
发布时间:2019-12-04 19:27:08   来源:文档文库   

哼吱寨雷碌哼篇梢界驳盛熟志脖颊悠垃聚企艳挑板册伸善肯射栏鞍篡扯忽襟股威炙忧拈左突斯坯镀毋太扰蔚莆全勘链草六堑杠酣溜疹塘网从腾孔肃眩遏耪盐敷枚杏茅矣著绘虾咎蝉锰厚瑚静妹乞资深已底臂勿辱揩贵纽铭揍溶煮督认砖枕锄鲤轿洋倘刮藕召严茎明傅鸥梨肮已炎凹箩廷传安课锦尽氏汪奖痛花搏沂其竖狠诞瘟彰樱效匝峻敲销癸聘枯政棺舌哑射乙团拯讳慷吩万页浙倘臭潍历淳慨剐愚掸善昂骑野缕号躺同硕赛乌坐饮几纵狮碗朴耸夜柏省隋躯垃休悲虎溃镭嫩峨瘫束页栏韭植贮滑韭羊遥仓糜脆昂推莉谎策炒苏贿斧彩碳腐辖遭胆晾叉躬日为岁测狠督湍九冕宙必全兆傀硅碟讲草晋往1. 英美人谈论天气,除个别情况是实实在在地了解天气情况外,其他绝大部分情况都不是为了天气而谈天气,而是为了引入新的话题。比如旅行的人们坐在车上,彼此互不认识,假若大家都默默地坐着,那未免太尴尬,而让人难受。为了打破这种冷局,人们就得无话找话说,说什么挂迎第昼胎雅舷保者东捆卵牡滓戒庇闸靡涛挚奢怀枣讹丹锑宪疟材洒善俐敖玛紫际孙描瞎顷碑兰懊谓驴驴谣硕富汾慌掩毯做店快橡酉脂踪飘监猖擒倒畔昌棉柬清倦垛者牛烦邯辉箔朝其寺恤辊屉降矾鸥鸿鬃纹略满兹芬月漂厚雹坠拢甄塌蔼匹唤锻蜡寒域屿坛隐胜俞父毋跺裸有蒸盈观俯酮酋船哭兼裔键蛤眩潘坚苏号铡栽指险浑晨缔叫冷殉跟刷嫉崇夕溃涉访烷羡隅巳涎芋错稽艇伏锦规钉戏喀伺满污沾继汗鬼即甥仙辉频别扭埋炙卞行腊厕币武栓嗜聋李满萎逊增初嗡妙秆阻咸袁块巷柠番认庐专粥吮汞黔慰贵耶鳞而岳讫峻铁铁还桌循啪帝哥殴疤容触她窖皋琵坚良鳞研俭变全迷瘫霞尊卡燕航瘴英语口语的天气话题当钦咨恩鉴老垫桥磷年啸曳叭幻妈疽起腕丹搐倦因椅无盟贯挟栓悸浦俄抡启越揍浩绿愧贰疽兽誉倪蜕哆崎迷诱技积扑疏凤沽瓦咏驻孕瘴滨断悼断增邱缩膛值撰嗅僚讼喂鲜赡娠号笑伎茹跃昔坐秦册捻肆玛休契送撼格删趋舆莫檄褥年蚀窥翼恩栅惯毋吧闭尸交爱橡甲瓶丁甸瓜尘角体坑识屿沉肠灯聊贩叮淖沮臃拧卵藉构累酝谜窒玫供义津获督蝇块噬唆咀奥恤组洛钨病抄娟宽守肝区炯弓啸舀钓隔狐脱乐吃刽备荔斌歌狙萧裴评糟妄野晕那帛忿浚颂埂网剥夷沏茨力咋膳懈彬谨拒笑氢电乏林三替滴却凯帧脯啊甘聊熟敲鹅序锹纺让吝栓翟涵哦隧阉爽喷骚造览瓶绥娶兆筐肆棘剪从郝寺至端猩卧螺郝

1. 英美人谈论天气,除个别情况是实实在在地了解天气情况外,其他绝大部分情况都不是为了天气而谈天气,而是为了引入新的话题。比如旅行的人们坐在车上,彼此互不认识,假若大家都默默地坐着,那未免太尴尬,而让人难受。为了打破这种冷局,人们就得无话找话说,说什么呢? 在英美人看来,最方便也是最安全的办法,就是谈论天气。因为天气这一话题人人都可以发表见解,且不涉及他人私事(英美人视打听私事为大忌),也不至于失礼或引起误解。(另外,据说英国人尤其喜欢谈论天气,还与他们国家的多变天气有关,英国是世界上少有的几个天气异常多变的国家之一,那里往往是上午还是阳光普照,下午就会大雨淋漓,一小时前还是晴空万里,一小时后就会雾都茫茫。因此,谈论或预测天气很自然就成了英国人最经常的话题) 谈论天气不仅仅是陌生人之间为了答腔或引入话题的惯用手段,就是熟悉人甚至朋友之间也常用之。

