
发布时间:2016-01-07 15:56:55   来源:文档文库   

段落翻译 (原文+译文)

1. 参与并取胜,这就是奥林匹克精神。他表现于弱者敢于向强者挑战,也表现于强者力争取得更好的成绩。胜而又胜,优而更优,这种理想一直鼓舞着运动员奋力前进。他会尽其所能,争取优胜,永不松懈,永不罢休。有人说竞技者终究逃脱不了失败,即使是最佳运动员也会被更强者所淘汰——这就是竞技运动的规律。然而运动员却从不为这种不可避免的失败而气馁,仍然奋力拼搏争取最佳发挥。并对自己在奥林匹克运动中为争取更好成绩已尽了一份力而心满意足。他会自豪地说他的青春没有虚度。(221字)


To participate and win — that is the Olympic spirit. It finds expression in the weak daring to defy the strong, and the strong striving for ever better performance. “Ever better” — the ideal is always luring a sportsman forward. He will do everything he can for it, never relax, never give up. It is said that none of the competitors can avoid being defeated — even the best is to be surpassed by someone still stronger. This is rule of sports. However, undaunted by the inevitable failure, the sportsman is always striving to do the best he can and content with the fact that he has done his bit for the “ever better” records in the Olympic Games. He will say proudly that he has not lived his youth in vain.


2. 中国,一个值得自豪的文明古国,大约有5000年悠久和神秘的历史。像世界上其它大多数文明一样,中国历史可以溯源到最初的原始部落,后来逐步融合扩大,直至成为今天伟大的国家。

China, one of the countries that can boast of an ancient civilization, has a long and mysterious history—almost 5,000 years of it! Like most other great civilizations of the world, China can trace her culture back to a blend of small original tribes which have expanded till they become the great country we have today.
Chinese society has progressed through five major stages—Primitive Society, Slave Society, Feudal Society, Semi-feudal and Semi-colonial Society, and Socialist Society. The rise and fall of the great dynasties forms a thread that runs through Chinese history, almost from the beginning. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China on October 1st, 1949, China has become a socialist country and become stronger and stronger.


在指南针发明以前,人们在茫茫大海上航行,只能靠太阳和星星的位置辩认方向,如果遇上阴雨天,就会迷失方向。是中国人发明的指南针帮助人们解决了这个难题。指南针是指示方向的仪器。早在战国时期(The Warring States Period (475BC-221BC),中国人就发现了磁石(magnet)指示南北的特性,并根据这种特性制成了指示方向的仪器——司南(sinan)。到了宋代,人们制成了罗盘(luopan)。指南针的发明,给航海事业带来了划时代的影响,世界航运史也由此翻开了新的一页。(195字)


Before the compass was invented, most people identified the direction at sea, only depending upon the position of the sun and stars. If it was cloudy or rainy, people would lose their direction. It was the compass, invented by the Chinese people, that solved this problem. The compass is the instrument used for indicating direction. As early as the Warring States Period (475BC-221BC), the Chinese discovered that a magnet could be applied to indicate the south and north, and a direction-indicating instrument sinan was made on the basis of this feature. In the Song Dynasty, people created a compass called luopan. The invention of the compass has an epoch-making influence on navigation, thereby opening up a new era in the history of international navigation.







The traditional Chinese culture is rich, extensive and profound. Harmony, the supreme value cherished in ancient China, lies at the heart of the Chinese culture, which has nurtured the broad mind of the Chinese nation. The Chinese nation is generous and tolerant, just as Mother Earth cares for all living things and she is in constant pursuit of justice, just as the eternal movement of the Universe.

The argument that a big power is bound to seek hegemony does not apply to China. Seeking hegemony goes against China’s cultural tradition as well as the will of the Chinese people. China’s development harms no one and threatens no one. We shall be a peace-loving country, a country that is eager to learn from and cooperate with others. We are committed to building a harmonious world.


5. 儒家思想是中国传统文化的基石。它出现在大约2500年前的春秋(the Spring and Autumn Period),是建立在夏、商、周朝的传统文化之上,并由孔子创立的完整观念体系(ideological system)。儒家思想博大精深,涵盖了人文,政治,法律,教育,哲学,道德各个领域。儒家文化以人本哲学(humanistic philosophy)为依托,这表现在它对人类个体的尊敬,关注和热爱。总而言之,儒家文化是世界文化遗产的重要组成部分,是东方文化的代表,也是中国文化传统的中流砥柱。(191字)


Confucianism is the cornerstone of traditional Chinese culture. Founded about 2,500 years ago in the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucianism is a complete ideological system created by Confucius, based on the traditional culture of the Xia, Shang, and Zhou Dynasties. It is extensive and profound, covering the fields of humanity, politics, law, education, philosophy and ethics. Confucian culture rests on humanistic philosophy, which is shown in its respect for, attention to and love for human individuals. In brief, Confucian culture is an important component of world culture heritage, a major representative of oriental culture, and the dominant facet of Chinese cultural tradition.






Chinese companies build iPads, high-speed trains and world-class telecom gear, but they can't seem to make their own fancy handbag.

