
发布时间:2019-11-23 15:55:08   来源:文档文库   



一、 Use of English(总题数:3,分数:120.00)

1.Section I Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D.(分数:40.00



A candlelit dinner works wonders for romance. Now scientists say it could also be good for your heart. Breathing in candle smoke causes beneficialC1______in your heart rhythm, they claim. It is thought that tiny salt particles released when the candle burns areC2______the effect The researchers monitored the hearts of 13 men and women as they breathed in airC3______into a small chamber. In someC4______the air included smoke from candles in a second room. The volunteers didn"t know which type of air they were breathing, but when it included candle smoke, their heart rate variabilityC5______. Everyone"s heart rate variesC6______all the time, beating a little bit faster when we breathe in than when we breathe out This is perfectly healthy and a sign that the brain isC7______and able to regulate the heart But this variationC8______as we get older and if weC9______heart problems. In the study, it was increased byC10______candle smoke. Researcher Christina Isaxon said the concentration of smokeC11______during the study was similar to that created by a candlelit dinner. As the volunteers could not see the candles and weren"t told what they were breathing, the effect could not be explainedC12______by the calming effect of candlelight. Dr Isaxon believed that tiny particles of the candle smoke could be responsible for the beneficial effects. These particles areC13______regulating the heart"s rhythm and in sending messages between cells in the body. More salts are produced when aC14______is still. The study did not find anyC15______health effects of the smoke—【C16______she admitted she did not "make a huge effort" to find any. Soot, black powder in the smoke, from lit candles has beenC17______health problems in the past. The American Chemical Society has warned that common wax candles releaseC18______harmful chemicals linked to cancer and other illnessea It recommends using beeswax. Dr Isaxon used candles made of a natural fat in her study. She recommended using candles that are as natural as possible and avoidingC19______and dyes as they may give offC20______chemicals when burned.(分数:40.00












解析:解析:上文谈到蜡烛燃烧的烟雾有利于心率,空格句试着解释原因。空格后the effect是上句谈到的烟雾对心率的影响,Abehind与之搭配指“这一效果背后的原因”。






解析:解析:句中空格处过去分词应表明研究者在监测志愿者的心脏时对受试者所呼吸的气体(air)所采取的措施。Bpumped“给……打气;用泵输送”代入后,可指研究者为控制实验环境往志愿者所在的小房间(a small chamber)里注入气体。






解析:解析:下句提到,志愿者们不知道他们呼吸的是哪种空气,可判断研究者向小房间输入了不同类型的气体。因此,应认为空格后的内容只是其中的一些情况。Dcases代入后可组成insome cases的固定表达,表示“有时候,在某些情况下”。












解析:解析:现在分词短语beating a little...out的意思是“心跳在吸入空气时比呼出时快”,作伴随状语,说明心率变化的情况。由下一句This is perfectly healthy可知人们的心跳在吸入空气时比呼出快,这是自然、正常的事情。故选Dnaturally“自然地”。






解析:解析:根据healthy的语义,可知心率变化是人脑健康的积极反应,从而让大脑进一步地调节心脏(isable to regulate the heart)Balert“警惕的,机警的”代入后,句意为“大脑警觉性高,有能力调节心脏”。












解析:解析:空格处填入的动词,需能衔接weheart problems,且与we get older并列。Adevelop搭配heart problems意为“患()心脏病”,符合语义。












解析:解析:基于was similar to的语义,可认为研究者比较了“研究中的烟雾浓度”(the con-centration of smoke...during the study)和“烛光晚餐所释放的烟雾浓度”(that created by acandlelit dinner)Cgenerated“产生,生成”能对应that后的created一词,代入后指“研究中蜡烛燃烧产生的烟雾的浓度”。






解析:解析:在该项研究中,志愿者看不到蜡烛,也未被告知所呼吸的气体,因此不能把“烛光具有镇静效果”(the calming effect of candlelight)看作是改善心率的原因。Baway置于ex-plained后,意为“为……辩解”,代入后与谓语中的could not be一起表达“不能把……当作理由”之意。其他三个选项不与explain搭配。


