2017 - 2018学年高中英语Unit5MusicSection课时作业新人教版必修220170817192

发布时间:2019-03-26 03:54:47   来源:文档文库   




Unit 5 Section Warming Up & Reading—Pre­reading



As your mum and dad always say: practise, practisepractise! That's how you get really good at somethingand that's exactly what dancer Kaeli Ware has done for most of her 14 years. The Leesburg teen is on her first tour with the musical Brothers of the Knight” which opens at Warner Theatre.

I've been dancing since I was 2 years old” she said. My mum is a dance teacher. At first I didn't really have a choice, but now I love it. It's what I want to do every day.

Three years ago, Kaeli was attending Harper Park Middle School in Leesburg. Then she started home­schooling in order to have more time to dance. She works hard” said Adrienne Dellas­Thorntonthe artistic director at Kirov Academy in Washington, where Kaeli studies. Every day except Sunday, Kaeli gets up at 6 am to go to Kirov Academy. There she dances for three hours. After that she rests, eats and does schoolwork. At 430 pm, she starts dancing again at the Ashburn, studio where her mother teaches. She finally gets to bed around 1130 pm after doing more homework. It's a lot of work, but I just keep pushing” Kaeli said.

Classical ballet (古典芭蕾舞) is a big part of Kaeli's studies because, she says, ballet is the foundation for other types of dancing. But Kaeli misses doing other types of dancingsuch as hip­hop or tap. Even in hip­hop, you need correct posture (姿势)” she says.

She calls the way she dances in the show lyrical (热情的)”, in part because there are words that go with her dancing. It is like ballet, but it is a lot more powerful. I think that's why I like it so much.

【文章大意】 本文是记叙文。文章介绍了一位年轻的舞蹈演员。

1. The text mainly introduces ________.

A. a musical B. a young dancer

C. the fun of dancing D. the key to success

解析:B 主旨大意题。文章从Kaeli的巡回演出说起,介绍了她对舞蹈的热爱、学舞的艰辛、学习的舞种等。

2. What do we know about Kaeli according to the text?

A. She left school to dance.

B. She learnt dancing from her mum.

C. She loved dancing at an early age.

D. She danced for her mum's studio.

解析:A 细节理解题。根据文章第三段的Then she started home­schooling in order to have more time to dance可知,Kaeli为了有更多的时间练舞开始接受家庭教育。

3The underlined word It in the last paragraph refers to ________”.

A. tap

B. hip­hop

C. home schooling

D. her dancing in the show

解析:D 篇章结构题。根据文章最后一段的she dances in the show再结合第一段的her first tour with the musical...可知,此处指代Kaeli“Brothers of the Knight”中的舞蹈。

4. Kaeli's success shows that ________.

A. nothing is impossible

B. practise makes perfect

C. a good beginning is half done

D. failure is the mother of success

解析:B 推理判断题。从文章首句及文中对Kaeli刻苦练习舞蹈的描述可知。


Daughter of an opera singer, Pat Benatar first studied opera at Juilliard before dropping out to marry her high school sweetheart. Together they moved to New York, but the two soon separated. In the hope of living happily ever after, she remembered her earlier dream of becoming a professional singer and started trying hard to realize it. At night, Benatar worked as a singing waitress. During the day, she knocked at the doors of record companies with her demo tape (样带)

For three years, she was met with nothing but rejections (拒绝) from record companies. These record companies were fond of her voice but they said that she was too feminine (女性的) for the style of music she performed. Then, on Halloween night 1977, Benatar gave a performance dressed as a modern vampire (吸血鬼). The audience went wild. This experience led Benatar to change her looks. In her later performances, she usually wore black tights and a short black top.

The new style made her performances more popular, and gave her a chance to work for Chrysalis Records. Her first single, Heartbreaker, headed the Top 40 charts, as did several of her other songs. Benatar won four Grammy Awards for Best Rock Vocal performance, from 1980 to 1983. Benatar was also the winner of three American Music Awards: Favorite Female Pop/Rock Vocalist of 1981 and 1983, and Favorite Female Pop/Rock Video Artist of 1985.

In 2010, Pat Benatar wrote a book, Between a Heart and a Rock Place, discussing her early life and success in the music business.

【文章大意】 本文是记叙文。文章介绍了摇滚歌星Pat Benatar

5Benatar wanted to realize her dream of being a professional singer after ________.

A. she had a daughter

B. she ended her marriage

C. she finished her studies at Juilliard

D. she lost her job as a singing waitress

解析:B 细节理解题。根据第一段的...the two soon separated.In the hope of living happily ever aftershe remembered her earlier dream... to realize it可知,Benatar在离婚之后决定实现她当歌手的梦想。

6Benatar was rejected by many record companies because of ________.

A. her looks B. her voice

C. her songs D. her experiences

解析:A 推理判断题。根据第二段的These record companies were fond of her voice but they said that she was too feminine(女性的)for the style of music she performed.可知,正是因为Benatar的外形与她唱歌的音乐风格不符,她才遭到唱片公司的拒绝。

7The underlined word wild in Paragraph 2 probably means ________”.

A. quiet B. crazy

C. nervous D. impatient

解析:B 词义猜测题。根据第三段的The new style made her performances more popular可知,Benatar的吸血鬼造型受到观众的喜爱。wild此处指观众为Benatar的造型而着迷。

8The text mainly tells us about ________.

