
发布时间:2019-02-17 06:21:26   来源:文档文库   



do you agree or disagree with the following

statement?governments should focus its budgets more on environmental protection than oneconomic development.

environmental protection and economic development areboth vital to a nation. but when it comes to the issue whether

environmentprotection should receive more financial support from the government thaneconomic development, my answer is positive.

first, environmental protection needs more money

thaneconomic development. the reasons are twofold. for one thing, governments haveto raise huge amount of money to purchase tree seeds or saplings and hire morepeople toafforestate the land.

besides, maintaining a big area of forest isquite costly. for another thing, governments are responsible to spend muchmoney on encouraging the inventions of renewable energy, which may completelyreplace the fossil fuels and contribute greatly to the environmental protection.more inventions mean that the

government has to invest more on scientificresearch, such as investing more on the university laboratories and paying

thescientists. those are commonly huge costs for a government. in contrast,economic development does not need such large amount of money. what thegovernment should do is to continuously carry

out policies that can really helpboost the whole economy and supervise and guide every individual economicparticipant. these will be some tasks that require less money.

second, it is the government that has to pay moremoney to protect our environment, because government acquisition of goods andservices intended to create future benefits. environment protection exertslong-term influences upon human beings and economic development. for example,protecting forests means we can have better air condition and more lumbersupply in the future; protecting lakes and oceans means we can have cleanerwater and more seafood. both lumbers and water are crucial to the

modernindustry. however, it is barely possible for an individual investor to donateenough his income or savings to protect natural environment and consider thelong-term merits instead of their own short-term payback.

admittedly, economic development does need money. itis because investment has been widely considered as a main

stimulation ofregional economy. that happens repeatedly in the emerging market economy. oncean investment reaches a small open economy, the country may quickly thrive.however, those funding should mainly come from individual investors or

bigcompanies. governments are not supposed to fill this role. as far as i amconcerned, a government should focus its budgets more on environmentalprotection rather than economic development.


paper template (use “title of paper” style)

john surname 1, esther surname 2 and author three 1 + (use “author” style)

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abstract: the international conference of modelling and simulation (icms) is a worldwide, multidisciplinary academic conference concerned with research and application into all aspects about modelling and simulation. (use “abstract” style)

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1. introduction (use “header 1” style)

the international conference of modelling and simulation (icms) mainly publishes original research and applied papers on modelling and simulation, including the theory, method and application of mathematical, computer, mechanical and physical modelling, which cover nature science, social science and engineering application, especially, chemistry and biology, electronic and mechanical engineering, it, construction, medicine, humanities, economy, business, management, sport, control and system engineering, industry and agriculture, etc.

2. guide for author (use “header 1” style)

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contributions to icms are welcome from throughout the world. manuscripts may be submitted to prof. w.

adams of innovation centre at the university of manchester. authors are strongly encouraged to submit their manuscripts via editor@wjms.org.uk .

2.2. manuscript requirements (use “header 2” style)

all papers must be in microsoft word format and may not exceed 4 pages in length, including figures, tables and references. the file of each paper cannot be larger than 2,000kb. filenames should be as follows: icms_firstname_lastname.doc.

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+ corresponding author. tel.: +44-773-248 8965; fax: +44-773-248 8965.

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3. conference host: international society of modelling and simulation.

following is an example of a g

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papers should be formatted with single columns and should be single-spaced, 11 point times new roman font. also, do not change the margins as they have been set in the template: top-1.4 cm, right-1.1 cm, bottom-1.1 cm, left-1.1 cm. do not add page numbers to your paper. we will insert these later.

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manuscript is accepted for review with the understanding that no substantial portion of the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere and that its submission for publication has been approved by all of the authors and by the institution where the work was carried out. it is further understood that any person cited as a source of personal communications has approved such citation. articles and any other material published in the proceeding represent the opinions of the authors and should not be construed to reflect the opinions of the editor(s) or the publisher.

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3. acknowledgements (use “header1” style)

please acknowledge collaborators or anyone who has helped with the paper at the end of the text.

4. references (this is “header 1” style)

[1] n. reference, h. reference, r. reference, and b. reference, the ins and outs of the joint

conference on information sciences, proc. of the joint conference on information sciences, pp. 200-204, 2003. (use “references” style)

[2] r, dewri, and n, chakraborti, simulating recrystallization through cellular automata and genetic

algorithms, modelling simul. mater. sci. eng. 13 (2005), pp. 173-183.

[3] a. gray, modern differential geometry, cre press, 1998.