 A.specialized in

 B.guided to

 C.controlled over

 D.involved in 

解析:解析:既然蜡烛烟雾中含的微小颗粒对心脏有好处,那么它们对心率应该具有调节作用(regulating the heart"s rhythm)Dinvolved in意为“参与;与……相关联”,代入后可指烟雾中的微小颗粒帮助调节心率,语义符合要求。












解析:解析:上文谈到的study一直围绕“蜡烛燃烧的烟雾对心脏有好处”展开,并没有涉及任何负面因素。下一分句也指出Dr Isaxon并没有花费巨大精力来寻找与之相关的证据。Bnegative“消极的,否定的”可满足语篇和逻辑要求。






解析:解析:主句指出该项研究并未发现螬烛烟雾对健康有其他的影响。这一事实不会因为研究者(she,即Dr Isaxon)所承认的“并没有花费巨大精力来寻找相关证据”的事实有所改变。因此空格后引导的从句应是一个让步状语从句,故选Aalthough


 A.prepared for

 B.made up for

 C.blamed for 

 D.appreciated for

解析:解析:下句指出常见的蜡烛会释放有害化学物质。由此判断:煤烟会导致健康问题。Cblamed for“被……责备”代入后可指煤烟被看成是健康问题的成因。












解析:解析:Dr Isaxon建议要尽量使用天然蜡烛,要避免使用“染料”(dyes)等人工添加进蜡烛里的物质。Dscents“香味”可指添加进蜡烛的额外物质,与dyes并列。







Nowadays, amateur photography has become a troubling issue. Citizens of rich countries have got used to being watched by closed-circuit cameras thatC1______roads and cities. But as camerasC2______and the cost of storing data decreases rapidly, it is individuals who are taking the pictures. Some 10,000 people are already testing aC3______of Google Glass. It aims to reproduce all the functions of a smartphone in a device placed on a person"s nose. Its flexible frame holds both a camera and aC4______screen, and makes it easy for users to take photos, sendC5______and search for things online. Glass may fail, but a wider revolution is under way. In Russia, where insuranceC6______is common, at least 1 million cars already have cameras with them that film the road ahead. Police forces in America are starting toC7______officers with video cameras, pinned to their uniforms, which record their interactions with the public. Widespread recording can already do a lot of good. Car-cams can help resolve insurance claims and encourage people to drive better. Police-cams can discourage criminals from making groundless complaintsC8______police officers and officers fromC9______the suspects. Optimists see broader benefitsC10______Plenty of people carry activity trackers toC11______their exercise or sleep patterns; cameras could do the job more effectively, perhaps alsoC12______their wearers" diets. "Personal black boxes" might be able to transmit picturesC13______their owner falls victim to an accident or crime. Not everybody will beC14______by these prospects. A perfect digital memory would probably be a pain, preserving unhappy events as well asC15______ones Suspicious spouses and employers might feelC16______review it. The bigger worry is for those in front of the cameras, notC17______them. The web is filled with sneaky photos of women,C18______in public places. Wearable cameras will make such furtive photography easier. The combination of cameras everywherein bars, on streets, in offices, on people"s headsis a powerful andC19______one. We may not be far from a worldC20______which your movements could be tracked all the time.(分数:40.00






解析:解析:本句提到发达国家的公民旱已习惯被摄像头监视(have got used to being watched),摄像头通常起到监视的作用,故选A项删“监视”。






解析:解析:本句提到个人成为拍照的主力军,其中一个因素是and后面提到的存储数据的成本骤降(the cost of storing data decreases rapidly),因此空格处填入的单词应是个人成为拍照主力军的另一因素。Bshrink意为“缩小”,指照相机体积变小,方便人们携带。






