my classroom教案

发布时间:2020-02-04 09:52:52   来源:文档文库   

Teaching plan of Unit 1

My classroom

Textbook:PEP (Book 4A)

Period: The second period of Unit 1(section A:Let’s learn;Let’s do;Let’s sing)

Aims and Requirements:


2.能听说认读句型:What’s in the classroom?One blackboard;many desks and chairs,并能实际情况回答问题。


4.在回答“What’s in the classroom ?”时注意what’s/ts/的读音。

5.能够听说读做Let’s do部分的指示语。

Visual Aids:

A tape-recorder;tape;some pictures and a small blackboard

Teaching Procedures in Detail:

Step1 Warming-up: (5minutes)

T:Good morning,boys and girls.How are you today

S:I am fine.What about you?

T:I’m fine too.Would you like to listen to a song?


T:OK.Now,listen.(听一首“Boy and Girl”,要在PPT上放相应歌词)


T:Who can tell me the name of the song?

S:Boy and Girl.

T:Yes,it’sBoy and Girl”.Do you like it?


Step2:Lead-in and Presentation (15minutes)

T:Look.This is our new classroom.(老师手指教室).We are in the classroom.(这是我们的新教室,我们在教室里面。)


T:This is a classroom.(手指一张印有教室的图片).Classroom.Read after me. a--ɑ꞉ oo--u: Classroom,c-l-a-s-s-r-o-o-m classroom(板书并把图片贴到黑板上).We are in the classroom.(中文:我们在教室里).

Look at the classroom and answer my question.(中文:大家认真看着这教室,看能不能回答老师问题)

What’s in the classroom?(放慢语速,尽可能读清楚一些,并重复几遍等学生猜出意思)

T:(中文解释)我们教室都有什么呢?What’s in the classroom?(并手指黑板或拿起课前准备的小黑板给他们看,引导他们说出来)

S: Blackboard.

T:Yes.Good.There is one blackboard in our classroom.(并手指黑板) (blackboard a—æ black oar--ɔ꞉board Blackboard b-l-a-c-k-b-o-a-r-d blackboard(板书并把图片贴到黑板上)

Look at the blackboard.There are many words and pictures.

Picture.(老师拿出另一幅漂亮的山水画)This is a beautiful picture.Is it beautiful?

S:Yes.It’s beautiful.

T:Thank you.Read after me.Picture. i--ɪ ure--ə P-i-c-t-u-r-e picture.(板书并把图画挂在墙上).Do you have beautiful pictures in your house?

S:Yes,we have.

T:Oh,good.Look.Light(手指教室的灯或手拿印有灯的图片)Read after me.light i--ɑɪ l-i-g-h-t light(板书并把图片贴到黑板上)

We have to turn on the light in the evening,or we can’t see clearly.The light is very important for us.(在晚上我们一定要开灯,否则我们就会看不清楚。灯对我们是很重要的。)

T:Do you turn on the light in the evening at home?


T:Right.How many lights in the classroom?

S:Five lights.(注意他们复数s的发音)

T:Yes.You’re clever.There are five lights in the classroom.Did you turn off the light when you leave classroom?(后一句中文解释:你们离开教室时有随手关灯吗?)


T:Well done.

T:What’s this in the classroom?(老师拿着印有门的图片并指着门)


T:Good.It’s a door.Read after me.Door.oo--ɔ꞉door d-o-o-r(板书并把图片贴到黑板上)Did you close the door when you leave your home.(中文:你们离开家时有随手关门吗?)


T:Good job.

T:What’s this in the classroom?(老师拿着印有窗户的图片并走到窗户的位置,指着窗户)


T:Windows.There are many windows in the classroom.(中文:教室里面有许多窗户)

Read after me.Window. i--ɪ ow--əʊ Window w-i-n-d-o-w window(板书并把图片贴黑板上)

T:Can you clean the windows?(中文:你会擦窗户吗?)

S:Of course.

T:Good.You’re helpful.

T:Now.I’m standing on the floor.The floor is clean.(中文:我现在站在地上,这地板是干净的) Floor, read after me. Floor, oor--ɒ(r) f-l-o-o-r floor(板书并把图片贴到墙上)

T:Can you sweep the floor?(中文:你们会扫地吗?)

S:Yes,we can .

T:You’re helpful very much.

T:OK.Now,boys and girls open your books,and read words after the tape.(老师放录音让学生跟读单词并纠正他们的语音语调)

Step3:Practice and Games(12minutes)

T:Now,look at the blackboard,and I will point to some pictures,you answer my question.For example,what’s in the classroom?(老师指着黑板) T:One blackboard.(中文解释:现在,第一遍由我来示范,比如我指着每个单词问“What’s in the classroom?’并回答“黑板


T:Now,the first and second group take any picture and askWhat’s in the classroom?”,the third and fourth group answer according to the picture.(第二遍由老师拿着图片,第一二组问”What’s in the classroom?”由三四组根据图片进行回答。)

Now,you have a change.The third and fourth group ask,the first and second group answer.OK?(第三遍,你们交换过来,三四组问,一二组回答。)


T:You did a good job.Now,I will ask two students to come to the blackboard every time.One ask,the other answer.Any volunteers?


T:Good job.(再叫几个多玩几轮)

T:You’re great.I can do many things in the classroom.What can you do?Come on.Boys and girls,listen to the tape and look at me.

Open the door Open the door(开门)(老师放录音,边说边做动作,并用中文解释)

Turn on the light Turn on the light(开灯)

Close the window Close the window(关窗户)

Put up the picture Put up the picture(挂照片)

Clean the blackboard Clean the blackboard(擦窗户)

Now have a change,let’s do together(第一遍老师发指令,一边做动作,全班跟着说和做)



T:Now,it’s you turn.All of you do after the tape.(第二遍老师发指令,全班边说边做)



T:Good.Have a change.You read the phrases,I do it.OK?(第三遍全班发指令,老师做动作)

T:You did a good job.Now,I ask two students to do it .One read the phrases,another one do it.Any volunteers?(第四遍,两人一小组,一人发指令,一人做动作)


T:Good job.Let’s play another gamefind a friend”.I will put up a picture with a classroom on the blackboard.I need two students to come here .The rest of you askWhat’s in the classroom?”I will give a picture to one of you .And one describes it according to the picture,another listens and puts up pictures in the classroom .(中文解释:让我们玩找朋友的游戏,我会贴一张印有大教室的图片。每次,我需要两个同学一起玩。A同学看图片回答,剩下同学问“What’s in the classroom?”。我会给任意一张图片给A同学,A同学看图片回答全班同学的问题,B同学根据A同学描述把图片贴到相应位置。)

Step4:Summary (5minutes)

T:We have a good time.Do you remember what we have learned today?Today we learned about classroom.(老师指着黑板上的图片问:What’s in the classroom?让学生依次说出今天所学单词)

OK,let’s use these words to listen to a song.Let’s sing together.(Let’s sing,并在PPT上显示相应歌词)

Step5:Homework (3minutes)

T:Now here comes your homework.I want you to write the sentenceWhat’s in the classroom?”to askand useone blackboard or ten windows” and so on to answer.And communicate with your families or friends about your new classroom.



《my classroom教案.doc》