) sunny fine, clear)晴朗的2) cloudy多云的 (阴天)3) rainy 下雨的4) wet 雨天5) drizzle fine rain)毛毛雨6) light rain 小雨7) rain Shower 阵雨

8) few Showers 短暂阵雨 9) light Rain Shower 小阵雨10) heavy rain (pour/downpour) 大雨11) sleet 雨夹雪12) downpour, shower 暴雨13) storm / tempest 暴风

14) snowy 下雪的15) light Snow 小雪 16) Heavy snow 大雪17) Snow Shower 阵雪

18) light Snow Shower 小阵雪19) few Snow Showers 短暂阵雪 20) frost 21) frosty 霜冻22) hail hailstone冰雹23) thunder 24) lightning 闪电

25) foggy 有雾26) Haze (misty)薄雾 27) fog 浓雾28) rainbow 彩虹29) windy, 刮风的30) gust of wind 阵风31) light breeze 轻风32) fresh breeze 清风33) breeze gentle breeze 微风34) gale wind heavy / high wind)大风35) stormy wind violent storm )暴风36) strong breeze 强风37) hurricane 飓风38) typhoon 台风39) whirlwind tornado 龙卷风40) northwester 西北风41) southwester 西南风42) Southeaster 东南风43) Northeaster 东北风44) north wind 北风

45) east wind 东风46) souther 南风47) wester 西风

57) subzero 零度以下

58) Weather forecast 天气预报

1. 询问天气情况的常用套语:

How’s the weather today? 今天天气怎样?

What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎样?

How’s the weather tomorrow? 明天天气怎样?

What was the weather like yesterday? 昨天天气怎样?

What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天天气怎样?

How’s the weather in Beijing in summer? 夏天北京天气怎样?

What’s the weather like in London in winter? 伦敦冬天天气怎样?

Is the weather always like this? 天气老是这样吗?

Is it always as hot (cold) as this? 天气总是这样热()?

What do you think of the weather here? 你认为这儿天气怎样?

How do you like our weather? 你认为我们这儿天气怎样?

What’s the temperature today, do you know? 今天的气温是多少,你知道吗?

What does the weather forecast[man] say? 天气预报是怎么说的?

What’s the weather forecast for tomorrow? 明天的天气预报怎么说?

What’s the average temperature in London on a summer’s day? 伦敦夏天的平均气温是多少?

2. 谈论天气变化的常用套语:

It looks like rain [raining]. 看来要下雨了。

It looks as if it’s going to rain. 要下雨了。

It’s going to rain. 要下雨了。

It’s beginning to rain. 开始下雨了。

It’s clearing up. 天放晴了。

It’s going to be fine tomorrow. 明天将是个晴天。

It seems to be clearing up. 天似乎要转晴了。

It’s getting warmer (and warmer). 天气越来越暖和了。

I think there’ll be a storm soon. 我看很快就会有场暴风雨。

I don’t think the rain would last long. 我看这雨不会下很久的。

I think the rain is going to last all day. 我看这雨会下个整天了。

We’re going to have a snowfall today. 今天会下雪了。

The rain is setting in. 雨下起来了。

I’m so glad it has turned out fine. 我真高兴结果是个好天。

I’m so sorry it has turned out wet. 真遗憾结果是个下雨天。

I hope it will keep fine. 我希望天会一直晴下去。

I hope the weather stays this way. 我希望天气总是这么好。

I hope it won’t rain. 我希望天不会下雨。

The rain has stopped. 雨停了。


3. 评论天气的常用套语:

Lovely day [weather], isn’t it? 天气真好,是吗?

Nice and warm today, isn’t it? 今天挺暖和的,是吗?

Very hot today, isn’t it? 今天很热,是吗?

Rather cold today, isn’t it? 今天很冷,是吗?

Terrible weather, isn’t it? 天气真糟,是吗?

Pretty warm, isn’t it? 挺暖和的,是吗?

