[优质]小学英语外研版四年级下册M2U1 London is a bigcity优质公开课教案

发布时间:2018-04-04 16:01:54   来源:文档文库   

Module2 Unit1 London is a big city.教学设计





在教学本课时,我借助地图、图片认识伦敦的几个著名景点名称,练习使用big small beautiful等形容词描述其他城市或者自己的家,自己的学校。




1.全体学生能够掌握词汇:city, ship, beautiful, whose, close, queen.

2.全体学生能够运用句型London is a big city. My house is very small, but its beautiful. Its very old.描述一座城市、一处景物或一件物品。 




教学难点:如何让学生运用London is a big city. My house is very small, but its beautiful. Its very old.句型对事物作出判断。



Teaching process

一、 Warming up

Listen to the song London bridge is falling down.

Ask the students to sing the song and do the action.(设计意图:脍炙人口的歌曲让学生提前感受到愉悦的课堂氛围,吸引了学生的注意力的同时,也引出了London,为下一步的教学做了铺垫。)

二、 Presentation

Step 1

T: We have enjoy the song London bridge is falling down. Do you know where is London bridge?(Ask the students.)

Ss: Its in London.

T: Yes, Its in London.

T: Do you know London? Yes, it’s the capital of England.

(show the map of England and show London to the students)

T: Do you want to go to London ?


T:But how do we go there? By bus? Let’s by this.

T:(show a picture of a ship) Look, Whats this?

Ss: Its a ship.

(Teach the new word “ship”.)

T: It’s a big ship. Read it ship ship.


T:Well, Lets go to London by this ship. Go!!(设计意图:游戏的引入,能让学生快速融入课堂,这一步骤不仅学习了新单词,还为以下的课堂学习创设了一个教学情境,让全班同学一起搭乘ship向充满异国情调的London出发。)

T: Hello, everyone, I’m Ms Zhang, welcome to London. London is a big city(老师拿着小红旗,扮演导游,把同学们带入伦敦,引人入胜。)

Teach the new word “city”.

T: Write it with your finger and read it city city.

Practice the sentences.

T: Let’s visit London and some nice places.



(Show the picture of Buckingham Palace) THello, boys and girls! This is Buckingham Palace. Follow me: Buckingham palace.(出示图片,边传递边让学生轮流读。) How do you feel about it?(Ask a student answer it.)

S1:Its so big.

T: Yes, Its so big. And......(show another picture of Bucking Palace) its so beautiful.

Teach the new word “beautiful”. Show a picture of the word “beautiful”. Pass the picture and ask the students to read it one by one.

(Practice the important sentence, then ask the student describe the things with the important sentence.)(设计意图:出示动态的盛开花朵图,向学生展示beautiful,既让学生感到新奇,也更深层的体会到beautiful.

Step 4

Pick up the pencil on the floor ,ask Whose pencil is this?

Repeat the word whose teach the new word whose

Do more practices about whose. Pick up one students book, ask: Whose book is this?

(show the queens house, and the important sentence.)

T: Whose house is this? Is it yours?

Ss; No, it isnt.

T: whose?

S1:Its the queens house.

(show a picture of queen .teach the new word “queen”. Read after me, queen queen)girls read it queen queen I am the queen boys read queen queen I am the queen.

T:No ,no ,no. queen is a woman, you are not woman, you are a man. So ,you are a king. Read after me. King king I am a king.

Step 5 T: Our friend Amy lives London ,too . Let’s visit her. Show the picture and ask: Guess, whose house is it ?

Ss: Amy’s house.

T: Yes, it’s Amy’s house. It’s close to the queen’s house. (Show the picture of the queens house and Amys house. Teach the new word “close”, “close to”. Ask the students make a sentence with “close to”.)


T: Read the new words carefully, I think you can read them better. Now read the rhyme together.( 设计意图:把教学内容编成韵诗,便于学生记忆和掌握。)

Step 6 课文学习:

T:Amy and Lingling are reading the book about London. Lets see what are they talking about. Lets listen point and say.

Ask the students to act the dialogue in small groups. Let some groups show.


Step7 课堂练习:

T: Look at the pictures and complete in groups. Show the answers in groups.

Step8拓展练习:我是小导游。Introduce Beijing and some famous places to your tourists.(设计意图:把景点图片分发给每个小组,让学生运用所学知识来描述景点,在活动中掌握了句型,培养学生的口语运用能力。)

T: The world outside is very beautiful. We should go out more and learn more. Do you want to go out? So, you must study hard and earn more money ,so that you can go where you want to go.


三、 Homework




在学习《London is a big city.》这节课前,我给学生布置了一个预习作业,查找英国伦敦的信息。而他们预习得也非常好,对于课文提到的伦敦的标志性建筑都有一定的了解。









《[优质]小学英语外研版四年级下册M2U1 London is a bigcity优质公开课教案.doc》
