An interesting thing in my life

发布时间:2013-08-13 09:31:13   来源:文档文库   



上周我和战友们去河里钓鱼。 那天天气很热,烈日当空,而这正是钓鱼的最好天气。

上好鱼饵后,我将钓线抛到水中央,耐心等待。尽管天气炎热,一心想钓到一条大鱼的想法让我顿觉凉爽。 我目不转睛地注视着浮漂。突然,我感觉到浮漂在轻微地移动。“肯定是鱼正在咬鱼饵!”我想,有点兴奋。渐渐地,浮漂移动得越来越快。 就在浮漂被拖着往下沉的时候,我用力迅速拉起钓竿!“多么大的一条鱼啊!”战友们看到我钓的大鱼感叹道。 看着那条被我钓上来的大鱼,我开心地笑了,心里充满了成就感。


An interesting thing in my life

When it comes to interesting things in my life, the first thing jumping into my mind is fishing.

Last week, my comrades and I went fishing in a river. It was a hot sunny day. The sun rising high in the sky, made it a perfect day for fishing.

After hooking the bait, I threw the fishing line into the river, waiting patiently. Hot as it was, the thought of catching a big fish made me feel a little cool. I focused on staring at the buoy. Suddenly, I perceived the buoy was moving slightly. “It must be a fish nibbling the bait!” I thought with excitement. Little by little, the movement of the buoy moved quicker and quicker. Just while the buoy was being dragged down, I drew my fishing rod fiercely and immediately! “What a big fish!” my comrades exclaimed when they saw the fish caught by me. Seeing the fish, I smiled broadly, my heart swelling with a sense of achievement.

For me, fishing is not only interesting but also helps to enhance my patience. I look forward to go fishing next time!


《An interesting thing in my life.doc》
