K12配套2017 - 2018学年高中英语Unit1WomenofachievementSectionWarmingUp

发布时间:2019-04-24 04:07:37   来源:文档文库   

Unit 1 Women of achievement

Section  Warming Up & Reading—Language Points


1The woman scientists was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics for those great achievements (achieve) made by her.

2It is generally believed that there is connection (connect) between smoking and lung cancer.

3International Committee of the Red Cross is one of the biggest international organizations (organize) in the world.

4The little boy's bad behaviour/behavior (behave) at the party made his parents upset.

5With our teacher supporting (support) us, we feel quite encouraged.

6Many young people went to the center for happiness and entertainment (entertain)

7She is so stubborn and once she makes up her mind, she will refuse to change it.

8The teenager from the United States was widely respected (respect) for what she had done.

9Inspired (inspire) by her examplemany young people are determined to work as astronauts.

10We are planning a campaign against smoking in public places.


Women have been making scientific discoveries since ancient times. Twelve women have won the Nobel Prize for Science, one of the highest honors in the world. Some women scientists never married, some worked with their husbands, and others raised large families. It has been difficult for women to be successful scientists.

In the early 1800s in England, Mary Anning became one of the first women recognized for her discoveries about the ancient history of the earth. Mary and her father collected fossils(化石) in their village on the south coast of Great Britain. Fossils are parts of plants or animals that have been saved in rocks for millions of years.

When she was only twelve years old, Mary became the first person to find the almost complete skeletons (骨架) of several animals that no longer existed on the earth. She didn't become famous for her discoveries at that time because she often sold her fossils to get money to support her family.

In 1891, a young Polish woman named Marie Sklodowska traveled to Paris to study physics. She did so because she could not get a college education in Poland. She began working in the laboratory of a man named Pierre Curie. Marie and Pierre Curie got married and made many discoveries together. They received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 along with another scientist. Marie Curie became the first person to be awarded a second Nobel Prize in 1911, this time for Chemistry. Marie Curie was one of the few women at the time who became famous as a scientist.

【文章大意】 自古代以来女性就在科学领域做出了巨大发现,并获得了诺贝尔奖,让我们了解其中的一部分吧。

1The author believes that women scientists ________.

Ahave more opportunities to become successful

Bcan not get the highest honors in the world

Cgo through difficulties to be successful

Dhad better pay more attention to their families

解析:C 细节理解题。由第一段最后一句It has been difficult for women to be successful scientists.可知。

2Mary Anning was one of the first women to ________.

Awin the Nobel Prize for Science after getting married

Bmake achievements in the study of ancient earth

Cresearch animals and their bones

Dstudy the mystery of all kinds of plants

解析:B 细节理解题。由第二段...for her discoveries about the ancient history of the earth可知。

3What can we learn about Marie Sklodowska?

AShe studied physics in Poland and got a college education.

BShe received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 on her own.

CShe only got one Nobel Prize during her lifetime.

DShe made many discoveries after she got married.

解析:D 推理判断题。由最后一段Marie and Pierre Curie got married and made many discoveries together.可知。

4What's the passage mainly about?

AAncient discoveries.

BWomen scientists.

CSuccessful marriages.

DDifferent prizes.

解析:B 主旨大意题。由主题段落第一段可知,作者主要讲述成功的女科学家的事迹,在后文中的例子也有体现。


Leaning (斜靠) against the wall, I looked around at all the students in the classroom. They were laughing and chatting, __1__ I wasn't a part of them. Instead, I stood by myself, __2__. This happened every single time I went to the school.

Being shy, I had __3__ in starting conversations. But even when I tried __4__ others, it seemed that no one really wanted to __5__ me. After all, I was a __6__ kid who had been in the area less than a year. Thus, no one seemed __7__ to include anybody new in their group. I kept __8__ on weekdays, even though I knew how my __9__ in school was. There seemed to be no way I could really be __10__ into any group.

Just when I was almost ready to __11__ going to school, my family moved again. As we drove across the country, I prayed that I could get over my __12__ about joining a new group. I really wanted to try to find some place to fit in, but I was so afraid of being __13__ another time.

After we moved into the new community, I found everyone here seemed __14__ enough. But what about the __15__ I wondered. There were butterflies in my stomach as I walked into my classroom. I didn't want this to be another __16__. Leaning against the wall, I looked around at the __17__. But this time it didn't take long before a girl walked over to where I __18__. Hey! Nice to meet you! I am Anna”she told me her name and then __19__ introduced me to several of her friends. Then I was __20__ by a group of girls, laughing and chatting like everyone else in the classroom.