解析:解析:从testing(测试)推断出,使用的这款眼镜(Google Glass)还在试验当中。Dprototype意为“样机”,符合语义逻辑。






解析:解析:本句提到该装置能够架在鼻梁上(placed on a persons nose),说明该装置很小。Btiny意为“微小的”,符合语义逻辑。






解析:解析:上句提到谷歌眼镜试图把智能手机上的所有功能都搬到一部能够置于人们鼻梁上的装置里,智能手机的功能包括照相、发送信息、在线搜索等。send messages指“发信息”,故选C项。






解析:解析:本句提到至少100万辆车上安装了摄像头以摄录前方道路。为什么这么多的车辆装上了摄像头?结合主语insurance及下一段第二句提及的行车记录仪有助于解决保险索赔(Car-cams can help resolve insurance claims),说明人们想应对一个经常出现的保险问题。Afraud“欺骗,诈骗”与insurance搭配指“保险诈骗”。






解析:解析:由video cameras的后置定语pinned to…及which从句的描述可知,摄像头是警员的执勤装备。通常警员身上的装备都是由police forces(警察局)配备发放,issuewith搭配后表示“给……发放……”,符合语义逻辑。故选D项。






解析:解析:上文提到警用摄像头能record their interactions with the public,因此可推测其作用是正面的,有助于保护警察及公众的利益。本句提到罪犯进行无端控诉(making groundlesscomplaints),由此可推测police officers(警员)是控诉的对象,Aagainstcomplaint搭配后表示“对……进行控诉”,表示对象。






解析:解析:从discourage(阻止)推断,空格处所填单词应与前面提到的making groundless com-plaints(进行无端控诉)一样具有贬义。Cabusing“虐待”符合语义。






解析:解析:下一段第一句提到these prospects(这些前景)these指代前面所说的内容,可以推断本段讨论的是摄像头的前景。Bahead可以表示“今后,在不就的将来”,符合语义逻辑。






解析:解析:activity trackers(行为记录仪)their exercise or sleep patterns进行记录的目的是为了对人们的行为进行有益的反馈。Cmonitor“监测”符合句子逻辑。


 A.spying on 

 B.searching out

 C.looking to

 D.asking for

解析:解析:从also推断,本分句与上个分句内容相关,因此空格处所填内容应能体现出cameras的用途。Aspying on“监视”是固定搭配,指监视佩戴者的饮食。












解析:解析:上段提到Optimists see broader benefits,本句的主语not everybody对此提出相反的态度,下句提到一台完美的数字储存器也很可能会带来烦恼(would probably be a pain),可以推断并不是每个人都对此感到高兴。原文已有否定not everybody.因此空格处所填单词应是褒义词,Bthrilled“激动的”符合语义。






解析:解析:从as well as推断,空格处所填单词应与前面的unhappy语义相对或相反,Dcherished“珍爱的”表明保存珍贵画面的同时也会记下那些令人不开心的事。


 A.shy to

 B.obliged to

 C.entitled to 

 D.free to

解析:解析:本文讨论的是摄像头的监控作用,疑神疑鬼的(suspicious)spousesemployers会利用摄像头查找其配偶或员工是否忠诚,认为这是他们理由当然的权利,feel entitled to表示“觉得有权做……”,符合此处语境,故选C项。






解析:解析:下文提到网络上充斥着在公共场合偷拍女性的照片,并且佩戴型摄像头将会使这样的偷拍变得更加容易,说明被拍者比拍摄者需要忧虑更多。和in front of(指被拍者)相反的是behind(指拍摄者)“在……后”,故选A项。






解析:解析:空格处所填单词是前面photos of women(女性的相片)的后置定语,她们即是上句中在镜头前的人(those in front of the cameras)Bsnapped意为“快速被拍摄”。符合此处的语境。






解析:解析:下句提到一举一动可能随时被掌握(your movements could be tracked all the time).这给人带来的感受应是不好的。Dalarming意为“令人惊恐的”,符合语义逻辑。






解析:解析:本句中which引导的定语从句是对world进行修饰,in thea world是固定表达.定语从句中关系代词which作介词的宾语时,需要把介词提前,故选Cin