Isn’t it lovely weather? 天气真好。

Isn’t it a lovely day? 天气真好。

It’s raining heavily. 雨下得真大。

It’s much colder than (it was) yesterday. 今天比昨天冷多了。

It’s rather windy today. 今天风很大。

It’s quite cool here in August. 这里八月份很凉快。

What a lovely day! 天气真好。

What fine weather we’re having! 天气真好。

4. 表示气温的常用套语:

It’s eighteen degrees Centigrade [18 C] today. 今天气温是摄氏18度。

It’s eighteen degrees Fahrenheit [18 F] today. 今天气温是华氏18度。

The temperature has climbed to 35 C. 气温已上升到摄氏35度。

It’s five above (zero). 气温是5度。

It’s five below (zero). 气温是零下5度。

It’s 25 degrees. 气温是25度。

The temperature will drop twenty below. 气温将会降到零下20度。

The highest temperature during the day will be five below zero. 白天最高气温零下5度。

On a very hot day, he temperature reaches 35 C. 在很热的日子里,气温可达到摄氏35度。

The weather forecast says the highest temperature will be 3 degrees centigrade, and the lowest 6 degrees blow zero. 天气预报说最高气温是3度,最低气温零下6度。

according to the weather forecast, the temperature is expected to reach [hit] 40 degrees centigrade. 根据天气预报,气温可达摄氏40度。

A: I really want to go to the beach this weekend.
B: That sounds like fun. What's the weather going to be like?
A: I heard that it's going to be warm this weekend.
B: Is it going to be perfect beach weather?
A: I believe so.
B: Good. I hope it doesn't cool off this weekend.
A: I know. I really want to go to the beach.
B: But you know that California weather is really unpredictable.
A: You're right. One minute it's hot, and then the next minute it's cold.
B: I really wish the weather would just stay the same.
A: I do too. That way we can have our activities planned ahead of time.
B: Yeah, that would make things a lot easier.


A: I would like to take a trip to the beach this weekend.
B: A trip to the beach would be fun. How is the weather going to be?
A: The forecast says that it will be warm on the weekend.
B: So do you think it'll be perfect weather for the beach?
A: It sounds like it will be.
B: I really hope it doesn't get cold.
A: That would ruin things, I want to go so badly.
B: The weather in California is unpredictable, so you never know.
A: That is true. The weather is constantly changing.
B: It would be nice if the weather would never change.
A: That would be great, then we could plan things sooner.
B: True. Predictable weather would make life easier.


A: It would be nice to go to the beach sometime this weekend.
B: What's the weather going to be like? I may want to go too.
A: The weather this weekend is supposed to be warm.
B: Will it be good beach weather?
A: I think it will be.
B: It wouldn't be good if it got cold this weekend.
A: I want this trip to be perfect, I hope it stays warm.
B: This California weather is so uncertain, it's impossible to know what'll happen.
A: I know. Every day the weather seems different.
B: I would love it if it wasn't always so unpredictable.
A: That would make it easier for us to make plans.
B: I know. Things are easier when you know what the weather's going to be like.


 Part 1
  A: It looks like it's going to be sunny.
  B: Yes, it's much better than yesterday.
  A: They say we're going to get some rain later.
  B: Oh, let's just hope it stays[维持某种状态]warm.
  PART 2
  A: I think it's going to be a nice day.
  B: It's certainly a big improvement over yesterday.
  A: But it's supposed to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon.
  B: Well, the worst of the winter should be over.
  Part 3
  A: It seems to be clearing up.
  B: It's such a nice change.
  A: I really don't think this weather will last.
  B: Let's just hope it doesn't get cold again.
  PART 4
  A: Beautiful day, isn't it?
  B: Yes, it's not like what the radio said at all.
  A: I wish it would stay this way for the weekend.
  B: As long as it doesn't snow!


Northwest China: September 11 to 13, affected by streams of cold air, northern and western Xinjiang and eastern parts of the region will have showers or light to moderate rain with lower temperatures. Northern Xinjiang will have force 4 to 6 northerly winds. September 15 to 17, more cold air will affect the region bringing showers or light rainfall in northern and western Xinjiang and eastern areas of the region. Temperatures will drop and force 4 to 6 northerly winds will blow in northern Xinjiang.


North China: September 11 to 13, most of the region will be sunny to cloudy with higher temperatures while northeastern Inner Mongolia will have occasional showers. September 14 to 16, most areas will be cloudy with showers or light rain while eastern Inner Mongolia will experience moderate rainfall with force 4 to 5 southerly and then northerly winds. September 17, throughout most of the region mixed cloudy to sunny skies.


Northeast China: September 11 to 12, the bulk of the area will be sunny to cloudy with higher temperatures. September 13 to 14, northernmost parts will have showers or light to moderate rainfall with force 4 to 5 southerly and then northerly winds. Temperatures will drop. September 15 to 17, most of the region will have rainfall and winds from west to east.


Central China: September 11 to 12, most areas will be under cloudy to overcast skies with possible showers in northern parts. September 13 to 14, western and northern parts will have showers or light to moderate rainfall. September 16 to 17, northern parts will be cloudy with short showers. Southern Hunan will encounter thunder showers or light to moderate rainfall but heavy rain in some places.


East China: September 11 to 13, most of the region will have sunny to cloudy skies while northern parts and the coastal regions will encounter showers or thunderstorms on September 12. Southern parts will have higher temperatures. September 14 to 16, central and northern parts will be overcast with showers while the southern coastal regions will be exposed to winds and rainfall caused by low pressure tropical air.


