
发布时间:2019-02-25 15:49:21   来源:文档文库   


  overload overspeed, crisis.2、你让我让,路路通畅。
  you let me, lulu.3、遵守交规,善待生命。
  obey the traffic rules, treat life.4、人不斜穿,不车越线。
  people are not inclined to wear, don't cross the line.5、交岔路口,看清再走。
  fork in the road, see to walk again.6、以人为本,关爱生命。
  people-oriented, love life.7、客货混装,害人害己。
  passenger and cargo mixed, hurt yourself.8、车可修复,人无来生。
  car repair, a man without an afterlife.9、让道于人,安全于己。
  pass by, to safety.10、相会有缘,相让有礼。
  meet decree by destiny, with neither and polite.11、损人是祸,让人是福。
  roman is a curse, let a person is a blessing.12、超速行驶是抢占死亡线。
  speeding is a dying.13、开车不喝酒,酒后不开车。
  drive don't drink, don't drink and drive.14、手握方向盘,时刻想安全。
  holding the steering wheel, always want to safety.15、开车喝了酒,喜事变忧愁。
  drink and drive, positive change grief.16、但愿人长久,一路共平安。
  i wish people for a long time, all the way to a total peace.17、道路千万条,安全第一条。
  road ten million, safety first.18、安全行走的人才能走得远。
  safe walking man can go far.19、公路打晒粮,肇事悔断肠。
  highway to play bask in food the sorrow heartbroken.20、车行万里路,走好每一步。
  for public view, walk every step well.21、红灯无数次,生命只一次。
  red light countless times, life is only once.22、法规在心中,平安在手中。
  laws and regulations in the heart, peace in his hand.23、宁走千步远,不冒一步险。
  rather go thousand paces, don't risk a step.24、驾驶脖车行,代价血淋淋。
  bloody driving "neck auto and cost.25、保障交通安全,促进改革开放。
  safeguard the traffic safety, and promote the reform and opening up.
  enjoy access rights, security obligation.2、道路非比球场,不要合理冲撞。
  she is not a road stadium, not reasonable collisions.3、生命只有一次,平安伴君一生。
  life only have once, peace accompany you a lifetime.4、刮风下雨路滑,不要抢道回家。
  don't hog home windy rain is slippery.5、开车一心一意,做人仁心仁意。
  drive wholeheartedly, be an upright person kung benevolence.6、喝酒过多伤肝,酒后驾车要命。
  drinking too much hurt liver, drunk driving.7、穿马路越护栏,不守法是隐患。
  the fence, the road doesn't obey the law is a hidden trouble.8、遵守交通法规,关爱生命旅程。
  obey the traffic rules and regulations, and loving life journey.9、人行道车莫占,车行道人莫穿。
  don't wear road flyover pavement car don't account for, a dealership.10、让与争一闪念,生与死一瞬间。
  to compete for a split second, life and death in an instant.11、走过春夏秋冬,安全永驻心中。
  through the spring, summer, autumn and winter, safety in mind.12、维护交通秩序,争做文明公民。
  maintaining traffic order to be a civilized citizen.13、人不斜穿,不车越线,各行其道。
  people are not inclined to wear, don't cross the line, side of the road.14、减速慢行勿争先,关照生命到永远。
  don't rushed to slow down, take care of life forever.15、违章与事故同在,守纪与安全永存。
  violation with accident, discipline and security forever.16、安全是生命之本,违章是事故之源。
  safety is the soul of life, violate the rules and regulations is the source of the accident.17、宁停三分为安全,礼让三先保平安。
  better stop three divided into safety, comity three safety first.18、忍一忍风平浪静,让一让海阔天空。
  endure a endure a calm, make a brighter.19、文明礼让安全在,瞬间麻痹事故来。
  safety in civilization comity, instantaneous paralysis to the accident.20、乱穿马路最危险,文明行路保安全。
  the most dangerous jaywalking, civilization on the road safety.交通安全英语名言句子相关文章:1.关于交通安全的名言警句摘抄大全2.最经典的英文句子签名3.关于信任的英语名言4.奋斗的名言英语句子5.100句英语励志句子摘抄


