[创新设计]高考英语一轮复习提能训练 必修4 Module4(附解析) 外研版

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【外研版创新设计】2011高考英语一轮复习提能训练Module 4 Great Scientists 能  


1Shes just had an article p________in their weekend supplement(增刊)

2He g________from Harvard University.

3The president made a p________appearance at the event.

4Ill s________you whatever happens.

5China can e________colour TV sets to other countries.

6You should________(教育)your children to behave well.

7This is an important military________(突破)

8This book was________(出版)ten years ago.

9She is the________(主要的)lady in this play.

10Go________(直地)along the street.

答案:1.published 2.graduated 3.personal 4.support 5.export 6.educate 7.breakthrough 8.published 9.leading 10.straight


1Education shouldnt be measured purely________examination results.

  Awith Bto Cby Din

解析:句意:教育不应该仅仅以考试成绩去衡量。考查be measured by...结构,故答案是C


2More than a dozen students in that school________abroad to study medicine last year.

Asent Bwere sent Chad sent Dhad been sent

解析:考查动词的被动语态和时态。因为句中有last year所以用一般过去时,又因studentssend abroad之间是被动关系,故选B


3This washing machine is environmentally friendly because it uses________water and electricity than________models.

Alessolder Blesselder Cfewerolder Dfewerelder



4About________of the workers in that factory are young people.

Asecond­thirds Btwo­threes Ctwo­thirds Dtwo­third



5—Did you take enough money with you?

—NoI needed________I thought I would.

Anot so much as Bas much as Cmuch more than Dmuch less than



6The moment the 29th Olympic Games________openthe whole world cheered.

Adeclared Bhave been declared Chave declared Dwere declared

解析:句意:二十八届奥运会被宣布开幕的那一刻全世界都为此而欢呼。the momentas soon as,引导时间状语从句,用一般过去时,故答案是D


7You cant________the fact that there are many difficulties before you.

Aescape Bescape from Cflee Dflee from



8They are________the lost child in the woods.

Asearching Bsearching for Csearch of Dsearching through






2他通过教书谋生(make a living)








答案:1.The three brothers soon escaped from their captors.

2He made a living by teaching.

3What do you mean by saying that?

4Mr Wang spoke in support of the proposal.

5The masses put the Labor Party into power.


In the city of FujisawaJapanlives a woman named Atsuko Saeki.When she was a teenagershe__1__of going to the United States.Most of what she knew about American__2__was from the textbooks she had read.I had a__3__in mindDaddy watching TV in the living roomMummy__4__cakes and their teenage daughter off to the cinema with her boyfriend.

Atsuko__5__to attend college in California.When she arrivedhowevershe found it was not her__6__world.People were struggling with problems and often seemed__7__she said.I felt very alone.

One of her hardest__8__was physical education.We played volleyballshe said.The other students were__9__itbut I wasnt.

One afternoonthe instructor asked Atsuko to__10__the ball to her teammates so they could knock it__11__the net.No problem for most peoplebut it terrified Atsuko.She was afraid of losing face__12__she failed.

A young man on her team__13__what she was going through.He walked up to me and__14__Come on.You can do that.

You will never understand how those words of__15__made me feel...Four wordsYou can do that.I felt like crying with happiness.

She made it through the class.Perhaps she thanked the young manshe is not__16__.

Six years have passed.Atsuko is back in Japanworking as a salesclerk.I have__17__forgotten the wordsshe said.When things are not going so wellI think of them.

She is sure the young man had no idea how much his kindness__18__to her.He probably doesnt even remember itshe said.That may be the lesson.Whenever you say something to a person—cruel or kind—you have no idea how long the words will__19__.Shes all the way over in Japanbut still she hears those four__20__wordsYou can do that.

1A.learned Bspoke Cdreamed Dheard

解析dream of意为梦想,表示她在年轻时梦想去美国。learn of意为听到,获悉speak of意为说到,谈到hear of意为听说


2A.way Blife Ceducation Dspirit



3A.photo Bpainting Cpicture Ddrawing



4A.baking Bfrying Csteaming Dboiling

解析bake意为烘,焙,烤,指在热的表面上慢慢地烘焙。bake cakes表示烤制蛋糕fry意为用油煎,用油炸、炒,指用油煎鱼或炒菜。steam意为,指用蒸汽蒸饭。boil意为,指用水煮食物。


5A.hoped Barranged Cliked Dattempted

解析arrange意为准备,安排,指为某事作好准备和安排。根据下文所提供的情景When she arrived可判断出Atsuko准备去加利福尼亚上大学。hope意为希望like 意为喜欢,愿意attempt意为企图,都与下文的内容不相符合。


6A.described Bimagined Ccreated Ddiscovered

解析imagine意为想像,设想;猜想,推测,上文讲到I had a picture in mindDaddy watching TV in the living roomMummy baking cakes and their teenage daughter off to the cinema with her boyfriend.因此可判断出实际的情况与她想像的不一样。describe意为描述create意为创作,创造discover意为发现


7A.tense Bcheerful Crelaxed Ddeserted

解析tense意为紧张的,上文中的People were struggling with problems说明,由于尽力解决问题,他们似乎经常处于紧张状况。cheerful意为高兴的;兴致勃勃的;欢乐的;快活的;爽快的relaxed意为放松的deserted意为被放弃的