It's true that global giants from Prada to Apple source goods from China, but it is difficult to name a single Chinese brand that is known for its quality products. That's true not just in luxury, but also in automobiles, smartphones and home appliances. Trying to find quality craftsmanship in China is also a hard job, especially when it comes to complex items such as watches and jewelry. (卢桂冬供稿)




The Chinese government historically hasn't made big, bold changes all at once, but has taken incremental approaches to new and risky ventures. The step-by-step internationalization of the yuan is a good example. So is Shanghai’s free-trade zone. It is the experimental field of Chinese further reform. Shanghai, with more than 400 regional headquarters for multinationals and offices for nearly all major global banks, is ripe for the next round of economic experiments.







China is strengthening its image as the most important market for the auto industry. Chinese auto sales are up 13 percent from one year ago. Industry observers are predicting total sales of over 20 million vehicles this year.

By comparison, a little more than 15 million vehicles are expected to be sold in the United States. The importance of the Chinese market could be seen last month at the Shanghai auto show, industry representatives there were showing products design to meet China's growing demand for luxury cars, and larger vehicles.

The rising demand for top quality automobiles is a sign of China's rise as an economic superpower. And experts say SUV sales are likely to double by 2015.


9. 早在殷商时期,我们华夏祖先便已确立了东、南、西、北、中五个方位。太阳初升的东方代表了冬去春来、万物繁衍昌盛的景象。位于中国东部的泰山一直被视为吉祥之地。古代帝王择泰山登临,供以祭品,祭祀天地,为国家的繁荣祥和而祈祷。据历史记载,西周前已有72位君主登临泰山祭祀。此后,中国历史上第一个皇帝秦始皇,以及汉、唐、宋、清等朝代的皇帝,都亲自登临泰山祭祀。(173字)


Dating back to Yin and Shang periods (1766B.c.—1122B.C.), our Chinese ancestors established the five directions of north, south, east, west and center. The east, where the sun rises, represents life’s fertility with the end of winter and coming of spring. Taishan, located in East China, has been regarded as a propitious place. Ancient emperors prayed for the country’s prosperity and peace by offering sacrifices to Heaven and Earth on Taishan. According to historical records, prior to the Western Zhou Dynasty (1122B.C.—771B.C.), 72 monarchs climbed the mountain to perform sacrifices. They were then followed by Qinshihuang, China’s first emperor, and the emperors of the Han, Tang, Song and Qing Dynasties.



中国人饮茶, 注重一个""字。"品茶"不但是鉴别茶的优劣,也带有神思遐想和领略饮茶情趣之意。在百忙之中泡上一壶浓茶,择雅静之处,自斟自饮,可以消除疲劳、涤烦益思、振奋精神,也可以细啜慢饮,达到美的享受,使精神世界升华到高尚的艺术境界。(117字)


The Chinese people, in their drinking of tea, place much significance on the act of "savoring." "Savoring tea" is not only a way to discern good tea from mediocre tea, but also a means to take delight in their reverie and in tea-drinking itself. Snatching a bit of leisure from a busy schedule to make a kettle of strong tea and securing a serene space to serve and drink tea by yourself can help banish fatigue and frustration, improve your thinking ability and inspire you with enthusiasm. You may imbibe it slowly in small sips to appreciate the subtle allure of tea-drinking, until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm.



The origins of Chinese music can be dated back to distant antiquity. Approximately 3000 years ago, European music was experiencing its first rustlings of life whereas a complete musical theory and sophisticated musical instruments began to appear in China, owing largely to the orthodox ritual music advocated by Confucius. Chinese music is the body of vocal and instrumental music composed and played by Chinese people. For several thousands of years Chinese Culture was dominated by the teachings of the philosopher Confucius, who conceived of music in the highest sense as a means of calming the passions and of dispelling unrest and lust, rather than as a form of amusement.

中国音乐的起源可以追溯到遥远的古代。大约3000年前,欧洲音乐正在经历其生命的浑沌初开, 而完整的音乐理论的建立和复杂的乐器的发明则开始于中国,这大多归因于孔子倡导的正统的礼乐。中国音乐以声乐和器乐为主体,由国人作曲和演奏。数千年来,中国文化由哲学家孔子的思想占主导,他设想音乐的最高意境是作为舒缓激情和消除浮躁和欲望的手段,而不是作为娱乐的形式。





China's latest manned space capsule docked with an orbiting space station last Thursday, and the three astronauts climbed aboard what will be their home for the next week. Automated controls guided the Shenzhou-10's docking with the space lab. After entering the space lab, the crew exchanged their space gear for blue jumpsuits. During their 12-day stay at the lab, the astronauts will perform a manual docking exercise and conduct scientific experiments. They will also deliver a series of science lectures — part of an outreach to increase the space program's popularity among younger Chinese.


