
发布时间:2016-07-22 10:28:46   来源:文档文库   

Unit6 Education and employment


Unit7 Film

1、 最喜欢的迪斯尼动画影片,2-3句话描述,最喜欢的role以及reason,最喜欢台词

2、 What make a successful leader 一个领导一个企业家应该具有什么气质(素质);什么样的导师是一个成功的导师

3、 你喜欢什么样的电影,不同影片是否为不同观众所准备的

4、 电影院,哪一家,why

Unit8 environmental engineering

1、 what is the most life-threatening disaster humans are confronted with today人类遇到的最致命的灾难是什么

2、 how can we utilize(利用) the natural resources and live in harmony with nature如何利用自然资源,如何与自然和谐共处

3、 what is your attitude towards natural disasters? What should we do to slow down the worsening natural disaster?你对自然灾难的态度是怎样的?我们该如何做来延缓恶化的自然灾难

4、 What sort of relationship do you believe exists between human beings and nature: friendliness or hostility? Justify your statement with examples你认为人与自然应该友好还是敌对,举例证明

5、 How to balance the benefits and possible negative effects to the environment brought by nuclear energy?如何平衡核能源带来的危害与好处

6、 你城市中最严重的环境问题,它如何影响你的日常生活?什么导致这个问题?该如何解决这个问题?

Unit9 Health

1、 愿不愿意活到100岁,是否愿意通过药物或者植入芯片等方式达到长寿,长寿的秘诀

2、 寿命增长会不会带来很多问题

3、 怎么活得又久又健康

4、 163页第3题:如何获得永生——great contribution, write book(Newton), have a children

Unit10 dictionary

1、 使用者是怎么使用词典的

2、 什么是一个好的词典

3、 为什么词典编撰者更关注细节更关注普通词

4、 Elicit the type of information that you need in order to really ‘know’ a word. And in what situations you turn to dictionaries for help.

meaning ( what they mean)

part of speech ( what grammatical class they belong to )

spelling (how words are spelt)

pronunciation (how they are pronounced)

derivative (how they form derivatives and compounds)

inflection (how they are inflected)

usage (in what situations they are used)

collocations (how they combine with other words)

etymology (how they get started)

56 ways to create new words

Borrowing (kumquat from Chinese; ninja from Japanese )

Compounding ( heartbroken, bookworm )

blend words ( brunch = breakfast" and "lunch )

functional shift ( “friend“Commercial)

back-formation ( edit editor)

take the first letters of something and squish them together. (NASA OMG )

Unit11 beauty and fashion

1、 beauty, fashion, cosmetic surgery

2、 who is a beautiful person, how do you know, why beauty