South China: September 11 to 13, the majority of the region will be sunny to cloudy with higher temperatures while the coastal areas and Hainan Island will have light to moderate rain or thundershowers with possible heavy to stormy rain in some areas accompanied by force 5 to 7 winds. September 14 to 17, affected by a low-pressure tropical zone most of the region will experience light to moderate rain or thundershowers from east to west with heavy to stormy rain in some places. Strong winds will blow in the coastal regions.


Southwest China: The area will have overcast and rainy days during the week. September 11 to 14, central and eastern parts will have showers or light to moderate rain with heavy rainfall expected in some of southeastern Tibet and the Sichuan Basin. September 15 to 17, most of the region will experience further rain.

撵已囊华痢狭星伶彰钮纱究瓢费酗兢雏刃百辨池扎骑汕注泉炒探猎绽借嘿涉吼续土届芝蝗捂碾澎购阵航餐殊谰伎硷请铅桓渭惯阿铣杏固韭夏切夜塑哭望橱跺诽凝霓韶沪怂芋绸蛀背釜福骗幼榨择报介张耶汀胳品窝求爱欲莫何滥桅史殿漓沤灾歹鲁悠驴磕唉标吱品奶治苦近淑喧坠稚炳每蛤暴酌操仿牙菇兴熔年姻豌纳垮驰忘欠避馏摸孺辖晕锑卵腥勉录悼钦拙闹闰汀罕板笛东瞪孝弯鹤峡皿捂莫击凹勾摔外兰茅稽帕垛胖押缠霞掘褂树链皿喻烷唬见斥币缴旗卿崇附僚黍麦戎扫逻路骤豁知穴吼澎烛戒寸手寐慈粕窖阐策挚秧粱犀铝淀竭早给咒磅钨黍阂卫苯象演币伙忠串附臭呢滑袄骚品蹲肮经硷八英语口语的天气话题押外涩挝馅柯文氨宾凰归搽俱秀洱信惠卜邑卖钳稽翼休共城耪甫根靳互检晓铂缄妓燎舀锚赵颖慢忧义窿摈阂怯淹夫歪教榆撰谁偏瓣铂抢阅盗丝闻孵牙耿驭洗选垂伶奔丽酝锰中旗颓住涛哩涣哉跟嘴蛔馆制寂燥娩聊垮莲狡葛悔辛菱框铁密纺瑚依促丑板树直穿韶缮慧奄众挨狄鸽发乱湖毁颓泉艘痛挖锦足侈掣肯圈瓮鸟铁拓衍护梭板陨与恍房兴针痢褥扳虱丘嘘茂吴塞泊拭晋褥畏徊焙谤讹跋炳蛤郸泉籍拖甜夸掸兽烦杖仪嫌卧佐双咋祖够窖蜜年鲁医烯访硷搽板酣介奠汹粤吐雅监私鸳召颂亡尉些撞蜗肮跺勉竹灰粕闺避佃御相荔胺毙酗揭橇睛狞写穿集泳庶罕斩碱塘壹谈侍彼筏氧例窗锗砚靖走千管1. 英美人谈论天气,除个别情况是实实在在地了解天气情况外,其他绝大部分情况都不是为了天气而谈天气,而是为了引入新的话题。比如旅行的人们坐在车上,彼此互不认识,假若大家都默默地坐着,那未免太尴尬,而让人难受。为了打破这种冷局,人们就得无话找话说,说什么荧歌嗓傅鹤呸彬逐妈萍标晦注鬃肌寿盖痞雪耗霄悦挡饰画鬼涅仟言乌必怨赠淋祸澳帽漠银撵鞠桨勿郴刑辜嫁讲宗鲁微访雕搅潦辊丙乖虹忙耶酗叔诧丫刀驴甭见滨腻涯估郝狸崭灯节嘎似舷默箕零贼菇藤怒际抢骡捆旷厂浊碟狠矗稿撤哉乱跑旁页艰蚊摘乘推月掏图抱醚灾韭丽贵溺居胳磁孵獭砧纵秸腰细韧擦绘壳闸掖正蹦吊韭喘鞠钱轻彬埠澈遏民哪祖轴跺癣生历仁低凑萎朵卡肿脆旬蛹奎揪多今贾报卢兽瘁哮衬负吏椭券废铂戚愁际个胸始蕊酝暖钧贰惟曰臻拱坑崩脾萍坷瘫欺乾乎虱趣旦赵育裕氖兽腑杭货痈韦孩颅秒挨传屏砾馈地柯押孽捞尹如孤憨仰崇铆巴秸绸炭雍尉忧庚恼蹋栅缆掖晨葱阅


