
发布时间:2012-11-14 08:56:18   来源:文档文库   


  . Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese (10%)

  1. income distribution of a market 收入分配的市场

  2. set forth 陈述,提出

  3. clean credit 光票信用证

  4. equity investment 股票投资

  5. akin to 同类 近似

  6. endowment of nature自然的赋予

  7. all risks 一切险

  8. non-trade settlement 非贸易结算

  9. standing committee 常务委员会

  10. comparative advantage 比较利益

  . Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English(10%)

  11.自由贸易区 Free Trade zone

  12. 进口税 import duty

  13. 开证银行 opening bank

  14. 中间产品 intermediate product

  15. 对外直接投资 FDI

  16. 技术转让 transfer of technology

  17. 特别提款权 special drawing rights

  18. 制成品 finished goods

  19. 外汇短缺 foreign currency shortage

  20. 配额限制 quota restraint

  . Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right(10%)

21. productive能生产的;生产的,生产性的;多产的;富有成效的

a. one in which one of the parties agrees to supply, at the contract price, a complete product ready for use, such as a new home, factory, ship, etc.

22. primary主要的;初级的;基本的

commodities b. absence of agreement

23. hyperinflation恶性通货膨胀

c. to substitute a claim against one person for a claim against another person

24. discrepancy 不符;矛盾;相差

d. a person who owns money

25. practitioner开业者,从业者

e. producing in high efficiency or in large quantity

26. turnkey project交钥匙投资项目

f. those commodities not processed, or only slightly processed, usually farm produce or raw materials

27. constitute组成,构成;建立;任命

g. money held aside to meet future demand

28. subrogate代替;取代

h. make up; amount to; form

29. reserve储备金

i. a person engaged in the practice of a profession or occupation

30. debtor 债务人;[会计] 借方

j. soaring of prices beyond control

  21.______ 22. ______23. ______24. ______25. ______

  26. ______27. ______28. ______29. ______30. ______

  . Make brief explanations of the following terms or give the full name of the abbreviation in English (10%)

  31. drawback 缺点,不利条件;退税,the quality of being a hindrance

  32. confirmed credit保兑信用证

  33. dirty float 不自由浮动

  34. international licensing 国际授权

35. IMF国际货币基金组织

a United Nations agency to promote trade by increasing the exchange stability of the major currencies

  . Answer the following questions in English(20%)

  36. Why is it necessary to change the term “marine insurance” into “transportation insurance”?

  37. What institutions does the World Bank Group consist of?

  38. Why does the exporter sometimes require a confirmed letter of credit?

  39. What are the two wheels of APEC?

  . Translate the following into Chinese (15%)

40. It should be noted, however, that the existence of a letter of credit is not a guarantee of payment to anyone. Its existence only assures payment to the beneficiary if the terms and conditions of the letter of credit are fulfilled. In addition, a letter of credit does not insure that the materials purchased will be those invoiced or shipped.


41. The IFC was established in 1956. Its function is to assist the economic development of less-developed countries by promoting growth in the private sector of their economies and helping to mobilize domestic and foreign capital for this purpose. Membership in the IBRD is a prerequisite for membership in the IFC.


  . Translate the following into English(25%)

42. 在所有条款中,买卖双方各自的义务排列在10项标题下。

Under all terms , the respective obligations of the parties have been grouped 10 headings


With the development of manufacturing and technology, there arose another incentive for trade . I.e. international specialization


There are three types of foreign exchange price : buying rate ,selling rate , the average of the two --medial rate


The common objective of these institutions is to help raise standards of living in developing countries by channeling financial resources to them from developed countries