A. a new style of music

B. a modern vampire

C. an opera singer

D. a rock star

解析:D 主旨大意题。根据倒数第二段对歌手Pat Benatar获奖情况的介绍以及最后一段她写的书的书名可知,本文是对摇滚歌星Pat Benatar的介绍。


Pierre and Marie Lucien lived in Florida in a small two­bedroom apartment. Their monthly rent (房租) was $650. Pierre was a computer programmer and Marie was a homemaker. They dreamed about having their own home, but Marie wanted to stay at home with the children when they were small. When their son entered first grade, Marie got a job as a school bus driver. They were finally able to save money and in two years, they had $12,000 in the bank.

They wanted a home in a town with good schools for their children and one that was close to their jobs. They spoke to a real estate agent (房地产经纪人) and she suggested that their first step was to get a_mortgage. By doing this, they would know how much they could afford to spend on a house. So, they spoke to six banks about mortgages. They chose the bank with the best mortgage plan. The bank checked their jobs and two weeks later gave them a mortgage of up to $125,000.

The real estate agent showed the Luciens over thirty houses. They finally found a home that they liked. It was $120,000. They offered the sellers $115,000, and they agreed on $117,000. The house was in a small town with good schools. The commute (通勤) was about fifteen minutes to Marie's job and twenty minutes to Pierre's job. The house had three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a large living room. It didn't have a dining room, but it had a large eat­in kitchen. There were a few problems, too. It was on a busy street and it didn't have a garage.

Finally, the Luciens paid $7,000 for a down payment (首付). They decided on a 30­year mortgage on the $110,000. On the day of the closing, Pierre and Marie, the real estate agent and the owners of the house were all present. The closing only took an hour. When they were finished, Pierre and Marie shook hands with everyone. Then, they walked out of the door with the keys to their new home.

【文章大意】 本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了一对夫妇买房的经过。

9Before working as a school bus driver, Marie ________.

Alived in a big apartment

Bput $12,000 in the bank

Cwas a computer programmer

Dlooked after her kids at home

解析:D 细节理解题。由第一段中的Marie wanted to stay at home with the children... Marie got a job as a school bus driver可知,Marie在成为校车司机前一直在家照看孩子们,故选D项。

10What does the underlined part a mortgage most probably refer to?

AThe money. BA job.

CSome time. DA skill.

解析:A 词义猜测题。由第二段中的By doing thisthey would know how much they could afford to spend on a housea mortgage of up to $125,000可知,mortgage在此是指购买房屋时向银行申请的抵押贷款,故选A项。

11Which of the following is TRUE of the Luciens' new house?

AIt cost them $120,000.

BIt was close to their jobs.

CIt had a large dining room and a garage.

DIt was in a quiet neighborhood of Florida.

解析:B 细节理解题。由第三段中的The commute was about fifteen minutes to Marie's job and twenty minutes to Pierre's job可知,他们的新家离上班的地方很近,故选B项。

12We may infer from the end of the text that the Luciens would be ________.

Avery angry Brather proud

Cquite happy Ddeeply worried

解析:C 推理判断题。由文章末的they walked out of the door with the keys to their new home可知,他们拿着钥匙去了新房,终于有了自己的家,所以应该是非常高兴,故选C项。


Communication is possibly one of the most important business skills. Good communication makes you more popular. __1__ Here are some tips to help you become a better communicator.

Listen. Most of us are terrible listeners. Instead of truly listening to what the person is saying, we interrupt (打断), prepare our response, or think we already know what the speaker is going to say next. __2__

Pay attention to body language. Body language can tell you just as much as what a person says, if not more. __3__ Is your co­worker saying she can finish her task on time, but wringing () her hands while she says it? She might be afraid to tell you it will be hard to make the due date.

__4__ Not everyone likes to communicate in the same way. Email works for some, but others would rather pick up the phone and talk, text, or even use social media to say something. Respect the person you're trying to communicate with and use the method he/she accepts more easily.

Consider your tone (语调). The problem with email and social media is that it can be difficult to de­termine the tone. __5__ But if it comes off pushy or angry, you could cause a misunderstanding with the recipient. Make sure your language is clear, and if you are angry, take a few minutes to cool down before you type.

A. Try to avoid being too serious.

B. You may mean something as a joke.

C. Consider communication preference.

D. Watch carefully how they act when they talk.

E. See how others respond to your communication.

F. Yet many of us haven't been trained in how to communicate with others.

G. It's impossible to understand what someone needs if we don't give them our full attention.

【文章大意】 本文是说明文,话题是建议类。文章给出了一些帮助我们成为一个更好的交流者的建议。


1F 空格前讲到了交流的重要性,空格处填然而,我们当中许多人从来没有接受过如何同别人交流的培训,从而下文给出了如何成为一个更好的交流者的建议。选项F起承上启下的作用。

2G 空格前的...we interruptprepare our responseor think we already know what the speaker is going to say next都是选项Gwe don't give them our full attention的具体表现,故答案选G

3D 选项DWatch carefully how they act when they talk”与本段的中心句Pay attention to body language相对应。

4C 通读本段可知,本段主要说明了不同的人喜欢不同的沟通方式,因此要考虑到对方交流方式的喜好。

5B 根据空格后的But if it comes off pushy or angryyou could cause a misunderstanding with the recipient可以推断出,空格处表达的是你可能把某件事当作一个玩笑,后一句转折,但是结果可能与你的本意不同,这样就可能造成你和听话者之间的误会。


《2017 - 2018学年高中英语Unit5MusicSection课时作业新人教版必修220170817192.doc》
