四年级下册英语试题 好卷- 新型题突破卷 人教PEP 有答案

发布时间:2020-04-20 12:47:56   来源:文档文库   


一、改变单词中的一个字母, 使它变成一个动物名称。(18)

1. how→ 2. fat→

3. big→ 4. pear→

5. coat→ 6. pen→

二、读句子, 猜单词。为下列句子选择适当的词语。(20)

A. playground  word/media/image3.gifB. library


C. carrot D. breakfast

E. gloves

(  )1. There are many books and people can read books there.

(  )2. People usually wear them in winter to keep warm for the hands.

(  )3. We have it in the morning. Usually we have milk and bread.

(  )4. Students can jump, run or play football there.

(  )5. It's a kind of vegetable. Rabbits like it.

三、画出藏在字母盒子里的单词, 并把它们放到句中。(20)

1. The shoes are very (昂贵的).

2. It's cold outside. Put on your (毛衣).

3. I like that yellow (连衣裙).

4. There are many (绵羊) on the farm.

5. I'll take this (衬衫).

四、读一读, 判断答语是否合理。合理写“T”, 不合理写“F”, 并改正。(20)

(  )1. A: How do you like this hat?

B: It's 80 dollars.


(  )2. A: Whose gloves are these?

B: It's Amy.


(  )3. A: What time is it in Beijing?

B: It's rainy.


(  )4. A: Where is it?

B: It's the library.


(  )5. A: Can I go outside?

B: No, you don't.


五、阅读短文, 完成下列任务。(22)

Dear Wu Yifan,

It's warm in New York. I wear my white sweater and my brown pants. It's sunny today. I go to the farm with my father. The farm is not very big. There are five sheep, four cows, two pigs on the farm.

How about you ?



任务一: 根据短文选择正确答案。(6)

(  )1. What's the weather like in New York?

A. word/media/image5_1.png    B. word/media/image6_1.png   C. word/media/image7_1.png

(  )2. Mike wears________.

A. word/media/image8_1.png B. word/media/image9_1.png C. word/media/image10_1.png

任务二: 阅读短文, 在文中提到的农场动物下面的方框中填入其数量。(12)

word/media/image11_1.png  word/media/image12_1.png word/media/image13_1.png


word/media/image15_1.png word/media/image16_1.png


任务三: 仿照文中画线的句子, 写写你今天的穿着和天气。(4)







一、1. cow 2. cat 3. pig 4. bear 5. goat 6. hen

二、1. B 点拨: 有很多书而且可以看书的地方是图书馆。

2. E 点拨: 人们在冬天穿戴的,为手保暖的是手套。

3. D 点拨: 我们早晨喝的和吃的,通常以牛奶和面包作为食物的是早餐。

4. A 点拨: 学生可以进行跳、跑或者踢足球等运动的地方是操场。

5. C 点拨: 兔子喜欢吃的一种蔬菜是胡萝卜。

三、1. expensive 2. sweater 3. dress 4. sheep 5. shirt

四、1. F It's pretty. 点拨: How do you like. . . ? 是询问“……怎么样?

2. F They are Amy's.

3. F It's +时间. 点拨: 题目问的是时间而不是天气。

4. F It's in the library. 点拨: 在图书馆用介词in

5. F No, you can't.

五、任务一: 1. A 2. A

任务二: 5只羊,2头猪,4头牛

任务三: (答案不唯一)

I wear my white T­shirt and my black shorts. It's hot and sunny today.


《四年级下册英语试题 好卷- 新型题突破卷 人教PEP 有答案.doc》