【篇三:2014年郑州大学 文化 经济 全球化英语作文】

please write an article entitled my views on art education according to the following chinese outline: 1. 有人认为审美能力应从小培养,因此许多家长给孩子报名参加较为系统的艺术班学习;2.也有人认为中小学已开设了相关艺术课程,因此没有必要参加系统的专业艺术班学习;3.我认为……

my views on art education

art is an interesting and fascinating thing. we attach significance to the ability to appreciate artworks.

some people suppose that we need develop art appreciation of our children when they are young, therefore, a lot of parents make their children sign in art class. however, others argue that primary schools have art class, so children need not join in professional art class.

in my opinion, art is from our daily life. we do not need art class and can make our children have interest in art by taking them to art exhibition and art museums or traveling with them. art exhibition will lead our children to understand what art really is and traveling in many beautiful views will let them know where art comes from.

please write a composition based on the following chinese outline:1.有人说现在的孩子没有童年2.分析这种现象背后的原因;3.你的观点

what childhood should people have?

recently, some people agree that our children do not have a wonderful childhood in modern society.

the reason why people have this thinking is that childhood can not be full of happiness and children do not have a dream to chase. because of too much pressure, children need to do lots of homework and do not have enough time to be devoted in what they really interest in. in addition, the pace of our society becomes faster and faster, therefore, parents should be busy with their heavy work and have no time to accompany us.

in my opinion, children should develop some habits and parents had better support them. it is very benefited for children. only in this way can our children have a meaningful childhood.


please write a composition entitled my opinion on strange names about 150 words according to the chinese outline.1.从中国传统来看,起名需要考虑哪些因素;

2.中国人口众多,重名现象很多。此外,奇怪的名字近年来屡见不鲜;3.如何看待上述现象。 note: before your writing, read the two passages of unit 9.

my opinion on strange names

sometimes, we can hear many strange names. and we always find some people whose names are difficult to read. it is not convenient for us when we need to call these names.

in my opinion, a strange name maybe has a great influence on adults, because it will make them have more chances. but it is bad for a child.

so, i suggest that parents should consider if their children names easy to read and to remember. although our parents expect that our names can give us good luck, sometimes it brings us trouble in fact.

when i give my child a name, i will be likely to give my child a normal name. of course, i am sure that their names have a good influence on them

firstly .secondly, i should know which names are popular, and we need to avoid using them. then name will not be a problem. and our children will not be annoyed by his or her strange name.


write a composition of at least 120 words entitled on the development of new technology based on the following chinese outline: 1.科技发展给人们带来了很多便利;2.但科技的发展也同样给人们带来了很多负面的影响;3.我的观点

the development of new technology

these days, the speed of our country development has become more and more fast. in the result of the fact that people attach significance to new technology, our life style has changed a lot.

most people believe that new technology can bring us convenience and improve the quality of life. however, too much bad influence can not be ignored. because of pollution, our rivers have not been clear when our air has not been clean.

in my opinion, new technology makes our life easier while it has some shortcomings. although our environment is being damaged, we have taken this problem seriously. in the aspect of new technologys shortcoming, i believe we will overcome it by other new technology.


please write a composition of at least 120 words according to the outline given below in chinese.




the future plan for graduates

many students worry about their future and do not have a clear plan to guide themselves. because people believe if they graduate, they will have to find a job. as a result of competition, jobs are not easy to find. therefore, they face the challenge and are forced to choose one road on which they are able to follow and chase their dream.

if we decide to make a plan for the future. many things have to be

concerned. firstly, realizing your value is of significance. in addition, you should know what you can do and what you are willing to do. then, find a job that you are fitted with.

as for my future, i would like to be a doctor who fights with illness and save a lot of people from death. apart from this reason, doctors are really welcome because of their patience and excellent technique. so, after graduation, doctor is what i most desire to become in the future.


内容:it is useless that you are buried in lots of books all day. we should develop some habits and do sports or take part in some activities. alternate work with rest is a healthy way to study. i usually watched soap opera until midnight before time, which wasted too much time and affected my health and figure. to prevent myself from desiring to watch tv,i took the television out of my room and started to do other things, such as reading and playing the piano.


cultural globalization

globalization creates conditions for widening international exchanges. the cultural difference between countries is disappearing. cultural globalization develop our own culture and we can get much knowledge from other countries. kinds of lifestyle make our life colorful. for example, we usually eat hamburgers and beef which from usa.

although foreign culture will poison our mind. some foreign films have violence scenes which are bad for children. we should prevent harmful culture from affecting our children. under the wave of cultural globalization, we should maintain the development of our traditional chinese culture.

from my perspective, for today’s china, we deserve to give our history a new content and the era value. only in this way, can our china stride bravely forward under the impact of the globalization.


economic globalization

nowadays we enjoy the same films, fashions, and many other productions. it is because that economic globalization makes products sold anywhere, so it makes our life more convenient,

recently, economic globalization has brought into public attention. economic globalization is a double-edged sword. it has its both negative and positive effects. positive effects are that people can make much money and advanced technology will be introduced to our country. during the process of economic globalization, inequality between developed and developing countries has been increasing and the gap between the rich and the poor has become wider, most of the result of globalization go to assist developed countries.

for these reasons, globalization is a fierce and complicated struggle. we should attach significance to it. so our country should strengthen our own development and progress. then we will change the challenge into opportunity.


what will i be

the life looks like a box of chocolate, you forever can not know what next will be. although we do not know what will happen in our life, we still have our dream and follow it step by step until we are successful.

for my part, i major in medical science. therefore, i have the possibility to become a doctor or a scientist. to

achieve this dream, i need to study hard and get a good mark. however, what i will be is not only determined by individual, but also is determined by conditions. i feel that medicine is a creative science. many years ago, when i saw people get hurt and they looked like painful, i attached significance to health and thought maybe i will be a doctor. a famous doctor, that is what i will be.


