.

32) 我的爱人是我爱的人,爱我的人是我爱的人!

my lover is the person i love, love me the person is the person i love!

33) 爱情,是自身的圆满,我不再缺少些甚么了。

love, is own complete, i no longer lack some what.

34) 喜欢的歌,静静地听,喜欢的人,远远地看!

like the song, listen, of the person you like, watching from a distance!

35) 你的名字写满在我心里,就让我永远爱你吧!

your name in my heart, let i love you forever!

36) 不论怎么说,思念都是一笔巨大的精神财富。

no matter how to say, missing is a great spiritual wealth.

37) 如果流年开出一朵花,我的思念会不会结果。

if we open a flower, my thoughts will result.

38) 爱是藏不住的,闭上嘴巴,眼睛也会说出来。

love is hid, shut your mouth, eyes also will say it.

39) 好好照顾自己,我不想等到下辈子再来爱你。

take good care of yourself, i don t want to wait until the next life to love you again.

40) 所谓的假如,所谓的如果,也只是自欺欺人!

if, if, also just deluding themselves!