13. 人类到处都在改变着自然界的平衡。他帮助动植物进入新的地区,有时是有意的,有时是无意的。他正在用新的植物种类,或者用房屋、工厂、炉渣堆或其他的文明产物覆盖大片的土地。他使有些物种大批消亡,却造成有利条件使另外一些物种成倍地增加。总之,人类在五千年内比大自然在五百万年内做了更多的事来改变地球的生态。


Everywhere man is altering the balance of nature. He is facilitating the spread of plants and animals into new regions, sometimes deliberately, sometimes unconsciously. He is covering huge areas with new kinds of plants, or with houses, factories, slag-heaps(炉渣堆) and other products of his civilization. He exterminates (消灭) some species on a large scale, but favours the multiplication of others. In brief, he has done more in five-thousand-year to alter the biological aspect of the planet than has nature in five million.


14. 京剧表演融合了唱、念、作、打等多种艺术表现形式,辅以五彩缤纷的服装道具以及化妆。在京剧中,女性的角色被称做“旦”,男性的角色被称做“生”,小丑被称做“丑”。每个角色都会依照他们的性别、年龄及个性,在脸上画不同的脸谱,这样,观众可以很容易地分清这些演员所扮员的角色是什么样的性格。化妆、服饰、行头这些都是令人称奇的艺术品。(161字)


Peking Opera combines stylized acting with singing, dancing, musical dialogues, martial arts, colorful facial make-up and fantastic costumes. Female roles are called “Dan”, male roles are called “Sheng”, and clowns “Chou”. Each role, according to their sex, age and disposition, is characterized by different designs of facial make-up, so the audience can easily tell what kind of character an actor is performing. Facial make-up, costumes and head-dresses are wonderful works of traditional art.





Lian Pu, the facial designs of Peking Opera, originated from daily life experience, describing such changes of expression as white for fear, red for shyness, dark for suntan, and sallow for illness. It is the exaggerative display of these expressions painting on the faces of different characters. For instance, red stands for loyal, courageous and upright people, like Guan Yu; white for sinister and cunning people, like Cao Cao; black for just and selfless people, like Bao Gong.


16. 每年农历的正月十五日是元宵节。早在东汉时期它就是一个重大的节日。




The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month. As early as the Eastern Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 25), it became a festival with great significance.

This day's important activity is watching lanterns. Throughout the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), Buddhism flourished in China. Emperor Ming heard that Buddhist monks would watch sarira (remains from the cremation of Buddha's body), and light lanterns to worship Buddha on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, so he ordered to light lanterns in the imperial palace and temples, to show respect to Buddha on this day. Later, the Buddhist rite developed into a grand festival among common people and its influence expanded from the Central Plains to the whole of China.

"Guessing lantern riddles" is an essential part of the Festival. Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns. If visitors have solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answer. If they are right, they will get a little gift. The activity can be dated back to the Song Dynasty (960-1279). As riddle guessing is interesting and full of wisdom, it has become popular among all social strata.




China experienced a period of enduring impoverishment and long-standing debility in its modern history and was for a time at the mercy of other countries. Lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks, which is the never-forgotten lesson the Chinese people have learnt from their tragic experience of repeated foreign invasions. A country has to strengthen itself before it can be sure of its place in the world. For over a hundred years, the Chinese people have made unremitting efforts toward the goal of rejuvenating the nation. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Chinese people, through self-reliance, have carried out the national program of reform and opening up and, by keeping pace with the times, have made great achievements in building socialism that have caught the attention of the world.


18. 中国是一个有着5000 多年悠久历史的文明古国。长期以来,中国人民以自己的勤劳智慧创造了灿烂的中华文明,为人类文明进步作出了重大贡献。北京就是一座有3000多年悠久历史的文明古城。800多年前北京开始建都。在历史悠久的首都北京,人们就能够生动地感受到中华文明源远流长、博大精深的深厚底蕴,感受到中华民族自强不息、顽强奋进的壮阔历程。(155字)


China is an ancient civilization with a history of over 5,000 years. The Chinese people have made major contribution to human progress by creating the splendid Chinese civilization with hard work and ingenuity. The city of Beijing, with its long history of over 3,000 years, stands testimony to that effort. Its establishment as the capital city began over 800 years ago. In the time-honored capital, people can feel vividly the long standing and profound richness of the Chinese civilization, and the grand course of historical development that the Chinese nation has followed with a dauntless and dashing spirit.


19. 汉字和书法的意义



The significance of Chinese characters and calligraphy

The system of Chinese characters and their artistic tradition have been flowing for thousands of years. They are the spiritual embodiment and textual manifestation of the essence of the Chinese people, and house the culmination of cultural and artistic ideals possessed by mankind. The ancients often said that writing contains the truth. This statement is true in a way; in short, practicing Chinese calligraphy molds sentiment, completes personality, provides tools for self-reflection, and sustains health. It is the most significant form of expression and spiritual requirement of the abilities of both the literati and the masses.





The key why Chinese cuisine has the unique glamour lies in its taste. The deliciousness of any dish is created by the perfect blend of ingredients, herbs and condiments---a blend in which all flavors go harmoniously together. The beauty of blend is the essence of Chinese cuisine making. The texture and color of a dish is the external quality that Chinese people are not very meticulous about, and for them, the taste is the internal one, thus, more important quality. This is the most important manifestation of Chinese aesthetic views about food.