8A.times Bquestions Cclasses Dprojects

解析class意为课程,根据其表语physical education可判断出她最困难的课程是体育。time意为时间question意为问题project意为工程、项目


9A.curious about Bgood at Cslow at Dnervous about

解析be good at意为擅长于,指善于做某事。but是并列连词,表示转折和对比,从but I wasnt可以看出:其他同学擅长于打排球,而Atsuko却在这方面存在困难。be curious about意为……好奇be slow at意为……迟钝be nervous about意为……感到紧张


10A.kick Bpass Ccarry Dhit

解析hit意为打,击hit the ball表示用手击球。上文中的We played volleyball表明他们在打排球,所以要用手击球。kick the ball意为踢球pass the ball意为传球carry the ball意为带球,都不符合打排球的比赛规则。


11A.through Binto Cover Dpast



12A.after Bif Cbecause Duntil



13A.believed Bconsidered Cwondered Dsensed



14A.warned Bsighed Cordered Dwhispered

解析whisper意为低语;耳语,指低声地对某人说话、讲话。因为这位年轻人觉察出Atsuko害怕在人们面前丢脸的心理状态,所以他用Come on.You can do that.这样的话语鼓励她,而在许多人面前,他只能低声地对她说。warn意为警告sigh意为叹息order意为命令


15.A.excitement Bencouragement Cpersuasion Dsuggestion

解析encouragement意为鼓励Come on.You can do that.意为加油,你能行,是鼓励人们努力的话语。excitement意为激动persuasion意为说服,劝导suggestion意为建议


16A.interested Bdoubtful Cpuzzled Dsure

解析sure意为深信,确信。上文讲述了在一次排球比赛中,一位年轻人鼓励Atsuko努力去做,You can do that.使她增强了信心,体育课程取得了好成绩。所以这里讲到她或许应该谢谢这个年轻人,但心中没有把握,不知道该不该这样做。interested意为感兴趣doubtful意为怀疑的puzzled意为感到迷惑不解的


17A.never Balready Cseldom Dalmost

解析never意为从不,根据下文中的When things are not going so wellI think of them.可判断出Atsuko没有忘记那位年轻人所说的话。already意为已经seldom意为不常;很少;难得……”almost意为几乎


18A.happened Bapplied Cseemed Dmeant



19A.continue Bstay Cexist Dlive



20A.merciful Bbitter Csimple Deasy

解析simple意为简单的You can do that.只含有四个词,是一句简单的话。merciful意为仁慈的,温和的bitter意为辛苦的,悲惨的easy意为容易的


阅卷现场 (教师用书独具)



How I Turned to Be Optimistic(2009·北京卷A)

I began to grow up that winter night when my parents and I were returning from my aunts house, and my mother said that we might soon be leaving for America. We were on the bus then. I was crying, and some peopleon the bus were turning around to look at me. I remember that I could not bear the thought of never hearing again the radio program for school children to which I listened every morning.

I do not remember myself crying for this reason again. In fact, I think I cried very little when I was saying goodbye to my friends and relatives. When we were leaving I thought about all the places I was going to see—the strange and magical places I had known only from books and pictures. The country I was leaving never to come back was hardly in my head then.

The four years that followed taught me the importance of optimism, but the idea did not come to me at once. For the first two years in New York I was really lost—having to study in three schools as a result of family moves. I did not quite know what I was or what I should be. Mother remarried, and things became even more complex for me. Some time passed before my stepfather and I got used to each other. I was often sad, and saw no end to the hard times.

My responsibilities in the family increased a lot since I knew English better than everyone else at home. I wrote letters, filled out forms, translated at interviews with Immigration officers, took my grandparents to the doctor and translated there, and even discussed telephone bills with company representatives.

From my experiences I have learned one important rule: almost all common troubles eventually go away! Something good is certain to happen in the end when you do not give up, and just wait a little! I believe that my life will turn out all right, even though it will not be that easy.

56How did the author get to know America?

AFrom her relatives BFrom her mother

CFrom books and pictures DFrom radio programs

57Upon leaving for America the author felt ________.

Aconfused Bexcited Cworried Damazed

58For the first two years in New York, the author ________.

Aoften lost her way Bdid not think about her future

Cstudied in three different schools Dgot on well with her stepfather

59What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 4?

AShe worked as a translator BShe attended a lot of job interviews

CShe paid telephone bills for her family DShe helped her family with her English

60The author believes that ________.

Aher future will be free from troubles

Bit is difficult to learn to become patient

Cthere are more good things than bad things

Dgood things will happen if one keeps trying

【文章大意】 离开祖国远赴异乡前难以割舍对故乡的情怀可是那片陌生而又神奇的土地在召唤着一颗幼小的心异域风情曾让作者一度困惑但更增强了作者对美好生活的憧憬

56选择C细节理解题根据第二段后半部分中的...I had known only from books and pictures.可知作者只是在书本和图画中对美国有所了解






《[创新设计]高考英语一轮复习提能训练 必修4 Module4(附解析) 外研版.doc》