【文章大意】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者内向害羞,不知道如何与别人交谈,在一个小女孩的帮助下,她克服了交往恐惧症。

1A.but         Bso

Cas Dor

解析:A 根据上下文语境可知,同学们又说又笑,但是我却不在他们之列。

2A.unmentioned Buntold

Cunnoticed Dunexpected

解析:C 根据上文可知,我自己一个人站在那儿,没人注意到我

3A.interest Bdifficulty

Ctalent Dconfidence

解析:B 根据上文的Being shy可知,由于害羞,我不知道怎么开始与别人交谈。have difficulty in doing sth.意为做某事有困难

4A.learning from Bcaring for

Carguing with Dtalking to

解析:D 根据上文的starting conversations可知,这里指作者尝试与别人交谈

5A.join Bimpress

Cknow Dprotect

解析:C 似乎没人真正想了解我。

6A.naughty Blazy

Cbad Dnew

解析:D 根据下文的who had been in the area less than a year可知,毕竟我是一位生。

7A.surprised Bwilling

Csorry Dangry

解析:B 我来这个地方不到一年,所以似乎没人愿意让一个新来的人成为他们群体的一部分。

8A.coming Bcomparing

Cfighting Dcomplaining

解析:A 根据下文的even though可知,但是我平时继续学校,即使我知道我在学校的生活是什么样的。

9A.competition Bjob

Clife Dactivity

解析:C 但是我平时继续来学校,即使我知道我在学校的生活是什么样的。

10A.put Blisted

Cattracted Daccepted

解析:D 似乎没有什么方法可以让这个群体接受我。

11A.look forward to Bput up with

Cgive up on Dbreak away from

解析:C 就在我几乎准备放弃去上学的时候,我们家又搬家了。give up on doing sth.意为……不再抱有希望

12A.fears Bhabits

Cdreams Dideas

解析:A 根据上文语境可知,我祈祷自己可以克服进入新环境的恐惧感

13A.recognized Bhurt

Cdisturbed Dcontrolled

解析:B 我真的想尝试适应环境,但是我又害怕再一次被伤害

14A.honest Bbrave

Cpatient Dfriendly

解析:D 搬到新社区后,我发现这里的每个人似乎很友好

15A.school Blibrary

Cwall Dfamily

解析:A 根据上下文内容可知,我心想:那学校呢?意思是指学校是否和社区一样人们都很友好。

16A.case Bchoice

Caccident Ddisappointment

解析:D 根据上下文可知,我不想这次又失望

17A.friends Bteachers

Cstudents Drelatives

解析:C 根据文章首句可知,靠着墙,我看着这些学生

18A.sat Bstood

Cjumped Dworked

解析:B 根据上文的Leaning against the wall可知,作者当时是站着的。一个女孩走到我站着的地方。

19A.warmly Bskillfully

Crudely Dwisely

解析:A 这个女孩介绍了她自己并热情地把我介绍给了她的几个朋友。

20A.punished Bsurrounded

Chelped Dpraised

解析:B 很快。我被一群女孩包围了,我们像班里的其他人一样一起又说又笑。


When my cousin comes to stay in the holidays she share my room. Last summer I thought I'd given her a surprise and decorate it before she came. Firstly, I had to clear it up and that took ages. In fact, I was such tired that I had to have a rest before go to the shop to buy the paint. I couldn't decide whether choose green or blue but in the end I chose blue. Then I realize I couldn't carry all the paint I'd bought for so my mom had to come to pick me up. Finally I only had a day to get it all do. I continued painting nearly all nights. The annoyed thing was that my cousin didn't even notice when she arrived.


When my cousin comes to stay in the holidays she shar my room. Last summer I thought I'd give her a surprise and decorate it before she came. Firstly, I had to clear it up and that took ages. In fact, I was suc tired that I had to have a rest before g to the shop to buy the paint. I couldn't decide whether choose green or blue but in the end I chose blue. Then I realiz I couldn't carry all the paint I'd bought so my mom had to come to pick me up. Finally I only had a day to get it all d. I continued painting nearly all night. The annoye thing was that my cousin didn't even notice when she arrived.


《K12配套2017 - 2018学年高中英语Unit1WomenofachievementSectionWarmingUp.doc》
